Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 353: To whom does the million dollars belong?

Chen Qi touched the suitcase next to him. There were almost 1 million US dollars in it, all in cash, weighing more than 20 catties.

It was $200,000 more than expected. This is because some foreign tyrants are not short of money at all. In order to highlight their nobility and wealth, they felt that $50,000 was too little, so they directly added money.

Chen Qi also wanted to receive checks, carrying a box of money, like a migrant worker.

But there is no way, the same sentence, Huaguo's financial system is very closed, he can't cash the check.

If so many U.S. dollars are directly remitted from abroad to China, I am afraid that the U.S. dollars will not reach Chen Qi's hands, and they will be forcibly exchanged into RMB immediately, and they will be exchanged at the bank's listed price, and the loss will be heavy.

But with a lot of money, there are troubles with a lot of money.

No, Chen Qi received a one-day surgery and received 1 million US dollars in labor fees. Like an atomic bomb, it caused an uproar in the Hua Guo delegation.

Chen Qi also wanted to keep it secret, but he was a leading cadre, so in order to avoid being charged with "unidentified source of huge amount of property" in the future, he could only report in advance.

It's okay if he didn't report it, but if he did, it would frighten the head of the Hua Guo delegation, who is also Director Sun Bosun of the Ministry.

The chief director of a dignified ministry can be regarded as a middle-level cadre, but where did Sun Bo see a doctor who could earn 1 million US dollars in two days?

Let alone 1 million US dollars, even if you have 1 million won, that is an exaggeration.

When Sun Bo got Chen Qi's written report, he didn't know what to do? He could only immediately call all the members of the delegation to a meeting and prepare for a collective decision, so that whether he is right or wrong in the future has nothing to do with him personally.

At his level, they are all old fritters.

The room was full of people, and when everyone heard Director Sun read Chen Qi's report, everyone could stuff an egg into their mouths.

Whether it was a big professor or an ordinary little translator, everyone looked at Chen Qi like a monster with disbelief.

Professor Ning Mengzhu from the Neurosurgery Department joked with a wry smile:

"I know that there is a tradition of flying knives in foreign countries, and they can get rich rewards, but I didn't expect that the rewards would be so much, and Xiao Chen is still engaged in cleft lip and palate surgery. This operation is not difficult and the risk is small. Flying knife, how much can you take?"

The old man is trying to pick up lemons. He has had craniotomy for half his life, and he exists like a ceiling in domestic and foreign surgery.

In the end, he was defeated by a small plastic surgery in terms of income, and the defeat was completely bruised.

Think about myself, an old expert who enjoys special allowances, earning only a few thousand yuan a year, not even a fraction of Chen Qi.

All the old man thought in his heart was: Why didn't anyone ask me to make a throwing knife?

There are not many doctors who have such thoughts, but at any rate, doctors know that flying knives are also a symbol of strength and status, and an unspoken rule in the international medical circle, so although they are jealous, they will not express any objection.

Opposing flying knives is slapping the face of top experts from various countries, let alone trying to get ahead in the world in the future.

But the other staff members in the delegation don't care. At this time, the thinking of the cadres is very simple. There is no individual or non-individual. Everything belongs to the state and the collective.

Someone couldn't help standing up:

"Director Sun, I don't think the $1 million should be handed over to Comrade Chen Qi. He is a member of the Chinese delegation and represents our country. Foreigners invite him to throw knives because our country is strong. Medical technology has advanced.

So my suggestion is that the 1 million US dollars should be turned over to the country. If everyone goes abroad to make money for themselves, it will have a bad influence on the world. It will make foreign guests think that Chinese people are greedy and love money. This is a very bad influence. . "

Well, this staff member substituted domestic thinking into foreign countries, thinking that foreigners despise money just like Chinese people.

Of course, whether the Hua people really despise or fake despise everyone can only know in their hearts, anyway, they must speak righteously.

As soon as these words came out, many people in the room nodded.

Before the delegation came out, they were trained in diplomatic etiquette, but it was clearly stated that they could not accept foreign money in private.

Director Sun nodded slightly after hearing this, and felt that what this subordinate said made sense. If he went abroad for the purpose of throwing knives, not to promote Huaguo's medical technology, how would he lead the team then?

Individualism must be resolutely nip in the bud.

Chen Qi was furious when he heard it. Of course he was not convinced that his hard-earned money had to be handed over to the public.

This is a teaching operation that he did not have a good rest for two whole days, day and night. Why do foreign patients come to Huaguo?

But he can't resist, and the consequences of resistance will rise to political heights, so he can only sulk with a straight face.

The first person jumps out to object, and the second person will immediately add insult to injury.

Professor Wei Cheng coughed a few times, and everyone's eyes were attracted to him.

"I think so. Don't you find it strange that Comrade Chen Qi can get 1 million US dollars just for a few small plastic surgeries? Isn't this too much money? Let alone 1 million US dollars, I think The labor fee of 100 RMB is almost the same.

When things go wrong, there must be demons. Could it be that some foreign forces want to take the opportunity to corrupt our comrades with money? Everyone, don't forget that imperialism will never die, and there is no free lunch in the world. Comrade Chen Qi has something to give, and he must give something. "

These words are murderous.

Several professors in the room looked at Wei Cheng with contempt in their eyes: It's fine if you're jealous, we are all in the same industry, don't you know what the international flying knife market is? Is it necessary for you to frame Chen Qi like this?

Even the other staff members of the delegation gasped.

But when they think about it carefully, they also think that what Professor Wei Cheng said makes sense, foreigners are not fools, and they will give 1 million US dollars for a few cleft lip repairs? Foreigners' money is blown by the wind?

Could it be that Chen Qi is a potential enemy agent?

As a result, the eyes of everyone looking at Chen Qi became vigilant, with a strong sense of scrutiny. This was not only related to the issue of money, but also related to the principled issue of national security.

Chen Qi really wanted to vomit blood.

A small doctor in a small hospital in a small place, what capital and conditions does he have to be wooed by foreign forces? What state secrets can he have access to?

Are foreign forces stupid? Throw a million dollars at a doctor who does a cleft lip?

Could this cleft lip surgery have the same profound impact on the international situation as nuclear weapons?

For a moment, Chen Qi was a little dumbfounded, and couldn't help but refute:

"Director Sun, Professor Wei, I have performed several surgeries, who are the family members of the patients, and how much they paid, all of which can be verified. And I am just a small surgeon, how can I be Overseas opposition forces to win over?"

At this time, Professor Wu Mengchao, who was sitting on the side, slapped the table, his face was very ugly.

"Nonsense, really nonsense, every time the World Society of Surgery is held and doctors from all over the world gather together, some doctors will throw knives openly or semi-openly. what?

Is the labor cost of surgical flying knife expensive? Of course, it is expensive. The starting price of a flying knife surgery in our hepatobiliary surgery is tens of thousands of dollars, and I have heard of hundreds of thousands of dollars. Think again with your brains, what is Chen Qi's identity? He is a director of the ICPF Society.

Do you understand the gold content of a director? Isn't it the top doctor in the world, can he get such an honor? You Wei Cheng are so good, have you become a director yet? You're not even a committee member, are you? The director has the board and price of the director. "

Professor Wu's words were very polite, and he directly criticized Wei Cheng's remarks just now. The meaning of protecting Chen Qi was very obvious, but he didn't finish his words:

"Let me give you an example. The CT of our Changhai Hospital is broken, and we can't repair it in China. We can only hire foreign technicians to repair it. Just a low-level ordinary technician, the labor fee alone is 10,000 US dollars. Now we invite a top international Is it more than tens of thousands of dollars for an expert to perform an operation?

Besides, Chen Qi performed these surgeries, as he just introduced, he went there on behalf of the ICPF Society, and the surgery was also a teaching operation, and a large group of foreign experts watched from the sidelines.

Although 1 million US dollars is a lot, he deserves it. If you confiscate the 1 million US dollars and spread it to the international community, the impact will be really bad. Do you think our country is stealing and usurping? This is not giving us greatness Is the motherland discredited? "

Professor Wu scolded Wei Cheng for his words, and at the same time reminded the delegation that the 1 million is a hot potato, and it is not so easy to confiscate.

Chen Qi is a council member of ICPF, representing the face of ICPF, not an ordinary doctor, let some of you get rounded.

Director Sun woke up suddenly, only then realized that Chen Qi was not an ordinary person, he had an international position, so he had to be cautious in everything about his personal affairs, and he should talk about it after returning to China if there were any problems.

So he immediately put on a smile:

"Yes, Professor Wu said it very well. Chen Qi's labor fee should be collected privately or handed over to the state. We should all report it, right? Let's discuss it later."

One word: "drag".

When the meeting was adjourned, Chen Qi walked up to Professor Wei Cheng with the tone of a superior:

"Comrade Wei Cheng has a high awareness of safety, and he is always thinking about the honor and safety of our country. But I think Comrade Wei Cheng is not working hard enough. You see, a young man like me has become an ICPF director. You You are so old, but you can’t even get a member of the FSSH Society. You can’t do this, how can you win glory for the country? How can you serve the people better? Or is your professional level not good, and people look down on you?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was about to leave turned their heads in unison, and many of them covered their mouths and laughed.

Sure enough, Wei Cheng's complexion changed drastically. He is a top domestic professor, chief physician, and president of Hua Guo Hand Surgery Society.

When this spread to China, there was no place to put his face.

The point is that he can't refute it.

Chen Qi lit the fire, and didn't care what Wei Cheng's expression was, and walked out of the room whistling.

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