Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 585 The Japanese Doctor Can't Help It

After 3 hours of preparation and another 3 hours of flight, when the little prince arrived at the airport and was rushed to the pediatric ward of the University of Tokyo Medical Center, it took more than an hour to send him across the sea and on the road.

It's almost 8 hours, just like this, if it weren't for his father being a chief, I am afraid that no one in the world can go faster than this.

But it's still too late.

The little prince was already crying when he was on the plane. After a preliminary examination at the hospital with the regiment, it was found that his body temperature had risen, and his heartbeat and breathing had accelerated.

This is a typical manifestation of disease progression.

She was so scared that Sheikh Abdullah wanted to let the pilot of the plane step on the accelerator to the bottom.

At the same time, I complained to Dr. Haidong a hundred times in my heart, thinking that if it wasn't for Dr. Haidong's carelessness, how could my precious son suffer so much?

Therefore, it is difficult to do pediatrics, and the difficulty lies in the lack of understanding and cooperation of parents.

When we arrived at Dongda Hospital, the hospital had already been notified and was waiting. All the way was given a green light, and the best doctors were immediately dispatched for a full consultation in the hospital.

Director of Gastroenterology Division Sakuta also participated in this consultation.

When everyone took out the two X-rays taken by Haidong Children's Hospital, as colleagues, they already knew that it was not a misdiagnosis by Hua Guo doctor, otherwise the first X-ray would never have missed the second battery anyway. .

The only explanation is that the button battery at the back was eaten after the first X-ray was taken.

It is also the responsibility of the nanny team to be held accountable.

Moreover, the vigilance and clinical level of Hua Guo doctors are quite high, because they took a very targeted second X-ray film, and only then was the diagnosis of a second foreign body.

According to the general thinking of diagnosis and treatment, if you have just taken an X-ray film, you will definitely not take another film. This is the real delay in the disease.

In this way, not only is there no fault, but it is meritorious.

So it is said that every other line is like a mountain, and he is also a doctor, and the doctor knows it well when he was young.

But as the saying goes, the person who wronged you knows better than you that you were wronged.

The Japanese doctors are very bad, they didn't say a few words of justice for the Hua Guo doctors, and they had a mentality that they had nothing to do with themselves.

The chief of pediatrics frowned:

"Ah, at least 15 hours have passed since the little prince swallowed the battery, and he got stuck in the esophagus. This is too dangerous. We need to do some inspections first."

The chief and his wife have lost their minds and nodded again and again:

"Then please, you can do whatever tests you want. The cost is not a problem. We need the best tests and the best treatment. Don't be careless like Dr. Haidong."

(Doctors from Haidong Provincial Children’s Hospital vomited blood collectively after hearing this)

The Japanese doctors raised their chests collectively:

"Mr. Chief, Madam, please rest assured that our University of Tokyo Medical Center is the most advanced and highest-level hospital in the world. It is definitely not comparable to hospitals in some backward countries. You can rest assured that the little prince is in our hands."

Before the words fell, he was immediately slapped in the face.

After receiving the CT film, the Japanese pediatricians were collectively silent.

The X-ray showed multiple gas accumulations and high-density shadows in the retropharyngeal space of the little prince and around the esophagus in the neck, which means that the child's esophagus may have been perforated.

The dangers of esophageal perforation have been introduced earlier, which is very dangerous for patients, especially since it is battery corrosive liquid, which is even more unbearable for children.

When the chief's wife heard it, she didn't care about the etiquette on the spot, and cried into tears while holding her son.

Chief Abdullah's hands were also shaking all the time, although he still maintained his majesty, but this majesty was not much anymore, obviously he was really in a hurry.

In fact, this can only be blamed on the big dog himself.

If they had stayed in Huaguo at that time, please ask Chen Qi to come as soon as possible, and then use the method of digestive endoscopy, and use the foreign body net bag to easily take out the iron and coins.

But they didn't listen. Instead, they misunderstood that the doctors in Huaguo were too low-level, misdiagnosed the little prince, and then flew to Japan.

The battery continued to corrode the esophagus during the transfer process, leading to more and more serious erosions and ulcers of the mucosa around the esophagus, and finally directly led to the most serious situation of esophageal perforation.

This is a typical bad thing done with good intentions.

Chief Abdullah's face was ashen, he calmed down, and then he looked at the doctors of Dongda Hospital:

"Please, no matter what method you use, please save my child, I will definitely not let your hard work be in vain!"

The pediatricians were really ashamed. The possible perforation of the esophagus is not something that physicians can solve, so Director Sakuta of the Department of Gastroenterology was pushed out.

The doctors decided to use gastroscopy to see with their own eyes how corroded the esophagus where the battery is located, and then decide on the follow-up treatment plan.

The chief and his wife agreed with this plan and urged to check it quickly.

As a result, I didn’t know it, but I was shocked when I saw it. The gastroscope showed that not only the esophagus had been perforated, but also the battery had ruptured, and the alkaline heavy metal liquid in the battery was still corroding the esophagus.

So the surgeon was called in again for consultation.

The surgeon scratched his head when he saw this situation:

"This is different from simple esophageal perforation, but caused by the corrosion of toxic heavy metal liquid, so you see, the esophageal mucosa has been severely eroded and ulcerated, and it is very difficult to treat.

There is another very important difficulty here, that is, after esophageal surgery, one cannot eat for a long time, at least more than 30 days. Then the problem came, if the little prince could not eat for a long time, it would not be enough to rely on infusion alone to maintain nutrition. "

Chief Abdullah and his wife couldn't understand, so they asked:

"Doctor, what does this mean? Hurry up and rescue him, the condition cannot be delayed any longer, and the cost is not a problem."

As soon as these words came out, not to mention the surgeon, the pediatrician and the internist were a little embarrassed.

It was the doctor accompanying the regiment of Baotou who understood it, so he explained to his chief and his wife:

"Mr. Chief, what the doctors mean is that if the esophagus is operated on, you will not be able to eat for more than a month, because the food will definitely pass through the esophagus during the swallowing process, but now the esophagus cannot withstand any stimulation."

Chief Abdullah nodded, as if he understood.

"You mean, after esophageal surgery, the esophagus needs to rest? That's no problem. If you can't eat, I remember there is a nasal feeding tube that can inject nutrients into it."

At this time, the Japanese doctor continued to explain:

"Mr. Chief, look at this endoscopic screenshot again. The little prince's esophagus has been severely corroded by the liquid leaked from the battery. Not only does it not allow food to pass through, but it also does not allow the nasal feeding tube to pass through. Otherwise, there will be continuous bleeding. and persistent damage to the esophageal mucosa."

The chief and the chief's wife understood that esophagus surgery is possible, but the little prince will starve to death after the operation.

"Then, what should we do? You must have a solution, right?"

The surgeon focused heavily on:

"There must be a solution, so two operations are required, one is esophageal repair and the other is gastrostomy, but..."

Sheikh Abdullah asked nervously, "But what?"

The surgeon looked at the crying little prince on the hospital bed, and couldn't bear it:

"However, the combination of these two operations is very difficult for us doctors, so it is more dangerous for the little prince, such as esophageal repair, we need to cut the skin here, open the sternum and the esophagus. Rib surgery.

Gastrostomy requires a large incision about 6-8 cm long in the left upper abdomen through the rectus abdominis muscle. Or make an incision in the middle of the upper abdomen, then cut open the stomach, and bury a tube inside, then nutrients can be directly injected into the stomach through the tube in the abdomen. "

Hearing that her son was going to suffer so much, he had his chest cut open and his stomach cut open, which made the wife of the chief almost faint.

The surgeon did not stop, and continued to introduce:

"A large number of clinical retrospective studies have shown that 10-16% of children with gastrostomy have at least one postoperative complication, and the overall mortality rate is 3%. In addition, postoperative infection, obstruction, etc. The proportion is also as high as 23%.

What doctors are most afraid of is treating the rich and powerful.

If you are optimistic, you can get a lot of rewards in terms of money and status, but if the operation fails, the consequences are not something an ordinary doctor can afford.

See why the Haidong health system and the Provincial Children's Hospital are now in dire straits?

The provincial children's hospital was right in terms of diagnosis and treatment plan. It was because the chief and the chief's wife, as parents, didn't understand and didn't approve. In the end, they were faced with dismissal of dismissal, early retirement of early retirement, and punishment of back punishment.

The same is true of ancient imperial physicians.

The imperial doctors who treated the emperor or concubines would never dare to use traditional, fierce, and tiger-wolf prescriptions like Xilaile did.

why? The fear is taking risks.

Originally, your emperor was sick and died of a normal illness, and the imperial doctor didn't have much responsibility. It was your emperor's order to do so.

But if your imperial doctor kindly offers a red pill or a prescription for tiger and wolf, the emperor will die after eating it.

Then your whole family of imperial physicians will just wait for the whitewashing, and they will all click at the entrance of the vegetable market.

Therefore, doctors in ancient and modern China and abroad generally do not like the rich and powerful, especially the rich and powerful, because these patients are difficult to deal with, the risks are too high, and they are hot potatoes.

The Japanese doctor said so much to the chief and his wife, and even deliberately said that the consequences of the operation were so serious, but they were actually preparing with both hands.

One is that the chief is willing to operate at the Dongda Hospital, but only if he is vaccinated, 3% may die, and 23% may have complications. Then don’t blame us and lower the expectations of the family members.

Another meaning is to imply that if you are afraid, you can hire someone else.

Sheikh Abdullah couldn't hold back when he heard the doctor's words so seriously, and grabbed the surgeon's arm:

"You mean the death rate from gastrostomy in children reaches 3%?"

The surgeon nodded: "Yes, and the younger the child, the greater the risk."

Chief Abdullah sat down on the hospital bed, unable to speak for a long time, the ward was silent, except for the crying of the little prince.

Everyone knows that young chiefs need time to calm down and think.

For members of the royal family, or big shots, a 3% mortality rate, rounded up, means certain death, and the risk cannot be higher.

In particular, the little prince Aziz is the only heir to the emirate, and his relationship is very important. If one dies or becomes disabled due to surgery, this will be a major blow to the country and the royal family.

In order to maintain his image of being open and close to the people, Chief Abdullah has voluntarily promised to implement monogamy.

If the tuba is useless, it will become a problem whether he and Mrs. Chief can have another trumpet.

Daughters are useless. Daughters in European and American countries also have the right to inherit and can become queens. However, this method does not work in Arab countries. Women have a very low status and can only be subordinate to men.

Queens are not allowed in Arab countries.

Not to mention Arabia, the entire Asian country seems to not allow it, such as Xiaotian and Sawadika, they would rather choose a nephew or a stupid son than a smart and healthy daughter.

If Sheikh Abdullah does not have a healthy son and no heir, then his ministers, his people, will definitely favor the brothers of the current sheikh, especially those "princes" who have sons.

At that time, whether Chief Abdullah can survive will be a problem. Children who have lived in the royal family for a long time are no strangers to palace coups.

Politics is a matter of life and death. In order to seize power, they will never allow you to go into exile and give you a chance to make a comeback?

Therefore, the little prince Aziz must be kept and grow up healthily. This is the principle that Abdullah will not allow to change.

Strengthening his belief, Chief Abdullah looked at the many Japanese doctors in the ward and asked:

"Gentlemen and ladies, I'm very sorry, I'm sorry, I mean if, is there any other possibility in this world for my son's condition, there is a better treatment plan, or there is a better doctor?"

The Japanese doctors in the ward looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't want to talk.

Doctors have their own pride. It’s okay if you don’t see a doctor with me, but if you want me to admit who is better than me, then you are insulting me, and I won’t tell you when I know.

There was silence in the ward.

You are still hesitating for time, while the batteries in Prince Aziz’s esophagus are still corroding the esophagus and surrounding tissues. The intense pain makes the child howl.

"Mom, I'm in so much pain~~~"

"Dad, help me, I don't want to hurt~~~"


The wailing of the little prince not only caused the chief couple to completely collapse, but also moved many doctors in the ward to feel compassion.

The surgeon opened his mouth, but because of the possible risks, he decided to shut up and leave the choice of surgery to the Arab sheikh.

At this time, Professor Sakuta couldn't help it anymore, and had his own little Jiujiu.

"Mr. Chief, it's not that there is no better way. In cases like the little prince, endoscopic surgery may be used."

"What is endoscopic surgery?"

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