Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 168 The district cadres are also afraid of death

How much does it cost to build an operating room? Chen Qi didn't calculate it because he didn't know the prices in this era.

According to the standards of later generations, an operating room with equipment + instruments would not be able to get it without a few million.

High-end operating rooms have a budget of tens of millions.

But how much did an operating room cost in 1982? Chen Qi didn't have this idea, so the old and the young started counting with their fingers.

First of all, we need to build a house. One house is not enough, and at least 5 houses are needed to add supporting facilities, and the rough house cannot be used as an operating room, so it needs to be decorated, and there are ventilation and constant temperature equipment, etc.

Otherwise, if you strip the patient on the operating table in winter, do you think they will freeze to death?

In addition, the Huangtan Health Center has no foundation at all, and has to buy all kinds of equipment. According to the conservative estimate of Director Yan, it is impossible to get it without 30,000 yuan.

30,000, 30,000 in 1982, a huge sum of money, even if the entire Huangtan Hospital is sold, it is not worth so much money.

When the data came out, Chen Qi thought, so cheap? It is the money for selling hundreds of acres of peaches.

Dean Yan felt cold in his heart, let alone 30,000, and now there is no 3,000 for him, so he could only scratch his head in embarrassment, and a few hairs drifted away with the wind:

"Xiao Chen, this, this, this, this will cost tens of thousands of dollars, and I can't get it out here at all."

Chen Qi knew that the health center was in trouble, so he asked: "How much money does our hospital still have in the account?"

"There is still 500 yuan, but this 500 yuan is for emergency use. It is the last life-saving money for the 20 employees in our hospital. It can't be moved easily."


Chen Qi almost spewed out the boiled water. There are 10 districts and 2 towns in Huiji County. The Huangtan Hospital is a first-level hospital at the district office, and there is only 500 yuan in the account? Not even a fraction of his personal money.

Now it was Chen Qi's turn to shake the cold in his heart.

Without money, there is no way to build an operating room. Without an operating room, even if he performs surgery, he can only do small things, stitch a wound and cut a corn. This is not the job he wants at all.

Chen Qi still didn't give up: "Dean, who is in charge of our hospital?"

"We are under the dual management of the Huangtan District Government and the Health Bureau."

"Then let's ask them for funds. This is to expand the hospital. The superiors always want to give us some funds, right? Especially in Huangtan District, our health center is well built, and the district cadres and commune cadres are all beneficial. .”

Chen Qi has heard of "running the Ministry to Beijing". If you want funds, you have to run more and more, and the children who will eventually cry will have milk.

Dean Yan smiled wryly:

"Don't look at the fact that we have two higher-level departments, and the result of having two mothers-in-law is that no one wants to take care of them, and they will push them to the other party to deal with, especially the human rights and financial rights of the health center are in the hands of the health bureau, not to mention the Huangtan district. Willing to take care of us."

Thinking about it, the district is really willing to take care of it. Why can't the hospital even pay the salary?

Chen Qi had a sudden thought: "Dean, why don't we go to the credit union for a loan?"

Later generations of hospitals also did not have superior appropriation for building buildings and buying equipment, and they also needed to raise funds by themselves, which is actually loans.

"Loan? You can figure it out, not to mention that the hospital has no precedent for loans, even if you can get a loan, what do you think our crappy hospital can mortgage? Is this house worth it? Is this land worth it?"

These days, the hospital land is allocated free of charge. Although Huangtan Health Center has not many medical staff and poor business, it still covers a large area, a full 30 mu, and a large area of ​​land is barren.

But the land is worthless.

Even when the Yuezhong People's Hospital built its own community for employees, the whole hospital had to save up for several years before breaking ground when they had some money in their hands.

There is absolutely no such thing as a loan to build a family building.

"Then what to do?"

The old and the young are worried again.

After lunch, taking advantage of the lunch break, Dean Yan went out with his black artificial leather briefcase, and came to the Huangtan District Government not far away.

He thought about it all afternoon, and felt that he still had to try his luck for alms.

Hu Huaxing, the deputy director of the Huangtan District Office, was reading the newspaper. He was born and bred in Huangtan, and the secretary and director were often changed, but he was the third child in a thousand years and remained motionless.

So the actual power he possesses is actually far beyond what others imagined, and he is also the person Dean Yan is looking for.

Boom, boom, Deputy Director Hu was delighted as soon as he looked up:

"Hey, who did I think it was? It turned out to be Dean Yan. You go to the Three Treasures Hall for everything."

Dean Yan is also familiar with this fellow + old leader, and he also smiled:

"Director Liu, I really encountered a bit of difficulty here. Isn't this a shameless visit?"

Hu Huaxing put down the newspaper and thought for a while: "Your health center hasn't heard of any trouble recently, what's the matter?"

"No trouble, actually it should be a good thing. For so many years, our Huangtan Hospital has only had a department of orthopedics and no surgery. The common people have no place to operate. One appendix costs one life, which is too tragic.

No, we just recruited a secondary school student from a medical school. This kid is amazing, and he is amazing at surgery. If the job quota hadn’t been replaced, he should be working in the District People’s Hospital by now. "

Hu Huaxing nodded:

"Yeah, it's impossible without surgery. Ordinary iron damage can be carried by us mountain people, but those diseases that require surgery have no place to cure and can only wait for death. We are ashamed of the common people."

Dean Yan rolled his eyes: "So, now that we have talents, we only need an operating room, ha ha."

Hu Huaxing waved his hands again and again:

"Stop, stop, I know what kind of ivory you are about to spit out of your dog's mouth. I want money now. I want to die. If nothing else, the salaries of the cadres in our district have not been paid yet. Where do I get the money? support you?"

Dean Yan's heart turned cold again when he heard it. He knew it was the consequence, but he still didn't give up.

"Director Hu, let me tell you that if this operating room is built, it will not only benefit the common people, but also our cadres, including their family members. Who can guarantee that they will not have a headache?

As for Director Sun of Sun Ao Commune, you said that if our health center had a surgical department, would he have died of pain because of appendicitis? This is a tragedy in the world, so Director Hu, even if we don't think about others, we should think about ourselves and our family members. "

Most of the cadres in Huangtan District and various communes are locals of Huangtan. Dean Yan wanted to persuade Deputy Director Hu from a "personal" point of view. This effect was far better than shouting slogans.

Sure enough, Hu Huaxing fell into deep thought and nodded his head slightly.

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