Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 550 The rich man in America doesn't want to die

Chapter 550 The rich man in America doesn't want to die

As the top-ranked hospital in the United States for gastroenterology, Sid-Sinai Medical Center receives thousands of patients every year.

Similar to Mayo, those who can come to this top hospital are either rich or expensive. Ordinary Americans have no chance, unless your hospital with a special disease is willing to give you the green light, and the insurance company will not embarrass you.

Otherwise, it is not only a certain country that will go bankrupt and return to poverty due to illness.

Professor Bradrick now has such a wealthy patient in his hands, which is very troublesome.

Los Angeles is the base camp of Hollywood in the United States, and it has the world's top film and television companies, among which the six are famous.

Rupert, the boss of Fox Entertainment, is one of the most influential figures in Hollywood, the so-called man at the top of the food chain in the film and television industry.

Fox has produced the famous "Titanic" and "Avatar" and other movies (later), with a market value of billions of dollars, an absolute behemoth.

But the entertainment company is only one of Rupert's industries. He also owns cable TV networks, TV stations, newspapers and magazines, and his family is one of the six largest financial groups in the United States.

But now the boss, who is worth tens of billions of dollars, is lying on a hospital bed dying, skinny, and his exposed head looks like a skull.

The white fat emulsion injection was slowly dripping into the old man with only a skeleton, maintaining his life.

Various state-of-the-art instruments in the ward have been monitoring the vital signs of the Hollywood bigwig, and beeping alarms from time to time.

"Mr. Rupert, this is a new inspection report. The FⅧ activity in your plasma is still \u003c1%. This situation is not suitable for surgery at all."

Professor Bradrick stood at the head of the bed, explaining patiently.

The old man on the hospital bed became extremely irritable when he heard the news:

"Fack, after spending so much money, why can't my coagulation factor go up? When will I be able to have surgery? You think I don't know? If I don't have surgery, I'm afraid I won't live until Christmas next year. Is this what some people want to see?"

Because it is already Christmas, the hospital is full of Jingle bells, Jingle bells, Jingle all the way singing, even in the ward.

Patients who are seriously ill are often very extreme and suspicious, especially for this kind of top rich man, there is always an illusion that they are trying to murder me.

"No, no, Mr. Rupert, you also know that you are born with hemophilia, don't you forget that last time you had a tooth decay removed, the blood couldn't stop, and you had to be sent to the intensive care unit Is something wrong?"

Hemophilia is a kind of disease caused by hemorrhage or non-healing hemostasis due to the lack of a certain coagulation factor, which leads to coagulation dysfunction.

Most of them are caused by heredity, but there are also acquired ones, such as drugs.

Coagulation factors are a group of important proteins in the human body. When a blood vessel ruptures, they work together with platelets to promote blood coagulation and repair the loopholes in the blood vessel, thereby achieving hemostasis.

Due to the lack of corresponding coagulation factors in the body of hemophiliacs, it is difficult to stop the bleeding within a short time after the blood vessel ruptures, so even a slight trauma can cause massive bleeding.

Spontaneous bleeding can occur even in the absence of trauma and can be life-threatening.

And the most deceitful thing is that this disease is passed on from male to female.

The sex chromosomes are XY for males and XX for females. The causative gene for hemophilia exists in the X, and women must have problems with both X chromosomes to develop the disease, but because men only have one X chromosome, once inherited, the disease is 100%.

One of the most famous patients with hemophilia was Queen Victoria of Great Britain in the 19th century.

The old lady gave birth to a lot of children, and then the children married with the major European royal families. As a result, most of the offspring born were born with "hemophilia".

These aristocrats usually dare not touch each other, so they are also called "Princes of Glass".

So hemophilia has another nickname, called "noble disease".

In the 1980s when genetically recombinant FVIII preparations or virus-inactivated blood-derived FVIII preparations had not been invented, hemophilia was an unsolved disease.

Unfortunately, the Hollywood bigwig on the hospital bed suffered from this kind of hemophilia that would bleed profusely at every turn, and it was still at an advanced stage and severe.

What's even more unfortunate is that this boss just suffered from "achalasia".

With the aggravation of the disease, the cardia has been completely closed, and Rupert can't eat normally at all. If people can't eat, they will starve to death. This is basic common sense, and they can only rely on nutritional needles to maintain life.

For hospitals in the United States, achalasia is not a terminal illness, and it can still be treated by surgery.

Although the curative effect of surgery is uncertain and there are a lot of side effects, but he is dying now, and he can't control so much. Let's first relieve the obstruction caused by the closure of the cardia.

It's a pity that this Hollywood bigwig has no way to perform surgery because of severe hemophilia.

Because the stomach is inside the thoracic cavity, to perform stomach surgery, first cut the skin, then saw off the ribs, open the sternum, and then continue to cut the stomach. No matter which step in the middle, it will kill this boss.

The biggest problem is the bleeding. Fortunately, such a small wound has only one outcome, which is to die on the operating table.

If Rupert was poor and powerless, the doctor might dare to try surgery from the perspective of medical experiments, provided that all blood products were prepared.

Anyway, poor people die when they die.

But if he survives, it will greatly improve the doctor's personal reputation.

But the scrawny old man in front of him is the boss of a top Hollywood film and television company, and he is full of energy, so he is not so easy to mess with.

Therefore, for the attending doctor, it is better to adopt the most conservative treatment than to take any little risk, not seeking merit, but seeking no fault.

When the rich die, they die. Anyway, it's not their doctors who die.

People in Free America are shot every day, and doctors don't want to be shot secretly when they are walking on the road.

Don't doubt the bottom line of the rich. For the rich and powerful, the bottom line is for breaking.

Professor Bradrick was sprayed by the old man on the hospital bed, and he didn't dare to show his displeasure at all. Instead, he could only continue to explain patiently.

What else can I do without an explanation? The big dogs give too much, so much that they can sell their self-esteem.

"Mr. Rupert, don't worry, now I have contacted many experts in hematology and gastroenterology, and I have even contacted Mr. Grace, the president of the International Society of Gastroenterology, and asked him to help contact the whole country. The world's most authoritative gastroenterologist, let's think of a way together."

The boss was lying on the hospital bed in despair.

All he can think about is when he is healthy, Xiangche's beautiful world, and the red sofa in his office, on which almost all the beauties in Hollywood have "tested".

What a beautiful life that was, but in the end, when I was old, I got such a strange disease.

Yes, for Rupert, this is a strange disease.

If you said he got stomach cancer directly, he also gave up, but it was because of something wrong with the muscles in his stomach.

Such a "small problem" actually made his life worse than death, which made the boss very unwilling, because it is obviously a curable disease.

In the end, because of his ancestral hemophilia, he was unable to undergo surgery, and suffered both physical and mental pain every day, which was unspeakable.

To use Zhao Benshan's words to describe it: The money is still there, but if the people are gone, this is really a death.

"Bradrick, you can help me contact the most famous doctor in the world, and you can even say that as long as anyone can cure my illness, I will definitely not be stingy, and I will guarantee that they will get an unexpected fortune. "

"I will definitely convey it to you."

Rich people all over the world are virtuous, and they like to throw money at people at every turn.

If Chen Qi was on the scene, he would definitely shout: Old man, don't be soft-hearted, just throw money at me.

After coming out of the ward, Professor Braderick let out a long breath, but he was actually worried.

If the top doctors in the United States want rich people to sponsor their research projects and earn private wealth, they need all kinds of big bosses or benefactor fathers to support and support them.

This requires individual doctors to have superb medical technology and clinical skills, and to be able to treat diseases that others cannot.

As Rupert is a well-known top rich man in the world, how many people are watching him.

If he didn't cure Rupert's disease, his personal reputation would be greatly damaged, and next time those rich people might not choose him as the attending doctor again.

Now he hopes that his international colleagues can help solve such a troublesome medical case, and don't put the blame on himself.

As soon as Professor Braderick returned to his office, there was a large pile of letters on the table, which his assistant had just brought for him.

While drinking coffee, Bradrick read the letters one by one to see if there was any sender he was interested in, and he could check them first.

Suddenly, a letter from Hua Guo caught his attention.

"Hey, what is this, such a big one."

Because this is a letter, more like a package, wrapped in thick brown paper, there is obviously something inside.

Professor Bradrick put on his glasses and took a closer look, and found that it was Wei Zhongzhang from Huaguo. This was a foreign student he had taken a few years ago, and he was deeply impressed by his ability to endure hardships in his studies. .

Professor Bradrick likes this student very much, but it is a pity that this student decided to go back to serve the motherland in the end. He is a very pure person.

The two kept in touch by letter from time to time, and Professor Braderick was also willing to communicate with him the latest international medical developments, and sometimes he would send some materials and journals to the student.

With a question mark on his head, Professor Bradrick took a paper knife and opened the kraft paper package, and found two video tapes and a letter inside.

Professor Bradrick opened the letter and began to read, his eyes widened as he looked at it, and he kept muttering:

"oh my god, oh my god, how is this possible?"

Suddenly, Professor Braderick suddenly looked up and saw a TV and VCR in the corner of the office. He stood up excitedly and ran over, knocking over his chair because of his excitement.

The loud noise from the professor's office immediately attracted the attention of the people in the big office outside.

Several assistants and little doctors hurriedly opened the door and came in: "Mr. Professor, what happened?"

Professor Braderick was stuffing the tape into the video camera with trembling hands,

"It's just in time for you to come, everyone, come in quickly, I have two video tapes here, it is the use of endoscopic surgery to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease and achalasia, let's take a look, are these true or false? "


The doctors who broke in were also stunned, thinking that this was like the Arabian Nights. This kind of endoscopic surgery can't even be done by a top hospital like them in the United States. Can a doctor from Huaguo do it?

Hua Guo, do you have endoscopy equipment?

But now that the videotapes have all been sent, the facts are in front of us. The doctor is quite qualified, at least he didn't talk about it right away.

So a large group of doctors all gathered in front of the TV.

Then when watching the video, everyone had the same expression on their faces, with their mouths wide open and eyes wide open, as if they had seen a ghost.

"oh my god, oh my god!!!"

"Wow, it's actually possible to do this surgery?"

"My God, how did the chief surgeon think of making a tunnel in the wall of the esophagus leading to the cardia?"

"Look at the fundoplication, which is different from traditional surgery. It's a genius invention."

After the two videos were played, these American doctors all looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw surprise and joy in each other's eyes.

Why is there joy? Because if these two videotapes are real, there will undoubtedly be two more new techniques in the world, which can solve countless people's ailments.

"Play it again, I want to watch it again."

Professor Bradrick is particularly concerned about the endoscopic surgery for achalasia, because endoscopic surgery is characterized by less trauma, less bleeding and faster recovery.

Then it is definitely a major mistake for the Hollywood bigwig on the hospital bed. To describe it in Hua Guo dialect, it would be someone giving a pillow when he was dozing off.

But as a top doctor, Professor Bradrick still has his own concerns:

"Hey, ladies and gentlemen, do you think the endoscopic surgery on this Huaguo video is highly credible? I'm sorry for not being racist, but these two surgeries really surprised me."

Daniel is also a senior gastrointestinal surgeon. As an assistant to Professor Bradrick, he still has a certain right to speak:

"Professor, the shooting technique of this video is very poor. You can see that the tools in this operation are all models that we have eliminated. I think this is in line with the backward conditions of Huaguo, but I don't think the operation process should be Fake, no obvious cut marks."

At this time, another assistant, Francis, shouted:

"Maybe we can go to Huaguo and see for ourselves?"

"this is a good idea."

"I agree, I will go too!"

There was a lot of discussion in the office for a while, and everyone's main thoughts were still a kind of joy at seeing the new technology, and they couldn't wait to see it. In addition, there was a small part of their thoughts, and I'm afraid they wanted to take the opportunity to travel with public funds in Huaguo.

Professor Bradrick is not a hesitant person, as if he has made a decision:

"OK, let's go to Huaguo to have a look. If this video is real, it may help me a lot."

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