Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 759 Sanyao Hospital can’t bear it

The wound was in the middle of the "horse's face", which in theory was the center of the nose.

It was a real flow of blood. Although it was not as exaggerated as when the artery burst, the blood rushed for 3 meters, but at this time it was like a spring, flowing out one after another.

Wang Wenxiang couldn't even cry, because the blood instantly covered her face, and a lot of blood even flowed directly into her mouth. However, the severe pain still made the little girl go crazy, and she rolled on the ground in pain.

The more he rolled, the more there were pools of blood on the ground.

When Wang Atu saw his daughter turn into a bloody person instantly, he shouted and rushed forward. He was shaking while holding his daughter.

Principal Huang looked around and found that there was only a dirty rag. He took off his shirt and rolled it into a ball to cover Wang Wenxiang's wound.

The two of them were covered in blood at this time, and the scene was quite scary.

Reporter Xie was stunned. He stood there stupidly, looking at the three bloody men on the ground, and then at the bloody bamboo chair, which he had kicked down.

He knew that he had unintentionally caused a big disaster.

But since reporter Xie can insist on doing charity, it shows that he is also a responsible person, so he shouted anxiously:

"You have to go to the hospital, you have to go to the hospital."

Wang Atu trembled his lips and murmured: "Yes, send me to the hospital, but, but I..."

Principal Huang understood immediately upon hearing this: "Send him to the hospital, and I will figure out a way to deal with the money!"

Reporter Xie became anxious when he heard this. The guilt in his heart did not allow him to pretend to be deaf and dumb: "Yes, send him to the hospital. I will pay for it. I will pay for it."

Gan County Hospital, the lights in the surgical operating room went out.

Outside the operating room, Wang Atu, Principal Huang, Reporter Xie and several villagers all stood up.

As soon as the operating room door opened, Dr. Jiang, the attending surgeon, walked out:

"The patient's bleeding has stopped, but his condition is still quite critical. We transfused a total of 1,000cc of blood, which used up all the stock in our hospital. In addition, we know the condition of the tumor on the patient's face. After all, the parents have repeatedly Brought to see a doctor.

I just measured the child and found that the facial swelling is 4 centimeters larger than last year. This data is quite scary, so you parents still need to perform surgery as soon as possible. Of course, we are not good at doctors like this. Go to a big hospital in a big city. "

Wang Atu has listened to the doctor's advice many times, with a tangled look on his face.

There is no father who doesn't love his daughter, but the medical expenses, which are tens of thousands of yuan, and have to be sent to a big hospital in a big city, are simply not something a poor family in the mountains can afford.

Principal Huang also sighed after hearing this.

As the principal of a Hope Primary School, his monthly salary is only more than 100 yuan. He has to support his family with this little money, which is really powerless.

But Principal Huang still took out a handkerchief from his pocket, opened it to reveal a pile of cents, thought for a moment, took out a 5-yuan note, and stuffed the rest of the money into Wang Atu's hand.

"Take it and find a way to send the baby to a big city for treatment."

After Principal Huang finished speaking, he glanced at Xie Shuhao intentionally or unintentionally. Xie Shuhao understood instantly and stood up immediately:

"Yes, yes, go to the big hospital. I am responsible for this today. If I hadn't kicked the chair over there, the child would not have fallen or been injured. I am here to write an article and publish it in the newspaper. Let's Raise money and take your children to the capital for medical treatment!”

Doctor Jiang next to him nodded repeatedly when he heard this:

"Yes, this journalist comrade said it right. Little Wenxiang is so pitiful. If the tumor ruptures without treatment, she will really die. Ah Tu, don't hesitate. Don't be afraid of being embarrassed by being published in the newspaper. What is more important, the daughter or the face? "

Wang Atu was already very excited at this time:

"Thank you to the reporter. I agree to publish it in the newspaper. I am not afraid of embarrassment. I will kneel down and be willing to accept whoever can cure my daughter."

Xie Shuhao immediately took out a pen and paper:

"Okay, let's start the interview now. In addition, I will take a photo of Xiao Wenxiang, but in order to arouse readers' sympathy, the photo cannot be too blurry. Comrade Wang Atu, do you have any objection?"

"No objection, no objection."

Principal Huang also stood up: "I am a teacher. Reporter Xie can also put me on the board, using my real name, and I will use the name of the teacher to prove it."

Doctor Jiang patted his thigh when he heard this:

"Wait for me a moment. I still have the photos that Xiao Wenxiang took when he came to see a doctor. I will post them together when the time comes. His face was not so protruding at that time. It has only been 4 years. Oh, what a sin."

Everyone is trying to find a way for this poor little girl to give her a chance to be cured.

At this time, the "horse-faced girl" Wang Wenxiang was still falling asleep under the influence of anesthesia...

Xie Shuhao acted quickly. A week later, the capital's XX Daily published a press release about this poor girl from Ganzhou.

And in order to help Wang Wenxiang, Xie Shuhao used all his interpersonal relationships in the newspaper office, begged his grandfather to sue his grandmother, and directly gave him a full three pages.

The article records in detail everything about Wang Wenxiang from the onset of the illness to the present day, as well as interviews with the attending doctor and school teachers.

The most shocking photos are two. One is a normal-looking photo of Xiao Wenxiang when she was in the first grade of elementary school. The little girl in the photo is looking at the camera with a smile.

Another photo is of Xiao Wenxiang this year. The "horse face" in the photo shocked all readers.

XX Daily is a nationally distributed newspaper. In 1990, print media was still quite developed. As soon as the press release was released, many readers called the newspaper office that day to ask for donations.

Many citizens in the capital even went directly to the newspaper office and asked to donate money to Xiao Wenxiang with cash.

Ten days later, with the generosity of all caring people, donations from all over the country had reached 30,000 yuan, and Xiao Wenxiang's medical expenses were basically covered.

Wang Atu also personally took his daughter and embarked on a journey to the capital for treatment with full hope.

The next major question is which hospital in the capital should I go to for treatment?

At this time, Xie Shuhao asked many friends and relatives to finally contact the plastic surgery department of Sanyao Hospital.

Sanyao Hospital is a hospital of a special nature, even a hospital that needs to receive some special key patients, so the medical level is definitely not good.

Xie Shuhao made an appointment with an expert from Sanyao Hospital, and then personally brought Wang Atu, Xiao Wenxiang and his daughter to the hospital for treatment.

In order to get some luck, Wang Atu bought a piece of red cloth to cover his daughter's head, and then carefully took his daughter's hand and walked into Sanyao Hospital together.

This strange combination still attracted the attention of passers-by.

When we arrived at the plastic surgery clinic on the second floor, Dr. Yu was already waiting, as well as a group of junior doctors.

They had all read the newspaper and knew the condition of the little girl who came to see the doctor today. However, when the red cloth on Xiao Wenxiang's head was pulled off, there were still sounds of inhaling.

A few timid female doctors even hid behind.

Fortunately, Xiao Wenxiang couldn't see it.

Doctor Yu looked at the "horse-faced girl" in front of him and was stunned for a moment. Then he carefully touched Xiao Wenxiang's face with his hand. He could clearly feel the hard bone structure under the skin and flesh.

At this moment, Dr. Yu, who has rich clinical experience, knew that he might be overturned today because he couldn't bear to see this patient.

But Dr. Yu also sought truth from facts, so he said:

"This patient's condition is very complex and serious. So, Xiao Liu and Xiao Yao, you two will do a physical examination first, and I'll call Dean Meng over. People are competing for experts who are members of the academic department, so there should be no problem."

This is somewhat sour.

After all, the vice president who once wanted to steal Chen Qi's patients was only 50 years old, about the same age as Dr. Yu, and had similar qualifications. But since he was the vice president, he had the capital to overtake him.

Only he himself knows whether Dr. Yu has any intention of causing trouble.

Vice President Meng came very quickly. He heard that there was a patient with a facial deformity that looked like a horse's face. Of course he was very interested. For experts, the more difficult and complicated the disease, the more likely they are to like it.

As soon as he arrived at the clinic and saw the patient Xiao Wenxiang, Vice President Meng also felt weak.

But the leader was the leader. He coughed lightly and asked, "What is the specific condition of the patient now?"

Dr. Xiao Liu quickly reported:

"After the preliminary examination, the patient has displaced and protruding eyes, narrow nasal cavity, loose teeth, alveolar ridge and other deformities, especially the middle protruding part is bony material. We suspect it is the anterior cranial fossa, middle cranial fossa, or posterior cranial fossa. Caused by a series of malicious growths.

Currently, the patient's vision is zero, his sense of smell has disappeared, and his hearing is limited. The situation is still quite critical. According to monitoring data from the patient's home hospital, the protruding mass is getting bigger every year. The local hospital suspects that there is a tumor inside. "

As a top doctor, Vice President Meng immediately guessed a series of danger signs from the junior doctor's report.

For example, if vision impairment and loss of smell occur, it is entirely possible that the disease has affected the sinuses, orbits, and the floor of the anterior cranial fossa.

Hearing loss may also be caused by lesions that have affected the temporal bone, causing the temporal bone to expand and deform, affecting the ear nerve.

In other words, Xiao Wenxiang's condition involves the maxilla, infraorbital wall, zygomatic bone, hard palate, nasal cavity, infraorbital wall, ethmoid sinus, sphenoid sinus and many other parts.

Not only is the blood supply here very rich, making it very difficult to stop bleeding during surgery, but it is also densely covered with nerves, and cutting one of them will cause serious consequences.

What's even more terrible is that this surgical site also involves the brainstem. Any surgery involving the brainstem is basically a restricted area.

The brainstem has centers that regulate basic human life activities, such as cardiovascular motor centers, respiratory centers, etc.

If the brainstem is damaged, it will directly affect the activities of breathing and heart, and even life-threatening in severe cases, so the brainstem is known as the "life center".

The "cerebral congestion" that ordinary people are most afraid of, other types of cerebral hemorrhage are fine, but if it is a brainstem hemorrhage, the mortality rate is as high as over 80%.

what does that mean?

This means that Xiao Wenxiang's lesion is a restricted area for surgery, and the life centers are located here. The risk of surgery is extremely high. If you are not careful, you may lose your life.

Vice President Meng couldn't bear it either.

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