Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 461 Turning to Professor Dewey for Help

The next day, at the San Francisco meeting of the World Congress of Surgery.

The conference has not yet officially started, and there is already a lot of discussion in the venue. Many doctors or unfamiliar doctors gathered together to discuss the bizarre case that happened at the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center last night.

Chen Qi had been working all night last night, and at this time he began to doze off in the venue.

Don't get me wrong, he made Dong Ge's mistake, but spent the rest of the night checking the types and names of the "stolen" medicines in the space.

Because the medicines in the medicine warehouse are put into the space together with the shelves, there is no need to tidy them up. But after all, there are two floors, which add up to a warehouse of tens of thousands of square meters, especially a cold storage.

I don't know how many medicines are inside, just walking around, Chen Qi has been busy all night.

Good guy, as soon as he arrived at the venue, he lay on the table and started to sleep soundly, even snoring, which made a group of little old men in the Huaguo delegation frown.

At this time, Professor Zeng Xuexun hurried back to the delegation, and said with a frightened expression:

"A strange thing happened at the UCSF Medical Center last night. Hey, guess what? Not only is it on fire, but I heard that the hospital's drug store will be stolen."

"The medicine store was stolen?"

The people in the venue are all famous professors from major hospitals, so they naturally understand the concept of a drug store.

There are hundreds of thousands of tons of medicines at every turn, and there is no way to move them without dozens or hundreds of large trucks. How could they be easily stolen?


"That is, if you say that you stole some of the precious medicines, I will believe it, and if you say that you have moved all the medicine stores, I don't believe it either."

"Haha, the country guy likes to exaggerate. He probably counts on the insurance company to make money."

When Professor Zeng heard that everyone didn't believe it, he became anxious:

"I said brothers, don't believe me, I heard that not only the medicine storehouse was stolen, but everything in the clinical laboratory, imaging department, and archives of this hospital was also stolen. , there is really not even a hair left."


"Old Zeng, you old guy, you really listen to the wind and the rain. If you don't say anything else, just say the X-ray machine. You don't have a crane or a crane. You can move it and see. Can you move it? Let you steal it, you How many units can be stolen in one night? And all of them have been stolen.”

"A CT3 weighs 4 tons, how do you steal it?"

"There are so many bottles and cans in the laboratory. It's not a question of whether they are heavy or not, but how many times you have to move them."

Seeing that everyone didn't believe it, Professor Zeng slapped the table angrily:

"What a bunch of fools. Now that this matter has spread all over the world, take a look at this venue. How can these doctors have the mood to hold a meeting? They are all acting as Bao Gong to judge the case."

In Ruo Da’s thousand-person conference hall, there were buzzing sounds everywhere at this time. Some people covered their mouths with their hands, some people’s eyes widened, and some people spit. Sure enough, no one paid attention to the rostrum. Here comes the reminder:

"Gentlemen, ladies, various professors, surgeons, please return to your seats, the World Congress of Surgery will be held in 10 minutes, thank you."

There were thousands of doctors in the venue, and then they started to look for their own position in a hurry.

Chen Qi was also woken up at this time, and stood up after yawning, but was stopped when he was about to lift his foot.

Professor Lu asked strangely: "Chen Qi, the meeting is about to start, where are you going?"

Liu Chumin explained with a smile: "Chen Qi, the directors of the two major international medical associations, according to the usual practice, he is going to sit in the relevant medical associations, so he didn't wander around."

Chen Qi shrugged: "Before this meeting, I was in the Chinese delegation. I represented the members of the ICPF society at the opening ceremony and the FSSH society at the closing ceremony. I was so busy that I accidentally went to the wrong venue."

"That's not all. This little guy will be a special clinician this year and give a speech on "New Ideas for the Diagnosis of Surgical Diseases by Genetic Testing". Now he has jumped to the thoracic surgery department."

At this time, everyone exclaimed in unison: "Hey, is this the rhythm of becoming the third director of the International Council?"

Professor Wu Mengchao was also preparing to leave at this time, and said:

"The three directors are not so easy. The previous two international directors were elementary school associations, and there were few doctors engaged in related specialties. This gave him a chance. The thoracic surgery is a university association. Not to mention the directors, even the committee members are not available. He He's still young, so don't spoil him."

There is a kind of "killing" in this world, and that is called stick killing.

Chen Qi is an international double director in his twenties, and he is much better than those gray-headed old professors in China, but because he is young, he can easily lose himself in the hype.

Once a person drifts away, he is actually almost destroyed.

Professor Wu's splash of cold water was not malicious. As for whether Chen Qi could realize anything, it was his own luck.

Chen Qi didn't take it seriously. To him, it doesn't matter whether he can become a director of some society. He is still young, in his 20s, and he will have a lot of opportunities in the future.

Moreover, every medical association changes every five years, and it is not tenure, so there is nothing to brag about.

The most important thing now is to take advantage of the fact that I am still the director of the two major medical associations. It is true that I can make more money with this name. Isn't the colorful money fragrant?

When Chen Qi passed the delegation of the Society of Urology, he stopped to look at it.

It was found that the president, Jess, and Dr. Hendnessen were not there, and the seats with their names on them were empty. They were obviously busy cleaning up the mess in the UCSF Medical Center.

Chen Qi's actions last night did not specifically target the Department of Urology.

Otherwise, we just had an enmity with the Hua people here, and there was another accident in the urology department of the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center, and fools would suspect that the Hua people were causing trouble.

Not to mention whether he will be summoned by the police, this shocking case alone will definitely attract the focus of investigation by the FBI and CIA.

At that time, wherever Chen Qi and the others went, there would be a little tail behind them. This was a very unpleasant thing, and it would be difficult for him to do any small movements.

However, although it was specifically aimed at urology, the experimental equipment, precision instruments, and archives of the entire hospital were gone, leaving an empty inpatient department, which was a devastating blow to all departments.

For example, how many hundred years of urology technology accumulated in the laboratory and database are now completely destroyed, which is enough for two doctors, Jesses and Hendnessen, to vomit three hundred liters of blood.

Because their years of research on other subjects were also destroyed, and if the city gate caught fire, it would definitely bring disaster to Chiyu.

As for Professor Lu's paper "Urodynamic Dual-Channel Cyst Measurement", it is really not important at all in the face of a catastrophe.

It is believed that Jesses and Hendernessen have not had the energy to pay attention to the outside world for a long period of time. Professor Lu's paper can only belong to him.

Poor if the people at the UCSF Medical Center know that Chen Qi is just trying to get revenge on their urology department and destroy half of their hospital, I don’t know how many people will cry and faint in the toilet.

Fortunately, Prof. Dewey, the president of the ICPF Society, and Prof. Stevenson, the president of the FSSH Society, are both from the Mayo Clinic, otherwise it would have really flooded the Dragon King Temple.

When Chen Qi just walked to the fixed position of the ICPF Society, Professor Dewey walked over excitedly.

"Hey Chen, have you heard? Last night, the UCSF hospital was attacked by terrorists. The entire hospital was almost evacuated, and even a few buildings were set on fire. It was awesome."

Chen Qi was full of question marks:

"Wait, Professor Dewey, your colleague suffered a terrorist attack, shouldn't you be filled with righteous indignation for your colleague? Why are you so happy?"

"Why can't I be happy? What does the UCSF hospital have to do with our Mayo? See if this group of idiots will follow our Mayo to grab projects, patients, and sponsorships. This time, it may not be ten or eight years. , they can’t recover at all.”

"Why can't I recover? The most important doctors are here."

"How loyal do you think this group of doctors will be? It doesn't matter what the hospital wants now. It needs a lot of money to rebuild, and the insurance company can't fully compensate. At that time, the doctor's project will not be sponsored. Wouldn't it be a waste of time to stay in the UCSF hospital? Well.

Besides, the hospital cannot carry out clinical work without equipment, and the doctors will have no income. You can see that every one of them will scramble to find another job in a short time. Without money, who is willing to work for the UCSF hospital? "

Dewey looked around, then lowered his voice and said:

"Even I received a call from the Mayo Clinic, asking to poach some of their plastic surgery experts. You think other hospitals must have started. Don't forget that UCSF Hospital is the top eight hospitals in the United States. Doctors are very powerful."

The country of mildew is indeed a very, very realistic country.

If you have money, you have everything. If you don't have money, you can't even buy a minimum of loyalty.

Chen Qi believed that if the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong Middle School caught fire and the hospital was destroyed, the staff of the hospital would definitely tighten their belts, put on labor protection gloves, and rebuild the entire hospital with their own sweat.

After all, at this time, the medical staff in Huaguo all regarded their work unit as their own home. If their homeland was destroyed, no one would think of leaving.

This is the difference in culture and thinking between China and the United States. There is no need to say who is better and who is worse.

It's not good to talk about money at all, and it's not good to talk about money at all. Everyone has his own ambitions, and everyone can have the power of their own choices. This is the so-called "human authority".

Chen Qi could only shrug his shoulders when he heard that there was a dog-eat-dog attack among the people in the Meiguo Hospital.

At the same time, I hurriedly confessed to the Supreme Lord, Shakyamuni, Mohammed, and Jehovah, after all, he was the chief culprit.

Of course, the U.S. investigators would never have imagined that there is such a freak in the world, and this freak is openly holding some kind of international conference.

Only then did Professor Dewey think of something, and continued with the question:

"Chen, what are you doing, and going to Africa to do some genetic research?"

Chen Qi couldn't laugh or cry for a while, and explained the case of mother and child cancer encountered in China, as well as the matter of being excluded from China and going to Africa.

"So, going to Africa is not the same thing as this genetic case."

Dewey also did not understand:

"Why do you have to go to Africa when they tell you to go to Africa? You can come to the United States. With your title of director of the ICPF Society, as long as you can pass the USMLE exam and the medical license exam, I can recommend you to work at the Mayo Clinic. At that time, you were a world-renowned plastic surgeon, isn’t that tens of thousands of times better than going to Africa?”

Chen Qi thought to himself, I just don't want to be a plastic surgeon, if you can recommend me to go to the Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery, he will immediately resign from China.

Obviously, Professor Dewey did not have this ability. Plastic surgery was not very important in the 1980s, and his status in the hospital was not as high as imagined.

Since there is no way for others to help him fulfill his wish, Chen Qi can only sing high-profile songs.

"Professor, my country is still very poor and backward, and my compatriots are still suffering from diseases and lack of medical care. If I leave at this time, I will no longer be able to serve my country and compatriots, so I can only obey the arrangements of the state."

Chen Qi said so much that he was about to throw up.

But Professor Dewey obviously agreed with this statement, nodding seriously:

"Chen, you are a patriot and a person of faith. I deeply admire this. If there is anything that needs help, just ask, and I will definitely do my best."

Chen Qi was delighted when he heard it: "It just so happens that my medical team in Africa has a parasite project and I want to find a relevant expert to help check it out. Could you please introduce it, Mr. Professor?"

Professor Dewey said indifferently:

"This is a small point. Mayo doesn't have many other things. It has the most experts, and all disciplines are top-notch in the world. After the meeting, you go to the Mayo Clinic with me. I will introduce you to the best professor of parasitology."

"Thank you so much for your help."

"Small meaning, small meaning, oh yes, this time, there are 5 teaching surgeries of our ICPF society that require you to demonstrate in person. In addition, I also arranged 15 flying knife surgeries for you. Please arrange your time reasonably."

Chen Qi got a headache when he heard it, because the FSSH Society also arranged a lot of teaching surgeries and flying knife surgeries for him.

Moreover, because of the sudden and sporadic nature of hand surgery, all patients who come to the emergency department must be treated in the shortest possible time, which will affect the operation plan.

But for the colorful dollars, Chen Qi is also ready to fight, the worst is to start working overnight.

"Okay, which hospital is the surgery scheduled for?"

"Go to another hospital in San Francisco, St. Luke's Hospital. San Francisco is not the only hospital in UCSF Medical Center."

Suddenly Chen Qi thought of something again, and tried to ask:

"By the way, Professor Dewey, can you introduce me to some suppliers who sell second-hand medical equipment?"

"Second-hand equipment? Why do you want this garbage? They are usually disassembled and recycled, or sold to poor countries... Oh, wait, Chen... I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend your country..."

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