Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 456: Do a Medical Examination for the Whole Village

Dracunculatus guinea worm, the only nematode that is mainly transmitted by drinking water, belongs to the phylum Nematodes, and its discovery is limited to countries in the central zone of sub-Saharan Africa.

The adult is shaped like a thick white thread, with a blunt front end and a smooth body surface, and denser fine rings can be seen under the microscope.

The most obvious difference from tapeworms is that tapeworms generally have a flat body, like a belt, and are longer, very exaggeratedly long. Parasites of more than 20 meters ask you if you are afraid?

The nematodes are relatively thin and round, and the length is shorter, generally within 1 meter.

Chen Qi originally thought it was a tapeworm, but now it turned into a guinea worm?

Is it so unpopular?

It's completely beyond the outline, okay? It's not included in domestic textbooks. No wonder the hundreds of doctors and nurses collectively don't know each other.

Even Hu Shixing, the most experienced director of internal medicine, overturned, no wonder Chen Qi, a rough old man in surgery.

It's also fortunate that Piet, a local, knows this local parasite, otherwise, if this is published, wouldn't he be laughed at by his foreign counterparts?

Not to mention that medicine is separated by mountains, even if it is separated by a department, it is like separated by several mountains.

If you don’t believe me, look at how many chief experts in brain surgery, hepatobiliary surgery, and gastroenterology are obediently holding small books and listening to the little doctor in the respiratory department explaining how to use the ventilator.

While washing his hands, Chen Qi poked his head to look at it, which made him feel numb.

"This thing is more disgusting than roundworms. Grandma's is so long, there is more than one, right? Mao Mingming, have you measured other insects?"

Mao Mingming slapped his forehead:

"Ah, I was so busy picking the longest one that I forgot to measure it collectively. Come on, comrades, work harder, let's measure it while we're alive."

Only then did Chen Qi think of something, "Wait a minute, I'm going to get the camera, it really broke the world record, we can plan this matter carefully."

When Chen Qi got the camera and video camera, all the lengths of the bugs were measured.

There are a total of 26 guinea worms, the longest is 2.6 meters, the shortest is 0.5 meters, and 18 of them are more than 2 meters. That is to say, these 18 parasites have broken the world record.

If one is accidental, but most guinea worms now exceed the textbook length of 1.2 meters, there is definitely a problem.

Even those who don't reach this length, maybe they are still teenagers now, and they haven't reached the adult standard? Will it be this long when the worms are adults?

Chen Qi handed the camera to Yi Zexing. The young man played with the camera so enthusiastically that he completely forgot all the people who were still thinking.

Chen Qi beckoned to Director Hu Shixing again:

"I have a hunch that we may have discovered a new species. This is definitely not the ordinary guinea worm written in the textbook, at least it is a giant guinea worm, right?"

Both director Hu's eyes lit up.

"If we discover a new species, then the right to name it will be in our hands. What an honor it is."

Chen Qi fixed his eyes on a few aborigines who were anxiously waiting for the results of the operation in the distance, and suddenly thought of an idea:

"Director Hu, now we only have one patient and one specimen, which is still not convincing. But do you think, if Luciana has this giant guinea worm, will her family and her fellow villagers also have it? "

Director Hu immediately understood the meaning:

"Dean Chen, what do you mean, let's conduct a comprehensive screening on a village basis?"

"Yes, what do you think?"

Director Hu chuckled: "Isn't it just stabbing the intestines, what's the effort, stabbing one is stabbing, stabbing two is also stabbing, I did it."

Chen Qi joked: "Why, don't you feel sorry for your gastroscope now?"

"Don't feel distressed. It's a major discovery when it's done. Maybe we can also be published in the International Medical Journal. At that time, I will be the vice president. Let's see who dares to bully me! Besides, we are not busy now. , there are only a few patients every day."

Going to work at the China-Africa Friendship Hospital is by no means busy, or even quite free.

Because of the need to charge a certain amount of medical expenses, the vast majority of Sierralian blacks were kept out of the door.

Moreover, due to the inconvenience of logistics and transportation, the Friendship Hospital does not have a large inventory of medicines, and there is no pharmaceutical factory in Serbia, so it is impossible to purchase them.

So if there are really long queues of patients and the outpatient and inpatient departments are full every day, these stocks are far from enough, which will also cause trouble for domestic supply.

In order to control the use of drugs, and also to give Chinese doctors in foreign countries a good rest time, there are only 200 outpatient numbers arranged in the "China-Serbia Friendship Hospital" every day.

That's it, it's not necessarily enough to use up every day.

The group members have a lot of rest time. Some grow vegetables in the camp, some like to play mahjong, and the young people gather in twos and threes to chat, and maybe they can make a few pairs when they go back.

Now I heard that the African Medical Mission is planning to conduct a parasite project, and the boring members of the mission are getting more and more active one by one, so they finally found something to do.

Old Nguema was dragged into the consultation room by Chen Qi for no reason, and suddenly panicked:

"Dr. Chen, what are you doing, Dr. Chen? I'm not sick. I don't need medical treatment."

Chen Qi: "No, you are sick. You have a very serious illness. If you don't treat it, it will be too late. It may be the same as your daughter. You can see that she is in pain and can only be stabbed in the stomach. Are you afraid?"

Nguema: "But, but I'm really not sick? You listen to me, don't pull it, ouch."

Chen Qi: "Your daughter's stomach is full of parasites. You eat and drink the same thing. If she has it, you must have it too. Just say you want to die, right? It's so painful!"

Nguema: "I, I don't want to die..."

The old chief, who didn't want to die, was dragged to the treatment bed, and then lay on his side, humiliatingly revealing his valley.

He never dreamed that one day he would be walked through the back door by someone, which made him panic and afraid, afraid that he would die when he went back? Did you insult your ancestors?

I couldn't help but sigh in my heart: "Oh my God, who is the barbarian here? Ouch, lightly..."

Chen Qi couldn't take it lightly. He poked the colonoscope in while closely monitoring the display screen.

Suddenly Zhang Xing next to him shouted excitedly: "Here, here, I have already seen it."

Director Hu slapped his thigh:

"Well, this little old man really has it. It seems that this guinea worm is definitely not accidental, but I don't know if it is the same species and whether it is long enough?"

After confirming that Nguema also had parasites in his intestines, Chen Qi quickly replaced another black man on stage.

In this way, all five black people walked through the valley, and all five of them found traces of guinea worm.

The next day, after taking insect repellant, the remaining 4 "normal" blacks pulled out the dead worms, and Yi Zewen and the others carefully picked them out of the feces, and then cleaned them with their noses.

The worms were too long, and they couldn't be pulled out all at once, so the blacks had to pull them out by hand.

A few black uncles are moaning in pain while pulling out bugs from their anus while defecating. This picture is too beautiful for Chen Qi to imagine.

After measuring the length of these dead insects, as expected, most of them exceeded 2 meters, and 5 of them even exceeded 3 meters.

While this discovery excited everyone, it also gave Chen Qi a sudden sense of ambition.

Yes, so many medical personnel come to Africa, although most of them are voluntary, but some are forced to come.

No matter whether you are voluntary or forced, when you come to an unfamiliar environment like Africa, once the excitement passes, everyone will be homesick, bored and unaccustomed.

In short, after the past two months, everyone's energy has been exhausted, and everyone is lacking in energy.

Why does Chen Qi cook food everywhere? It's seafood and beef, lobster and swordfish, and it's not just to make everyone happy.

But food can satisfy you for two days a day, one meal and two meals. After a long time, even the most delicious food will become dull, so new events are urgently needed to boost everyone's confidence at this time.

Then there is a good opportunity in front of you.

What could be more rewarding than getting everyone moving toward one goal and finding work for everyone?

So after collusion between the Huaguo Medical Mission and the Serbian Ministry of Health, the Serbian side agreed that the Huaguo Medical Mission went to a tribe in the northern province to conduct a "free clinic" and at the same time sent armed personnel to protect them throughout the process.

Without protection, there is not much normal legal order in this country.

A few days later, a convoy quickly left Freetown and headed for the Northern Province.

There are two flags in front of each car, one is the red cross flag on a white background with the logo of the International Red Cross, and the other is the five-star flag.

The purpose is to tell the heroes along the road that this convoy belongs to the medical team, so don't bomb the wrong person.

In fact, no matter which area or war-torn country you go to, vehicles, personnel, and camps with the logo of the International Red Cross are generally avoided.

After all, anyone can be injured, and everyone can get sick. If you beat all the doctors to death today, who will see you tomorrow?

Instead of what everyone thinks, today I am going to be defeated and retreat, so I have a three-all policy, kill all your doctors and don't leave them to others.

So what if you win again tomorrow and reoccupy the city, and there are no doctors?

This is also an important reason why countries go to support and often choose medical teams, which are relatively safe.

Of course, there are also those who don’t follow the rules. Some small armed organizations don’t plan to lay down territory, and they often kill people when they see them. Whether you are a medical team or an army, these people are the most terrifying.

In addition, the guns have no eyes. Maybe you want to take a pee, but just walked a few steps, bang, and stepped on a landmine.

I can't blame the government because of my hard life, I can only admit that I am unlucky, and I will be better off in my next life.

Chen Qi was driving an off-road vehicle, and in the car were several senior doctors including Head Qi and Director Hu, and everyone was in high spirits.

After all, this is the first time everyone has left the camp since they came to Africa. Before, they were locked up like chickens, and they were suffocated to death.

So this time I said it was a "free clinic", but it was actually similar to tourism.

The natural features and cultural customs of Africa are completely different from those of Huaguo. From time to time, you can hear young doctors and nurses yelling on the big truck behind.

"Wow, look, this is a giraffe~~~"

"There, there is a big rhino there~~~"

"What's that big herd over there? Is it some kind of antelope..."

"Why is there no big tiger..."

"Idiot, where did tigers come from in Africa..."

When Chen Qi heard the yelling from behind, he felt that he had returned to the "safari park" in his previous life, where he was always sitting in the car watching the scenery.

The difference is that the scenery is better now, there are more animals, and it is all free. I believe that the scenery along the way will make these Chinese doctors brag about it for a lifetime after they return to China.

When they are old, when their grandson goes to marvel at the wild animals, he will curl his lip in his heart: This is nothing like what I saw in Africa back then.

After a while, singing came from behind the car:

"The spring water in the frontier is clear and pure

Frontier songs warm people's hearts

endless spring water

sing praises to loved ones

Sing relatives Bian F army

Army M fish and water have deep affection and deep affection


Sing relatives Bian F army

The military and the civilian fish and water have a deep affection"

At first there was a little nurse singing solo, and then it turned into a chorus, and even Head Qi also hummed along in the car.

Chen Qi saw that everyone's interest was so high, and he was also very happy in his heart. He stepped on the gas and quickly avoided a big mud pit.

The truck behind couldn't get around it, and the tires sank all of a sudden, and the people behind the whole car jumped up and screamed.

Only then did Chen Qi laugh out loud, even more happily.

It took 5 hours to drive 100 kilometers. When we arrived at the village where Nguema was located, all the black people in the village ran out to watch the excitement.

They weren't exactly wildlings, but they hadn't seen so many cars coming at once.

Moreover, a group of white people came down from the car (it is estimated that everyone in Africa is white), which made this group of indigenous people even more novel.

What was novel were the doctors from Huaguo.

Except for a few emergency doctors, almost everyone in the "China-Serbia Friendship Hospital" has come out for tourism this time, ah bah, it's a free clinic.

In 1986, Huaguo was still very poor in the country, and it was just in a state of food and clothing.

But compared to this primitive tribal village, Huaguo can be said to be a developed country.

Building a house in the village where the Nguema tribe is located is very simple. The aborigines will first build a cylindrical frame with wood, and then smear mud on the wooden frame to form a wall.

The roofs are all thatched and pointed.

It's such a humble little house, the door opening is very small, and it's dark after entering, because there are no windows.

Ordinary people don't have any tables, chairs and benches in their homes. They sleep on a straw mat and the whole family sleeps on it.

There is no stove, just dig a hole in the soil and put an iron pot on it, which is complete, and even poor people use clay pots.

Under the leadership of the local aborigines, the medical staff of Huaguo slowly visited this original ecological village.

I believe that after they go back, they will definitely not complain about the domestic environment. Perhaps they will be more motivated and will be more willing to build the four modernizations of the motherland and build the country better.

Seeing that everyone was almost done playing, Chen Qi waved his hand: "Work!"

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