Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 716 Lao Guo sets the rules

Several brothers and sisters of the Li family also reacted to what the Chen family said, and quickly stood up and said:

"Dean Chen, just listen to our elder brother."

Wu Yueying also stood up in panic:

"Dean Chen, Dr. Lan, this married girl will have a foreign name from now on. You are relatives. You don't need to give your heart to them like this. It's good to let them work hard on their own."

Chen Qi's tears fell for the second time:

"Sister, we are a family. When did we become relatives? You don't want this or that. How can you make me feel at ease!"

The room suddenly became chaotic.

As third-party neutrals, Lao Guo and Mrs. Guo saw it more clearly:

"Old lady, I have lived for so many years and have seen many brothers fighting for property. This is the first time I have seen brothers determined not to divide the family property. The Chen family has good tutors, and the Li family has good tutors. I have opened my eyes today. ”

Mrs. Guo was also wiping her tears:

"But Aqin doesn't want anything and still has to work in a textile factory. The future life will be too difficult. What should I do?"

"Hey, what should I do? Of course I have to listen to my godfather. You have to watch it."

"Ahem, don't cry. Chen Qi, please sit down. Everyone, sit down. Now we are discussing the marriage. This is a big happy event. Why are you crying? Fourth brother, wipe away your brother's tears. This is the hospital. He's grown up, and it's not like a seven or eight-year-old kid who can't live without his mother."

After Lao Guo made a cross like this, everyone finally calmed down.

"As a godfather, let me say a few words. Chen Qi, you give 100 business rooms at once. This is indeed too much. You are not doing it for your eldest sister. You are testing human nature. If the test fails, there will be consequences. It’s serious, so Dahai and Aqin are right, this business building cannot be closed.”

Chen Qi was anxious: "Uncle Guo, you..."

Lao Guo waved his hand: "Who are you so impatient like? I haven't finished speaking yet. Sit down."

Chen Qi shook his head and sat down angrily, thinking to himself, why don't I just let you go?

"But Dahai, Aqin, I also want to criticize you. Chen Qi and Lijuan can worry about their careers, and the third and fourth children can worry about their studies. The core of all this is that you take care of your home neatly. Clearly, this It gave them no worries, so you deserve a lot of credit.

Just like when we fought in the war, those who led the charge must be good comrades and should be rewarded. But the logistics comrades who have been helping transport food and bullets in the rear are also heroes. Without logistics support, what will the soldiers eat and wear? What kind of war is there to fight, right?

So you are the logistics director of your family. Chen Qi is a lazy person. He opens his mouth and hands when the meal comes, and he will never touch the housework. Then your younger sibling is a strong career woman who is devoted to the department and has no time to take care of the children and do housework. "

Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan looked at each other, both blushing.

"Everything in this house, including washing, cooking, and taking care of the children, is all taken care of by you as the logistics director. In addition, you have to help Chen Qi collect the rent. I heard that carrying a snakeskin bag is a waste of money. Damn it, you still have to carry money to the bank again and again, has Chen Qi paid you a salary?"

Chen Qi said: "I have paid Xiaohong a salary, and I have also paid Xiaolian a salary, but the eldest sister never refuses to take it."

Lao Guo patted the table a few times and said:

"Hey, everyone heard it, right? Chen Qi is a standard capitalist. He doesn't even pay wages. Only a kind-hearted person like Aqin will help you work and serve you, the eldest young master. Oh, There are two young masters at home.

So Aqin, as you have been working as a nanny and an employee all these years, Chen Qi should give you money. You deserve this money. You can get it with peace of mind. There is nothing to waste. This 100,000 yuan gift, that gold is just Don't give it back to Chen Qi. This is your compensation for these years, do you hear? "

Chen Qi also pretended to be powerful: "Did you hear that?"

The silly elder sister didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: "This, this, but this is too much..."

Lao Guo would not give the silly elder sister a chance to refuse, so he made the final decision:

"Okay, don't say any more. If you refuse again, then you are really a stranger. You are not brother and sister. If you don't accept, then you are really relatives. This matter is over. Don't mention it again. But about your work, I have another suggestion:

Don't you and Dahai want to engage in the textile industry? This is a good way. Now our entire Yuezhong City relies on textiles to make a living, but I don't agree with you working in a textile factory. You can't make much money here and it's hard work. Secondly, you are slapping Chen Qi in the face.

After all, your brother is the chief dean of the Vietnam-China People's Hospital. What does he do at the deputy department level? Even your sister-in-law, Comrade Lijuan, is the director of the department and a highly qualified deputy director. It turns out that your brother and sister-in-law are the chief leaders and doctors, but your sister and brother-in-law are not Working odd jobs in township enterprises, where can Chen Qi put his face? "

When the silly eldest sister heard this, she realized that her brother would lose face, and suddenly lost her mind:

"Yes, I didn't think of it, but, what should I do?"

Only then did Lao Guo confidently say:

"Then let's think of a way to get the best of both worlds. You definitely don't know as many textile factory owners as Chen Qi, so let's go to a friend's textile factory that Chen Qi knows for an internship first and learn the ropes and management experience there.

As for Chen Qi, go and find out which textile factory in Vietnam is to be transferred, complete with the factory and machinery. Then you can lend money to your eldest sister and brother-in-law and let them buy it, so that you can start your own business. Textile factory, you can be your own boss.

If you want to wait until you can earn money by working on your own before opening a textile factory, how many years will it take? 20 years? 30? You will be old by then, and the most important thing in doing business is time efficiency. So listen to me, let Chen Qi lend you this money. Of course, you have to pay it back, so that’s no problem, right? "

Chen Qi already understood what Lao Guo was up to, and immediately responded: "I have absolutely no problem!"

Silly Sister and Li Dahai looked at each other and said uncertainly: "Well, that seems to be no problem..."

"When you have your own textile factory, let Chen Qi's friends take care of you and give you some guidance, so that you can produce fabrics smoothly. But just being able to produce is not enough. You have to sell them. Money isn't it?

So today I have made the decision, Chen Qi, you give your sister a business room with the best location and the largest area in the north area of ​​China Textile City. If you don’t need more, we will have one room, and then the cloth you produce yourself will go to your own house. Sell ​​it in the sales department, one-stop production and sales, right?

In this way, if you own the factory and the business premises, your costs will be reduced, and the price of fabrics will be cheaper. If the same fabric is cheaper for you and more expensive for others, how can your business be any worse? Business must be booming.

If your business is good and you make a lot of money, you can pay back Chen Qi's money as soon as possible. The rest will be yours. Sister Li, your son and daughter-in-law will be the big bosses by then. The tuition fees of your younger brothers and sisters will be yours. Is living expenses still an issue? "

After being tricked like this by Old Fox Guo, the Li family has been confused and the CPU is not enough.

When Wu Yueying thought that her son could actually open a factory and be his own boss, why would the mother be unhappy?

"This is good, this is good. Only by doing business can we make a fortune and turn our Li family around."

Li Dahai and Silly Sister both scratched their heads. It sounded reasonable, but they felt something was wrong, but their stupid minds couldn't figure it out.

Lan Lijuan also spoke at this time:

"Brother Li, eldest sister, we still have to listen to what our godfather says. This matter is settled. This is also the fastest way for you to repay the money. Otherwise, if you really work part-time, how many years will it take to repay Chen Qi's money? ?”

Chen Qi thought this was right, but he always felt that something was wrong. He couldn't figure it out, so he had to say casually:

"Ah, yes, yes, yes. No, me, why should I press my eldest sister to pay back the money? I..."

Lao Guo and Lan Lijuan both shouted: "Shut up!"

Chen Qi shook his head again, he was angry, the kind that couldn't be coaxed!

Lao Guo quickly cut through the mess and said: "That's it for the marriage certificate. It's getting dark now. Let's discuss it and go home early. It's hard to sail the boat when it's dark."

There is only one wedding day left, including horoscope calculations, fortune telling, re-engagement, preparation of wedding items, etc. There are still quite a lot of things to do.

This natal family task was left to Mrs. Guo, who had to do her best as the godmother. As for the second aunt from her hometown, everyone had selectively forgotten about it.

The wedding date is set for Labor Day, May 1st.

All the tasks today have been completed. Setting a wedding date is like an engagement. The two families can now call each other in-laws.

Chen Qi also took out some gifts for the Li family.

The first is the conventional gifts. Chen Qi moved two boxes of Maotai liquor and two boxes of Chinese cigarettes from the ship, which he asked Li Dahai to give to his relatives.

When people in rural areas drink rice wine for 3 cents a pound and smoke blue West Lake for 2 cents a pack, Maotai China can definitely calm down the restless mothers among relatives and stop dictating matters about marriage.

What was given to Li Dahai’s mother was a 50-year-old ginseng.

The other five brothers and sisters of the Li family were given a Sony Walkman for each of them. This device can be used for learning and listening to music. It was a good sign to give it to the children. Chen Qi bought 50 units in one go in Xiangjiang. If your child likes it, give one as a gift.

Chen Qi is probably the only one in Yuezhong who is so arrogant.

Finally, Chen Qi took out 10,000 yuan from his bag and put it in Li Dahai's hand:

"Brother Li, I lent you this money and I have to pay it back in the future. Look at the situation of your house. Well, it's best to repair it before getting married. You must have a new look when you marry a wife. You can't let my sister's wedding room Put it next to the pig pen?"

To be honest, the Li family really doesn’t have much money to get married right now. Which one of hosting a banquet, calling a band, or handing out wedding candies doesn’t cost money?

Chen Qi's 10,000 yuan was definitely a timely help, which moved Li Dahai and Wu Yueying's mother and son so much that they didn't know what to say.

So the Li family secretly made a decision in their hearts that they must treat their new daughter-in-law well in the future, otherwise they will be struck by lightning if not!

The silly eldest sister no longer thought about the gains and losses at this time. Since her brother and her husband's family had already discussed the matter, she was too lazy to think about it.

What girl is not pregnant, let alone a 30-year-old girl like Silly Sister. Now her heart has been occupied by happiness, and she is just waiting for the day she becomes a bride...

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