Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 568 Deliberately Changing Patients Temporarily

Outside the multimedia classroom, Shunta Nishigan had just walked out when he was dragged to the stairs by Tsukasa Sakuta.

Shunta Nishigan didn't know what was going on, so he asked strangely: "Director Saku, why did you ask me to come out?"

Sakuta gritted his teeth, looking very anxious:

"We were careless. We didn't expect this doctor from Huaguo to have such a high level of endoscopy. The scientific research of surgery has far surpassed that of our Dongda Hospital. Where is the face? We will become the laughing stock of the whole Japan, oh no, the whole world.”

The University of Tokyo Medical Center, as the top hospital in the world, invests a lot of money every year to support the research of doctors.

For example, in order to support the endoscopy project of Dongda Hospital, Nipro Corporation sponsors up to 5 million U.S. dollars per year.

In addition, the funds for the hospital come from the donations of patients, and the scientific research expenses for the activities of the gastroenterology department alone reach tens of millions of dollars every year.

If you want to maintain a leading position in the world and the country, you must persist in scientific research, and scientific research must be supported by money.

Well now, I gave you so much money, but in the end, your endoscopic surgery project can't handle a Huaguo hospital.

The city of Yuezhong, Huaguo, is generally known to the Japanese, because the Japanese favorite "Orchid Pavilion Preface" and the ceramic product "Yue Kiln" come from Yuezhong.

Huaguo is already poor and backward enough, and Vietnam, as a small third- and fourth-tier city in Huaguo, is even more backward.

As a result, there is such a small hospital that the Japanese look down upon. The level of endoscopy and endoscopy scientific research are far superior to their Dongda Hospital. Who will not laugh at this?

I'm afraid even those rich people who have sponsored more than N money have to ask one more question: Is our money fed to dogs?

Sakuta Division can now see that these Hua Guo doctors are not here to study, they are clearly here to kick the gym.

As for the Japanese, it's really bad. Before, Chen Qi showed his power because he underestimated the enemy, so now it's time to make a stumbling block.

"Junta, quickly remove the fourth patient and replace it with a more difficult patient."

Shunta Nishigan immediately understood what his director wanted to do, so he looked around vigilantly when there was no one around, and then whispered:

"Director, what you mean is that the fourth carcinoma in situ resection is not difficult enough, and it's better to let Dr. Chen fail the operation, and then we can save our face by changing to a more difficult operation."

"Yes, although this is against medical ethics, I really can't explain it to the hospital in front of so many colleagues across the country. What's more, Professor Grace from WGO also came here in person. This will affect our Dongda Hospital. status in the WGO field."

Japan is the largest manufacturer and exporter of endoscopic medical instruments.

As the top hospital in Japan, the University of Tokyo Medical Center is naturally the most authoritative hospital in the field of endoscopy, which is famous all over the world.

Professor Sakuta Tsukasa's idea is very simple, if you have a hospital in the United States that surpasses Dongda Hospital, then forget it.

But your Huaguo Hospital wants to surpass Dongda Hospital. This is unbearable. It is not only a matter of face, but also a matter of your own wallet.

Shunta West Bank nodded heavily: "Okay, I'll listen to the director, so which patient shall we arrange next?"

Tsukasa Sakuta had already thought about it in the multimedia classroom:

"In this way, the mother of the Second Prime Minister of Great Tibet has an esophageal tumor. We are still discussing the treatment plan these days. Isn't this doctor Chen omnipotent? Then hand this patient over to him."

Shunta Nishigan trembled when he heard this:

"Director Saku, is there any problem with this? After all, the patient's status is special!"

The Ministry of Finance is equivalent to the Ministry of Finance of Japan, and the Second Minister of the Ministry of Finance is equivalent to the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Finance, which has real power.

Da Zangxiang's mother, an old lady in her 80s, is already weak. If she dies on the operating table today, or if the operation fails and the stomach is perforated and the esophagus is perforated, it will be a lot of fun.

At that time, Chen Qi's reputation will no longer be a matter of discredit, but may become a major issue of disputes between the two countries, and Chen Qi will even be legally responsible.

Don't forget, Chen Qi is not qualified to practice medicine in Japan, because the incident happened suddenly, and the teaching surgery has not passed the record of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare (Ministry of Health)

This really needs to be investigated, and it is appropriate to give him an illegal practice of medicine.

Although Dongda Hospital, or Sakuta Tsukasa himself will definitely be blamed, this kind of blame is obviously easier to bear than losing face.

"It's okay, just follow my orders, but in order to show that we are not making things difficult for Dr. Chen, all the medical records must be given to him in full. It would be best if he retreats in spite of the difficulties. Our goal has been achieved, and the patient will also be spared a medical examination. Danger."

Sakuta Tsukasa and Nishigan Shunta were discussing how to make trouble, and Chen Qi's operation was easy and happy.

When the third POEM operation was over, the discussion in the venue had reached its peak.

Tunneling on the esophageal wall was successful, which overturned everyone's understanding. At the same time, everyone immediately realized how wide the scope of POEM can be applied.

This link has been opened up, and many diseases that were not covered by endoscopy have suddenly become a state that allows surgery, and the thinking is smooth.

This is a huge step forward for gastroenterology, or gastroenterology.

In the operating room:

While sterilizing, he asked his wife next to him, "Lijuan, are you tired? It's been three surgeries."

Lan Lijuan smiled: "I'm not tired. Your operation can outperform others' three or four operations. People in the world are called quick shooters. How can I be tired?"

Chen Qi was upset when he heard it: "What fast gunner? Don't you know if I'm fast or not?"

Lan Lijuan blushed a little: "Bah, hooligan, this is a foreign country, be careful."

When the three of them finished disinfecting and came to another operating room, Chen Qi realized something was wrong.

Because the medical record given to him before should be a middle-aged man, but now there is an elderly woman lying on the operating table.

What the doctor is most afraid of is that there will be a mistake in the connection work, and then you have a waist on the left side, but it turns out to be on the right side, which is a serious medical accident.

"Doctor West Bund, this patient doesn't seem to match the case we discussed yesterday. Could it be a mistake?"

Shunta Nishigan smiled harmlessly:

"Dr. Chen, the patient we discussed yesterday heard that he was going to have a public teaching operation. He was afraid of privacy leaks, so he suddenly refused the operation. We had to temporarily change a patient. Please forgive me."

Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan looked at each other, and felt that there was something wrong with the decision to change the patient.

Generally speaking, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the teaching operation, the chief surgeon will understand the patient's situation in detail beforehand, and then formulate the operation plan in advance, so as to be foolproof.

If the patient is unable to cooperate due to special circumstances, the general teaching operation will be canceled directly, instead of temporarily replacing the patient.

Chen Qi had a vague guess in his heart. It seemed that Dongda Hospital did not want his teaching surgery to go too smoothly.

But now 300 Japanese doctors and Professor Grace are watching the live broadcast. If he asks to stop the operation, then the reputation of the previous three operations will be ruined in half.

Because doctors may encounter emergencies at any time, if you can't handle them, it means that your doctor is unqualified, or you can only perform pre-arranged operations.

So even if Chen Qi felt something was wrong, it wasn't his temper that he wanted him to admit defeat.

"Oh, change the patient temporarily, then you can report the condition to me in detail, and also bring over the inspection report, I need to review it myself."

Dr. Shunta West Bank thought to himself that this Hua Guo doctor took the bait, so it depends on how you die.

"Hi, female patient, 82 years old, came to our hospital for treatment in January because of upper abdominal discomfort. Gastroscopy showed a submucosal bulge near the left wall of the cardia in the lower esophagus. The surface was smooth and the size was about 2.5X3.5cm. CT showed the lower esophagus And the structure of the cardia area is not clear, the wall of the tube is thickened, and there are strips of dense shadows around it..."

The condition is actually very simple. The old lady had a tumor at the lower end of the esophagus near the cardia, which caused the mucous membrane to bulge out and obstructed the esophagus.

The nature of the tumor is uncertain, and its malignancy and benignity are unknown.

Similar to the symptoms of achalasia, food cannot pass through the cardia due to esophageal obstruction, which leads to severe vomiting and malnutrition in patients.

Combined with the fact that the old lady is more than 80 years old and has poor physical tolerance, a thoracotomy and esophageal incision may not be affordable. Endoscopic surgery seems to be the best solution.

Chen Qi, Lan Lijuan, and Zhang Weizhong didn't care that they had already been sterilized, so they picked up various inspection reports and began to review them.

Zhang Weizhong is quite experienced, and whispered to Chen Qi:

"Dean Chen, it looks like a stromal tumor."

Chen Qi nodded and breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems that we are lucky, there has not been blood transmission, so the difficulty of the operation has plummeted."

Zhang Weizhong had never seen such an operation before, so he was a little worried:

"President Chen, is such a tumor resection endoscopically feasible? What should we do?"

"How to do it?"

In fact, Chen Qi already has a complete treatment plan in his mind, which is another operation derived from POEM.

Endoscopic submucosal tunnel tumor resection, the English full name submucosaltunnel endoscopic resection, referred to as STER.

"STER technique?"

Zhang Weizhong was excited when he heard it. Following Dean Chen, he was able to come into contact with a new technique from time to time, and they were all original, which gave him great satisfaction in his heart as an endoscopy expert.

"Yes, the STER operation is actually similar to the POEM operation at the beginning. It also uses a tunnel to drill a hole to reach the middle of the mucosal layer, and then removes the entire tumor through the tunnel, esophagus, and orally. The surgical process is not complicated."

Zhang Weizhong and Lan Lijuan were delighted when they heard it,

"It seems that the Japanese side wanted to set the difficulty for us, but it turned out to be your reputation."

Chen Qi shrugged:

"As the song sang, there are no guns or cannons, and the enemy built them for us. We should also thank the captain of the transportation team. But it is also good luck. If they arrange a more complicated one, or it is already an advanced tumor, today This endoscope is definitely not going to last.”

Shunta Nishigan couldn't hear Chinese, but when he saw that the serious doctor Huaguo suddenly relaxed his expression, he instinctively felt that things exceeded their expectations.

But now that the arrow is on the string, it has to be fired. The eyes of these hundreds of people are staring, even if they want to make a trip, they can't be too much.

"Doctor Chen, may I have surgery?"

Chen Qi threw away the medical records and materials, stood up and said relaxedly:

"The operation is ready, you prepare for the anesthesia first, and then we go to disinfect it."

Tsukasa Sakuta, who was sitting in the multimedia classroom, and Shunta Nishigan, who was in the operating room, both felt thumping, wondering if this kind of tumor resection and endoscopic surgery could also be done?

Facts have proved that Chen Qi can not only do it, but also do it perfectly.

When he removed the tumor and used the "fishing method" to take the tumor out of the patient's mouth, everyone applauded enthusiastically, whether in the operating room or in the multimedia classroom.

This time, most people were convinced.

Surgery is not just a matter of bragging and spanking. If you can do it, you can do it, and if you can’t do it, you can’t do it.

As mentioned earlier, the Japanese character is to worship the strong, at least in the field of endoscopy, Chen Qi has proved his status as a strong with 4 teaching surgeries.

Professor Grace was also applauding, and at the same time told the assistant next to him:

"You can ask Dongda Hospital to copy the videos of the operations just now, and they will be broadcasted at the International Society of Gastroenterology in a few days. The technological innovation I have been looking forward to watching has finally made a major breakthrough, and we should attach great importance to it."

As for the 10 graduate students including Chen Shu, Chen Hua, Jin Meng, and Yang Yibing, because they are young people, they are as excited as they were nervous before.

When the host Professor Sakuta announced that the four operations had been successfully completed, all of them jumped up.

In this scene, those who don't know think that Huaguo has won the right to host the Olympic Games.

When Chen Qi, Lan Lijuan, and Zhang Weizhong came out of the operating room and walked into the multimedia classroom, all 300 Japanese doctors stood up collectively and burst into warm applause again.

Professor Sakuta Tsukasa forced a smile even though his face was cloudy and uncertain:

"Congratulations to Dr. Chen, you showed us a wonderful teaching operation, which benefited all of us a lot, and opened up our clinical thinking at once, letting us know that in addition to traditional surgery and conservative medical treatment, there is also There is a possibility of a third treatment option.

Moreover, the third treatment option based on endoscopy is less invasive than the other two options and is easier for patients to tolerate. It can not only completely resect the diseased part, but also preserve the normal function of the digestive tract, avoid the decline in the quality of life of the patient caused by surgery, and recover quickly after surgery.

All I can say is, Dr. Chen, you are truly amazing. "

Professor Grace also smiled and patted Chen Qi on the shoulder:

"In a few days, I look forward to meeting you again at the World Gastroenterology Society in Houston. Maybe you will have a surprise."

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