Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 664 Need to Convince Foreign Experts

An hour passed, and by this time the three foreign doctors had finished their work.

"After our calculations, in fact, this lady's burn area should be 91%, which is a little more than the data in the paper of Yuezhong Hospital. In addition, the burn area of ​​the little girl named Song reached 83%, and the burn area of ​​a worker named Lu The area was 90%, and another worker named Wang was burned on 75%.

The burn area and burn degree of the four patients were the same as the original data in the paper, and their burn area also exceeded 60% of the death line. The Yuezhong Hospital is amazing, and it has definitely set a world record! "

Several foreigners were excited, and the medical staff of the nearby Yuezhong Hospital were even more excited.

These days, if Chinese people can get affirmative praise from foreigners, they feel that it is a very honorable and proud thing. This kind of admiration for foreigners cannot be changed by Chen Qi alone. The general environment is like this.

Chen Qi's mission is, as he introduced before, to make Yuezhong Hospital a member of the world's mainstream medical circle.

If you can't beat it, just join. It's such a simple truth. Blindly engaging in confrontation is the way to kill.

After hearing the introductions from the three doctors, editor-in-chief Owen felt a little more confident in the four papers submitted by the Yuezhong Hospital, so he waved his hands:

"Come on, Yuezhong Hospital has also prepared videos and photos of the whole process of patient treatment and wound healing. Let's go and have a look first, and read the original materials and course records later."

Chen Qi was also full of confidence: "Please, the meeting room is here."

In the small conference room of burn surgery, everyone sat in a fan shape around the TV.

Except for a cup of ordinary tea, there are no flowers and fruits on the table, nor are there two packs of Zhonghua cigarettes, and there is no beautiful factory flower sister full-time service with a smile on her face.

Chen Qi doesn't like this kind of red tape. In fact, foreigners don't care too much. They are here for work and not for vacation, so they can tell the difference.

It was Liu Huijuan, the director of the hospital office who was in charge of hospitality, who was terrified, fearing that the foreign guests would be dissatisfied, which would cause diplomatic disputes.

If Chen Qi knew what she was thinking, he would definitely ask in his heart: What diplomatic disputes will it cause? Is it enough?

The picture started on the TV. In order to maintain the authenticity, all the videos are original tapes without any editing, so the picture quality is not very good.

At the beginning, the camera shakes a bit, and several doctors walk into a small thatched hut. Obviously, this should be filmed in the patient's home.

The camera followed the doctor through two doors, and saw a dark room with a white mosquito net.

When the mosquito net was opened by an elderly woman, there was a burst of exclamation on the TV and in reality at the same time:

"Damn it!"

"oh my god!"

The foreigners exclaimed, unable to sit still any longer, they quickly gathered around the TV camera to get closer and take a closer look.

On the camera, a large, a small, and two black humanoid monsters were lying on the bed.

Chen Qi introduced at the side at this time:

"This is what it looked like when we first saw Ding and Song, a mother and daughter patient. At that time, there was a strong stench in the room at the scene. You saw the patient's black substance from head to toe, which was exactly what I said before. The Chinese herbal medicine is made by mixing a kind of tung oil, and then rubbed on the patient's whole body. They relied on this primitive method to survive at home for a month."

A foreigner asked, "Chen, what is the ash at the bottom of the pot?"

The diet of foreigners pays attention to health and environmental protection, so the family either uses natural gas or an oven, and the food is simply boiled and sprinkled with salt, so there is no possibility of dust on the bottom of the pot.

"Pot bottom ash, um, is a big iron pot. Burn things with wood or hay for a long time. After a long time, a thick layer of plant ash carbon will form on the bottom of the pot. This is pot bottom ash."

Another foreigner exclaimed:

"Then this poor mother and daughter used this primitive method to spend a month at home without any disinfection and anti-infection treatment? God, the medical security in your country is too poor."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of many Chinese doctors beside them changed. The concept of imperialism's self-destruction and immortality has penetrated into the hearts of the people of this era.

Chen Qi shrugged and said indifferently:

"Ma'am, your question is very sharp, but it is indeed a fact, and it is also the status quo that all doctors in Huaguo are working hard to change. Trust us, everything will be fine. It won't take long, and we will make every Huaguo person able to Receive medical care, and it's free."

(Chen Qi despised himself for a moment, the main theme of his mother, he would open his eyes and talk nonsense.)

At this time, the TV screen came to the operating room of the hospital again. When the doctor wanted to remove the layer of plant ashes on the patient's body, if he peeled the skin with a little force, the patient would be in excruciating pain.

The screams made many girls and foreigners cover their mouths through the TV screen.

At this time, Chen Qi continued to introduce:

"Everyone has also seen that the plant ash on the patient's body has been closely attached to the burn wound, and adhesions have occurred. A slight touch will cause the patient severe pain, but this layer of plant ash must be removed, which forms a wound. contradiction."

Another female foreigner asked: "Why is there no anesthesia at this time? The patient is in too much pain, and is prone to painful shock, which is very dangerous!"

Chen Qi smiled wryly:

"Look at the burns of these two patients. General anesthesia is not suitable at all. Burn patients often have respiratory tract damage and lung infection. This is a contraindication to general anesthesia. And you look at the patients like this. Even ECG monitoring is not suitable. It is difficult to do, how to achieve anesthesia monitoring and endotracheal intubation?"

The three foreign doctors in the burn department were more professional and nodded in agreement:

"Chen is right, these two patients have no indications for general anesthesia, oh, I see, and then you invented this hibernation therapy to replace general anesthesia, right?"

"Yes, we found inspiration from animal hibernation, and then combined with pharmacology, invented this hibernation therapy, so that patients will not suffer from shock due to the severe pain during debridement and dressing change."

"Chen, this is very creative, can you tell us more about it?" Editor-in-Chief Hubert took the opportunity to say.

So Chen Qi started to introduce in detail the origin of the idea of ​​hibernation therapy, as well as the application and effect of the medicine and so on.

Everyone thinks that foreigners are curious, but in fact curiosity accounts for part of the reason, and the deeper level is a kind of routine of them.

They are just playing tricks. Didn't you say that you invented hibernation therapy? Then they want to test whether you have a well-formed theoretical system? Can you say something like three four five six.

You have theory, practice, and achievements, which can truly reflect that hibernation therapy was really invented by you.

If you can't tell the reason, you don't know what to ask, or if you are just a blind cat and a dead mouse, it happens to have achieved results, and there is no way to promote it.

I'm sorry, but your "hibernation therapy" cannot be published.

Even if it is not academic fraud, at least you have no reference value, which violates the principle of "can change clinical practice and health system" that is required for publishing papers in top journals.

Obviously, Chen Qi's eloquent words, coupled with his confident appearance, gave editors Owen and Hubert reason to believe that the Hua Guo doctor's idea is based on theory, and it has also been proved by clinical experiments, and can be used for reference. and promotional.

So far, the paper on "Clinical Application of Hibernation Therapy" can be passed.

The video tape continued to play, and came to the scene where Lu Wenjie was severely burned and infected on his right lower limb, causing corruption, which led to a systemic infection and narrowly escaped death.

"The patient's situation is very complicated. At that time, he had a severe infection caused by burns, and all the inflammatory indicators were in a state of explosion. However, we found through drug sensitivity tests that this is a super drug-resistant king, which is ineffective against almost all antibiotics.

I think this topic is very representative, because as the social economy becomes more and more developed and antibiotics are used more and more, we often encounter "super drug-resistant bacteria" and a single "super drug-resistant king" in clinical practice. "produce.

These patients are almost incurable, but when we doctors encounter such patients in clinic, should we just watch them die? So we always have to find a way. Phage, a technology that has been eliminated, obviously has its unique role. "

Having said that, editor-in-chief Owen and editor-in-chief Hubert both nodded:

"Yes, the problem of drug resistance has attracted great attention in the international mainstream medical circle. More and more doctors report that they can only do nothing when they encounter super drug-resistant bacteria in clinical practice. This is a major problem that needs to be overcome urgently. .”

As editors-in-chief of top medical journals, they obviously know more about international medical trends.

In fact, phage therapy was first invented by the Soviet Union. It is not a new thing, and it has been eliminated by the Soviet Union because of clinical instability.

Therefore, Yuezhong Hospital applied phage therapy to burn surgical patients, and then submitted it to top medical journals, which actually did not meet the manuscript requirements.

It's a bit of a suspicion of fried rice.

But now, Chen Qi put forward this paper with the principle of "you can't just watch super-resistant patients die". .

Moreover, this paper was written based on a successful clinical case, so it became a pig on the wind.

To use an ancient poem to describe it, it is "a good wind sends me to Qingyun by virtue of its strength".

So sometimes opportunities and good luck are really indispensable.

The two editors-in-chief Owen and Hubert discussed with other colleagues, and then said with a smile:

"Chen, the phage paper you submitted can be passed. Perhaps your successful case can inspire doctors all over the world, that is, super drug-resistant bacteria or super drug-resistant kings are not invincible." (End of this chapter )

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