Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 435: Chen Qi Jumps Over the Wall to Escape

In the rural areas in the south, many family members are the ties, and the common surnames in the village occupy all the right to speak in the village.

At this time, the village cadres are actually the elders of the family. This group of people has a lot of prestige in the village, and their words are effective, and they respond to everyone.

The best example is Uncle Dong, the boss of Tazhai Village in "Operation Icebreaker".

This group of people has good ideas, so they can concentrate their efforts to build the village very well, and make great contributions to the villagers, the clan, and the country.

However, patriarchs with bad thoughts often lead the villagers to go astray, and they all lie down together.

So now the life of the crown prince of Xia Ze Village is hanging by a thread, at stake.

Chen Qi, a white-eyed wolf from the same village, not only refuses to save him, but also wants to murder the prince on the operating table, so that the Jin patriarch's family will have no children and grandchildren? To avenge the elder sister's broken bones.

Good guy, this news was spread to the village by the Jin family, whether it was an 80-year-old man or a toddler, they were all mad with rage.

Whether it's a genuine sense of justice, or a show for the patriarch, anyway, Xia Ze Village is a sensation, and they all go into battle.

Chen Qi's second uncle's family, as well as his grandparents could only close the door. Fortunately, no one paid attention to them for the time being, because hundreds of people in Xiaze Village started to make trouble for the second time.

Jin Kangsheng has no other skills, but he is a good hand at inciting the villagers.

So the orders were passed on one by one. Some villagers of Xiaze Village went to the city, some went to the province, and the one farthest away had already bought a train ticket and was about to run to the capital.

Jin Kangsheng was not idle when a few capable villagers went out to file a lawsuit.

"You guys, bring Chen Qi to me right away. Back then we were unsuccessful in fighting the tiger, but now we are injured by the tiger. Since this rascal Chen Qi wants to murder our Jin family, let's kill him first today!"

A villager asked weakly: "Uncle Jin, this Chen Qi is a big cadre, will something happen if we do this?"

"An accident? Hmph, my mother is about to die, what else is I afraid of? You go ahead, I will take care of it."

Jin Kangsheng's eldest daughter-in-law, Luo Cuifeng, was not idle either, and led a group of village women to search for Chen Qi's revenge all over the world ahead of schedule.

For a while, there was a stance of stormy weather in the courtyard.

It's no secret that the Jin family dispatched troops in secret, and people came in and out. The Jin family had caused trouble once before, and the security department kept a close eye on it.

Looking at the posture of the Jin family now, he knew that there was trouble, so Wang Gang, the security chief, ordered all the security guards to go to work, and went to report to the dean himself.

Chen Qi was still undergoing surgery at this time.

The Border Alliance hurried in:

"Chentou, it's not good. People from the security department have come and said that the Jin family seems to be trying to harm you, and they are already shaking people."

Chen Qi is doing microsurgery, and his field of vision cannot move, so he didn't raise his head, but only paused for a while.

"What's going on with the Jin family? Isn't the diagnosis clear?"

"I heard that the Jin family does not agree with our conclusion, saying that you are going to lure the patient to the operating table, and then pretend that the operation failed on the operating table to kill the patient, avenge their personal revenge, and make their family die."


Chen Qi became a little angry: "Jin Wenyao's ghostly appearance, you still need me to do it? Besides, is this patient voluntarily taken over by me, or forced me to take over? Are you saying I'm hurting people now?"

If people want to make trouble, they will make it clear that they will not reason with you.

Head Nurse Qiu was even more anxious than Chen Qi: "Tou Chen, why don't you avoid it first."

Chen Qi was angry, and said with a cold face:

"The operation continues. Even if you want to avoid it for a while, you have to wait until the operation is over. There are so many patients waiting in the back. It's not easy for people to come and go. You may not know what will happen in the future."

Chen Qi is still performing cleft lip repair and hand surgery. This is currently the ace department of the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong University. Every day, a large number of patients from all over the country come from outside the province.

These people came for Chen Qi's title of "International Dual Director".

At the same time, there are many related households, all of whom are relatives of the leader's family, or patients introduced by a well-known domestic professor. Chen Qi usually does it himself for these patients.

Even if he didn't do it himself and asked the "apprentice" to perform the operation, he would definitely watch from the side.

Therefore, it is not easy to change the date of appointment for these "relationship households".

This year is not the future. The high-speed rail and plane are convenient. The farthest patient came from Xi'an. It is said that the train ride alone took three days and three nights. It is not easy. Chen Qi hopes to solve the patient's problem once.

The operation continued, and the instrument made a beeping sound from time to time, and everyone felt very heavy.

At this time, Jin Kangsheng had already led people to the dean's office, and Huang Ying had already received the report and stopped at the stairs.

"What are you going to do? This is a hospital, not your Xia Ze Village, lawless?"

Jin Kangsheng took the lead, and many villagers held sticks and ropes in their hands, preparing to bring the "criminals" to justice. They all believed that they were the party of justice, and they all glared at Huang Ying.

Jin Kangsheng said with a livid face:

"Huang Shuji, this matter has nothing to do with you, but our personal grievances with Chen Qi, please get out of the way."

Huang Ying became angry when she heard it:

"What has nothing to do with me? I'm still the scribe of this hospital. Besides, if the diagnosis was not clear before, it's fine if you make trouble. Now that the cause has been found out with great difficulty, you don't think about how to treat it, but you still make trouble? What are you? To see a doctor or to make trouble?"

"The cause of the disease has been found out? Haha"

Jin Kangsheng laughed strangely:

"Let's say there is such a thing in our lungs. After searching for a long time, we can't find out how it got in. Then we will have an operation. He also said that if he moves too much, he will die on the operating table. Chen Qi is this Talking nonsense, call him out and let him speak for himself!"

"Yes, call out!!!"

"If you have the kind, don't be a shrinking turtle!!!"

"If he's not guilty, why is he hiding???"

All of a sudden, the crowd became angry, and the atmosphere at the scene was like boiling water, which could not be suppressed.

Huang Ying was in a hurry and wanted to call someone from the security department, but the security department of the Fourth Hospital only had 10 establishments, facing hundreds of people, how could they suppress them.

Jin Kangsheng didn't care anymore, he lost his mind and was fearless:

"Rush for me, find someone for me, and pull them out to parade in the street!!!"

Huang Ying knew that the situation was over, so she had no choice but to get out of the way. At the same time, she felt deeply worried for Chen Qi. Meeting such a rascal family, it was really bad luck for eighteen lifetimes.

The same scene also appeared in every corner of the hospital.

When Chen Qi finished the operation, he quietly hid in the warehouse, looking out through the glass, his heart was full of gloom.

Personally, at this moment, he really wanted to throw all the Jin family members into the canal and drown them. But as the dean, he had to suppress his emotions in order to "maintain stability".

But there are some things that Chen Qi can't suppress if he wants to.

No, several villagers broke into the operating room and finally found Chen Qi in the warehouse.

"Come on, Chen Qi is hiding here~~~~"

All of a sudden, the Fourth Hospital became lively, both the villagers of Xiaze Village and the staff of the Fourth Hospital rushed to the operating room.

Seeing that the dean was about to be beaten again (why did he use the word "again"?), the staff of the Fourth Hospital were the first to quit.

First of all, the surgical boys, under the leadership of Yan Shifan and the border alliance, all took off their white coats, picked up brooms, mops, and tongs, and were fully armed to defend their dean.

Then, more and more young workers took off their white coats and were ready to fight today.

Whether or not he can win the fight is one thing, and the key is to perform well in front of the dean. Of course, there are many young doctors who are fans of Chen Qi, and they are willing to rush forward.

Huang Ying frantically shook the phone in the office, and made a direct call to the county to report everything that happened today.

After all, it was not Chen Qi who wanted to take over the patient, but the county forced Chen Qi to take over. Now that something like this happened, of course the county should be responsible.

So the policemen from the Keqiao Police Station hurried to the Fourth Courtyard again, but they were stopped by the villagers of Xiaze Village before they crossed the railway crossing.

Is Chen Qi afraid?

He is really not afraid, no one in this world can kill him, as long as he wants to hide, no one can find him.

Now his mood is mixed, he is moved by the staff of the Fourth Hospital who are desperately protecting him, but also afraid that the staff will be injured or some people will die.

At the same time, he was very angry with the Jin family's actions. Originally, everyone did not violate the river water, and they did not see each other.

As a result, people insisted on leaning on him like touching porcelain, insisting on pushing the patient to him, but they were wary of him. Isn't this obviously trying to kill Chen Qi?

Anyone who changed was angry and wronged, and annoyed.

When Jin Kangsheng heard that Chen Qi had been caught, he became furious and shouted to the villagers:

"Arrest Chen Qi for me, beat him first, then tie him up and send him to the county, let everyone see that such a person can be the dean, this is simply murder for money!"

Yan Shigong and the border alliance took the lead, with a pile of needles in one hand and a basin of light sulfuric acid in the other.

More little doctors guarded Chen Qi at the back, all of them were united, and their eyes almost burst into flames.

The border allies are shouting: "Come here if you are not afraid of death. I have sulfuric acid in my hand. I will pour it all over you. I will guarantee that your skin will fester all over your body and make your life worse than death."

The young man was so ruthless that he took out such a big killer from the laboratory. Sure enough, he heard that it was sulfuric acid, which frightened the besieging crowd.

The two sides were angry and scolded each other on the front line.

At the end, Yang Tihao shouted anxiously:

"Tou Chen, the gates and gates have been blocked by Xia Ze people. Run quickly and run to the back of the warehouse. Wang Yuelei has already built a boat and is waiting for you outside the fence."

Chen Qi knew that now was not the time to show off, "Okay, I'll scatter first, brothers hold on."

Uh, that's a very villainous statement.

Everyone knew that the Jin family wanted to arrest Chen Qi. As long as Chen Qi escaped, they would still be caught. They would definitely not embarrass the staff of the Fourth Academy.

It's a pity that at this time, the guard Corey has no guns. Otherwise, if the guns are paired, it doesn't matter whether they live or die. Who dares to make trouble?

Just when Chen Qi was about to climb over the fence, the Jin family finally found out:

"Hurry up, Chen Qi is about to run away!"

"Hurry up, don't let this kid run away!"

The fragile balance of confrontation was suddenly broken. Seeing that Chen Qi was about to climb over the wall, the Jin family was in a hurry and rushed forward desperately.

The staff of the fourth hospital knew that the most critical moment had come, and the director of the surgery side and the director of the orthopedics department Ma personally led the little doctors and shouted:

"Comrades, you must hold on, and you must let the dean run first~~~~"

Sitting on the wall, Chen Qi almost fell over with a bucket.

He looked back at the messy scene, which was like a fight with the gangsters on the beach, he was really angry and funny. I really want to learn from Big Big Wolf:

"I will definitely come back~~~~"

Wang Yuelei didn't know where to get a cement boat, so he stopped by the wall, saw Chen Qi appearing, and shouted anxiously:

"Chen Tou, jump quickly, jump down quickly."

Chen Qi saw it, jumped into the boat from the wall with a plop, and then kicked the wall with his feet, and the cement boat left quickly, paddling away into the distance in the dark.

Yuezhong is a water town, densely packed with river channels, as long as they get into the boat, no matter how capable the Jin family is, they will not be able to find anyone.

Wang Yuelei was shaking the cement boat, the scull was about to emit sparks, and finally taking advantage of the darkness, he rolled the boat into the Jianhu Lake next door and it was completely safe, so he was so tired that he sat down on the board.

It was already early summer at this time, Chen Qi was sitting on the bow of the boat, looking at the moon above his head, looking at the shimmering moonlight photo on the lake, but his heart was very peaceful.

"Yuelei, thank you. If you hadn't tried your best to protect me today, I'm afraid I would have been beaten half to death by now."

Wang Yuelei felt a little embarrassed:

"Chen Tou, don't say that, you are our dean, our big brother, you have made contributions to the Fourth Hospital in the past few years, and the changes you have brought to everyone's lives, everyone has seen it, He is also willing to rush forward to protect you, if the former Dean Mao is replaced, let's see who will come to help."

Chen Qi felt a lot better after hearing this, at least his hard work in the past few years was not in vain.

After the Jin family's troubles, he still felt very uncomfortable.

It's a trivial matter for the Jin family to make a fuss, and it is estimated that there will be a lot of lawsuits waiting for him to deal with.

It's easy to be a doctor, but it's hard to be a good dean. The superiors don't care whether you are wronged or not. What they want is stability. Today, if this incident becomes a big deal, it will definitely arouse the wrath of some leaders.

Seeing Chen Qi sitting on the bow silently, Wang Yuelei wanted to ease the atmosphere.

"Head Chen, where are we going next?"

"You can send me to the shore. I have to go home quickly. People in Xiaze Village can definitely find out my address. I have to pick up my family in advance, and then you should hurry back to the hospital."


After Chen Qi landed, taking advantage of the darkness and no one around, he took out a bicycle from the space hospital, checked the direction, and rode quickly towards the city.

At this time, the Fourth Academy of Yuezhong was still very lively.

Some villagers were excited when they found that Chen Qi's Santana was still parked.

Jin Kangsheng yelled: "I'm going to fuck you up, damn it, let this little bastard show off!"

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