Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 720 The Trouble with the Purchase Price

Chen Qi stood on the steps of the clinic building and continued to lie:

"In addition, our employees at the Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital also have the highest income in the country. Last year, each of us was given a TV set as a year-end bonus. You have all heard about this, right? Okay, then everyone can work with peace of mind in the future. Money is not an issue. It depends on whether you work hard and whether you have the ability to get it.

Finally, I would like to say that our Vietnam Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine is developing very rapidly, just like a speeding train. Whether you can keep up depends on your ability and ability. If you can keep up, you may become a national and global leader in the future. Famous doctors, if they can't keep up, they will be paid dead wages for the rest of their lives.

Okay, that’s it. Now, on behalf of the Yuezhong Municipal People’s Hospital, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to everyone! ! ! "

Wow~~~ Chen Qi’s words are a reassurance for everyone.

Among the 300 students, students from other provinces and rural areas were very happy to have the opportunity to work in Yuezhong People's Hospital. Their expectations were not high, but they were pleasantly surprised.

But those urban students, or second-generation doctors, have some complaints, especially college students with registered residence in provincial cities.

In fact, the reputation of Yueyue Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in foreign countries is much higher than that in China. This is also related to the fact that Yueyue Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital rarely participates in various domestic medical societies or submits articles to certain domestic journals.

If your Yue Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has not integrated into the mainstream circles in the country, then other mainstream medical circles will not promote your Yue Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

Therefore, for students who have just stepped out of the ivory tower, they pay more attention to the city where the hospital is located. For example, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou are definitely the first choice. If not, it is best to go to a provincial capital. At least it is a provincial hospital. It will give you face.

Yuezhong Hospital is only a local hospital, and Yuezhong is a small city in the 18th tier. There are only 5 bus stops from the south of the city to the north. If the city is too small, it will be difficult to attract good talents.

Therefore, these urban children are quite disappointed with the distribution in Yuezhong. Unfortunately, distribution is compulsory these days, unless you break out of this system.

The problem is that if you have the courage and ambition, you must also have the matching abilities and skills.

So whether he wanted to or not, the Yuezhong Hospital obtained a record of 300 college students, which made Chen Qi smile crookedly, so that many plans he wanted to implement could begin.

With the sudden arrival of 300 students, food, clothing, housing and transportation became a big problem, especially accommodation.

Fortunately, the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong has been merged into the People's Hospital. The former staff community of the Fourth Hospital outside Xiguomen is still half empty, so it is easy to convert it into a collective dormitory.

Chen Qi invited the leaders of Haidong Medical University to sit in the conference room.

Principal Li then got straight to the point and said:

"You can rest assured of the quality of the 300 students I brought this time. Those who actually enter the provincial hospital are not necessarily the ones with the best grades, but those with the best connections, so the good students are kept for you."

Chen Qi smiled: "I'm still relieved about this."

Studying medicine is very hard. Almost no second-generation students will go to medical universities. They can't bear the hardship.

Which finance college or university are the related households more willing to go to? In the future, they can enter these money bag units and make money easily.

Therefore, students who can enter medical universities are almost all top academics. Of course, half are second-generation doctors, and the remaining half are mostly students from poor families.

Chen Qi has no doubt about the hard-working spirit of these college students. Those who can obtain a medical diploma have worked harder than other college students.

Even if there is a gap between the level and the top medical universities, medicine is an "empirical medicine". The more they see, learn and practice at the Yue Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, the more their level will naturally improve.

At this time, Vice Principal Kong Gengren asked a little worriedly:

"Chen Qi, if Principal Li hadn't insisted, I would definitely be opposed to sending so many students to your Yue Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital at once, because I was afraid that you would die of stress. So far, no hospital in the country is as crazy as your Yue Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital. hiring."

Chen Qi chuckled:

"Isn't that because I have a lot of money now? If I didn't have money in my pocket, I would definitely be like other hospitals and not accept any students to save costs."

Everyone in the conference room chuckled. Most people at Haidong Medical University had no doubts about whether Chen Qi could support these 300 college students.

Vice Principal Kong is still worried:

"Does your Yuezhong Hospital have any arrangements for the arrival of so many college students? To be honest, I'm really afraid that you will leave these college students idle. It would be a huge waste of talent."

It can be seen that Vice President Kong is a pessimist, but he really cares about his students.

Chen Qi and Principal Li have a secret agreement in private. Chen Qi will be the president of Haidong Medical University in the future. Sooner or later, they will be a family, so he does not regard the school leaders in front of him as outsiders.

"So many students are an unexpected surprise to me. Why do I say that? Because our hospital will hold a procurement bidding meeting tomorrow. Now that we have money, of course we have to purchase the most advanced medical equipment and experimental equipment in the world. "

Vice Principal Kong still didn’t understand and asked, “What does this have to do with student placement?”

Chen Qi smiled: "Please ask a few teachers to stay, and you will see what happens tomorrow."

The next day, the auditorium of the Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital became extremely lively.

The Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital has come up with a package purchase plan, ranging from medicine to various latest models of machines. It is planning to purchase 5 CT machines alone. In addition, the latest product MRI has also been added to the purchase list.

This purchase contract worth 30 million US dollars has created a record in the history of China and can be said to be unprecedented.

Chen Qi went to great lengths to spend money. Rather than holding the money in his hands, it would be better to turn it into medicines and medical equipment that the hospital needs clinically.

At that time, a good horse will be equipped with a good saddle, and a good boat will be equipped with a good sail. With these equipments, the clinical level of Yue Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital can be improved to a higher level.

Pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies from all over the world are following the news, and almost all of them with offices in China are here.

Pfizer, AbbVie, Novartis, Merck, Roche, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Sanofi, GlaxoSmithKline, Medtronic, Abbott, Johnson \u0026 Johnson, Siemens Healthcare, GE Healthcare, Stryker, Royal Philips, Cardinal Health, Baxter etc.

In addition, Chen Qi also invited his old friends, such as the newly merged AstraZeneca, Seoul Medical of Bangzi Country, and Nipro of Japan.

So many international medical equipment giants gathered in Yuezhong, which instantly detonated the domestic health system.

Many responsible leaders from relevant departments came to the scene. Although hospitals are now market-oriented and are responsible for their own profits and losses, if a hospital launches a purchase of US$30 million, it still scares the authorities.

A huge sum of money.

Even for awesome hospitals like Union Medical College, Beijing Medical University, and Ruijin, if they can get 3 million US dollars in one go, they will be thankful.

Nowadays, the purchase amount of Yuezhong Hospital is more than that of all hospitals in the country combined. For such a purchase worth more than 100 million yuan, the superiors are afraid that there will be some bad phenomena, such as kickbacks, and it will be disgraced and sent abroad.

Chen Qi also made an unexpected move. He took the initiative to invite domestic mainstream media, including newspapers and television stations that began with the Chinese character, to come for interviews.

In addition to providing sufficient travel and horse expenses, Chen Qi also made it clear to these media that he hoped that they could supervise the entire procurement process of Yuezhong Hospital and eliminate possible adverse phenomena.

The media reporters were excited when they heard this

These reporters usually regard themselves as "judges". Now that a unit is actively asking them to supervise, they must take full advantage of this power.

They have no chance to interview other units. Now Yuezhong Hospital takes the lead in requesting supervision. This is a good start.

In fact, Chen Qi did it on purpose. He just wanted to let all major units across the country know that it is best for procurement to be open, transparent and subject to supervision, and not to waste precious financial resources and engage in some shady behind-the-scenes transactions.

In 1990, there was no bidding system. Which unit decided what to purchase, and there was no need for additional bidders to accompany the bidders.

The entire procurement process is not open to the public. The seller has the final say on the amount of the purchase. It is up to the buyer whether to agree to the amount the seller says.

So when the buyer, or Party A, is faced with a dealer quoting a figure that far exceeds the normal market price, under what circumstances will he agree? There is a problem here.

For example, the market price of a B-ultrasound machine is 10,000 yuan, but the dealer quoted a price of 50,000 yuan. Miraculously, the hospital actually agreed to this price. If there weren't some messy things involved, it would be an insult to people's IQ.

Another example is a medical device linear accelerator with an import price of 15 million yuan. The hospital bought it for 35.2 million yuan, ahem.

So at this time, the auditorium of the Vietnam-China People's Hospital was packed with people.

Chen Qi personally presided over the meeting, and on the rostrum on one side sat the leaders of the competent departments and the leaders of the discipline department.

On the seats under the stage, in the middle are representatives of major manufacturers. They are holding a purchasing catalog of Yuezhong Hospital. They got it in advance to facilitate their bidding later.

Next to it, sat some employee representatives from the Yuezhong Hospital, who also played a supervisory role.

At the back of the auditorium was a large group of reporters. Chen Qi specifically asked them to videotape the entire process, and then make a feature film to be broadcast on the TV station (of course, all expenses were reimbursed by the Vietnam Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital).

Chen Qi's purpose is to let people across the country see how procurement should be carried out.

The procurement process this time was carried out one by one according to the procurement catalog. For example, Yuezhong Hospital wanted to purchase 10 latest model ventilators.

Then all the companies sitting in the audience can bid, and of course the bid will be the one with the lowest price.

Some people will say that the one with the lowest price wins. If someone bids a low price and then reduces the machine configuration, the purchasing unit will be the one who suffers.

Chen Qi also thought of this, so he had specified in the purchasing catalog what configurations the machine should have, all clearly stated in order to prevent certain companies from reducing configurations.

Your lowest price is the competition based on the same configuration.

But no matter how good Chen Qi's plan is, he can always find loopholes.

For example, a "price alliance" can easily break the situation. For example, if only three or four companies can produce the latest model of ventilators, then these companies have agreed on a "high price" in advance and will not reduce the price.

Just tell your purchasing unit whether to buy it or not? (End of chapter)

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