Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 687 Misunderstandings arise from villains’ estrangement

The rescue of patients with severe burns on 83% of the area is a problem for other hospitals, but it is not particularly difficult for Vietnam-China Hospital.

After burn patients have passed the rehydration and infection levels, there is another important point. With such a large area of ​​burn, most of the human body has no skin protection and is directly exposed to the air. This is very scary.

The human skin is equivalent to a protective film that isolates most bacteria and viruses.

Now that this protective film is gone, the door is wide open. All kinds of bacteria from dogs and cats can invade the human body and may kill the patient at any time.

Therefore, skin grafting as soon as possible is a must.

In addition, because Ke Rongwei did not wear a special helmet when racing, his head and face were severely burned when the fire broke out.

It was so severe that except for the facial skin, all the skin was burned away, and even the nose was burned away, leaving only two holes exposed.

One of the two eyeballs was burnt and had to be surgically removed, revealing a deep cavity.

The other thing is the mouth. Due to edema, the mouth has swollen like a sausage. Experienced doctors know that when the edema subsides and granulation tissue develops, the sausage mouth will become a microstomia.

Fortunately, the two ears hadn't melted yet, but they were burned to the point where only half of them were left.

If the gauze is removed at this time, Ke Rongwei, who was once handsome, will no longer be different from a devil. It can only be described as terrifying.

At the same time, because the blood supply of the head and face is very rich, if the scab is removed directly, the bleeding will stop, so the eschar on the head and face will remain temporarily. Once the scab is removed, skin grafting must be done immediately, which is very difficult.

Therefore, Chen Qi’s treatment plan is to first perform burn debridement on the body. As for the debridement of the head and face, he plans to do it himself, and then try to complete the entire first phase of skin grafting on the same day.

But when Chen Qi was still making extra money at the One Beauty Plastic Surgery Hospital, another group of white doctors came to the Sanatorium and Hospital.

The background of these white doctors is not small. They are burn surgery experts specially invited by Ke Chengji from the Mayo Clinic in the United States.

Among them were Ackerman, chief of burn surgery at the Mayo Clinic, and Ellault, the chief physician.

Although Ke Chengji has handed over the treatment of his son to mainland doctors, as one of the top ten old foxes in Hong Kong, how can he be 100% confident about mainland doctors?

Therefore, even though foreign medical teams refused to take over Ke Rongwei, a severely burned patient, Ke Chengji still insisted on inviting foreign experts to come to Xiangjiang for "consultation", and if possible, he might be able to take over the treatment.

It’s not just mainland talents who admire foreigners.

Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Erro thought that since a big dog owner invited them to go to Xiangjiang for a consultation, it would be no problem to get a "flying knife fee" and make some extra money, so they happily accepted the invitation.

They were also on guard, in case the patient's condition was still good, they could not take over, so they brought three other assistants over to form a potential medical team.

Of course, the world's number one Mayo Clinic expert is not so easy to hire.

Ke Chengji spent 50,000 US dollars in red envelopes on a medical assistant, and two senior experts even paid 200,000 US dollars in "consultation fees" each. These figures are absolutely astronomical.

Dr. Mayo spent a day traveling from the distant United States to Xiangjiang. It was already the third day after Ke Rongwei's burn.

Zhu Huoyan and the doctors at Yuezhong Hospital were lowering their heads, busy debriding and replenishing fluids in the ward, maintaining the patient's vital signs, and laying the foundation for skin grafting.

No one knew anything about what was happening in the outside world. Except for the ticking sound of the machine, everything else in the ward was quiet.

Suddenly, the door to the intensive care unit was opened, and a group of foreign doctors and Yanghe doctors wearing isolation suits walked in from the outside.

Zhu Huoyan frowned, looked up and felt unhappy:

"Everyone, this is a sterile ward. All the patients' wounds are exposed. So many people cannot come in at once. I think this is the basic principle of hospital infection. You don't understand, right?"

Lin Fuhe had almost become numb with embarrassment these days, so he quickly explained:

"Dr. Zhu, these are burn surgery experts from the Mayo Clinic. They are here, uh, for consultation, haha."


Zhu Huoyan felt a little unhappy. This broke the unspoken rules in the medical circle.

For example, Chen Qi asked Ke Chengji to clarify which hospital's doctors had the upper hand, because he was afraid of causing disputes and causing multiple management, which would affect saving lives.

Xiangjiang doctors also understand the rules. Although they are the home team, since the initiative is given to mainland doctors, they only cooperate with some auxiliary work, fully respecting the "treatment dominance" of mainland doctors.

Under the premise that a medical team has taken over, even if the family members want to change the treatment plan or have any special requirements, they must seek the consent of the doctors at the Vietnam-China Hospital.

Especially for important matters such as consultations with doctors from outside hospitals, even if it is necessary, doctors from Yue Zhong Hospital take the initiative.

Even a layman understands that when a hospital sends a consultation request to an outside hospital, it often means that the hospital is unable to cope with the problem, has given up, and must call in foreign aid.

This is very embarrassing.

If a sudden attack occurs and a doctor from an outside hospital is invited for "consultation" without the attending doctor, this will not only disrupt the entire treatment plan, but also disrespect the attending doctor and slap the attending doctor in the face.

So Zhu Huoyan stopped the debridement work on his hands with a cold face, and then stood up, his momentum turned on:

"We have not issued a request for consultation. If family members have such requirements, they should discuss it with us. If family members are dissatisfied with our current treatment, they can express it directly. There is no need for outsiders to interfere."

Zhu Huoyan's words were not polite. Luo Yuyang and Zhang Xing looked at me and I looked at you and stopped what they were doing.

The atmosphere in the ward became tense.

Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Elro didn't know what happened at this time. They just shrugged indifferently because they didn't understand what Dr. Hua Guo was saying or protesting at all.

In fact, they have no hostility towards the Chinese doctors in front of them. They are all colleagues. Who would show off and slap them in the face if they have no grudges?

But there is a problem with the collusion between the two parties.

Zhu Huoyan and the others' English was not good at first. Unlike Chen Qi who was gibberish when they first came up, there was no barrier to communication throughout the whole process.

Maybe some words were exchanged, everyone joked a few words with each other, and understood each other's meaning. The foreign doctors just looked at the patient a few times, then completed the task perfunctorily, and walked away with the money.

Nothing happened.

Secondly, Dr. Mayo did not know that Ke Chengji invited them here and did not obtain the consent of the current treatment team in advance.

They thought that the skills of these Chinese doctors were too poor, so they asked them to come over and provide guidance. This happened too many times at the Mayo Clinic. Who said they were the best in the world?

If Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Erro knew the inside story, they would not "steal business" even if they were killed.

After all, the name of the Mayo Clinic is there. They disdain to do such a dishonorable thing and would rather not pay for the "consultation fee".

But some misunderstandings formed like this, and things started to go in an uncontrollable direction after entering the door.

As the intermediary, Lin Fuhe, director of the emergency and critical care department of the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital, did not play a bridging role.

Elites are often egoists. Although they have no objection to mainland doctors taking over the treatment of Ke Rongwei, the young master, they are dissatisfied verbally and heartily.

Lin Fuhe used to think that mainland doctors might be very powerful, but his fixed thinking made him think that the world's number one Mayo Clinic doctor should be even more powerful.

Now that doctors from Mayo are here, Lin Fuhe has a small calculation. He wants doctors from Mayo to give mainland doctors a try to see if mainland doctors still want to show off their power "abroad"?

So he deliberately didn't explain. When faced with Zhu Huoyan's questioning, he instead added fuel to the fire and said:

"Dr. Zhu, these American doctors are currently the most famous and highest-level doctors in the world. Especially these two, Dr. Ackerman and Dr. Erro, are also top leaders of the International Burn Society (ISBI), so Mr. Ke's I mean, you will listen to Dr. Mayo’s analysis for now, and then decide on the next treatment plan.”

Zhang Xing, a young man, was the first to be unable to bear it any longer:

"Dr. Lin, we are the team currently leading the treatment, and our current treatment is effective, and the patient's condition is also developing in a good direction. Now we are suddenly asked to listen to foreign doctors, who do you think we are? Already?"

Because of long-term propaganda, mainlanders have never had a good impression of American imperialism, and they will fight against it whenever they encounter it.

Now, Zhu Huoyan and other mainland doctors are suddenly required to obey the orders of American doctors. The original "big house" has suddenly become a "concubine". Who can bear this?

Who dares to endure it?

If it were spread back to China, it would not be called a traitor who has lost his power and humiliated the country.

So instead of steaming steamed buns to fight for his reputation, Zhu Huoyan secretly told himself: He couldn't quit.

He whispered in a Vietnamese-Chinese dialect to several other colleagues:

"It seems that we came to Xiangjiang in the wrong place this time. We wanted to save people, but they are always making trouble. When we go abroad, we represent the country. How can we let foreigners come and shit on us? "

Luo Yuyang and Head Nurse Liu also nodded heavily: "Director Zhu, we listen to you."

Zhu Huoyan smiled contemptuously at the American doctor and the Xiangjiang doctor:

"Currently, we are the only ones who know how to rescue patients with severe burns, and only we know how to perform stinky tofu skin grafting. Plastic surgery after burns is Chen Qi's specialty. Since they are seeking death themselves, don't blame us for giving up."

Zhu Huoyan was still discussing with his colleagues, and the Mayo doctors next to him were getting a little impatient.

According to the normal process, since they are invited to come for "consultation", shouldn't they first introduce the patient's medical history, medication records, examination indicators, etc. Why are these Chinese doctors chatting instead?

Isn’t this too disrespectful to their American counterparts?

So the smile on Dr. Mayo's face disappeared. (End of chapter)

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