Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 623 The wife who lost her mind

After six hours of meticulous autopsy, it was time to reveal the true cause of Chapman Webster's death.

Five judges from various countries stood on the steps at the entrance of the hospital, while the two chief autopsy examiners, Chen Qi and Bradley, stood aside.

The reporters frantically rushed to the steps, if not for the security guards, they would have pushed everyone down.

This is not just a piece of financial news, there is also a palace fight show in which bloody wealthy families compete for inheritance.

Further back stood the family members of the deceased, especially the two former and present, Beate and Angelia, whose eyes collided with sparks.

Everyone knew that when the autopsy results were announced, the palace fight between the two would come to an end.

So this is a "war" that no one can afford to lose!

Of course, relatively speaking, Angelia is more confident, and even the press release after the press conference has been placed in her handbag.

From the bottom of my heart, what is the reason why she is a hot, young and beautiful modern girl marrying a bad old man who weighs more than 200 catties? Isn't it for this moment, waiting to inherit the inheritance.

It's just that this bad old man is too cunning, and he divided up the shares before he died, otherwise why would she go to such lengths?

As for the eldest ex-wife, Bei Yin, especially seeing her indifferent and arrogant face on the surface, she was still very nervous.

Although she promised to "form an alliance" with Chen Qi that night, Chen Qi also promised to help her and her two sons speak well at the press conference, winning the appreciation of the public and shareholders.

But the premise of everything is that the cause of his ex-husband's death was indeed aortic dissection.

If Chen Qi's judgment is wrong, Hua Fang will of course have to pay a huge sum of money, but she, mother and son also have no good fruit to eat.

Because Angelia will definitely hype their mother and son as idiots in front of the reporters, or they are ruthless family members, tearing up her ex-husband and father, and making the dead restless.

Not only would it be impossible for the two sons of Beata to be supported by shareholders, they might not even be able to keep their position as director of Dakai Toys.

But Beate can only fight, because if they don't fight, their mother and child will definitely lose, and there is still a glimmer of hope to win if they fight.

Medical organizations at all levels headed by Professor Grace, and official organizations such as various departments in the United States also stand behind the forensic doctors.

This "medical dispute" is related to the credibility and reputation of endoscopic surgery.

If it is confirmed that the gastroscope caused the death of the rich man in the United States, then the endoscopy industry will obviously go back 10 years, which is very detrimental to the endoscopy technology being promoted.

Chen Qi, an all-rounder, might be able to get away. Anyway, the gastroenterology department is gone, and he can play plastic surgery and hand surgery.

However, as the president of the World Society of Gastroenterology, Professor Grace does not allow this unfavorable situation, because he still wants to make his name in history, but he doesn't want to be a mediocre president and be ridiculed by future generations.

So even though he is the president and the dean of the top hospital in the United States, he still rushed to Huaguo in his busy schedule.

The representatives of all parties have their own thoughts, and the reporters don't care what others think, they only need the answer:

"Excuse me, has Mr. Chapman Webster's cause of death been identified?"

"May I ask if Mr. Chapman Webster died of a medical accident caused by Doctor Huaguo?"

"Is Mr. Chapman Webster murdered, as rumored?"

The reporter asked more and more outrageous questions, but the five forensic officers were obviously calm. One of the older forensic doctors walked up to the microphone and opened the folder.

Hula, both family members and officials are a little nervous.

While "wiping" her eyes with a handkerchief, Angelia looked fiercely at Chen Qi's back.

At this moment, Chen Qi was holding his hands behind his back, facing the reporters as if he was an old god, and remained motionless under the flashing lights.

But behind his back, two fingers were constantly bending, retracting, and bending again, as if he was making an unconscious movement.

Only Beate understood the "signature". It was an appointment between the two parties in advance. Knowing that Chen Qi's guess was right and that the autopsy would benefit their side, he was trembling with excitement.

In my mind, I was quickly thinking about how to show my "reasonable, civilized, and law-abiding" social side in front of reporters.

So Beat quietly pulled the eldest son Woolf next to him, Wulf understood in seconds, if it wasn't covered by the sunglasses, otherwise a smile could be seen on his face.

The forensic representative stood still, and then began to read the final medical appraisal:

"Gentlemen and ladies, I am very sorry to announce the final autopsy report of Mr. Chapman Webster. After the autopsy of doctors from China and the United States, and the full supervision and review of forensic doctors from our five countries, we Officially announced.

Mr. Chapman Webster died of massive hemorrhage due to rupture of the aortic dissection, and finally died of sudden heart failure. No other obvious abnormalities were seen. The above report was signed and confirmed by our five forensic doctors and two directors of the International Medical Association . "

After speaking, the forensic doctor showed the identification to the reporters.

The flashlights of the reporters turned on in an instant, and the scene was even more uproarious.

Angelia went a little crazy when she heard:

"Impossible, impossible, you are all a group of liars, you have hidden the real cause of Mr. Chapman Webster's death, I don't believe it, I don't believe it!"

Angelia's hysterical yelling immediately caught the attention of reporters.

So a large group of reporters immediately handed over the microphone excitedly:

"Ms. Angelia, do you have any questions about this autopsy report?"

"Ms. Angelia, are you saying that you will not admit the cause of Mr. Chapman Webster's death?"

"Ms. Angelia, is there something inside here?"

Beate had already been mentally prepared, so he immediately took the elder son's hand and gestured with his mouth. How could he miss such a good opportunity to perform?

So Woolf stood up unexpectedly and walked in front of the reporters.

At this time, he was wearing a high-end black suit, black tie and sunglasses, with blond hair and a good figure. He looked like a business elite and was easy to impress the public.

“Gentlemen and ladies, I am the eldest son of Mr. Chapman Webster, and on behalf of my mother, Ms. Final death identification.

We also believe in the law and are willing to uphold the authority of law and medicine. At the same time, we also believe in the professionalism of the five forensic doctors, as well as Professor Bradley and Professor Chen Qi. We recognize their skills and character and express our gratitude to them. "

As soon as Woolf's speech was over, Angelia, who lost her mind, didn't show any demeanor at this time. She took off her high-heeled shoes and threw them at Woolf in front, cursing:

"Wulff, your father was murdered, you betrayed your father, you coward, you liar!"

After the shoe was thrown, Woolf turned around and made a gesture of pressing down with both hands: "Madam, please calm down!"

The shoe was thrown away, and the whole audience was in an uproar at this moment.

This is quite impolite, irrational, and something that should not appear in the upper-class celebrity circle. This should be something that only rural aunts in Texas would do.

So a shrew and a business elite, the different images of the two were directly exposed to reporters and the public.

It's clear who wins and who loses.

The family members here are in a mess, but the procedures that should be followed still have to be followed.

First, the official representative of the United States stepped onto the podium to formally approve the autopsy report on behalf of the official.

Then the representatives of the Chinese side came to the stage, and also expressed their approval of the autopsy report, and expressed their gratitude to the five judges and two chief examiners.

This is a tacit understanding between the two countries, and neither side hopes that this accident will affect the normal relations between the two countries.

At this point, Angelia has already lost completely, and there is no way to turn the tables, because the official has endorsed the autopsy report and guaranteed it with national reputation.

The reporters were still snapping photos, because right after that, Professor Grace, the president of the World Society of Gastroenterology, also left the podium.

"Gentlemen and ladies, first of all I would like to express my regret for the unexpected passing of Mr. Chapman Webster, a wise and honest entrepreneur. His passing is a loss to our American business community. I hope the family can mourn.

In fact, as the president of WGO, I would like to solemnly clarify to the media all over the world that endoscopic surgery, as the latest cutting-edge medical technology, will definitely become the mainstream medical method in the near future. Maybe it still has all the problems. But endoscopic surgery should not be demonized.

I am very glad that what happened to Mr. Chapman Webster, the controversy about endoscopic surgery now has a clear answer. Next, Professor Chen Qi, WGO director and vice president of the Digestive Endoscopy Branch, will provide We dedicate a teaching operation.

He is going to perform operations on 20 patients with gastrointestinal diseases from various countries in one day. Yes, 20 operations are performed in one day. If it is replaced by traditional operations, a doctor can perform no more than 5 operations at most.

The endoscopic surgery that Dr. Chen Qi wants to show is not only four times faster in efficiency than traditional surgery, but also better in curative effect, and because there is no need for surgery, the damage to the patient is less, and the risk of surgery is also small. It can be done in about three days after surgery. discharge. "

In addition to the financial reporters present, most of them were medical journalists.

When they heard this data, they were really shocked. 24 hours a day, excluding the time for sleeping and eating, almost a gastrointestinal surgery would not exceed 1 hour.

This is impossible in the field of traditional surgery.

For the president of the World Gastrointestinal Society, organizing patients is very simple.

With the order of Professor Grace, the hospitals in various countries took action immediately, sending all kinds of gastrointestinal patients who were undergoing treatment to Xiangjiang, waiting for the arrival of Dr. Chen Qi.

Yes, because of the urgency of the matter and the difficulty of getting a visa from Huaguo, this teaching operation was arranged at the Hong Kong Elizabeth Hospital.

It just so happened that most of these reporters had to return home from Xiangjiang, so arranging a teaching operation and rectifying the name of the endoscopic operation was the most reasonable arrangement.

So a large group of reporters "stuck" the microphone into Chen Qi's mouth again.

The reporters are still very interested in Chen Qi, because he is currently the youngest director of all international medical associations, and he is also a double director, the kind of cross-border development.

If this identity is in the United States or Europe, everyone will not be too surprised, after all, there are too many geniuses in these countries.

However, Chen Qi, a young doctor from a poor country with no experience of studying abroad, has climbed to such a high position, which is surprising.

The reporters were surprised, but the readers were even more interested. This is the selling point of newspaper sales and the gift rate of TV stations.

"Mr. Chen Qi, your national medicine is very backward. Where did you learn the advanced knowledge?"

"Dr. Chen, Huaguo doesn't even have many endoscopes. How did you come up with the idea of ​​engaging in endoscopy?"

"Doctor Chen..."

Chen Qi thought to himself, should I tell you that I am a time traveler? I come from a world decades from now?

I will tell you that Bush Sr. who just took office in the United States is about to kill Saddam? I will tell you that on September 11, 2002, two big gray planes crashed into the World Trade Center?

So Chen Qi could only fool around, bragging for his country, not scaring those lurking spies to death.

"It is true that my country still lags behind, but we are catching up with developed countries, not only economically, but also medically. So where does the endoscopy technology you mentioned come from? I can't say too much about it. .

I just want to say that my country's endoscopic research is still very advanced, at least a lot ahead of the world. There are still many high-level doctors like me, but they are not willing to stand in front of the public. "

At this time, the Cold War mentality still existed, and a certain hammer and sickle country in the north had not yet disintegrated, so the reporters immediately smelled something unusual from Chen Qi's words.

"Doctor Chen, are you implying that your country is conducting secret research and development of various advanced technologies?"

"Dr. Chen, you said that the endoscopic technology leads the world. Have you already secretly achieved results?"

Chen Qi chuckled: "No comment, no comment."

Not far away, Kaito Nimura, the manager of the Japanese Nipro Pharmaceutical Company who organized this teaching operation, heard Chen Qi's remarks and thought that Huaguo was secretly developing endoscopic medical equipment.

Thanks to Chen Qi as an insider, Nipro has secretly obtained the exclusive technology authorization, and Huaguo will be busy for nothing by then.

Thinking of this, Nimura Kaidou was still secretly proud, and at the same time looked at Chen Qi with a little more contempt.

That night, fierce conflicts occurred within the Webster family.

A reporter secretly photographed Chapman Webster's relatives and senior executives of Dakai Toy Company from the roof of the opposite building holding a closed-door meeting.

Although I couldn't hear what was said in it, the photos of Angelia and Beatt fighting with each other's hair were spread all over the world's media the next day...

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