Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 105 Emergency Department All Night

For the next few days, Chen Qi continued to help in the operating room.

When Director Zhu had a major operation, Chen Qi served as the third assistant. Not only could he stand by, but he also had to do some work such as delivering instruments and threading needles.

Zhu Huoyan will take the trouble to give him a little trouble, explaining all the problems encountered in the operation thoroughly, especially some lessons that may lead to the failure of the operation.

This is the experience of an old expert who has been engaged in surgery for decades. If others want to listen to him, they don't bother to talk about it. No amount of money can buy it.

Although Chen Qi felt that he had benefited a lot, he always regretted that he had no chance to do it. At most, he would let him sew a few stitches when his abdomen was closed.

When he operated with young doctors Yi Zewen and Deng Shi, he would be much more relaxed.

Yi Zewen and Deng Shi have fully witnessed Chen Qi's strength, so when there are some common operations, they often ask Chen Qi to be the first assistant, so that the two teachers can free one of them to do other things.

In fact, Chen Qi's first assistant is very competent.

He can always hand over a suitable medical device or a reasonable operation suggestion at the right time, without having to ask the teacher to say anything, making people feel very comfortable, and the operation is also carried out quickly.

This is the legendary "feeding operation".

It is also the reason why Yi Zewen and Deng Shi like to take Chen Qi for surgery very, very much.

Using the private communication between the two, operating with Chen Qi is like standing next to a director, who will always know what you will do next.

It's a pity that no matter how good Chen Qi's performance is, Yi Zewen and Deng Shi dare not let Chen Qi be the master.

In the history of the People's Hospital, there has never been an intern who can serve as the chief surgeon. To put it bluntly, it means distrusting the interns and being responsible to the patients.

Not everyone can be "Ling Ran".

It wasn't until one day during the night shift that Chen Qi's dream of being the surgeon finally came true.

People's Hospital has no emergency department

Therefore, there are emergency surgical patients at night, usually from the first surgery department, the second surgery department, and the third surgery department, and the three surgeries take turns to receive them.

If it is an emergency in the direction of orthopedics, the fourth department of surgery and the fifth department of surgery will take turns to deal with it.

This day it was the turn of the first surgery department and the "emergency class".

Yi Zewen works the night shift, and Chen Qi, as an intern, of course has to be on duty with Mr. Yi.

According to the standards of later generations, the surgical night shift is actually very free, because postoperative patient care is mainly the work of nurses and has little to do with doctors.

Emergency surgery patients are usually treated in the emergency operating room. If they can be operated on, they will be operated on. If they cannot be operated on, they will be sent to the ICU. The doctor on duty in the surgical inpatient department will at most make a consultation.

When Chen Qi was on night shift in the hepatobiliary surgery department in his previous life, he would take out his game console and hide in the duty room to play, which was a rare time to relax.

He likes working on the night shift very much, because the day shift is so busy that he doesn't even have time to fall in love.

It's a pity he forgot that this was 1982, and the Yuezhong People's Hospital didn't have an emergency department, and the surgery department was the unlucky one tonight.

In the silent night, jingle bells, the phone rang.

"Hello, is it the first department of surgery? I'm in the department of obstetrics and gynecology. There is an ectopic pregnancy bleeding that needs surgery urgently. Come quickly. We have already sent the patient to the operating room. Hurry up."

Yi Zewen was covered in cold sweat when he received the phone call. He had an ectopic pregnancy, and he, a young doctor, could bear it.

"Chen Qi, Chen Qi, hurry up, find the chief on duty, and ask Director Zhu to come to the hospital quickly."

The leaders of the Yuezhong People's Hospital and the homes of doctors at the department director level all have telephones installed in their units so that they can be called on call in case of emergency.

Chen Qi dropped the book and ran over quickly: "Brother Yi, Director Zhu has gone to the provincial capital to open a surgical society."

"Then what should we do? Let the hospital office notify Director Jin."

"Director Jin also went to the provincial capital together."

Yi Zewen was about to go crazy: "Who else is the director at home?"

Chen Qi's expression turned ugly: "It is estimated that only Dean Guo is left. All the clinical directors and experts have gone to the provincial capital to open the surgical society, and they will not be back until tomorrow evening."

"Then hurry up and call Dean Guo, life is at stake, hurry up, I'll go to the operating room first!"

The most feared thing about ectopic pregnancy is massive bleeding. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, the patient will die immediately. Even in 2022, the mortality rate is quite high.

Chen Qifei ran to the chief on duty and asked for an emergency call to Dean Guo. When he returned to the inpatient department, the nurse on duty reminded:

"Student Chen Qi, Yi Zewen asked you to stare at the patients in the department alone tonight. He probably won't be able to come back soon."

Chen Qi glanced at the hour hand on the wall, it was 12 o'clock in the evening: "OK, little fun, no problem."

But the God of Destiny is like this, often what you are afraid of, he will come. For example, Chen Qi thought that tonight would be calm, but it turned out that this night was destined to be extraordinary.

Dean Guo was already asleep when the phone rang suddenly.

Dingling, Dingling ~~~~

It's like a reminder.

Dean Guo opened his eyes suddenly, jumped out of bed, and ran to the living room telephone without even putting on his coat, causing the dean's wife to complain for a while.

As long as anyone who has been a doctor knows that the phone rings in the middle of the night, it is definitely not a good thing, and it is often a big trouble.

"Hi, I'm Guo Yuanhang!"

"President Guo, I'm on duty. I just came from the Department of Surgery to inform that there is a massive ectopic pregnancy bleeding that requires emergency surgery. Yi Zewen from the Department of Surgery and Yu Yishan from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology can't handle it. I need your emergency support."

"Okay, I see, I'll be there soon."

Dean Guo lives in the staff quarters of the People's Hospital. It takes 15 minutes to ride a bicycle from the People's Hospital. When he heard that there was an emergency operation, he didn't have time to think about it. He grabbed his coat and rushed outside without even closing the door.

The dean's wife had long been used to her husband's furious behavior, she sighed, got up and closed the door again.

When Dean Guo rushed to the gate of the hospital, suddenly two large trucks drove into the gate of the People's Hospital at a speed of drifting, and almost missed him.

Dean Guo is on fire, driving so fast in the middle of the night, who is so unqualified? I was about to scold my mother.

Many men jumped out of the car, and all of them were wearing uniforms of mining workers, Dean Guo felt a little bit in his heart.

There are two famous mines in Yuezhou, one is the director of Lizhu Iron Mine, and the other is the Pingshui Copper Mine Plant. These two people either have no accidents, or a major accident. If they were sent urgently in the middle of the night, it is more likely to be a major accident. .

As the dean, I still have this vigilance:

"Which mine do you belong to? What happened?"

"Is it Dean Guo? Great, Dean Guo, please help. We work in the Pingshui Copper Mine. The mine collapsed and 10 workers were injured. They are all on the truck and need first aid!"

The middle-aged man who spoke almost knelt down.

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