Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 148 Early Leaving Form Protest

Hearing Chief Mo's reprimand, Li Baotian chuckled lightly:

"Students, you are about to graduate. Whether it is Chen Qi or you, you must firmly remember what you have suffered today. This is an unfair society, so you must work hard in the future and surpass this group of cadres. children.

At the same time, you must also remember the great kindness and virtue of Principal Jiang and Chief Mo, that is, they cover up the sky with their hands in the medical school, rely on cronyism, and assign work according to their own wishes regardless of subjective results. Such a principal, such a teacher, is arrogant. teacher! "

Chief Mo was so angry that his hands were shaking: "Li Baotian, you are responsible for what happened to you today!"

Li Baotian looked directly at Chief Mo:

"Of course I will be responsible for what I said. You are so shameless in doing things, are you afraid of being said? People are doing it, and the sky is watching. Some things are not without retribution, but that retribution has not yet arrived!"

The two teachers blatantly quarreled in front of the students in the classroom, which immediately attracted the attention of all the teachers in the school.

Many people hurriedly persuaded Chief Mo to leave, and Chief Mo hurried to complain to the principal.

Li Baotian looked at the students sitting in the classroom. We had been together day and night for four years and treated them like our own children. As a result, so many ridiculous things happened at the last moment.

It is foreseeable that this class of students will definitely be polarized in the future, and the opposition will be serious. I am afraid that it will be difficult to hold a class reunion in the future.

And he directly took off some people's emperor's new clothes, and what greeted him was probably a crazy counterattack.

"It is the teacher who is useless, failed to protect you, and failed to assign you to the ideal school. But it doesn't matter, you are still young, you are only 20 years old, your life has just begun, as long as you work hard, you will definitely change your life.

You are also my last class of students. After teaching you, I will also leave this Yuezhong Medical School that disappointed me. It is already a dirty campus, and it is no longer a pure campus. I hope that when we meet again in the future, you will have become your respective hospitals. The backbone of the big director. "

After Teacher Li finished speaking, the sadness in his eyes could no longer be restrained.

And all the students who were assigned unsatisfactory jobs have already cried out, and those students who stole good jobs by relying on their family connections also lowered their heads with guilt.

In any case, nothing can be changed, the files have been transferred.

After the job is assigned, a graduation certificate is issued, as well as a dispatch certificate to report to the new unit, a household registration transfer certificate, and so on.

With these certificates, all students will be officially graduated. In the afternoon, the school has prepared a grand graduation ceremony and farewell party.

The unfair score distribution not only exists in the medical class, but also in other professional classes.

As a result, under the leadership of class leader Chen Qi of the 78 medical class, at least half of the students left school early and did not participate in the graduation ceremony, protesting the injustice of the school in this silent way.

In the foreseeable future, this group of students will never be proud of being a graduate of Yuezhong Medical School.

At the same time, everyone was holding back their anger. When these students grew up, if some of them became the leaders of the hospital or the bureau, they would definitely not show mercy to the Jiang family in the future.

Under the gaze of all the teachers and students in the school, Principal Jiang looked at half of the vacant seats in the audience, his face was livid with anger.

Chen Qi returned to his home with a dizzy head.

Silly Big Sister is busy frying stinky tofu. Since the snack bar officially opened, "Silly Big Sister Stinky Tofu" has become the most famous small shop on Lu Xun Road.

Whether it is tourists traveling from north to south or elementary and middle school students, they are all willing to order a 20 cents stinky tofu, and then pour it with sweet and spicy sauce. It smells stinky and tastes delicious.

Silly Dajie not only provides stinky tofu, but also famous Vietnamese snacks such as shredded radish pancakes and magnolia tofu, and even tea eggs that ordinary people can’t afford.

The monthly income is around 1,000 yuan. Of course, this data is kept confidential so that no one will be jealous.

Chen Qi didn't say a word either, and after returning home, he helped the silly elder sister get back to work.

The silly elder sister is quite stupid about other things, but she is extremely sensitive to her brother's abnormal behavior. While frying tofu, she tilted her head and looked at her brother, feeling strange in her heart.

In the past, when Chen Qi came to help, he would greet the guests with a smile, and would yell a few times if he had nothing to do. Anyway, his whole body was full of sunshine.

But today's younger brother is unusually silent, with a preoccupied appearance, which is very abnormal at first glance.

The silly elder sister finished frying the stinky tofu from the group of customers in front of her, and suddenly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, we are closed today because of something at home, and we will reopen tomorrow."

After speaking, amidst the regrets of the customers, he closed the store door without hesitation.

"Hey, big sister, why don't you sell it? Isn't the business very good?"

The silly elder sister turned off the fire while cleaning the stove: "I won't sell it anymore, making money is not as important as my younger brother, second child, tell my sister, did you encounter any unhappy things today?"

Chen Qi's heart warmed, and he smiled wryly: "Sister, my work assignment has been finalized."

"Didn't I send you to the People's Hospital?"

"Hey, sister, how do you know?"

"Your sister and I are not really stupid. It's okay. If you don't go to the People's Hospital, you won't go. It's the same if you go to other hospitals. Hungry, that is the greatest victory.

Second child, don't put too much pressure on yourself. You have done enough for our family. It doesn't matter if the hospital is better or almost. Since you have a job, you should do it well. If you do well, the superiors will see it and you will pay attention to it. Not promote you? "

Chen Qi smiled wryly: "Sister, I was assigned to the Huangtan Health Center. This place is even more mountainous than our hometown. I guess there is no surgery."

"Yellow altar?"

The silly elder sister thought for a long time and didn't know where Huang Tan was. For a mountain person, knowing Keqiao Town is not bad.

"Whether you go to Huangtan or Qingtan, you are still a doctor, right? As long as you are a doctor, you can get in touch with patients. You think you can even go to the countryside to perform surgery for free clinics. When you become a formal doctor, don't you want to be a doctor?" Do whatever you want?

Stay far away. You don’t have to worry if you have a big sister in your family. Now my sister earns a lot of money. Even if you don’t work, she can support you. You are the man of my family. You must be strong and don’t let your father down. ,do you understand? "

Chen Qi burst out laughing: "Sister, how could I ask you to support me? Then I'm not a softie? It's embarrassing to say it."

"Who are you missing? Didn't sister support you all these years ago?"

The siblings chatted and recalled the past, and Chen Qi's mood gradually improved.

At this moment, there was a knock on the courtyard door, and Chen Qi ran over to take a look. Outside the door, Lan Lijuan, Wang Shannong, Ding Bitao, Yin Jigang, Qi Zhiyi, Bian Hongen, Ma Xiaona, and Li Sujuan smiled at him...

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