Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 659 Accidentally Became a Top 3 Hospital

January 1, 1990.

The Yuezhong People's Hospital was quiet, except for a few colorful words written on the bulletin board at the entrance of the hospital: "Happy New Year's Day".

There is no holiday on New Year's Day these days, and no benefits are given, so everyone's eyes are only on the Spring Festival half a month later, and they don't care about the first day of the new year at all.

Chen Qi ran into the office with his bag, and before he could take off his coat, the phone rang.

"Hi, I'm Chen Qi."

"Haha, brother Chen, now you're going to treat me. The happy event of your People's Hospital is here."

"Big happy event?"

Chen Qi's brain immediately started to work. It seemed that nothing major happened in the hospital recently. The twin buildings of the hospital are still under construction, the endoscopy training class has started, and the burn patients are still recovering.

"Brother Qi, don't sell your official position. How can there be any good news for this nonsense. Could it be that there are some big dogs from abroad who want to donate to our Yuezhong Hospital?"

The caller was Chen Qi's old comrade-in-arms, the two had fought in Africa for 2 years, and Qi Yunming, who had been promoted to the director of the Provincial Department of Medical Affairs after returning home.

"Haha, okay, I know that you are so forgetful, let me tell you, our hall has received the official documents from the Ministry, and the results of the final hospital grade review have come out, and your Yuezhong People's Hospital has been rated as a third-level A Wait, do you think this is a happy event?"

"Yo~~~" Chen Qi stood up excitedly.

"Is this really a success? I thought we would be at the top of the list if we gave me a third best this time. I really gave it a third best, haha."

In the first trial of the Yuezhong Hospital, because it offended someone, it gave it a second-level qualification.

Chen Qi refused to accept it, so he went to the capital to find a relationship, gave it to the merged hospital, created more special departments, and officially listed the brand of Haidong Medical University Internship Hospital.

Later, because Chen Qi was busy with clinical work, he didn't pay much attention to the review work. The bottom line in his heart was that it would be fine to get a third class.

Unexpectedly, he was actually given a big gift package in the end, and he was directly promoted to the third level.

"Brother Qi, tell me, which hospitals in our province have been rated as the top three this time?"

"Let me tell you, the results of this final review are quite unexpected. You said that it is no surprise that the first and second hospitals of Haiyi Hospital were rated as the top three comprehensive hospitals, but what is unexpected is that the Affiliated Hospital of Wenzhou Medical University and the Affiliated Hospital of Yangshan Medical University The hospitals are only rated as the third-best. There are only three places for the comprehensive top three, and you have one in Yuezhong."

Chen Qi now understands that the gold content of this tertiary hospital is quite high.

If every city has a third-class hospital, and everyone ranks up and divides the fruit, then the significance of the hospital grade review will not be great, and it will also cause inertia in each hospital.

Why did the superiors tighten the quota at the last moment? What they want is that all hospitals fight for the top three hospitals, forcing hospitals to demand themselves according to the standards of high-level hospitals and improve the overall medical level.

As for the alternative existence of the Yuezhong People's Hospital, Chen Qi is really against the sky, creating one after another the best in the world.

It is the only general hospital in the country that has directors, committee members, and vice presidents of the International Medical Association. If it does not give it the highest grade, it will be embarrassed to say so in future external exchanges.

The Yue TCM Hospital is known abroad as a first-class hospital in the world.

In the end, after returning to China, it was rated as a second-rate hospital. With such a rating, wouldn't foreigners laugh it off?

So this time, Yuezhong Hospital was really lucky to be the only third-class hospital in Haidong Province. It happened to be a pig flying into the sky just at the cusp of reform and opening up.

Chen Qi laughed again after hearing the list:

"Then it seems that there are many deans in the major hospitals in our province who want to break the water cups, hahaha~~~~"

Qi Yunming didn't smile, but sighed:

"You Yuezhong Hospital is happy, and our hall is also very unhappy. Director Fan also dropped a water glass early in the morning."

"Huh, why? Did Lao Fan take the wrong medicine?"

"Why else? Our Haidong province only gave three top three places. This number is far behind the whole country, ranking in the middle and lower reaches. I also rated 7 top three, but we only have 3 in Haidong, this is really fucking!"

Only Chen Qi knows that whether it is medical care or higher education in Haidong Province, let alone now, even in the next few decades, it will still be strictly restricted.

It is a strong province ranked No. 4 in the country. There are only one 985 and 211 colleges and universities in the whole province. People laugh out loud when they say it.

Compared with before, there are 14 universities in the Shanghai 985+211 universities next door, 13 universities in Jiangsu, 3 universities in AH, and 2 universities in Fujian.

There is only one in Zhejiang, Du Miao Miao, which is like a burst in a strong province in the country.

For another example, the college entrance examination in Haidong Province is an absolute hell level. For example, the college entrance examination in 2023,

The champion in Haidong can only be ranked 369; the champion of Jiangsu is ranked 268 in Haidong; the champion of Fujian is ranked 253 in Haidong; the champion of AH is ranked 217 in Haidong; 499 in the east row.

There are too few higher education resources, and Haidong students can only introspect to the end.

Another example is that HLJ has Mudanjiang, a small town with a population of 2 million and a GDP of only 900, but it has 3 universities: Mudanjiang University, Mudanjiang Medical University, and Mudanjiang Normal University.

And Yuezhong City, with a population of more than 5 million and a strong economy with a GDP of nearly 800 billion, has been struggling for decades without a "university". The best is Shaoxing University of Arts and Sciences.

You must know that in ancient times, Yuezhong City produced 1,126 Jinshi, 11 champions, and ranked 10th in the country.

In the 120-year history of Peking University, there are 27 principals in total, 4 of them are from Shaoxing, and they have managed the school for 37 years.

After the liberation of 49, Yuezhong City became an educational city with a total of 80 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and it didn't even offer a university.

Shaoxing College of Arts and Sciences, the only single seedling, was also firmly suppressed from being upgraded to a university, which had to make the fathers and villagers in Haidong Province laugh bitterly.

Another example is medical resources, which is also the ranking of the number of top three hospitals in 2022.

The three provinces of Guangdong, Shandong, and Sichuan rank among the top three in the country, with 120, 112, and 88 respectively, followed by Jiangsu, Hubei, and HLJ.

Haidong Province, ranked 7th among all provinces in the country, has only 70 hospitals, and the number of tertiary hospitals cannot even beat HLJ.

Why is the college entrance examination and medical care in Haidong Province strictly restricted, economically, there has never been a central enterprise settled in, and it all developed by exchanging chicken feathers for sugar back then, probably because of a certain bald head.

Putting down the phone, Chen Qi first ran to Shuji's office and shared the joy with Lao Guo.

Then he went to the finance department and found the chief of the department, Shan Xintong:

"Old Dan, how much money do we have in our account?"

Section Chief Shan didn't even need to look through the account book, and he knew very well in his heart: "Dean, we now have a balance of 5.12 million in the account."

Chen Qi was also taken aback. Normally, he didn't care about the finances and handed them over to Lao Guo. Unexpectedly, he had saved so much money in one year.

Yuezhong Hospital now has an emergency department, which is a cash cow, coupled with the leadership of gastroenterology and plastic surgery, multi-specialty blossoms, and the business growth of the whole hospital is calculated by doubling, so the balance will be more in one year .

This balance is at the discretion of the dean, Chen Qi.

"There are so many, good things, good things, so, you can arrange it right away. Our hospital has just been rated as a third-class hospital. Each employee will be given 200 yuan in cash. Cadres and employees, regular workers and temporary workers are treated equally."

When the young people in the finance department heard that the dean was about to distribute money again, they all happily shouted congratulations.

"Dean Chen, congratulations, are you going to send more at the end of the year?"

Chen Qi calculated in his mind that this year the four hospitals were merged, so the number of employees in the whole hospital has reached 1780, which is already huge.

One person was paid 200 yuan, but only 350,000 yuan was paid. There is so much money left. There are too many superiors who are fighting the autumn wind these days, and having too much money is definitely not a good thing.

On the premise that the funds for the twin buildings of the new hospital are guaranteed, Chen Qi is still willing to pay more and try to share the profits created by the employees with every worker.

"Okay, this year our Yuezhong Hospital has a bumper harvest. I will definitely pay according to the highest standard. You can go all over the world to find out which hospital in Haidong Province pays the most. I will give you double the benefits."

"Haha, that's what you said, Dean!"

"Long live the dean~~~"

The people in the finance department went crazy with joy, and then the entire administrative building was boiling, and finally the whole hospital. By that night, the whole health system of Haidong Province had spread the news.

Chen Qi from Yuezhong Hospital boasted that when he went to Haikou, he would pay benefits at the end of the year, and the standard was twice that of the most hospitals in the province.

Coupled with the news that the Yuezhong Hospital had just been promoted to a third-class hospital, this night, I don’t know how many directors dropped their water glasses for the second time.

After a round of explanations, Chen Qi changed into a white coat and went to the Burn Surgery Department for ward rounds.

The five key patients in the ward are his treasures.

Chen Qi led a group of subordinates to the wards of Ding Xinjuan and Song Yanzi.

After 6 weeks of treatment, the skin grafts of the mother and daughter have survived, and they also removed the bandages and started rehabilitation training in loose clothing.

"Dean Chen, you are here."

Chen Qi beckoned: "Come on, follow the old rules, let's take some photos first."

For the sake of academic rigor, Chen Qi required to record the recovery situation of each burn patient in detail, and at the same time take a photo every day, so that there is a comparison.

One is to use it when writing papers, and the other is to fear that after the papers are published in the future, some people will think that Yuezhong Hospital is academically fraudulent.

It has been repeatedly emphasized before that in the thinking concept of people in the 1980s, 60% of the burned area is a red line of death, and if it exceeds it, one will die.

Now 90% of the patients with burn area have been rescued by Yuezhong Hospital, which is still a local hospital. It is conceivable that there will be many doubts at home and abroad.

At that time, as soon as the photos are posted and the videos are played, everyone's mouths can be blocked.

Chen Qi did a full-body examination and found that the skin transplantation was successful and the infection was under control. The patient was considered to be alive, but the hand and foot disabilities caused by the burns could not be recovered immediately.

So Ding Xinjuan will definitely not be able to do heavy work in the future.

The key lies in the fact that after she was burned, because it was all over her body, she couldn't even undergo plastic surgery, and she was somewhat inhuman.

After she was discharged from the hospital and returned to the village, she lost her labor force and her appearance. She didn't know how she would survive in the future, and she had to support a daughter who was also severely burned.

Ding Xinjuan's old mother came to Yuezhong Hospital and brought Chen Qi a whole bag of bacon as a thank you gift.

When a white-haired old lady in her seventies and eighties appeared tremblingly in front of Chen Qi with a student's snakeskin bag on her back, Chen Qi really sighed.

The medical expenses will definitely not come out.

Fortunately, there is a bully Yue Steel Factory in...

In the ward of two workers of the Yue Steel Plant, Lu Wenjie and Wang Chuanbing were leaning against the bedside and chatting. They had been in the hospital for more than a month.

It is impossible to have a TV in the ward these days, so they can only chat with each other when they are bored, or listen to the radio.

The quality of life of workers is not comparable to that of farmer Ding Xinjuan and others.

Seeing Chen Qi coming in, the two workers slowly sat up from the bed: "Dean Chen, you are here."

Chen Qi also smiled and asked, "How is it? Do you feel better now?"

Lu Wenjie was the most seriously injured. He suffered several cardiac and respiratory arrests, all of which were brought back from the closed door of hell by the Yuezhong Hospital, so he was very grateful to see the doctor:

"What else can I do? I still can't walk with my lower limbs. I think I'll be disabled in this life, but I'm content. I'll just live, like Chi Shanjun, oh..."

Chi Shanjun, the only worker who died among the three seriously injured, died at the hands of Dongshan Hospital.

Chen Qi comforted them while examining them:

"Whether you will be disabled or not is still uncertain. The important thing is to recover your functions, so you can't let go of the exercises the doctor asked you to do. I believe you will be discharged from the hospital in a short time."

Wang Chuanbing is still young, and the burn area is only 75% relatively small, so he recovers the fastest and is the most active:

"President Chen, when can we leave the hospital? We are tired of staying in this hospital, and stare at each other every day."

Chen Qi checked and said, "No accident, I will let you go home before the Chinese New Year."

"Really? That's great, thank you Dean Chen!"

Chen Qi glanced at the medical expenses. The total medical expenses of the two workers of Yue Steel Factory, including the deceased Chi Shanjun, exceeded 50,000. This is definitely an astonishing sum. I really can't bear it.

Of course, at least 15,000 of them are used by Ding Xinjuan's mother and daughter...

When Chen Qi came to Fu Zhenzhen's ward, he found that Comrade Guo was talking with the little girl in the ward.

Looking at old Comrade Guo smiling like a chrysanthemum, Chen Qi really wondered if this old guy was in love with a high school girl? Isn't this too beastly?

"Yo, Uncle Guo is here too, Zhenzhen, come on, my brother will check you up."

Who knew Comrade Guo would speak first:

"I've already checked. All the transplanted flaps have a good blood supply, and they're all alive. I also changed the bandages myself. I said Chen Qi, can you be gentler when you change the dressing next time, Zhenzhen But it hurts."

Chen Qi felt a chill, is this old man playing for real? Why do you talk like that and work so proactively?

"Uncle Guo, I see, I will pay attention next time."

Seeing Chen Qi's strange gaze, Lao Guo pulled him out of the ward, and then slapped Chen Qi on the head.

"You think I don't know what's on your mind, kid. Let me tell you, you are a staff officer. This little Zhenzhen has no one at home, and her relatives don't want to raise her. What do you think I think of her as a goddaughter? "

Only then did Chen Qi suddenly realize, "So that's what you thought, hey, don't tell me earlier!"

"What do I think? Ah? Tell me?"

Chen Qi was hit on the head a few more times...

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