Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 752 Dr. Mayo forms a team

A few days later, the Plastic Surgery Department of the Mayo Clinic, led by Professor Dewey, urgently applied for a visa and came to China.

Also coming were the Department of Endocrinology, Department of Gynecology, Department of Urology, and even the Department of Pediatrics, almost all the other departments.

And a large part of the doctors there are from the "mayo clinic reproductive center" that has been cancelled. (You are not allowed to write, you can only use English)

The Vietnam-China Hospital in China discovered the world's first and only functional XX person, which quickly caused a sensation within the Mayo Clinic.

For hospitals of the Mayo Clinic's caliber, money no longer matters because their annual donations and operating profits are measured in the billions of dollars.

This kind of profitability can surpass almost 99% of listed companies in the world.

What can attract the strong interest of the Mayo Clinic must be "difficult and complicated diseases", but they are rare, and the rarer the better.

Although rare diseases cannot generate huge economic benefits, they can generate huge advertising benefits.

If you can cure diseases that others cannot, it means you are awesome. You can understand the research on diseases that others cannot, which also means that the level of this hospital is extremely high.

The medical industry is to a large extent a "credibility industry". It depends on whether the patients believe you or not.

Patients trust you, are willing to come to your hospital for treatment, and are willing to spend exorbitant prices for medicines. This is a virtuous circle. For example, patients at Union Medical College Hospital come uninvited.

Patients do not believe in your medical skills and are unwilling to come to you for treatment. Without patients, there will be no efficiency, and the hospital's finances will be in crisis. This is the current situation of most secondary hospitals in China.

The Mayo Clinic understands marketing, so when the hospital heard Professor Dewey's report, it took it very seriously.

The only case in the world is enough for all hospitals to go crazy, and everyone wants to grab patients.

The Mayo Clinic is not the only top hospital in the world. Which of the top 10 hospitals is worse? If they knew about it, they would definitely go to China urgently.

Now the Vietnam-China Hospital has taken the initiative to cooperate with the Mayo Clinic. The hospital has given Professor Dewey very high authority. Professor Dewey can make decisions at any time without applying for cooperation fees of less than 10 million US dollars.

Of course, the Mayo Clinic dispatched so many departments this time, and the huge delegation of 30 people not only showed sincerity and strengthened cooperation, but also had an important task, which was to determine the authenticity of the patient.

Medicine is most afraid of academic fraud. Once it is exposed, both the hospital and the individual doctor will be discredited and commit suicide in the workplace.

The Mayo Clinic has just experienced a medical fraud incident, which shocked the world and became a shame for Mayo.

This happened to gynecologist Klein, a male doctor who also took on the subject of embryo transfer technology.

One of his job responsibilities is to help couples who cannot conceive normally. The best way is in vitro fertilization.

"In vitro fertilization" is not a baby that actually grows up in a test tube, but an artificially synthesized embryo using XX eggs and XX eggs outside the body.

The embryo is then transferred to the mother's uterus, and finally the baby is born naturally.

Since the world's first test-tube baby was born in Eagle Country in 1978, this new technology has been rapidly promoted in European and American countries. (first generation)

But there is one biggest problem here, that is, if you want to give birth to your own biological child, the best way is for the XX eggs to be provided by the mother herself, and the XX sperm to be provided by the father himself.

In this way, both ethically and biologically speaking, children and parents are related by blood and are completely biological.

However, there are also some couples where either the wife cannot provide normal XX eggs or the husband cannot provide normal XX sperm. If such couples want to give birth to "their own children", they need to seek help from outside the market.

So "XX sperm donation" and "XX egg donation" came into being.

However, in order to prevent various ethical accidents, sperm donation and egg donation are generally limited to three times.

After three successful births, the donor’s XX eggs and XX sperm are prohibited from being used again.

Then Dr. Klein from the Mayo Clinic went crazy. The couple provided XX eggs and XX sperm themselves, hoping to have a baby of their own.

However, Dr. Klein secretly changed the patient's sperm and replaced it with his own. Among them, 94 babies were successfully pregnant and born.

In other words, Dr. Klein is the real biological father of the 94 test-tube babies.

The most terrible thing is that these 94 babies were all born in families within 50 kilometers nearby, which means that when they become adults, it is entirely possible that they are a boy and a girl who are related by blood and were united together without knowing it. .

This raises huge ethical and genetic issues. What if a brother and sister are born with deformities?

When the story finally came to light it became a huge scandal.

As mentioned before, medicine is also a "reputable industry", and this incident has brought great harm to Mayo's reputation.

Due to pressure from public opinion and society, the Mayo Clinic had to close their "reproductive center" and temporarily freeze all projects such as in vitro fertilization.

If you really think about it, Liu Chunjiao’s case actually falls within the scope of treatment at the reproductive center.

If the case of Liu Chunjiao in China is true, after the research results come out and shock the world, the Mayo Clinic's reproductive center can take the opportunity to reopen.

The reproductive center is a gold mine. Many people are willing to do anything to cure cancer. Similarly, many people are willing to do anything to give birth to a child of their own.

Here comes the money.

In addition, Mayo's ambition is to be the best in the world in all subjects. If Mayo's reproductive center closes, other hospitals will seize the time to research, and the Mayo Clinic will only fall further and further behind in the field of reproductive subjects.

This is something that the Mayo Clinic will not tolerate.

Therefore, the Mayo Clinic attaches great importance to Liu Chunjiao's research at the Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, but it also requires that the authenticity be distinguished.

Academic fraud can happen to every country, every hospital, and every doctor. Once the Mayo Clinic is bitten by a snake, it will be feared for ten years.

Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Chen Qi was quite surprised to see so many foreigners coming, and except for a few senior hospital managers, most of them were experts in various disciplines.

This group of experts could not be invited normally, but now they have formed a group. Chen Qi is happy, but at the same time, he is also thinking about how to use them? For example, come to a lecture or take a class?

Chen Qi’s doctoral supervisor in his previous life was paid 20,000 yuan for one hour of lectures.

If experts and professors at the level of the Mayo Clinic come to China to give lectures, one is basically unavailable, and even if they can be hired, the price within the industry starts at US$100,000 (excluding air tickets and accommodation).

This time the delegation from the Mayo Clinic came over. Fortunately, Lao Guo was out for a meeting, so Chen Qi didn't hold any welcome ceremony.

Americans don't like this. What we do is a waste of people and money. Maybe a foreigner talks about Yaksi to your face, but then calls you stupid when you turn around.

"Hi Chen, long time no see."

After Professor Dewey saw Chen Qi, the two gave him a warm hug.

"Professor, you have worked hard all the way. Welcome everyone to China. I am Chen Qi from the Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital."

The foreigners at Mayo had taken extra classes before coming to China. They knew that the young Chinese people in front of them were directors of the International Society of Gastroenterology and the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. This was enough.

So they all greeted Chen Qi politely, without the usual slap in the face in novels.

Those who do not understand the card of dual directors are precisely a small number of people in China. They like to rank based on seniority rather than academic status.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, the Mayo Clinic team did not have time to rest, so they directly made a request:

"Chen, we came to China this time just to see with our own eyes the patient you mentioned. Is she still hospitalized?"

After the crisis of Liu Chunjiao's robbery was over, she was taken back to the headquarters of the People's Hospital and is still waiting for a second operation.

Chen Qi nodded after hearing this: "Yes, the patient is still in our hospital, and you can contact the patient at any time, but I suggest that you study the relevant medical records first."

Professor Dewey agreed: "Yes, let's study the medical records first. By the way, is the entire operation videotaped? Also, have the genetic test results been released?"

"The surgical records are complete, including the preoperative examinations, and the genetic test results have been completed. However, there are only oral reports at present, and the specific written reports are still on the way to be mailed."

"what's the result?"

"Belongs to 46XX/46XY."

An American doctor asked: "Which company made this genetic test?"

Chen Qi replied: "It was made by Japan's Sysmex Gene Testing Company, and our hospital has many years of cooperation with them."

"Sysmex?" Many American doctors shook their heads, obviously they had never heard of this company.

No wonder Americans haven't heard of it. Sysmex's business is mainly concentrated in Asia, and the European and American markets are monopolized by other testing companies.

For example, the top three genetic companies, Illumina, Thermo Fisher, and Agilent, are all from the United States. Qiagen, which ranks fourth, is from Germany, and the Japanese company is not ranked.

So is the conclusion of this Japanese company credible? Is there anything fishy in the process? This question has always been raised above Dr. Mayo's head.

At this time another doctor asked:

"Chen, before the operation, did you take a complete video of the patient's two sexual intercourses? In addition, were the female vaginas removed during the operation properly kept?"

Chen Qi adjusted the video camera and said:

"Everyone, please look at the big screen. This is what the patient looked like before the operation. The one above is XX. After final measurement, the length is 80mm and the diameter is 21mm. It's a little small, but it's enough."

Several white women despise in their hearts, what is the use of this stick?

In the past few days, there have been various problems with novels, and all the inspiration has been lost. The writing is not very good, so you can just read it. There are many cases of true hermaphroditism and pseudohermaphroditism, so I wrote it down for everyone. The picture is fresh, forget it, I won’t write it anymore, I’m tired, just destroy it.

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