Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 696 Emergency Department Supernatural 4 Beds

At 1 a.m., Chen Qi made all preoperative preparations and prepared to perform the first-stage skin grafting surgery on Ke Rongwei the next day.

After coming out of the inpatient department, Chen Qi looked up to his left. The construction site of the Twin Towers was under construction overnight to ensure the fastest completion. The first construction of the city was divided into three groups of workers, working day and night.

Will residents nearby have any objections to the construction noise?

There shouldn't be. Anyway, Chen Qi has never received any relevant complaints. Of course, it may be because the complaints never reached him.

When Chen Qi came to the parking lot and was about to drive, he found that the emergency department in front seemed to be crowded with many patients.

Chen Qi closed the car door and walked to the emergency department to see how the situation was.

As soon as I arrived at the emergency department, I saw that it was crowded with patients, and at the entrance of the emergency room, medical staff and ordinary people were running in and out.

This is destined to be another sleepless night.

Ever since the news that Yuezhong Hospital opened its emergency department at night spread throughout the city, whether it was a common cold or emergency treatment, patients from a city with a population of one million all went to Yuezhong Hospital. It was strange that there were not many patients.

Of course, from the perspective of the hospital director, Chen Qi likes such a busy emergency department very much.

More patients means good business, good business means more savings, and more savings means more money at his disposal as the dean.

No matter in which era, the rich are the bosses, and others have to fawn over you, flatter you, and make you both miserable and happy.

So Chen Qi was also ready to roll up his sleeves and help.

Most of the night outpatient clinics were ordinary patients or lightly injured, and they did not need help from him, the chief dean, so Chen Qi prepared to go to the emergency room, the busiest front line.

As soon as I entered the emergency room, I heard a quarrel inside.

"What do you mean there are no beds? Isn't this a bed? You doctors would rather have the beds empty than let us lie down?"

A middle-aged man was angrily pointing at doctor Liu Jianying and scolding her. Several onlookers nearby also pointed:

"That's right. This bed was empty when I came here. It's been half a day and no one has come. Why not let the patient use it?"

"Perhaps they are specially reserved for the leaders."

"Hey, I've heard that hotels reserve private rooms, but I didn't expect that hospitals also reserve beds. The services of this People's Hospital are really thoughtful."

Chen Qi also frowned when he heard the weird comments from people around him.

There were two seriously ill patients lying on the ground, but there was an empty bed over there. Not only the patients' families and the onlookers didn't understand, but Chen Qi didn't understand either.

However, as the dean, he cannot make arbitrary decisions based on his own subjective judgment. He must ask clearly, so he stepped forward.

"Doctor Liu, what's going on?"

"Ah, Dean Chen, you are still here at this late hour. What are you talking about?" Dr. Liu looked confused.

Chen Qi pointed to the 4th bed next to him: "Isn't there an empty bed? Why don't you let the patient lie on it? Lying on the floor is so bad."

Liu Jianying looked at the 4th bed, which had white sheets and white quilts. They looked clean, and then she patted her forehead:

"Oh, that's it. Yes, it was my decision not to let the emergency patients lie on those four beds."

Several family members of the patients nearby became angry when they heard this: "How did you become a doctor? I want to file a complaint against you!"

"That's right, we are already seriously ill and you still let us lie on the ground. Doesn't your conscience hurt? I can't beat you to death before my eyes!"

After saying that, several male family members rushed forward and really wanted to beat Dr. Liu. For a while, there was even more shouting in the emergency room.

Chen Qi quickly stopped him, but Dr. Liu was still slapped on the head, and his glasses almost flew off.

"What are you doing? Who told you to beat people? You are so lawless, call security!"

Chen Qi got angry and beat his employees in front of him. Even if the employees made mistakes, it would not be the turn of outsiders to beat them, and he would lose his prestige as the dean.

Liu Jianying adjusted her glasses, suppressed her inner anger, pointed to bed 4 and said:

"Come on, if any of you want to lie down, just go up and lie down. Today I put my words here. If any of you want to lie down on the 4th bed, I will pay for the bed for you personally. You will never have to pay a penny. How about it? , you, or you, which one of you wants to lie down?"

A middle-aged man who did not believe in evil helped an old lady and lay down on bed No. 4.

"We're just lying down, what's going on?"

Liu Jianying sneered:

"Then you lie down. Anyway, all you need to know is that since the day before yesterday, every patient lying on bed No. 4 has died. A total of 7 patients died in 3 days, and none of them were saved. The latest one is lying in bed 4. There was heavy bleeding on the bed, and it was spurting out bit by bit, and I couldn’t even catch it in the basin.”

After Liu Jianying finished speaking, he walked over excitedly:

"Come on, don't you want to lie down? Look, are there blood stains around your feet, here, and here? They were left by the patient in front of you. You must lie down!"

Everyone looked along the floor, and sure enough, in the corner of the floor and under the hospital bed, there were black and red blood stains. It was shocking, as if to remind everyone what happened before.

"What, 7 dead in 3 days?~~~"

"What's even more frightening is that no one was saved~~~"

"Oh, you can't live in bed No. 4, you can't live in it~~~"

The middle-aged man who was fighting for the bed was dumbfounded. The old mother on the hospital bed became anxious when he heard this. Elderly people are even more taboo about this kind of thing, so she took a deep breath and tried to get out of bed by herself.

He was seriously ill, but now he insisted on getting out of bed by himself. What a fuss, and he turned sideways and fell directly to the bottom of the bed.

Everyone heard a bang and the old lady shouted hysterically:

"Ah, Mom, the fat bone in my foot is broken~~~"

By this time, the middle-aged man had already reacted, and everyone gathered around him. They saw that the old lady's right thigh was obviously deformed.

Fractured femur.

Regardless of the grievance she had just suffered, Liu Jianying immediately ordered the nurse to push the rescue bed over. The scene became a mess, and even the patients in the night clinic came over to watch the excitement.

The middle-aged man suddenly slapped himself:

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, I'm rushing to reincarnate, it's easy to grab it, I'm fighting for a bed with a dead person, it's all my fault, it's all my fault~~~"

Seeing this, Chen Qi already knew what was going on, and patted Dr. Liu on the shoulder:

"I'm sorry, Lao Liu, I just misunderstood you. I will call the people from the security department to come over in a moment and dismantle the No. 4 bed. There will be no 4 beds in the emergency department for the time being."

Liu Jianying was a little surprised: "Dean Chen, don't you blame me for being superstitious?"

Chen Qi chuckled: "It's not a bad thing to fear ghosts and gods. Why should I blame you? Besides, it's not like I've never encountered this before."

Chen Qi has been a doctor by profession in his two lives, so he is naturally no stranger to supernatural events in hospitals.

Just like this supernatural hospital bed, Chen Qi had encountered more supernatural events in his previous life.

That is, there was once a ward with three beds. For a period of time, no matter whether a serious patient or a minor patient entered, no one could survive.

At that time, Chen Qi was a resident doctor and the responsible doctor in this ward. There was a patient with liver cirrhosis who walked into the hospital bed by himself, chatting and laughing.

That night, the patient died of internal bleeding due to high pressure from esophageal varices. His stomach was bulging before his death.

Less than an hour after this patient died, the inpatient in the bed next to him also died suddenly from massive hemorrhage due to a ruptured intrahepatic aneurysm.

Chen Qi spent one night resuscitating the patient, and spent the next morning writing death records.

At this time, it was the head nurse who reminded me and said:

"Xiao Chen, I remember that five patients have died in your ward in a row. Why don't you tell the director that this ward should be closed for a few days first?"

Chen Qi understood immediately upon hearing it. After asking the department director for instructions in the morning, he immediately sealed the ward for a week. During this period, the director secretly placed a spiritual talisman said to be obtained from Lingyin Temple into the ward.

Hearing the doctors discussing supernatural events, several people nearby were dumbfounded:

"No, do you doctors also talk about superstition?"

"Doctor, tell us, have you really seen a ghost in the hospital?"

"Who said there isn't? I've seen it before." At this time, an older nurse packed her things and sighed:

"At that time, I was still working as a nurse in the Department of Internal Medicine. One night after I was on the night shift, I saw an old man coming over just after I finished my shift. I knew this old man. He was an old patient. I saw him smiling and said to me, Nurse Wang, I'm leaving. Thank you for taking care of me.

I was busy writing the shift record at the time, so I came back casually, "It's okay, uncle, this is what we should do. You are about to be discharged from the hospital. It's a good thing. I wish you better health as you age. This old man also asked me before he left." I waved my hand, and I waved to him, telling him to go to bed early.

As a result, when I had the morning meeting the next morning, I told other colleagues that I saw Uncle Li, who came to greet me in the evening and expressed his gratitude to me. I felt very happy. As a result, all my colleagues at that time Terrified.

Because the Uncle Li I saw passed away in the ward during the day the day before, and his body had been sent home by his family. Then the Uncle Li I saw in the middle of the night, ahem. Alas, but I’m not afraid either. People are here to thank me, so as doctors and nurses we still do good deeds, right? "

Nurse Wang said she was not afraid at all, but the middle-aged ladies listening to the story were trembling with fear.

At this time, Zhang Cheng, the doctor on duty in the emergency department at night, also came over and told about a strange thing he had encountered:

"I remember the year before last, there was a 6-year-old girl who was seriously ill and was about to die. Her family called the child's father who was working out of town and asked him to come back quickly. But when the little girl's father arrived, he didn't take it too seriously. Sad look.

We were quite surprised at the time, thinking that the father didn't love his child. Later, the father told us that he saw his daughter on the train, and when he was shocked, his daughter jumped into his arms. Hugged him.

At that time, the child was still smiling and said, "Dad, why did you come here? I have to leave, but don't be sad after I leave. You are my favorite father. I hope you will always be happy, okay?" Okay, the two of them had a fight, and the father said I promise not to cry.

Then when he woke up from the dream, the child's father realized that he had had a dream, but he had a premonition at that time that his daughter was probably gone and had come to say his final goodbyes. "

"Oh, so pitiful~~~"

"Yes, the white-haired person gives the black-haired person a gift~~~"

Several women nearby almost shed tears after hearing this.

But some people asked curiously: "The father of this child is really not sad. After all, he is his daughter."

Doctor Zhang smiled bitterly after hearing this:

"How could I not be sad? When the child's father told us about it, he cried so much that he cried a lot of snot and tears. But he said that he promised his daughter not to cry, and he even said yes, so he couldn't cry in front of his daughter's body. I’ve been holding it back.”

When everyone heard this, they all sighed.

While everyone was gathering around to listen to the story, an old nurse from the emergency department came over. Seeing everyone trembling with fear, he said with disdain:

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it normal for this kind of thing to happen in the hospital? Let me tell you, once I was on night shift, and the door was opposite our nurse's desk. In the middle of the night, this door kept creaking. Turn off in a while.

At first I thought it was the wind blowing or some children were causing trouble on purpose, but I checked several times and found nothing unusual. At that time, I knew in my heart that some kind of god was playing, and I didn’t care about it. .

But you also know that the door kept opening and closing in the middle of the night, which was really annoying. Then I couldn't stand it anymore, so I yelled at the door, "Brother, I'm still at work, and I have to pay my dues in the morning." Take over, there is a lot to do, could you please take a break?

Guess what? After I finished yelling, the door stopped moving. It was a very peaceful night, so I wasn't afraid. I lowered my head and continued to sort out the information. Hey, not all those things are harmful, but some are also naughty. "

When the old nurse said this, everyone around was frightened. Whether it was Chen Qi, Liu Jianying or the patient's family members, they all gave a thumbs up.

I have to say that the nurses in this hospital are the most awesome. If they get angry, even the department director would dare to beat them up, so I should respect the nurses more in the future...

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