Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 731 Silly eldest sister gets married in style

Xiaze Village, in the old house of the Chen family, night.

The dim electric light only has 15 watts, and it shines on the photo of the middle-aged man and woman on the wall, but it always feels like they are smiling.

There are not many furnitures in the room. Next to the earthen stove is a small square table with a missing leg (which has been repaired), and four bamboo chairs that creak and shake when you sit on them.

Chen Hua, the fourth eldest son of the Chen family, was 22 years old. At this time, he was sitting in front of the stove and lighting a fire.

I saw her deftly putting pieces of firewood into the stove, and then stacking them with tongs so that the fire would be stronger.

In front of the stove, the 30-year-old silly lady was busy cooking, a pot of braised pork without much fat, and a pot of sweet potato porridge.

The 28-year-old Chen Qi, the second eldest son of the Chen family, and the 22-year-old Chen Shu, the third eldest son, were sitting there. Both of them were holding chopsticks, eagerly waiting for the meal to be served.

"Okay, okay, you've been waiting for a long time. Come on, let's have a bowl of sweet potato porridge per person. You should eat more of this braised pork. There is too little fat. Why do you buy all the lean meat?"

Chen Shu chuckled:

"Sister, when my brother got 2 yuan and went to the commune to buy meat, he stupidly bought lean meat. Others picked out the fat meat. He also said that eating less greasy meat was for health."

Hahaha~~~ The four siblings all laughed.

Chen Qi smiled particularly awkwardly:

"Isn't lean meat cheaper at that time? I just wanted to save some money to buy popsicles. Besides, lean meat tastes good too. Who stipulates that braised pork must be fatty?"

Chen Hua sighed while helping his brothers serve porridge:

"Back then, my eldest brother said he liked to eat sweet potatoes and other whole grains, saying that they were nutritious meals that could help him lose weight. We all laughed at him at that time. But now we are almost vomiting when we see the fat meat, and we are really making trouble every day about losing weight."

The silly elder sister also came over at this time, holding two bowls of porridge and two pairs of chopsticks in her hands, and placed them in front of the table.

"We haven't been back to this house for dinner in almost 10 years. The second brother said we should remember the bitterness and think about the sweetness. Actually, when I think about it now, what did the suffering back then mean? It's all gone. Mom and Dad see us. The four sisters are happy today, and they will be happy too."

Chen Qi looked at the middle-aged couple on the wall and felt emotional in his heart.

Because only Chen Qi knows that his inner soul should be called Chen Lin, not from this world.

He has never met the parents in the photo. His real parents are other people, but the memory is still the same, but they can never go back.

Chen Qi is already Chen Lin, and Chen Lin must be Chen Qi.

For Chen Qi now, his relatives in this life are his elder sister, younger brother and younger sister, as well as his wife and children at No. 77 Lu Xun Road.

Only then did Chen Qi feel less lonely in this strange world, and feel like he belonged to someone, instead of being a lonely ghost.

When the silly eldest sister saw her younger brother staring blankly at the photos of his parents, she thought he was looking at things and thinking about emotions, so she quickly advised:

"Second brother, hurry up and eat. If you don't eat, you'll be cold."

Chen Qi finally came back to his senses and returned to his smiling face:

"Tomorrow is my eldest sister's wedding day. Let's not drink tonight. Come on, let's have porridge instead of wine. I wish my eldest sister a happy wedding!"

Chen Shu and Chen Hua also shouted: "Happy wedding, eldest sister~~~"

The silly eldest sister is not the type to cry and wipe away tears. Instead, she readily agreed: "Okay, eldest sister accepts your blessing!"

Chen Qi then added:

"Eldest sister, younger brother, younger sister, I deliberately didn't let anyone else be present today, and there are only four of us left. We just want to spend this last night. After tonight, eldest sister, you will get married, and you will never be able to live together again. Stay with us day and night, so you are the first one to leave home."

The silly eldest sister was anxious: "You kid, when will eldest sister leave home?"

"Sister, listen to me, and the same goes for my little sister. You are girls. Girls must get married and have children, and form their own families, so it is only a matter of time before our four siblings disperse.

But what I want to say is that we will always be a family. I don’t want my eldest sister and my younger sister to become relatives after they get married. They only move around at the beginning and end of the festival and don’t tell me anything. That would make me sad. , because if you do this, you will no longer treat me and my little brother as a family. "

The silly elder sister wouldn’t think too deeply, she just promised:

"Second brother, you are so worried. We will always be a family. Even if my sister gets married, we will still be siblings."

Chen Hua was still an unmarried girl and was not very emotional about marriage and family, but she nodded vigorously.

Chen Qi patted the table lightly:

"Nao, this is what you said yourself. We will always be a family. So after you get married, if you encounter any difficulties, you must tell me and let me and my two sisters, the third brother, solve it. Besides, The world is big and my uncle is the biggest, remember?

Don’t be afraid of causing any trouble to me. I’ll explain it to you. It’s not a problem for me to get four to five billion yuan now, so I’m not short of money. I dare not tell your descendants, but eldest sister. I can guarantee that I and my little sister will have a prosperous and prosperous life. "

Chen Shu and Chen Hua were both shocked when they heard this: "Brother, do you have so much money? You don't even have that much money in the bank, right?"

Chen Qi touched his little sister's head lovingly:

"Big brother didn't say it before because he was afraid that you were young and wouldn't work hard when you knew your family was rich. Now it seems that you are working hard, which big brother is very satisfied with. When you finish this semester, big brother will also make arrangements for you.

Third brother, you go to Nipro Pharmaceutical Company of Japan to study. Not only do you have to learn how to run the production process, but you also have to learn from their management experience. When you come back from your studies, the eldest brother is going to open a pharmaceutical company of his own, and you will be the boss by then. .

As for my little sister, if you want to intern, you can go directly to the Mayo Clinic. Similarly, while you are learning medical skills, you should also learn from Mayo’s advanced management experience. People who can become the best in the world naturally have their own unique skills. You have to Know how they operate.

As for the eldest sister. "

Chen Qi took out documents one by one from the bag next to him:

"Sister, please keep it. This is the business certificate and land certificate of Ruanshe Textile Factory. Its address is at the Ruansi Railway Crossing, next to National Highway 104. It covers an area of ​​about 30 acres and contains 100 textile machines. This is what I gave you. The textile factory you bought.

This house is next to the Fourth Courtyard, the old house we used to live in. This house is next to the textile factory. It will be your and your brother-in-law’s home from now on. Anyway, I can’t live there anymore. What a waste there?

In addition, this is the best store in the North District of China Textile City, and it is also the store with the largest business area. It covers an area of ​​about 100 square meters, but there is only one store. In the future, it can be used as a fabric display area and sales area for your textile factory, so that you can produce and sell a line. Dragon, don’t worry about not being able to sell it. "

When the silly elder sister heard this, she was at a loss:

"Second brother, didn't I tell you, we have to be self-reliant, you..."

"Nothing, eldest sister, you have forgotten what I just said. To me, a person with a net worth of billions, what are these millions? Besides, this money should be regarded as loaned to you by me first. Wait You and your brother-in-law can pay me back when you and your brother-in-law have money in the future."

Chen Shu and Chen Hua also quickly advised:

"Yes, eldest sister, just accept it. If you don't accept it, when we get married in the future, my eldest brother will definitely not be willing to give it to us. Then aren't we at a loss?"

Chen Qi also pretended to be angry: "That's right, what brothers and sisters fear most is unfairness. If the eldest sister doesn't accept it, I will definitely not give it to the younger brother and the younger sister."

The silly elder sister looked at the documents on the table and finally made up her mind:

"Okay, we are a family, so I won't be too polite, but Li Dahai and I will definitely repay the money. Just treat it as if it was lent to you by the eldest sister."

Chen Qi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this. He finally got rid of this little rebellious and silly elder sister.

"Okay, okay, the porridge is almost cold now, let's start eating."

"Well, brother, don't tell me, I haven't eaten sweet potato porridge for a long time, this tastes weird."

"Oh, this braised pork is too bad, it's too bad."

"It's good if you can eat it. At that time, I dreamed of eating braised pork every day."

"We don't have much other meat at home, but we especially have a lot of bacon. A lot of the New Year bacon is still in the freezer. I feel like vomiting when I see it."


Laughter could be heard from time to time in the old house of the Chen family.

Outside, Xiaze Village was ablaze with lights, and rural chefs from all over the country were recruited to prepare a 200-table banquet for the next day.

Chen Qi's second uncle and second aunt were very active this time and directed the whole process. After all, they were familiar with the villagers.

Moreover, Chen Qi also promised that all the Chinese cigarettes, Maotai liquor and all the ingredients left over from this wine event would be given to them, so Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen had to keep a close eye on them, lest someone steal them.

The next day, the weather was good and the sun was shining brightly.

The small courtyard of the Chen family is filled with dowry items. They have everything they need, including color TVs, refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners, all of which are imported brands. In addition, there are 28 quilts alone.

Good guy, I'm envious of the women who ruined the country.

Only Chen Qi was regretful. If his eldest sister hadn't objected, he would have given 100 copies of the China Textile City Business House and an imported car as a dowry. This would be a great dowry.

At noon, the wedding team arrived, all running like tigers. There were 10 vehicles in total.

These Mercedes-Benzes are all Chen Qi's personal. If you want to borrow them these days, you can't borrow so many Mercedes-Benzes. Having a Santana to welcome the bride is considered high-end.

This once again caused a sensation in the small mountain village.

When the groom brought out a 100,000 yuan betrothal gift, 10 pounds of gold, and countless jewelry, the No. 1 betrothal gift in Vietnam was placed on the table, blinding everyone's eyes.

Chen Qi used this most vulgar way to announce that the old girl of the Chen family was getting married today, and she would be marrying into a life of endless glory and wealth.

Many years later, the locals in Vietnam and China still remember the 200 banquets, rows of tigers running, Xiao Baihua singing for two days when Dean Chen married his sister, and the table full of RMB and gold.

However, while Chen Qi was enjoying himself, he accidentally committed another sin.

Because he drove up prices at will, the betrothal gifts and banquets required for a Yue-Chinese marriage increased several times.

It has become a nightmare for countless unmarried young men and created more old bachelors...

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