Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 110: Saving People Always Comes First

Yuezhong Medical School, in the teacher's office.

Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan sat across from teacher Li Baotian, the teacher in charge of the class, and they all had mournful faces.

Chen Qi told Mr. Li what happened in detail, without any omissions, including what he really thought at the time.

After listening to the silence for a long time, Teacher Li suddenly asked back:

"Chen Qi, do you think you are responsible for this matter, should you be punished?"

"Ms. Li, let me tell you in private, I don't think I am responsible, but I have merit. There are a few emergency patients waiting there, and there is no doctor to rescue them. These are three living lives. I watched them die?

There is also the patient with a ruptured tendon. If other doctors go to work after dawn, they will lose the most precious opportunity for suturing and will be permanently disabled. I don't have this ability, so I definitely don't move. Since I can perform surgery and rescue, am I still a medical worker if I don't? Do you still have a conscience? "

Li Baotian didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth turned up a little.

"Lijuan, tell me what you think now, do you regret it? After all, if you are punished, you will lose the opportunity to work in the People's Hospital."

After Lan Lijuan heard it, she straightened her back:

"Ms. Li, I have no regrets. Although I am not a real doctor, I also know that protecting the lives of the people should be the first priority. Student Chen Qi did a good job, and I support him.

If the People’s Hospital punished us for rescuing patients, it’s a hospital that doesn’t distinguish between right and wrong, so it doesn’t matter if we don’t stay. "

When Chen Qi heard that Lan Lijuan supported him so unreservedly, he was so moved, he really wanted to hold her little hand to encourage each other.

Of course, the result may be a slap in the face.

When Teacher Li heard it, he slapped and applauded:

"Well said, you are indeed the students educated by me, Li Baotian. You have done nothing wrong, and the teacher supports you. Li Juan is right. As doctors, we must always put the lives and health of the people first.

The rules and regulations of any hospital must give way to this principle. If our doctors are restricted by various rules and regulations, and have no freedom to even treat patients and save lives, it means that there is something wrong with the hospital system, and it is not you who need to change it. , but the system. "

When Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan heard this, their hearts were also warm.

To be honest, the two of them were announced to suspend their internship in the morning. After waiting for the processing, their hearts were chilled.

When the two walked out of the People's Hospital, they found that they had nowhere to go, so they had to go back to their alma mater to ask the teacher for help and comfort. Sure enough, the teacher was really good, unlike some wild teachers in the People's Hospital, who were ruthless.

At the same time, Chen Qi looked at Lan Lijuan with a little guilt and said:

"Lijuan, I'm really sorry for dragging you into the water this time. I originally wanted you to help me observe how the operation is carried out at close range, so that you can transform the theoretical anatomy knowledge in books into Practical experience, unexpected results."

Lan Lijuan didn't smile, she was obviously under a lot of pressure, but she still comforted her:

"Squad leader Chen is fine. I know in my heart that you are doing it for my own good, and I did the surgery voluntarily. It has nothing to do with you."

Chen Qi was in a hurry:

"Why doesn't it matter? Of course it does, but don't worry, even if the two of us are expelled, I can guarantee you a lifetime of wealth. If we don't work as doctors, we can earn more, and I promise to make you the number one in the school." million-dollar households."

Lan Lijuan blushed again: "Chen Qi, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Li Baotian coughed lightly:

"You two? Cough, but don't be too pessimistic. The matter hasn't reached such a serious level. Qi Damin's attitude can only represent his personal attitude, and it doesn't mean that the People's Hospital has the same attitude towards you. Everything is different. Transfer."

Both Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan were attracted, Qi Qi asked:

"Mr. Li, is it true?"

Both of them have a dream of being a doctor. Naturally, they are unwilling to be fired in such a disheartened manner, even if they become millionaires in the future, they will not be happy.

Li Baotian was meditating while knocking on the table:

"The relationship in the People's Hospital is very complicated, but at least I can be sure that Zhu Huoyan from the Department of Surgery is very satisfied with you, and once called me specifically to tell me about your performance in the hospital.

I know Zhu Huoyan. Don't look cold on the surface, but he has a very violent temper and is extremely defensive. He is not here today. If he is in the hospital, Qi Damin will never let Qi Damin easily suspend his internship.

Therefore, Director Zhu will be the first insurance against whether you will be severely punished in the future, but this is not enough. After all, Qi Damin is the chief of the medical department, and he has more say in the management of students, so he needs someone from a higher level support. "

Chen Qi's eyes lit up: "Mr. Li, what do you think of Dean Guo? Will he protect us?"

"Guo Yuanhang? Do you have a good relationship with him?"

Chen Qi chuckled, and on the first day of his internship, Dean Guo personally watched his diagnosis of skull base fracture, and when he bet with college students, he personally came to be the referee and so on.

It also specifically mentioned that Dean Guo expressed goodwill to him several times, and when he delivered tea for the last time, he even made it clear that he was welcome to work in the People's Hospital.

After listening to this, Teacher Li tapped heavily on the table:

"Then it's not a big problem for you two. First of all, if Dean Guo supports you, he will definitely make this matter a big one and make it a small one.

In addition, you may not know that there are struggles within the People's Hospital, such as the local faction headed by President Guo and the foreign faction headed by Vice President Wu. There are still some conflicts between the two sides.

I don't know whether Qi Damin is sincerely starting from the hospital's point of view this time, or whether he has selfish intentions to take advantage of the opportunity, but one thing is for sure, he is also working in Vietnam from other places, and he belongs to Deputy Wu's faction, and is not the same as Dean Guo. all the way.

In the past few years, the Department of Surgery of the People's Hospital has only recruited college students under the pretext of improving its technical strength.

In fact, it is the outsiders who want to snatch the right to speak in surgery. Dean Guo and Director Zhu may not fulfill their wishes, and they will definitely support local students from Vietnam and China to enter.

In previous years, among our health school graduates, there were no outstanding talents, so we have never had the opportunity to enter surgery, and local college students may not be willing to return to their hometowns to work. This time, Chen Qi, a health school student, has suddenly emerged, and it is estimated that this is also the reason why he was targeted by Qi Damin. "

Chen Qi was still a bit confused about what was local and what was outside.

But Lan Lijuan suddenly understood: "Mr. Li, are you saying that Daming Qi doesn't want Chen Qi to be assigned to the People's Hospital and to work in surgery?"

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