Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 649 Father-in-law and daughter-in-law

Three days later, at the Yuezhong People's Hospital, in the director's office.

Chen Qi lay on the table with his head buried in it, motionless like an ostrich, not wanting to say a word.

Principal Li, Lao Guo, and Zhu Huoyan next to him all burst into laughter after seeing it.

While lighting cigarettes for the other two, Lao Guo taunted:

"A young man is still a young man, and he can't bear such a little setback? You want to let the national burn doctors accept our Yuezhong Hospital at this conference and be willing to be a younger brother. Is this possible?"

The National Burns Annual Conference was over. Although the rehydration formula and skin grafting technique invented by Yuezhong Hospital amazed the participating experts, the skin grafting operations of the three patients next to them were also jaw-dropping.

But when the meeting ended, Chen Qi did not get the expected result.

For example, the "Vietnam formula" has not been approved by the conference, which means that the rehydration formula of Yuezhong Hospital is still a pheasant formula, without the slightest credibility.

The second "Stinky Tofu Skin Grafting" performed by Yue Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine did not form an expert consensus.

This also means that this prototype is the famous "MEEK skin grafting" and the "big sheet of allogeneic skin punched into small autologous skin grafts" invented by Ruijin Hospital. These two skin grafting operations have not been recognized by peers.

This is full of irony.

Everyone shouted that it was amazing, but the final conference briefing did not reflect it at all. It was still step by step and included some burn research results from other hospitals in China.

The final summary of the meeting is just to thank Yuezhong Hospital and Haidong Medical University for their work, but is there any use for this?

Chen Qi was so angry that he became the host for a while, and he got free board and lodging, and free travel. Before he left, he bought a lot of Shaoxing rice wine, which cost more than 10,000 yuan.

As a result, people yelled "very good" a few times and then patted their buttocks and left.

This is too bullying.

The key is that Chen Qi thinks he has come up with the best technology and the most advanced experience in the future, and he originally wanted to promote it through this national burn conference to benefit more patients.

As a result, the treasures he took out were refused to take a second look. This kind of psychological gap made Chen Qi very depressed.

Principal Li also joked:

"Xiao Chen, you have to know that all the topics of this year's burn annual meeting were arranged in advance. It was an accident in the middle of nowhere. It's still unknown if he can survive."

Even for an enlightened person like Peng Yongyan, it is difficult to make a conclusion about Yuezhong Hospital now.

why? Because the patient is still lying there, saying that he was saved, who knows if there will be recurrence again in a few days, and then die?

No matter how much Yuezhong Hospital brags, the red line of 60% burn area is still in everyone's mind. Everyone doesn't think that more than 60% can recover. There is no precedent before.

So it makes sense for everyone to ignore the formulas and skin grafting procedures of Yuezhong Hospital.

But Chen Qi couldn't figure it out, so he stood up all of a sudden:

"I think it's because they don't want our Yuezhong Hospital to show off at all. Some of them are really confused, and some of them are pretending to be confused. They are afraid that our Yuezhong Hospital's treatment plan is more advanced than theirs, and they will be compared with them."

With that said, the three old men in the office nodded slightly.

This is definitely the main reason why Yuezhong Hospital didn't care about this national burn conference.

After all, the cake is only so big. Originally, domestic burn doctors would share a piece with you, but mine would not be enough.

Now suddenly a Yuezhong hospital popped up, saying how amazing he is, and wanting to cut off the biggest piece of the cake, who would like that? If you don't suppress you, who will you suppress?

This is the domestic academic environment, there is no way.

On the contrary, Zhu Huoyan can think about it, maybe he has seen it a lot when he is older:

"Chen Qi, in fact, the current situation is normal. You can't think that we have entered their circle just because we hosted an annual burn meeting. Besides, our Yuezhong Hospital is now a well-known stabbing head in China. We fight alone. fight."

The main reason is that Chen Qi is a thorn in the head. From the time he started performing cleft lip and palate surgery and hand surgery in the Fourth Hospital, to the best endoscopy in the People's Hospital, none of them had any connection with China.

No one may believe it. Chen Qi has not joined any medical organization in China so far.

Not only did Chen Qi not join, but together with the original Fourth Hospital and Yuezhong People's Hospital, none of the doctors joined the major domestic medical associations.

Yuezhong Hospital either doesn’t play now, or plays with foreigners if they want to play, plays high-end games, and takes the international route.

This has a disadvantage, that is, the relationship with major domestic medical organizations is very unfamiliar, and the awards and awards in various organizations do not have the share of Yuezhong Hospital.

But this has one of the biggest advantages, that is, there are few entanglements and troubles, and you don't have to worry about the domestic "bottles and cans", you can play as you want, not everyone can come to be a mother-in-law.

Otherwise, look at the face of this society today, take into account the feelings of the president tomorrow, and take care of other colleagues the day after tomorrow. How can you have time for academics?

Hearing Zhu Huoyan's words, Principal Li refused to agree:

"Hey, Director Zhu, I don't agree to this. How can you Yuezhong Hospital fight alone? At least there are us. Our Haidong Medical University has been standing behind you to support you, okay?"

Zhu Huoyan repeatedly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, we also have allies."

Hehehe, the old men laughed lightly, and Chen Qi's mood gradually improved.

Comrade Guo looked at Chen Qi at this moment and finally said:

"Okay, okay, don't be childish. If the Chinese Society of Burns doesn't recognize us, why won't our work be carried out? Let them go, we do what we do, and they do what they do."

Principal Li also suggested:

"They don't recognize the Vietnam-China formula, so let's wait for the paper to be published, and then promote it in Haidong Province first. Chen Qi, since you said that your formula and skin grafting are the most advanced, then we will use the results to speak in the future.

Coincidentally, our Haidong Province has too few medical education resources, and we are not well-known in the whole country. Do not learn, push or promote. "

Chen Qi thought that the group of stubborn old people might not be the same, for example, for endoscopic surgery, only Xijing Hospital in China is currently responding, and other hospitals are forgetting.

Yuezhong Hospital has a long way to go if it wants to become the leader in the industry.

Chen Qi sighed: "Forget it, just wait for the publication of foreign papers. I guess this time it will bloom inside the wall again."

What Chen Qi didn't know was that because of this meeting, Yuezhong Hospital was involved in a case that shocked the whole country.

This shocking case happened in Yangshan City, Haidong Province.

Yangshan City is close to the sea and has many good deep-water ports, so it has become a famous port city in China. The people of Yangshan City have the habit of being sailors for generations.

Fu Hongfang, 35, is one of the oceangoing crew members.

The salary of the crew is very high these days. When the monthly salary of an ordinary worker is 200 yuan, he can get 1,000 yuan a month.

But high income must come with high effort. The oceangoing seafarers work very hard. Sometimes loading and unloading cargo is day and night, and they have to endure the loneliness of being adrift at sea for several months.

In the era without mobile phones and the Internet, the life of the crew can only be described as boring, and most people really can't bear it.

At the same time, the crew can't take care of the family, and the living expenses are sufficient, but the family members have a headache or an accident, basically they can't be contacted, and the family members complain a lot.

Fu Hongfang has a beautiful wife named Pan Rong, and a smart and lovely daughter who is a freshman in high school this year.

In addition, Fu Hongfang also has a father, Fu Agen, who is in his 50s and lives with his son and daughter-in-law.

Fu Agen's wife passed away 20 years ago. Fu Agen is considered a widower and has been vacant for more than 20 years.

And his son Fu Hongfang was away for a long time, and there was only one daughter-in-law and one granddaughter at home, which caused trouble and an indescribable scandal occurred.

Originally, God knows this kind of scandal, so it's fine if the father-in-law and daughter-in-law know about it.

If you want to live a good life, you just need to wear some green on your hair and live in a daze.

But after a long time, the father-in-law and daughter-in-law really had a "love" and regarded each other as true lovers.

The father-in-law wanted to take his daughter-in-law as his own, and he could only love him alone. This kind of extreme thinking became more serious as the two of them hooked up for longer.

As for the daughter-in-law, she gets along with her husband less than 2 months a year, but spends 10 months alone with her father-in-law. After a long time, she begins to "depend" on her father-in-law both psychologically and physically.

So a woman without a brain is terrible.

All this, Fu Zhenzhen, a granddaughter who is in the first year of high school, knows nothing about it.

What kind of bad thoughts can a child have? In her eyes, one is the grandfather and the other is the mother.

At the point of conflict, there was a time when the crew's son Fu Hong came back from vacation, and it would take half a month before he would go to sea again.

Since his son was at home every day for half a month, it was naturally impossible for Fu Agen to be with his daughter-in-law again.

As for the crew, there wasn't even a female mouse on board, so when they finally went home, they just wanted to make out with their daughter-in-law, so as to vent out the evil fire accumulated over the past few months.

So the couple kept shaking the bed at night, coupled with the humming and chirping sound, it naturally spread to the ears of the father-in-law next door.

Hearing that, Fu Agen gritted his teeth, and felt that "my woman" was being played by others, so the resentment and violence in his heart became heavier and heavier.

But he didn't remember at all that his so-called own woman was clearly his daughter-in-law, the wife of his own son.

People who lose their minds are very scary. In order to stay with his daughter-in-law forever, Fu Agen decided to do nothing and never stop, to get rid of his "rival in love" son once and for all, so that his son would not rob him of a woman.

At the same time, there is that little granddaughter who is an eyesore.

Because the granddaughter of a high school student does her homework very late every night, it will be 11 or 12 o'clock in the evening when she falls asleep, which seriously affects Fu Agen's private meeting with his daughter-in-law.

So a irrational father-in-law and a brainless daughter-in-law decided to poison Fu Hongfang and Fu Zhenzhen to die without knowing it.

One day for dinner, when Pan Rong was making dinner, she put a whole packet of arsenic provided by her father-in-law into the seafood soup.

The father and daughter Fu Hongfang and Fu Zhenzhen, who knew nothing, happily had dinner with their families, and then they were poisoned.

After being poisoned, Fu Hongfang and Fu Zhenzhen were locked in the room, rolling on the floor in pain, crying constantly, begging Fu Agen and Pan Rong to take them to the hospital.

Seeing that his son and granddaughter were still alive, they were still yelling, and the slow cries attracted the neighbors. Fu Agen, who had completely turned into a devil, took out the detonator he had quietly brought out from the work unit, and prepared to destroy the corpse.


The father-in-law and daughter-in-law who shocked the whole country had an affair and murdered their own son and granddaughter.

The case was exposed, and it was also because of this brainless Pan Rong.

When the detonator exploded, she didn't know whether she was frightened by the sound of the explosion, or the guilt in her heart made her mentally collapse.

When the left and right neighbors came to put out the fire and rescue people, especially when her husband and daughter were carried out to death, Pan Rong collapsed.

Crying all the time: "Don't care about my business, don't care about my business."

At that time, one of the neighbors fighting the fire was a policeman from the Criminal Police Brigade, and he immediately heard the problem.

Thinking about how in the 1980s every household had coal-burning stoves and no gas tanks, how could ordinary people's homes explode?

Based on the faint smell of gunpowder at the scene and Pan Rong's strange behavior, the police neighbor suspected that today's explosion was definitely not an accident, but someone's deliberate murder, and the suspect was an insider of the Fu family.

So he called the police immediately, called his colleagues in the police force, and interrogated Pan Rong and Fu Agen separately.

Without resorting to tricks, the brainless Pan Rong confessed everything. No matter how stubborn Fu Agen was, he could only plead guilty in front of the evidence.

In the end, after being rescued by the hospital, his son Fu Hongfang died unfortunately, but his granddaughter Fu Zhenzhen survived by luck, but her life was already in critical condition. She was poisoned and suffered multiple blast injuries all over her body, especially her lower extremities.

The most sympathetic thing is that Fu Zhenzhen's survival depends entirely on her father.

At that time, Fu Hongfang was dying of pain, but his consciousness was still clear. When he saw his father throwing a detonator into the room, he already knew what was going on.

At this critical moment, Fu Hongfang used his last bit of strength to lie on his daughter's body, thus saving her daughter's life in the explosion.

But Fu Hongfang himself was bombed so that there was no good flesh in his body, and his death was miserable, even his eyeballs were blown out.

When Fu Hongfang's body was carried out by the neighbors, the hanging eyeballs "stared fiercely" at Pan Rong, probably the reason why Pan Rong was so frightened that she collapsed.

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