Silicon Valley

Chapter 648 Questioning

The Instagram software and the "Peerless Beauty" game exceeded Henry's expectations and became more popular than expected.

The ranking list of "Peerless Beauty" once set off an upsurge of creating beautiful women among the people!

However, Henry knew that if it was just a leaderboard, people's enthusiasm would decrease over time. For example, such as the "Miss Hong Kong" election, before Run Run Shaw took over, "Miss Hong Kong" did arouse the interest of the people in Hong Kong at the beginning, but after the competition was over, it was over, and there was little follow-up development and publicity work for Miss Hong Kong. Even the contestants who won the championship of Miss Hong Kong were quickly forgotten by people!

Here is a question, why would someone participate in the "Miss Hong Kong" election?

In fact, the reason is very simple, they want to be famous!

I thought that being the champion of Miss Hong Kong would be famous and change my fate, but in the end, I was still unknown! As a result, the quality of beauties participating in the "Miss Hong Kong" election has become less and less, and why do audiences watch "Miss Hong Kong"? It's not for looking at beauties, you are all ugly, and you still look at wool! Therefore, the program "Miss Hong Kong" quickly declined!

After Run Run Shaw took over the "Miss Hong Kong" competition program, hype immediately started. The contestant who won the "Miss Hong Kong" championship will get a contract to make TV series, movies, and even record records under TVB and Shaw Brothers Films. The son attracted all the beauties who wanted to be famous, and the entire Hong Kong entertainment circle was also moved by it.

At that time, there were a lot of contestants who signed up for the "Miss Hong Kong", and many of them were outstanding. As a result, the registration site for "Miss Hong Kong" has become a beautiful landscape, and a large number of reporters stay there every day! Hong Kong citizens also go there to see beautiful women if they have nothing to do!

In the hands of Run Run Shaw, "Miss Hong Kong" has become a phenomenon-level program that is concerned by all Hong Kong people in a blink of an eye!

Now compare the list of "Peerless Beauties". If you want to make this list valuable and stimulate people's enthusiasm for active creation, you must learn from Run Run Shaw and fully tap the potential value of the "Peerless Beauties" on the list.

Here, Henry puts forward a new concept: virtual character fan economy!

The avatars who can squeeze into the top 3 of the "Peerless Beauty" list must be loved by netizens. In other words, these netizens are fans!

With fans, value can be created! ! !

Facebook cooperates with Tiantian Music Company and Galaxy Film Company. The annual champion, runner-up, and third runner-up of the "Peerless Beauty" ranking can sign contracts with Tiantian Music Company and Galaxy Film Company. Not only can they shoot MVs, albums, and photos, but also Movie! Galaxy Films has always invested in special effects technology regardless of cost. With the current special effects, people can't tell whether they are real characters or virtual characters. It's so lifelike!

And the creators of the "Peerless Beauty" virtual characters can get a corresponding 1% profit from Facebook to encourage more netizens to create more beautiful virtual characters. However, all copyrights of the characters belong to Facebook, because it is Facebook provides platform resources and image creation software, otherwise, how can netizens create virtual characters?

In fact, for Tiantianyou Music Company and Yinhe Film Company, virtual characters singing or making movies are more gimmicks, and there are fans who support them, which is very interesting!

Henry emailed his thoughts to three companies. Originally, this novel cooperation actually took a lot of risk. It was impossible for the three companies to negotiate a deal in a short while. It is very difficult for anyone to facilitate such cooperation. But Henry is the controller of the three companies, and he only needs one order to get everything done.

Three days later, Facebook, Tiantian Music, and Yinhe Film Company held a joint press conference to announce the cooperation decision.

When the news came out, everyone was dumbfounded!

The reporter was shocked and puzzled at the same time, and asked, "May I ask, why did you sign a contract with the virtual character? To make a virtual character into a MV and shoot a movie, a lot of special effects must be used, and the cost is very high!"

"First of all, you are wrong to say that the cost is high! In fact, on the contrary, the cost should be lower!!! Because you ignored the salary of the virtual character?! Compared with the salary of a well-known actor, the salary of the virtual character is almost It’s negligible, and the extra funds can be used for special effects! Besides, don’t you think it’s a gimmick to shoot MVs and movies with virtual characters?

Secondly, don't men all like beautiful women? Just watch the national live broadcast and you will know that as long as a woman is beautiful, just keep shouting 'thank you', and countless people will buy gifts! Even without saying a word, just being a quiet and beautiful woman arrogantly, someone will give you a gift! Today's era is an era of fan economy based on faces, more and more little fresh meats with poor acting skills are becoming popular! The virtual character of "Peerless Beauty" is much more beautiful than Xiaoxianrou and Internet celebrities. We have reason to believe that the virtual character will also become a big star! At that time, the avatar of "Peerless Beauty" will also broadcast live, and then act as an endorsement, shoot commercials, and create value for the company!

In addition, we will also cooperate with Williams Intelligent Alliance to provide each virtual character with an artificial intelligence program. She will grow up slowly and eventually become a unique individual! Is the robot Eve intelligent? It's very high, but in fact, it's just a first-generation artificial intelligence, and the avatar of "Peerless Beauty" will directly use the second-generation artificial intelligence! ! ! "

After the Facebook spokesperson finished answering, the expressions on the reporters' faces were shocked!

At this time, there has been a lot of discussion on the Internet.

"I'll go, it would be very interesting if we could see the virtual characters in 'Peerless Beauty' in the movie!"

"Yes, anyway, I will definitely go to see this movie!"

"And the MV! My heart is itching right now, I can't wait!"

"After watching their joint press conference on Facebook, what else can I say! Only the word 'Awesome' is here!"

"Yeah, it's so awesome, I have to accept it!"

"The creators of 'Peerless Beauty' are also paid. Isn't this encouraging everyone to create! The income of stars is so high, and it can easily be tens of millions of dollars. Even if the virtual characters don't earn as much as they do, they still earn 1% of the income. Not a lot!!! What's more, the method of creating the virtual character of "Peerless Beauty" is very simple, just use the game software to synthesize and modify pictures! If you are lucky, the character you created will be on the ranking list, Then make a fortune!!!”

More and more people began to download Facebook and Instagram software, and users created hundreds of thousands of virtual characters of "peerless beauty" every day. However, it is really too difficult to stand out from so many characters.

So what to do?

Generally speaking, you can only rely on likes and reposts in Moments, and share them on more platforms, such as Weibo, WeChat, icq, Google, National Live, Twitter, etc. The more likes accumulated on all platforms, the higher the ranking in the "Peerless Beauty" ranking!

Suddenly, there was a frenzy of creating "peerless beauties" virtual characters all over the world! Of course, these Internet companies under Henry's name have also made a lot of profits and have more and more users!

The virtual character of "Peerless Beauty" has been hyped crazily, making headlines frequently in the media, and becoming the hottest focus at the moment!

In the world's major colleges and universities, many people are talking about which "peerless beauty" virtual character is beautiful, and the boys are all trying their best to create the peerless goddess in their minds! As soon as the school beauties walk out of the dormitory, someone may secretly take pictures of them with mobile phones or cameras. In the end, almost all the pictures of the school beauties become the material in the "Peerless Beauty" software!

There are more and more people taking sneak shots on the streets, shops, airports, buses, train stations, etc.!

However, at this time, Henry was thinking about a problem. After all, virtual characters are still virtual characters, and they can only be seen but not touched. Therefore, the degree of fan chasing stars may be limited!

What is the reason for a man to be madly infatuated with a certain female anchor, even willing to pay tens of thousands of dollars in gifts? Isn't it just to have a chance to kiss Fangze! ! !

There are a lot of gift swiping, the female anchor saw it, oh, this is really a die-hard fan. So, under the "pleading and begging" of the loyal fans, the female anchor met him, had a meal, and opened a room... It is the mentality of a man who is crazy to give gifts to the female anchor. Similarly, male fans who are crazy about female stars are fantasizing in their hearts that one day they will take down the goddess, so they are also foolishly chasing stars.

By extension, the same is true for female fans chasing male stars.

Henry thought, if the virtual character becomes a real person with flesh and blood, the delusion in the man's heart will be much more violent, and a restless heart will grow crazily! ! !

So Henry started writing emails, which he then sent to Umbrella and Alpha.

Gene Umbrella Company and Alpha Company held a press conference on the second day, announcing: "Gene Umbrella Company and Alpha Company have been working on the research of bionic humans, and have achieved good results so far. Currently, the 'Peerless Beauty' Game software is popular all over the world, Gene Umbrella Company and Alpha Company can provide a perfect body for the "Peerless Beauty" virtual character! This body is full of flesh and blood, and its appearance and figure are the same as those in the photos! The virtual character is no longer visible Things that cannot be touched, she is by our side, with us!!!”

As soon as the words fell, everyone in the audience was shocked!

"Please... Excuse me, as you said, when will it be possible to create such a flesh-and-blood bionic human?" The reporter asked.

"Not in 10 years!!!" The spokesperson's tone was light but full of confidence.

When the reporter who asked the question heard this, he couldn't help being very surprised, and the microphone in his hand fell to the ground unexpectedly.

At this moment, the number of people watching the press conference around the world exceeded tens of millions, and all of them were deeply shocked by it!

The press conference was over, and the reporter rushed back to write the manuscript. The news of this press conference was too shocking, and the news had to be disseminated as quickly as possible.

Bionic people, flesh-and-blood robots, are simply too heaven-defying. In the future, when walking on the street between bionic people and humans, I'm afraid they won't be able to tell who is who!

New Internet media such as WeChat, Weibo, Facebook, and Twitter spread much faster than traditional media. The press conference of Gene Umbrella and Alpha has spread wildly on the Internet, detonating the entire Internet in an instant, causing crazy discussions and discussions among netizens. expect.

"Damn it, the two great companies are really extraordinary, and they will join hands to create bionic humans, it's too much!!!"

"Haha, the virtual character of 'Peerless Beauty' is going to become a bionic person, can I have sex? It's also romantic to be a ghost under the peony flower. If I can have sex with such a beautiful woman, I am willing to reduce my life span by 10 years." what!!!"

"...You are awesome, dare to fuck a robot!!!"

"Xu Xian fucked the snake, what happened to me fucking the robot?!"

"I would also like to fuck a robot, but only if she is beautiful!"

"Damn, you guys are so dirty! But, I like it!!!"


The creators of those "peerless beauties" fictitious characters suddenly felt excited, with inexplicable emotions, full of motivation, thinking, if the peerless beauties they created really turned into flesh and blood bionics, it would be so cool , as her creator, I have the closest relationship, and I will get the moon first if I am close to the water, in case...

Thinking about it, the eyes can't help but shoot out the light that men understand.

However, amidst the joy and shock, many media questioned Gene Umbrella and Alpha.

The editor-in-chief of The New York Times, George Hansen, said: "Gene Umbrella Corporation and Alpha Corporation jointly create bionics, which tramples on and destroys ethics and humanity. Bionics are like us, flesh and blood, whether they are robots or humans ?It is difficult for me to classify them as robots. In addition, when more and more bionics appear on the earth, the whole world will be in chaos. I am worried that once the bionics have extremely high intelligence, they will go away. On the street, we may not even be able to tell who is a human and who is a bionic! Isn't Skynet in "Terminator" warning us enough? If bionics are allowed to mix with us, sooner or later, They will destroy us humans!"

George Hansen's remarks caused a global outcry.

For a while, the voices condemning Gene Umbrella and Alpha Company became louder and louder.

Although there are also loud voices supporting bionics, these voices belong to the general public, and high-level people in the world have doubts and resistance to bionics. The United Nations even convened a general meeting on this matter to discuss how to deal with the issue of bionic people, or it is possible to introduce relevant policies to prohibit the manufacture of bionic humans.

At this moment, Henry felt very depressed, and there was a lot of pressure on his body.

(to be continued ~^~)

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