Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 443 The Fourth Hospital's Final Farewell

This night, Chen Qi tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. All he could think about was whether to leave or not.

In fact, Chen Qi also has patriotism, but he also has the urge of young people to give up when they are wronged. Of course, he is also a little selfish, wanting to make his personal life better.

He began to calculate his gains and losses.

If you go abroad, the advantage is that you will have a better material life, you can work in the best hospital, salary + flying knife fee + advertising fee, etc., and you can easily earn millions of dollars a year.

At that time, if you want money and money, you want status and status, you want a suit and a suit, and you can hold the Bible and sing God Bless, and you will feel superior to others.

But going abroad also has disadvantages, that is, what foreign countries pay attention to is "specialization". Chen Qi's current title is the director of two major international organizations, ICPF and FSSH.

Then the corresponding department is plastic surgery (or more precisely classified as "facial and maxillary surgery"), and the other is hand surgery.

Foreign countries are no better than domestic ones. The Law of Practicing Physicians is strictly enforced, which means that Chen Qi can only work in one of these two specialties in the future.

Then it would be impossible for him to engage in hepatobiliary surgery, which he loved most in his previous life.

Unless he re-enters the medical school and starts from scratch, but the cultivation of medical students in European and American countries, and advanced medical teaching start in 10 years, how can Chen Qi bear this temper?

This is really an embarrassing choice. The big wooden bed in the room just creaked and shook all night...

Early the next morning.

Chen Qi had just woken up with dark circles under his eyes, and the silly elder sister had already bought fried dough sticks and salty soy milk.

"Second brother, it's rare for you to sleep in late today. Hurry up and have breakfast, and you will be late for work later."

Chen Qi picked up a deep-fried dough stick and took a few bites before suddenly asking:

"Sister, if you were to live in a foreign country and eat milk and bread every morning and a hamburger sandwich at noon, do you think you can adapt?"

The silly elder sister laughed when she heard it:

"It's not a question of adapting or not, but a question of going crazy, let alone going abroad, even if you let me travel to other places, I can't get used to their food. If I don't go, I won't go anywhere. "

Chen Yiyi was lying in his aunt's arms, waving his little hands and shouting, "If you don't drink milk, just drink tofu nao!"

The kid didn't like to drink milk since he was a child. He just had a Chinese stomach. Maybe it has something to do with it. The taste is exactly the same as that of his aunt.

After hearing this, Chen Qi's mind exploded, as if he had awakened to something, and then he shook his head mockingly.

Yes, it is not a big problem for him to go abroad, but he has to consider the feelings of his brothers, sisters, children, and even his wife.

I am not familiar with the place of life, and I don’t know a foreign language. If I go abroad, I will be blind. Some ingredients in China cannot be bought there. Whether it is living or studying, it is a kind of torture.

Big sister, younger brother, younger sister, wife, son, daughter, can they really be happy?

How do you say something?

My honey, that's arsenic.

Chen Qi felt that he was a little too selfish, only considering his own feelings, and asked the whole family to sacrifice themselves to achieve him?

In this way, Chen Qi was full of worries, took the bag and squeezed the No. 5 bus to work again. His Santana was smashed and needed to be fully repaired.

Now the Jin family is a standard family that has been ruined.

The father of the family died, the grandson died, and the house was burned down.

The eldest son of the Jin family was arrested, and the second and third sons of the Jin family have become the poor dogs of the village. They were forced by the villagers to repay their debts.

Therefore, Chen Qi's car repair money was not expected to be lost by the Jin family.

This money should be given to the ancestors of Jin Kangsheng and Jin Wenyao.

Back in the office, Chen Qi picked up the phone, hesitated for a moment, and hung up directly in Chief Sun's office.

"Director Sun, I've made up my mind. I'm going to obey the arrangement and go to Africa to provide assistance for two years."

Director Sun was overjoyed when he heard that:

"Okay, okay, I read you right, boy, thank you, thank you for your selfless dedication, thank you for staying for the country and hometown, on behalf of more than 4 million Vietnamese and Chinese people, thank you, don't worry, I will come back even if I am the director If you don’t do it, I will arrange a good position for you.”

Chen Qi pouted, thinking that you can only represent yourself, and you must not represent others.

Chen Qi made the second phone call to Dean Guo.

"Old Comrade Guo, I've made up my mind. I'm going to listen to your suggestion and go to Africa to play in mud for two years. When you come back, you must vacate the position of dean. I'm going to grab the class duo right."

Upon hearing this, Dean Guo slapped the table excitedly:

"Hahaha, it's good if you figure it out. I'm very happy, Chen Qi. Two years is not short, but it is not long. Don't worry, Lijuan is in the People's Hospital, and no one will dare to bully her. , whoever bullies her will hit me in the face.

Don't worry about the family affairs, you and I, Mr. Zhu, will help take care of them. When you come back, if you are not the director of the People's Hospital, this is what I said. If I don't leave when the time comes, just go ahead. Hit my old face! "

Chen Qi joked: "Hey, you are not afraid that if I take your power and take your position, you will suffer from retirement syndrome?"

Dean Guo scolded disdainfully:

"Come, come, welcome to grab, as long as you can turn the People's Hospital into a first-class hospital in the country, even if you ask me to be your secretary, I will be willing, no matter what."

"I don't dare to ask for such an old secretary. If I want it, I will go to the nursing department to ask for someone..."

Now that he has decided to go to Africa, Chen Qi has too many things to arrange, the first is the student status of the graduate student.

This director Xu Jinxing is very talkative, anyway, the school has already approved it, and this graduate student is just going through the motions, and when he comes back in 2 years, he will submit a thesis and hold an internal defense to pass it.

The second is family issues. Chen Shu and Chen Hua are going to take the college entrance examination within two years. Their grades are quite good, so Chen Qi doesn't need to worry about it.

The silly elder sister seems to have to serve this small family for 2 years. It will be difficult to get married in these 2 years. If she is not at home, it will depend on Lan Lijuan to go to work, to do scientific research, and to take care of two children, two children, and four children. That's almost impossible.

After a long time, the eldest sister is the most important person in the Chen family.

In the end, Chen Qi's work was handed over.

Chen Qi is going to aid Africa, so his position in the Fourth Academy will continue to be retained, and he will still go out in the name of the president of the Fourth Academy of Vietnam.

It is also fortunate that he usually does not fight for power or profit in the hospital, and rarely participates in the administrative management of the hospital, so with him or without him, the hospital's administration has little influence.

The biggest impact is the clinical one.

Chen Qi officially appointed Yan Shifan as the director of the Second Department of Surgery, and Bian Meng as the deputy director, which can be regarded as an arrangement for the two assistants to retreat.

In the absence of Chen Qi, cleft lip and palate surgery and hand surgery can still be carried out normally. After all, the apprentices who have been teaching for several years have also been brought out.

But it is impossible to do high-end and delicate surgery.

Only Chen Qi can perform top-level surgeries, which will also lower the overall medical level of the Fourth Hospital by a notch, and then the quality can only be replaced by quantity.

Another personnel arrangement was to promote his brother-in-law Zhou Tong to the deputy chief of the general affairs department.

Zhou Tong, from an electrician in a village to a regular worker in the logistics of the Fourth Hospital, and then promoted to deputy section chief, is already a sure winner in life.

Chen Qi, the brother-in-law, can only do this. As for the future, it depends on his own ability.

Chen Qi originally thought that he would be able to work in the Fourth Hospital for ten or twenty years, but unexpectedly he would leave after only two years.

In any case, the financial crisis of the fourth hospital has been resolved, and two special departments have been established. Even the operating room is the most advanced in the country, and there is also the construction of a staff community that is the only one in the city's health system.

Chen Qi left the Fourth Academy of Yuezhong with a clear conscience, and fulfilled his long-standing principle, which is to serve as an official and benefit one side.

Of course, there was another piece of news that shocked people's attention. The former director of internal medicine, Yu Chuandong, was arrested, and then he incited the Jin family to make trouble and disturb the order of society.

At this time, the people in the Fourth Academy knew that the military adviser behind the scenes was the old director who was highly respected back then, and it can only be said that Yu Chuandong made a bad move.

The Jin family succeeded, and of course Chen Qi was brought down, and he was avenged in Eastern Chuandong.

But he never thought that if the Jin family failed, they would also bite the dog and confess him. If they confessed, they would be accomplices and they would also be held legally responsible.

A traitor won't be welcomed by people wherever he goes, and he's too smart to do his tricks. He could have retired after two years of good work, but now he's ready to go in and step on the sewing machine.

Although the sentence is only one year, the key is that the retirement salary is gone, and the whole life will be for nothing.

Of course, whether Chen Qi and Yao Jinshu are behind this, only they know.

A month later, Chen Qi officially handed over the work at hand. Originally, according to his temper, he wanted to leave quietly without taking a cloud.

But when he just walked to the entrance of the hospital, he found that there were densely packed workers of the Fourth Hospital standing on both sides.

When everyone saw Chen Qi with a surprised face, they all applauded.

Huang Ying held a stick of plastic flowers in her hand, and personally delivered them to Chen Qi:

"When the comrades heard that you were leaving, they all spontaneously came to see you off. On behalf of the more than 300 employees of the Fourth Hospital, I thank you for your dedication over the years, thank you."

Many people in the crowd were shouting:

"Dean Chen, I wish you every step of the way~~"

"Tou Chen, remember us when you go to Africa~~"

"Dean Chen, go all the way~~~"

Chen Qi listened to a black line and scolded: "Fart, I'm here to help Africa, not to die, don't say it's a good journey, I'm panicked!"


The sad atmosphere of parting was instantly diluted by laughter.

Huang Ying also smiled: "Before you leave, let's talk to your colleagues."

Chen Qi didn't want to cry, and pretended not to care, his eyes flicked across the faces of familiar colleagues.

Director Bian of the Department of Surgery, Director Ma of the Department of Orthopedics, Director Yu of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Director Yu of the Department of Anesthesiology, Li Chunming, the former chief of the Department of Internal Medicine who was just dismissed, and a group of small doctors from the Department of Surgery.

"Comrades, standing here, I remembered how I was when I reported to the Fourth Hospital. It was at this railway crossing that I met the director of surgery. I remember that I didn't even have a house to live in, and I was still the director. For introduction.

What was the Siyuan like at that time? It seems that we don't even have enough wages, let alone subsidies. Well now, not only has our income increased, but we will soon be allocated a new house. All of this is created by everyone's concerted efforts.

Although I'm leaving, I'm still serving as the dean of the Fourth Academy. As long as I don't get kicked out, I'll be your dean for a day. So when I come back two years later, I want to see what our fourth courtyard has become.

If our fourth hospital becomes better and better and becomes a first-class hospital in Vietnam, famous in the whole province, and going to the whole country, then I will celebrate for you. How much money will we have in the account then, I promise you, it will all be given to you send it on.

But if I come back two years later and find that the fourth hospital has returned to living a day-to-day life, with clinical decline, business decline, and reputation among the masses becoming bad, then I will not spare you. I will also torture you severely in the Fourth Courtyard! "


There was a chuckle from among the staff.

"The last thing I want to say is that no matter where I go, whether I go to Africa or transfer to other units in the future, I assure you that I will always be a member of the Fourth Academy, and the affairs of the Fourth Academy are my responsibility. Regarding Chen Qi's matter, I am obliged to stand with you absolutely!"


The crowd burst into warm applause, and many people were already in tears.

The direct descendants of Yan Shifan, Bianmeng, and Head Nurse Qiu were already in tears, and there was a sense of sight of a memorial service.

Huang Ying held Chen Qi's hand tightly at this moment:

"Thank you, Chen Qi, I sincerely thank you. Your arrival not only changed the appearance of the Fourth Academy, but also gave the people of the Fourth Academy hope for the future. As a member of the Old Fourth Academy, I sincerely thank you. Comrades, please Once again, we give warm applause to thank Dean Chen for his hard work in the past few years!"

Hush, boom, thunderous applause.

"Thank you, Dean Chen~~~"

"Dean Chen, come on~~~"

Now that he is going to Africa, Chen Qi has a lot to prepare.

This time, the Haidong Provincial Aid Mission to Africa is going to a country called "Sierra Lean", which is located in West Africa. Chen Qi went to inquire about it, and the only feedback was "poor".

To what extent are they poor? Most people are still in the state of primitive tribes, and the level of food and clothing has not been solved.

The result is such a poor country, but because of the domestic gold and diamond mines, under the secret control of developed countries, it is beaten to death all day long.

A country with a population of more than 10 million people, after the civil war started, basically half of it remained.

So Chen Qi's trip to Sierra Lean this time is actually very dangerous, but Chen Qi didn't tell his family about this, so as not to worry them.

The country is so poor, don't even think about how good the living conditions can be over there, Chen Qi is not afraid of anything else, but is afraid of starving himself.

So before leaving, he relied on his own space in the operating room to go crazy and make big purchases, from high-end meals in big hotels to all kinds of delicacies in snack bars.

In addition, all the peaches from Mohu Lake and red bayberries from the ancient city of Xiaze Village in his hometown have been picked, and they are all put in the spatial operating room, which is enough for him to eat for two years.

As for snacks, he doesn't worry about it. Every time he goes abroad, he goes to the supermarket to make big purchases. As far as his reserves are concerned, it is more than enough to open a supermarket.

Coke alone piled up, enough for him to live a modern life in Africa.

As for meat, Chen Qi wasn't worried about it at all. Anyway, he watched the animal world in his previous life, and there were not many other things in Africa, especially wild animals.

At that time, there will be fewer bison today, and a few wild sheep tomorrow, and even lion, elephant, and cheetah meat will not be impossible to taste...

What Chen Qi has to do is to bring enough seasoning, sprinkle with cumin, and make sure to dress up the little animals deliciously!

On October 1st, the day when people across the country celebrate, Chen Qi officially embarked on a flight to Africa and started a 2-year aid trip to Africa. I don't know what kind of life will be waiting for him.

After Chen Qi left, a major event happened in Yuezhong City.

After the National Day, the new big leader of Yuezhong City suddenly had a job change, and went to HX City, the most remote city in a certain northwest province, to be the top leader of the political oblique, with the same rank.

At this time, Xu Guorui was sitting in the office, drinking tea and making a red phone call:

"Old Li, thank you this time, I owe you a favor, good, good, I will give you two catties of Longjing tea, ha ha."

After hanging up the phone, Leader Xu picked up the ordinary phone and dialed:

"Xiaowei, it's Dad. Yes, you go to Yuezhong tomorrow and tell your sister-in-law so that she can work with peace of mind. That person has been transferred and will not come back. Okay, goodbye."

In fact, whether Chen Qi would go to Africa or not was up to the leader Xu, but after he learned what happened, he didn't stop him.

From his point of view, letting Chen Qi go abroad for gilding will make his resume look fuller and more convincing, so that he will not be rejected by others because of his age.

In this way, when he comes back after 2 years, he can directly intervene and let Chen Qi go to the Provincial First Affiliated Hospital.

At the deputy department level, in a deputy departmental hospital like the First Affiliated Hospital of the Province, he is fully qualified to be a medical section chief or department director, and he will be promoted to the department before the age of 30.

The vice president of a provincial hospital is enough for Chen Qi to have a certain status in the world.

A person with a pattern will turn a bad thing into a good thing, and he can take advantage of the situation and make use of his strength to make others have nothing to say.

In 2 years, Chen Qi was only 26 years old when he came back, the advantage is on his side, youth is capital...

(It’s really not easy to post this chapter, I don’t know how many times I have revised it)

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