Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 341 Early surgery to prevent accidents

Early the next morning, in the operating room.

The preparations for the two operations were carried out at the same time. Bian Pengfei and Ma Shouli led Yang Tihao and Zhang Xingshun to form a team; Chen Qi formed a team with Yan Shifan and Bian Meng.

After the assistant's disinfection was completed, Chen Qi's first task was to completely cut off the severed palm attached to his leg.

This is the first difficulty in testing the success of today's surgery.

For example, how much is the flap going to dig? How long are you going to cut blood vessels and nerves? After disconnecting these blood vessels and nerves, are you going to seal off the blood vessels and nerves in the legs, or find other nearby branches for grafting?

Chen Qi has no experience in this field, and he is still groping.

But he has an advantage that others do not have, and that is his "chess knife". Although the chess knife does not perform surgery automatically, it can help precisely control every step according to Chen Qi's surgical thinking.

To describe it in one sentence, every movement of Chen Qi's knife is at the "textbook" level, and he will not cut a millimeter less or cut a millimeter more.

Originally, Chen Qi had to find a lot of excuses to hide the chess knife, but since the Hanjiang Group gave him a set of cutting-edge surgical instruments, he can take it out logically.

Everyone in the operating room was holding their breath, and the sidemen fixed the camera on the tripod and made an OK gesture.

Chen Qi nodded to everyone in the operating room:

"Operation begins!"

Because Chen Qi intends to make this operation the first teaching operation of replantation of a severed limb in foster care, he explained the operation steps and clinical ideas in Chinese and English throughout the process.

In fact, it can be seen from this detail that Chen Qi already has a certain idea in his heart.

If there are no people in the country, then jump out of the country and jump directly to the international world. Others do not have this way and opportunity, but Chen Qi has it.

At the same time as Chen Qi was undergoing surgery, Wu Jianlin anxiously contacted his brothers by phone:

"Second Senior Brother, I received a report from the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong, saying that Chen Qi had started the foster care and replantation operation early this morning, and it's over."

Deng Changxi was a little impatient: "Is the operation successful?"

Wu Jianlin quickly replied: "It hasn't been reported yet, and it has been in for 3 hours now."

Deng Changxi switched the microphone to another ear at this time, and then he began to speak slowly:

"Old Wu, don't worry, let's not talk about whether this operation can be successful. Even if it is successful, don't we have a backup plan? Don't worry, Chen Qi's paper will be submitted to the "Journal of Surgery" in the future, and the final review of hand surgery On our hands.

At that time, we will directly kill the manuscript, so that he can't make any waves, and ours is also undergoing foster care and replantation. As long as it is delayed for a month, when our operation is successful, the paper can be the first Post directly.

At that time, even if Chen Qi had a hundred mouths, he would not be able to speak clearly, and no one could prove that he was the first doctor to complete the replantation of severed limb allografts. We are a hand surgery society certified by the state. It is the first case, whoever is the first case. "

Wu Jianlin slapped his thigh and shouted:

"Wonderful, it's so wonderful, this Chen Qi can't tell the suffering of the dumb eating Huanglian. Haha."

Suddenly Wu Jianlin seemed to remember something and reminded:

"But brother, this Chen Qi is not simple. He is a director of the International Medical Association. We can't treat him like an ordinary grassroots doctor."

"What about the international director? He is only a director of ICPF, not a director of FSSH. Don't be afraid of him. Just like Professor Wu Mengchao of Changhai, he is the vice president of IHPBA, and his level is much higher than that of Chen Qi, but you see he has rivals Has the surgical profession ever made an impact?"

The foster care and replantation surgery of Yuezhong Fourth Hospital has been in progress.

The first step of removing the severed palm from the leg went smoothly, but an accident occurred when the second step was transplanted to the arm.

Because the diameter of the fracture and the blood vessels of the severed palm had increased, the first anastomosis failed. When the blood was drained, it was found that all the blood had leaked out.

Whether the blood supply is restored is the key to the success of replantation of amputated limbs, and it cannot be overemphasized.

Everyone in the operating room was under a lot of pressure because they had experienced the "stealing incident" the day before. Everyone understood that it was okay if the operation was successful, but if the operation failed, the pressure they faced would be enormous.

At that time, the criticism of Chen Qi and the Fourth Hospital of Yuezhong in the domestic medical circle must be overwhelming.

Chen Qi smacked his lips, seeing that the atmosphere in the operating room was very dignified, without the usual laughter, he joked:

"What's wrong with all of you? It's normal to make mistakes in the operation. This is the world's first case of foster care and re-transplantation of severed limbs. Our operation process, whether it is a failed step or a successful step, will become the next generation's success." Precious clinical experience, then who, Bianmeng, you just took pictures of the whole process of the failure of the vascular anastomosis?"

The border alliance nodded: "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, the picture is very clear, and the whole process is recorded."

"OK, everyone, work harder, let's do a second vascular anastomosis."

At this moment, Yan Shifan said annoyedly:

"Deputy Chen, the previously anastomotic blood vessel is useless and needs to be partially excised. This will result in insufficient length of the blood vessel, and the two sides cannot be anastomosed. You see, at least 2cm is missing. What should I do?"

As soon as these words came out, Director Bian and Director Ma also frowned. The length of the blood vessel is not enough. Doesn't that mean that today's second-stage operation failed?

All eyes were on Chen Qi.

Chen Qi is also worried, what should I do if the blood vessels are not enough? It's not an elastic cord, you can pull it hard on both sides to force it to fit.

So the other person is thinking, rolling his eyes around.

The psychological quality of the surgeons is good enough. Unavoidable accidents will occur during the operation. If there is a change and he screams, he is not a qualified surgeon.

Suddenly, Chen Qi saw the wound on the calf that Broken Palm had fostered before. The blood vessels that were originally connected to Broken Palm were going to be sutured, but they were useless.

Since these blood vessels are useless, and the thickness is just right, can't they be used as waste?

Chen Qi's eyes lit up, and he ran close to the calf to observe carefully. The more he saw that this method was better, he said excitedly:

"I have a solution. See if there are any of these blood vessels. I cut off a section, got the broken palm and connected it with the broken arm. Isn't it just right, haha, this is really a genius discovery."

"Oh, so it can still be like this?"

"But there is a certain risk in this way. There was originally one anastomosis, but now it has become two anastomosis."

"I think I can take a gamble. If I don't gamble, the operation will not go on."

Many doctors in the operating room were talking about it, and sometimes whether it was inspiration or experience, it was all discussed in such discussions.

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