Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 422 Lung Cancer Caused by Fighting

A month later, the First Affiliated Hospital of the Province, the Third Department of Surgery.

Director Xu Jinlin, Director Guo Yuanhang, Director Zhu Huoyan, Chen Qi, and many doctors from the research group sat around the meeting room, all frowning.

There are various inspection reports on the table, and the half-written draft of the thesis.

The reason why everyone gathered together was because the thesis could not be written anymore.

Other teams have made preliminary research results, but the etiology investigation team alone has been unable to come up with a final conclusion, even if it is a possible conclusion.

Director Xu touched his chin, but couldn't think of it:

"Ah, this is really strange. All the examinations have been done. The tissues around the baby's lungs are normal, and there is no invasion of the surrounding organs. There is no problem with the visceral parietal pleura, chest wall tissue, and mediastinal organs.

The lymphatic system was checked, and the lymphatic vessels around the bronchi and pulmonary vessels were checked several times, but no other cancer cells were found. A physical examination was also done, except for the lungs, there were no traces of malignant tumors, which is really strange. "

Chen Qi joked: "Could it be that a cancer sister fell from the sky?"

Dean Guo slapped Chen Qi on the head: "Be serious, this is a case discussion meeting. Didn't you see so many teachers sitting around?"

Many doctors in the office laughed lightly.

Everyone already knows that this overly young director of a grassroots hospital will be a junior graduate student in their department for the next three years. It stands to reason that everyone in Chen Qi will be called a teacher.

Even though he is at the departmental level and has a certain position, he is still a little brother in front of the doctors of the First Provincial Affiliated Hospital, especially in front of President Guo.

Chen Qi rubbed his hair and said aggrievedly:

"It's really like falling from the sky, otherwise it's hard to explain. It is said that he was exposed to some pollutants or radioactive substances after birth, but we have already visited the child's house inside and outside, and also learned about the surrounding living conditions. , this risk factor can be ruled out.

The family finally had such a precious grandson, and there was no one who smoked. The cooking kitchen was not in the same place as the bedroom, so the cause of air pollution could also be ruled out. What other risk factors are there? Chronic inflammation?

But we also checked and found no tuberculosis, bronchiectasis, etc. The only chylothorax was born one month later, so the bronchial epithelium metamorphoses into squamous epithelium during the chronic infection process, eventually causing cancer. This argument is also untenable.

Another one, which is more prominent among lung cancer patients, is the long-term lack of vitamin A, vitamin B, carotene, and trace elements in food. The problem is that a baby is only breastfed, and it does not involve incomplete nutrition. "

As soon as Chen Qi's words came out, everyone in the office nodded repeatedly.

The etiological investigation team is the most complicated, led by Chen Qi.

Chen Qi led a group of junior doctors from the First Affiliated Hospital of the Province to check the small sick room inside and out, up and down, from head to toe.

All the inspections that should be done have been done, and all the methods that should be thought of have been thought of. Some inspections have even been repeated many times, but the result is still nothing, and the money has been spent for a long time.

Dean Guo was smoking a cigarette, still puzzled:

"If you can't find out the cause of neonatal lung cancer, then this project can't be established at all. If you don't even know the reason, how can you convince others? The paper is not authoritative, but one thing is certain, lung cancer is impossible to miss. Born out of nowhere."

Chen Qi interjected at this time:

"At present, I think there are two possibilities. One is genetic factors, but this involves genetic testing. As far as I know, this technology has not yet been developed in my country. You can only go abroad for testing. The other is whether there is lung cancer. Is it contagious?"

As soon as Chen Qi said this, the office burst into laughter.

"How is it possible? How can lung cancer be contagious..."

"That's right. At present, no matter whether it is domestic or foreign, there has never been a case of lung cancer that is contagious. This assumption is not valid..."

"Lung cancer is an abnormal proliferation of human tissue after mutation, and has nothing to do with pathogenic microorganisms, and it is not an infectious disease..."

"It would be terrible if cancer could be contagious, just like tuberculosis, then human beings would be doomed..."

Everyone in the office was chattering, no one supported Chen Qi's hypothesis, not even Director Xu Jinxing, Teacher Li Baotian, and Dean Guo disagreed.

Xu Jinxing thought that Chen Qi was joking, instead he joked:

"Wonderful, if we can prove that lung cancer is contagious, then we can win the Nobel Prize in Medicine, haha."

Chen Qi rubbed his nose and laughed a few times in embarrassment, but he felt a little resentful in his heart, why should he veto this theory?

Didn't Hu Shi just say that we should make bold assumptions and verify them carefully?

The plenary meeting of the research group did not discuss any results. When everyone adjourned, Director Xu stopped Chen Qi.

"Chen Qi, this small patient has already spent more than 20,000 yuan in the past month. Even if our three hospitals bear part of it, it is not a small amount for the patient's family, and there are only a few issues in the hospital. , and it is impossible to reimburse us without limit."

In the 1980s, whether it was a provincial hospital, or a city level, a county level, or even a hospital level, every level of hospital was facing a financial difficulty.

As the dean of the Fourth Academy, Chen Qi couldn't give the green light for his own project and occupy all the research funds.

Blocking people's money is like killing their parents, so they won't be scolded to death by those old employees in the unit.

Similarly, it is impossible for the People's Hospital and the Provincial No. 1 Hospital to reimburse unlimited expenses for a subject, especially since Chen Qi wanted to do genetic testing in a whimsical way, and he had to go abroad to get the testing.

Good guy, this is worth tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars, which is simply not something the research team can afford.

Chen Qi was also a little embarrassed: "Have you already spent so much?"

He just wanted to blurt out that he should bear this part of the expenses himself, but when he thought of how he was forced to donate by the common people, he immediately rejected this decision in his heart.

But the problem of money is always to be solved.

Leaving aside the subject of the class, the main reason is that the source of the cancer cells in children is not clearly investigated. It is 100% sure that the cancer will recur, and Echung lacks the necessary inspection equipment, so it will not know that it has recurred.

For cancer, the focus is on early detection and early treatment. If you wait until the middle and late stages, it will be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, which is of little significance.

At this point, Chen Qi felt sorry for the child's father, and also for the trust of his relatives.

Otherwise, whose child would dare to let the doctor do experiments and go through a lot of inspections? The inspection process is not a playground, it is a pain.

"Director Xu, leave the money issue to me. I'll make a few calls to see if any stupid foreigners are interested in this subject."

The first thing Chen Qi thought of was his sponsor, Japan Nipro Medical Devices Company.

The pharmaceutical giants are big dogs, and they sponsor a lot of doctors, tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, which is like a drizzle to them. Maybe he can sponsor this neonatal lung cancer project like Ken Hashimoto did back then?

Chen Qi wanted to get in touch with the Japanese side, but writing letters was too slow, and it took two or three months to send them abroad. It's not clear when sending a telegram, and if you count the money in words, at most you can only send "Father's death and return soon".

So he decided to make an international call.

In the 1980s, there was only one place where international calls could be made, and that was the local post office.

The post office in the provincial capital is on Yan'an Road, not far from the First Affiliated Hospital, within walking distance.

These days, the city of West Lake City is still relatively small, the roads are not wide, and people come and go very densely. The spring clothes worn by pedestrians have obviously begun to be colorful, especially for girls, and various beautiful styles have come out.

Quite a lot of fastidious girls also have a bang, tall and fluffy, looking very fashionable.

But Chen Qi doesn't like this hairstyle, he just likes Lan Lijuan's, with a simple ponytail, which looks simple and clean.

With Chen Qi's hand in his trouser pocket, he went shopping, looked at the beauties, and walked towards the post office. It was a rare time to relax.

He knew that there would be a long queue for long-distance calls, but he did not expect that there were so many people making international calls.

When he saw the long queue in front of the counter on the second floor, he was startled. He hurried to the counter to get a number, and then filled in the international long-distance number and the name of the person he was looking for.

Yes, you don’t need to dial the number yourself when making international long-distance calls these days, and you need to be checked by the Post Office before they can connect you.

Since there was a queue, Chen Qi didn't know how long it would take for the caller in front, so Chen Qi took out the information in the bag and continued to study, but at this moment the crowd suddenly became commotion.

On the counter not far away, two middle-aged men fought, and the people around them were also pointing.

This is quite rare in West Lake City, where a gentleman is respected for his words rather than his hands.

"Look at the one in the suit, the quality is really bad!~~"

"That's right, everyone is queuing up, he's the only one special?~~"

"Oh~~oh~~ I killed someone, I killed someone~~~~"

Not long after the fight, the security guards from the post office also rushed out and separated the two.

The middle-aged man in a suit was still cursing:

"You Liu Er, you don't even look at who your uncle is, so what if your uncle is in a hurry and joins the queue? Shame on you!"

As soon as the words came out, there were boos from the side: "Is it reasonable to jump in line?"

"That's right, the quality is really poor, why do you want to make international calls? Embarrass us Hua people!"

In addition, a man wearing a wallet who fought was not to be outdone:

"I don't care which bug you are, you can't get in front of me anyway, either you queue up, or you don't want to make a phone call today!"

Arguing and arguing, the two of them were about to get together again and start fighting.

Chen Qi watched a free farce with relish, and seeing that the two separated and could no longer fight, he was about to look down at his profile again.

Suddenly, he raised his head again, and looked at the man in the suit who was scolding his mother in confusion.

The more I look at this man, the more wrong I am.

I saw that his right cheek was flushed, not the kind of flush that was excited after a quarrel, but a sickly one, similar to plateau red.

Also, his eyelids are drooping, his eyes are sunken, and his left and right eyes are asymmetrical, which makes him look a little weird.

Chen Qi had a bad guess in his mind, so he walked up to the man in the suit and took a closer look, and he could see that the skin around the man's mouth and nose was slightly darkened.

This further confirmed Chen Qi's guess.

The man in the suit was unconvinced, when he suddenly found a young man staring at him, his heart suddenly became hairy, wondering if he might be a pervert?

"Hey, what are you looking at? I'm not a woman, so what's so interesting about it."

Chen Qi realized something, so he took out his work card and shook it, "Oh, so, I'm a doctor, and I found something wrong with you."

The man in the suit was full of question marks. I heard that a fortune teller would suddenly come out and say that you will have a bloody disaster to cheat money recently. This is the first time a doctor came out and said something was wrong with him.

Also strange, there is a large wave of people watching the excitement around.

Unexpectedly, there will be a second scene in this good show, and then a doctor jumped out, not knowing what to do, so they all cast their eyes on it.

Chen Qi asked, "Have you been coughing a lot lately?"

Although the man in the suit was reluctant, but thinking that this young man was a doctor, he answered honestly:

"I smoke. I usually cough a few times when my throat is itchy, but I don't cough much."

"Did you expectorate when you coughed? Or was there blood in the sputum?"


Chen Qi choked for a moment, why is there nothing here?

"So do you have any chest pains?"

The man in the suit touched his chest unconsciously, and pressed it a few times, then shook his head:

"I don't seem to have this feeling, but I may have been smoking for a long time, and my voice is hoarse from time to time. Sometimes I can take some medicine, doctor, what are you trying to say? What disease do I have?"

Chen Qi patted the man in the suit on the shoulder, come, come to the bright light, let me see your pupils.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I can see the problem even more when I look at it. The pupil on the right side is obviously smaller, which is asymmetrical with the left eye.

Chen Qi didn't know how to open his mouth. To be honest, he was afraid of being beaten, but if he encountered it, it would be against medical ethics if he didn't speak up.

"Comrade, I suggest that you go to the Provincial First Affiliated Hospital for an examination. Their hospital has the only CT machine in Haidong Province. You'd better have a chest CT."

"Xiqi? What is Xiqi? I don't understand, doctor, just tell me what's wrong."

The man in the suit was obviously a little impatient.

The people around are watching the excitement and are not afraid of big things, so they are also booing:

"Let's talk, what's wrong with this guy?"

Chen Qi was a little embarrassed. After all, this was just his guess. If he guessed wrong, it is estimated that the man in the suit will have a second fight today:

"Comrade, don't be angry when I say it. I see that your right cheek is flushed, your right eyelid is drooping, your pupils are constricted, your eyeballs are sunken, and your voice is hoarse from time to time, so I suspect that you may have...

lung cancer. "

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