Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 166 Dividing money in private is a big taboo

The next day Chen Qi got up early and ran along the creek behind the hospital for half an hour very self-disciplined.

He is a man who aspires to be a surgeon. He must have a compulsive body, and exercise is naturally essential.

When he was about to show up at the outpatient clinic at 7:30 in the morning, he suddenly found that many patients were already waiting in the lobby. When he saw Chen Qi coming in, they all surrounded him.

Among the crowd, Song Dahai's voice was the loudest:

"Look, everyone, this is Dr. Chen who cut my corns yesterday. Let me tell you, he is an authentic technical secondary school student in a medical school. There is nothing to say about his level. He is absolutely outstanding."

Chen Qi blinked, wondering what kind of medicine was sold in Song Dahai's gourd? The 5 yuan surgery fee has been paid back to him.

Song Dahai made two simple crutches out of a few pieces of wood, and limped to Chen Qi:

"Little Doctor Chen, this is Dong Xuegong from the grain station, this is Teacher Liu from junior high school, this is Yao Guangrong from the police station, and this is Jiang Baowei from Jiangxiang Village's clerk, over there is Guan Hongjun from the Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

They all have corns, you have to treat them, don't worry, I told them about the charges, and they all agreed to accept them. Dr. Chen doesn't know, wow, this corn is really tormenting people, we mountain people have to go to the foot of the mountain, and we will go everywhere if we have corns. "

After Song Dahai finished speaking, he winked his eyes desperately.

Yes, Chen Qi understood right away. The reason is that this guy saw that he had confiscated the money, so he spent all day yesterday doing sales and publicity for him, so as to create achievements for his new doctor.

He is a real person, such a local snake friend is worth making, this is the first feeling in Chen Qi's heart.

These two people are still flirting, and the "patients" over there are anxious:

"Doctor Chen, please help me treat it, I have been here for two months."

"That's right, I work at the food station, and I have to carry food every day. Now it's hard to walk, let alone carry things. After a long time, our station master's face will not look good."

"And me, I have to stand every day in class, and I stand for a day. After get off work, my corns hurt so much that I don't want to eat dinner."

Listening to the chattering of these patients, Chen Qi felt extremely satisfied. This is the charm of a surgeon. With a single movement of the knife, the pain is naturally resolved, which is efficient, fast and convenient.

"Sure, since everyone has come to your door, there's no reason for me to die as a doctor. Now I'm going to soak my feet in the stream behind the hospital for half an hour. I'm starting to prepare and I'll do it for you this morning."

"Okay! Thank you, Dr. Chen~~~"

Several patients and their family members ran to the stream to soak their feet one after another, and the outpatient hall was suddenly empty.

The "noisy" sound outside has long been noticed by the colleagues in the Huangtan Health Center.

Especially Ni Meiying, seeing that the new little doctor had patients coming to her door the next day, she felt unspeakably unhappy.

Her husband, Fu Qianwei, an internal medicine doctor, is over 40 years old this year and has not yet made a name for himself in Huangtan. As a result, the new staff is about to make a big splash.

This could not but make her feel jealous and jealous.

You must know that Dean Yan is already over 50 years old. After a few years to retire, Ni Meiying still wants her husband to take over the position. If Cheng Yaojin is killed halfway, then Fu Qianwei will have nothing to do.

Ni Meiying rolled her eyes in the pharmacy, and then ran to the Chinese pharmacy next door, where Li Hong was busy tidying up.

"Hey, Li, have you seen the new Chen Qi?"

"See, isn't he outside? What's the matter?"

"What are you talking about? Look at his flirtatious appearance. He has only been in the hospital for a few days, and he will know how to please patients, and he will ask others to help solicit customers. Why do you think young people are so scheming now?"

Li Hong continued to tidy up while replying: "How bad are the patients in our hospital? When you have money, you can make up your wages. How wonderful."

Ni Meiying rolled her eyes in displeasure: "Ghost knows if I can make money."

Whether Chen Qi can make money, the answer is yes, but now there is a very difficult question in front of Dean Yan, who is to be paid for the 5 yuan surgery fee?

You must know that the anesthetic was provided by Chen Qi, the surgical instruments were Chen Qi's personal, even the operation was done by him alone, and the hospital did nothing except provide the venue.

In this way, it is not appropriate for the hospital to charge 5 yuan.

But it is even more inappropriate to give the 5 yuan to Chen Qi himself.

This put Dean Yan in a dilemma. Money is a good thing, but in the early 1980s, money was not necessarily a good thing.

In fact, before Chen Qi thought about the very popular "department contracting" in later generations, a certain field department liked to do this kind of thing the most.

It is just a public hospital, but in fact, a certain department in the hospital is contracted by individuals. The medicines and medical equipment needed by the doctors are all purchased by private parties, put in the pharmacy of the hospital, and the payment is also at the billing window.

Everything seemed normal, and the patient had no suspicions.

However, the hospital has two accounts, one is the open account, and the income and expenditure must be balanced.

The other is a private account, such as how much money the department makes this month, the hospital charges a certain percentage of "contracting fees", and the rest is privately owned by the doctors.

This has the advantage that the patients don't know about it. Anyway, the patients come for the brand of this public hospital, so that the resources of the patients will not be worried. The hospital and the contractor are a win-win situation, and both parties make money.

Of course, whether the patient spends more money in the end, spends money wrongly, ahem, God knows.

That's exactly what Chen Qi came up with, that is, the surgery would belong to him. He even thought about giving half of the profits to the hospital, and he would keep the half for himself.

But when he fell asleep in the middle of the night and was thinking about this matter, he touched his neck and felt that it was better to keep the head on the neck.

He almost went to jail for selling a few peach luggage. If this is the first time to set up a "department contract" in a public hospital, Chen Qi feels that next year (83) he will probably have to eat peanuts.

But if you don't take this path, it will be difficult for Chen Qi to achieve some results in this era.

Sure enough, the first one was not easy. There were 5 patients, and a total of 25 one-yuan yuan were placed on the table. How to divide the money?

Chen Qi is not the Holy Mother, who provides free medicine by himself? Free medical equipment? Free surgery? Then let the collective make money?

There is no such reason, if it is okay once in a while, if it becomes a routine, Chen Qi's money is not blown by the wind (in fact, his medicine and equipment are blown by the wind).

If you do that, the hospital will never improve, and you will never think of getting medicine and equipment, building houses and doing surgery.

And the hospital staff will also form a dependence, Chen Qi will make money if they have no money, but what if Chen Qi doesn't want to make money for them one day?

Raise Mi En, fight Mi Qiu.

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