Sign in Starts From Farming in the Countryside

Chapter 253 Changes in the Island Country

The source star core, that contains the source of the Dao of one world.

No matter how small the world is, it is also the world.

What is the world?

That is the complete avenue. This is the case with Shennong Star. Although the source star core is broken, it also contains a complete source law.

Why can't the created space secret realm be called a world, even a small world? The reason is very simple, that is, the secret space does not have a complete source law.

Just now Lin Chen was still curious, why the stone ball strengthens and expands his spiritual consciousness. It turns out that the stone ball is essentially a fragment of the original core of Shennong Star.

If that's the case, then it all makes sense.

He not only made a profit, he made a lot of money.

Although Gaia didn't give him the answer to Lin Chen's first question, but because of the original star core, Lin Chen no longer bothered with that question.

Gaia also said that he would know the answer sooner or later, and since that was the case, he would not be in a hurry.

What Lin Chen wants to know, Gaia has already answered him, and Lin Chen is not rejecting accepting the control of the mothership.

The power of the mothership, Lin Chen saw when he inherited it, although Gaia said that the upcoming asteroid impact will not destroy the earth star, but he is still worried.

If it is said that he took over the mothership and mastered the supreme control of the mothership, then can he use the powerful weapons carried by the mothership to smash the asteroid in the outer sky?

It has no chance at all to enter the Earth's atmosphere.

This operation is completely feasible.

"Inheritor, after you have mastered the supreme control of the mothership, I hope you don't expose the existence of the mothership as much as possible unless you have to, let alone use the weapons on the mothership to destroy the star that is about to hit the earth. asteroid."

Gaia seemed to be aware of Lin Chen's thoughts, and she was the first to speak.


Lin Chen was very puzzled.

"Because the mothership is too involved, you now know that many things are not good for you. What you have to do now is to improve your strength. When your cultivation base reaches the cosmos level, you will have the authority at that time. I know everything. I can only tell you that this universe is very dangerous. Although the earth star is in the most remote corner of the universe, it is not absolutely safe, not to mention that the earth star is not as simple as you seem. "

Having said that, Gaia doesn't say anything.

However, Lin Chen still heard something hidden from Gaia's words.

First of all, the mothership has been hidden in the Antarctic seabed of the earth star and is not born. It should be avoiding the enemy. So who is the enemy of the mothership is obviously the secret world that destroyed the civilization of Shennong.

The power of the secret world, Lin Chen has seen in the inheritance.

The Heavenly Dao of Shennongxing is not the opponent of the powerhouse in the secret world. Lin Chen doesn't think that a solitary mothership can compete with the powerhouse in the secret world, although the combat power of the mothership is very powerful.

Second, the location of the earth star. From Gaia's words, Lin Chen knows that the location of the earth star is not in the center of the universe, but in the most remote corner of the universe, which can also explain why the resources of the Milky Way are so poor.


There is a big secret on the earth star, but what this secret is, Lin Chen doesn't know, but Gaia knows, Lin Chen speculates that Gaia controlled the mothership to come to the earth star this year, it should be for the content contained on the earth star. secret.

And what Gaia said before, the fourth era civilization and the fifth era civilization that have left the earth star will return to the earth star in the future, so it can be inferred that these two civilizations must know what the secret of the earth star is, And the secrets of Earth Star are very important to those high-level civilizations in the universe. Otherwise, why would those high-level civilizations return to Earth Star?

From the above, it can be concluded that in the future, there will definitely be a big change on the earth. This accident involved several higher civilizations.

If human civilization is not strong enough at that time, then its end will definitely be tragic.

Don't forget, the law of the universe is the law of the weak.

Higher civilizations will not care about lower civilizations. In the eyes of higher civilizations, lower civilizations are the objects of enslavement, the pigs they raise and the stubble of leeks to be cut.

The fate of human beings will have to be in their own hands in the future, and all humans can rely on are themselves.

But the funny thing is that humans are still fighting with each other and calculating. As everyone knows, the Earth Star has long been targeted by higher civilizations.


Although Lin Chen speculated about all this, he also knew that even if he said it out, no one would believe it, because the alien civilization was still too far away for those people. Besides, Lin Chen had no evidence. What does he have to believe?

Mothership? Gaia just said, let Lin Chen not expose the existence of the mothership, at least when he is not strong enough, try not to expose the existence of the mothership as much as possible.

The mothership is too involved. Once the mothership is exposed and the powerhouses of the secret world are attracted, the Earth Star will be really troublesome.

Even if the exposed mothership has not been discovered by the powerhouses of those worlds, can you guarantee that those people will not spy on the mothership? You must know that the mothership is the product of the eighth-level peak civilization, and its technology is not a little bit more advanced than the earth star.

Don't test human nature, human nature cannot stand the test.

Besides, Lin Chen wouldn't joke about the safety of his own and his family's life.

As for the people of the Fourth Era and the Fifth Era, I haven't heard what Gaia said. These two civilizations will not return to Earth for a while.

Then it can be concluded that as long as Lin Chen does not expose the mothership, the asteroid that is about to hit the Earth star is currently the biggest threat to the Earth star.

But Gaia also said, let Lin Chen leave the asteroid alone, saying that the asteroid can't destroy the earth star.

But what Gaia said was completely different from what Lin Chen simulated with his own brain. At this time, Lin Chen was also confused. He didn't know who he should believe. Should he listen to Gaia or believe in the brain? simulation results.

"Inheritor, although you can't use the mothership for the time being, you can use the battleships it carries. The combat power of those battleships is extremely powerful. I believe you should feel it when you come."

In the process of following Gaia to the control room, Gaia said again.

Lin Chen believed this, because he really experienced it personally when he came.

He couldn't destroy even a small unmanned aerial vehicle. Lin Chen didn't believe that he could destroy the more powerful warships. Although his current strength is more than ten times stronger than when he first came, he himself will not have the slightest chance of winning in the face of those Shennong star battleships in the mothership.

"Inheritor, do you know what resources are the most important in the universe?"

Suddenly, Gaia asked Lin Chen such a question.

After hearing this question, Lin Chen was stunned for a moment. He was very puzzled, why Gaia asked himself such a question inexplicably.

What resource is the most important in the universe, do we still need to ask this question? Isn't the answer obvious, isn't that population?

If nothing else, let's just talk about the Xia Kingdom on the Earth Star. Why is the Xia Kingdom developing so fast, isn't it because of his large population?

Many people are powerful, this sentence is not in vain.

The United States has been clamoring for sanctions against Xia Guo all day long, but has it really done so?

With the rapid economic development of the Xia Kingdom, you can see that the products of that country in the world do not need the market of the Xia Kingdom. The market of a country in the Xia Kingdom alone can top the markets of the Americas and Europe. Not to mention.

In a few years, all the countries in the world will especially like the tourists of Xia Guo? Why, because the spending power of tourists in Xia Kingdom is high.

What is the demographic dividend, this is the demographic dividend!


Although I don't know why Gaia asked such a question, Lin Chen still gave his own answer.

"Wrong, it's not the population, it's the food! Remember, the food is the most important resource in the universe. You will understand this later."

Having said that, Gaia stopped talking, because at this time he had come to the control room of the mothership.

I'm going, this one again.

Every time it comes to the critical moment, it makes people's appetites, and Lin Chen doubts whether Gaia did it on purpose.

But at this time, he couldn't open his mouth to ask, he could only listen to Gaia's arrangement and take over the supreme control of the mothership first.


Island country!

Just when Lin Chen took over the supreme control of the mothership in the Shennong star mothership in the Antarctic seabed, there was an undercurrent surging in the island country.

A few years ago, Lin Chen turned into a bronze mysterious man and made a big scene in the Ida family. As a result, the senior members of the Ida family and those elites were almost wiped out.

The result of this situation is that the surviving members of the Ida family are busy fighting for power and profits, while other families in the island country are eyeing the industry left by the Ida family.

But just when other families in the island country were preparing to start the industry left by the Ida family, the masters of the Ida family arrived.

The appearance of the three great masters and the six strong masters immediately shocked all the families of the island country, and even the royal family of the island country secretly sent people to the Ida family to inquire carefully.

Gein's power is just too powerful.

Every family has hidden power, but the hidden power of each family can kill the three great masters and six masters of the Ida family.

But can you guarantee that this is all the power of the Ida family?

Obviously, it's not.

Therefore, the appearance of the three great masters and six masters of the Ida family immediately made the other families in the island country take back their claws that had been stretched out.

At this time, the rulers of every family are not stupid. Knowing that these strong men of the Ida family were holding a lot of anger in their hearts at this time, if you still touch that bad head, you will be beaten if you don't get beaten.

However, there is one thing that the various families of the island country do not understand. According to the post-war treaty, a strong person with a master cultivation level or above cannot appear in this world at will, especially in public places.

Before, the two masters at the Grandmaster level had a big fight in the ancestral home of the Ida family, which had already violated this treaty. But now, the Ida family not only did not converge, but instead sent a more powerful lineup.

What is the Ida family trying to do?

Want to challenge the authority of the five permanent members of the World Federation?

It can be seen that these strong men in the Ida family are actively in contact with the royal family of the island country. It does not look like they are going to challenge the five major authorities. If not, what is it that makes the Ida family send so many strong men at great risks? Who?

With such doubts, the major families activated the chess pieces hidden in the Ida family, so that they must find out what was going on.

And just when all the family's attention was focused on the Ida family, in another part of the island country, a major event was happening that affected the world pattern.

Under the island of Mount Fuji!

Go deep into the biochemical laboratory thousands of meters underground.

The genetic warrior, originally developed using the megalodon gene, was out of control.

At this time, these powerful genetic warriors are not as simple as losing control. What they do seems to be remotely controlled by someone.

These out-of-control genetic warriors went on a killing spree in this biochemical laboratory that was thousands of meters underground. All the staff members they encountered were not spared and died at their hands.

As for the guards equipped in the laboratory, they are not their opponents at all, and they have long been slaughtered by these genetic warriors.

The remaining scientific researchers who are helpless are not their opponents.

Soon, the nearly 100 genetic warriors killed everyone in the laboratory.

After killing all these people, the genetic warriors with red light in their eyes moved the corpses of these people into the elevator. Some of them took these corpses and took the elevator to the ground quickly.

There was a change in the ground, and information was also received on the ground, but before the guards on the ground could go down to check what was going on, those genetic warriors brought their corpses and killed them.

When the guards on the ground saw the red-eyed Gene Warriors and the corpses beneath their feet, they immediately understood what was going on.

But at this time, it was too late for them to understand.

I saw that the genetic warriors who came to the ground turned into afterimages, and quickly shuttled among the guards. When the genetic warriors stopped, all the guards fell down with their hands covering their blood-spitting necks. .

Soon, the guards on the ground were also killed.

At this time, other gene warriors also came to the ground with the remaining corpses.

Looking at the corpses in this place, all the genetic warriors did not speak, but quickly took out a needle tube full of medicinal liquid from the backpack behind them, and then injected the medicinal liquid in the needle tube evenly into the in every corpse.

After doing all this, all the gene warriors disappeared into the dark night under the leadership of their captain.

It took less than three minutes for these genetic warriors to disappear when the roar of helicopters came from the night sky in the distance. On the ground, armored vehicles with a large number of heavily armed soldiers were coming.

But by the time these soldiers arrived, those genetic warriors had long since disappeared, leaving only one place of corpses for these soldiers.


The commander who led the team looked at the corpses in this place and let out an angry roar.

But what could he do now, even in anger, all he had to do was figure out what had happened and bring back the genetic warriors who had escaped.

Obviously, the commander who led the team knew something, otherwise, his face would not be so ugly, nor would it be the current reaction.

Looking at the corpses all over the place, the chief was very clear that if he couldn't find those genetic warriors who escaped, then his only fate would be a caesarean section.

Caesarean section is not what the chief wants, how could he have a good future so easily go to caesarean section?

"Come here, leave half of them to deal with the corpses, and the rest to track down the murderers who escaped. Be sure to arrest those murderers and bring them to justice. If they resist, they will be killed."

This big commander is very smart. He didn't tell the soldiers the true identities of those who escaped, but directly positioned those genetic warriors as murderers.

Runaway genetic warriors are no longer the warriors the island nation needs, so it doesn't matter if they live or die. In order not to reveal the secrets of the gene warriors, the commander of the Great Colonel directly issued an order to kill.


The soldiers who received the order soon split into two groups. Some soldiers followed the helicopter to track down the fleeing genetic warriors, while the remaining soldiers began to clean up the corpses on the ground.


Just when the hands of the island soldiers just touched the corpses on the ground, suddenly these corpses opened their eyes, and their mouths let out a penetrating roar.

Accompanied by this infiltrating roar, before those soldiers could react, they bit on the necks of these soldiers.


In this sudden change, many soldiers did not react at all and were bitten in the neck by the corpses who opened their eyes.

The soldiers who were bitten in the neck only felt a cold liquid flowing into their bodies. In an instant, they felt that their bodies were not under the control of their brains, and their brains lost the ability to think.

These soldiers who were alive one second turned into weird corpses the next.

da da da da...

Faced with this terrifying change, many soldiers shot those corpses with fear in their eyes.

For a while, the gunshots were loud, and the corpses were shot into a hornet's nest by bullets, but even so, these corpses did not fall down, they still opened their bloody mouths and walked staggeringly towards the soldiers who were shooting.

"Baga, shoot them in the head."

The commander-in-chief shouted loudly.


As he said that, he pulled out the command knife he was wearing and cut off the head of a corpse.

After the head was chopped off, the corpse fell over, and soon his body, along with his head, was reduced to a pile of ashes.

Seeing this, the surviving soldiers aimed their guns at the heads of the corpses. After a burst of intense gunfire, the remaining corpses were all smashed to pieces.

With their heads shattered, the corpses all turned into piles of ashes.

The soldiers who survived the disaster stood there dripping with sweat, looking at the piles of ashes on the ground with lingering fears. They couldn't understand why these dead bodies were resurrected, and what happened in the middle. matter.

"Hmph, Xu Fu, I've already made a move, it's up to you how to solve it."

In the Pacific Ocean, an unnamed desert island.

In an underground laboratory hidden thousands of meters underground, the doctor looked at everything happening on the screen in front of him, and snorted coldly.

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