Shuttle To Get Rich Since 1985

Chapter 639: Bigger and stronger

Many people discovered this loophole in a short time. You must know that there are too many unsatisfactory people in middle age.

In just one day, there are more than two million emails in (xi)fei's mailbox, and many of them are people in their 40s with work experience.

"This..." (xi) The two big heads of Fei were also shocked when they received the report at night.

"Isn't it only 300,000 in the morning, and 2 million in the evening?" asked another big man.

"Yes, 15% of them are under 30 years old, 40% are 30-40 years old, 45% are over 40 years old, and most of them have at least ten years of work experience. The programmers of the factory, and some skilled workers, such as numerical control, industrial automation, etc." The chief engineer nodded and took out a document and handed it to the two.

"The problem is that we don't need so many, do we?" The two big heads looked carefully, and they also had headaches.

"In fact, I found that the salary requirements for those over 40 years old are still relatively low, lower than those under 30 years old."

"Over 40 years old are generally old and young, and the pressure is relatively high. They need a stable working environment, and they have a small family, so the probability of accidents is not high."

"People under the age of 30 still have dreams, so this part of people has some strength, but they will not be willing to fly with us (xi). Fortunately, we have publicized it in the news." The chief engineer continued.

"There are too many suitable people like this." The two big heads knew that there must be many follow-ups, even if the acceptance rate was 1%, there would be quite a few in the end.

"How about we divide the admissions into three types this time, one is those who can go to work directly, participate in some mid-term confidential research, and some young people are used as talent reserves, and the last is older people, these people have rich work experience, How about we open a few more projects?" The other big boss saw that there were all kinds of technical talents, and his heart was moved.

"What project?" asked another big boss.

"Mr. He's software algorithms, we can also make a software service, not only for commercial companies, but also for other companies?"

"There is also a laser tank. Let's dismantle it into an equipment battalion and transform the black power into fuel power. We also have high-horsepower tank diesel engine technology."

"There is no problem in arranging tens of thousands of people for this project, and this highly efficient and cost-effective air defense system is very good for small countries."

"This can be..."

"In addition, small aircraft, we can also go in, even if we lose money for three to five years temporarily, as long as other companies go bankrupt, we can continue to develop in the future."

"We focus on cost performance."

"Also, didn't Mr. He say that we can do yachts? We can do it too. We can do high-end, high-end and low-end yachts. We just want to lose money to do it."

Hearing this, the chief engineer observed a three-minute silence for other companies. (xi) The price of materials here is cheaper than the market, and now such a group of middle-aged technicians can start work with a little training.

In this world, there is nothing that cannot be changed by the price. Even if the rich man is tall, a yacht with the same configuration can cost another one billion US dollars, mine 800 million US dollars, or 600 million US dollars.

Do the rich buy it?

Even if you don't buy it, the rich will definitely bargain with other yacht companies.

Of course, some of them look down on (xi)fei's production and buy other people's products at a high price, so what do other people think? Take advantage of.

That's right, just to be a spoiler.

It may not be enough to disrupt the situation at first, but as time goes by, no one wants to be told behind their backs that they have been taken advantage of.

Just like the current aircraft, many foreign airlines want to buy short- and medium-range aircraft, why?

Because it is cheap?

This has also put a lot of pressure on several other civil aviation airliner manufacturing companies. There is no way, airlines buy aircraft to make money.

If you buy a foreign plane, you will pay back the cost in eight years, if you buy a domestic plane, you will pay back the cost in five years...

So now the conflict between Western airlines and aircraft manufacturing companies is getting bigger and bigger, and the airlines even blame the aircraft manufacturing companies for the high fares.

You must know that in the West, some people are against it. Airlines are also big capitalists, and these big capitalists also have spokespersons, and aircraft manufacturing companies also have spokespersons.

What do the people want?

Regarding air ticket prices, 90% of the people don’t care about which country’s plane they take, they just care about how cheap the air ticket is.

Public opinion is tit-for-tat. After all, aircraft manufacturing companies also have a group of sub-interest networks, upstream and downstream industry chains.

There are also airlines. Now the West is going to issue airworthiness certificates to short- and medium-range civil aviation airliners, but unfortunately, domestic orders are full, so (xi)fei and Northeast Big Brother are not in a hurry.

There is also a related consequence, that is, because domestic airlines have cheaper planes, the price of international routes is relatively low. Although the face price has not changed, there are more gifts, such as perfume, bags, silk scarves, lipsticks send them all.

It has robbed most of the customers on international routes.

As for (xi) is the plane safe to fly?

Hehe, look at the big white goose plane designed and manufactured by (xi)fly, and fighter jets?

There is a domestic airline that refuses to buy our own planes, and then a one-year fine will make you unable to eat and walk around.

The Northeast Big Brother has nothing else, but this is still very good. You must know that most of the air traffic control departments are from the air force, and the air force has greater authority than the air traffic control department. The big brother of the aircraft manufacturing, if he doesn't give face, the Northeast's temper will come up, why don't you look down on him? Want to show you off?

These short- and medium-range civil aviation airliners are also exported to other countries. After all, they are cheap. Although international routes cannot be flown, can they fly domestically?

"That's a good idea, why don't we also build cars?" (xi) Fei Datou continued.

There is no way to replace fossil fuels. New energy is very good, but the construction of supporting facilities is too large. It can only be said to be complementary. Oil vehicles pollute the environment, so what about trams? Power generation, battery.

Some people say that the energy conversion ratio of fossil fuels is very low.

But electricity is the same, starting from power generation, then to charging and discharging, these are several layers.

However, electric vehicles also have advantages, especially commuting to work. This is indeed a magic tool, but for long distances, unless the charging and discharging technology and battery technology are improved to a higher level.

No one can bear the detonation of the battery at every turn, and this kind of car can only be driven in good condition. If the road condition is not good and the chassis is bumped, the danger will be greatly increased.

However, we do not want to be stuck in the development of new energy sources, because the patent barriers for engines and gearboxes are too high.

The tram is actually the same, look at the patented technology released by a certain tram...

"Forget it, there are too many car manufacturers, and we have no advantage."

"Yes, why not, Mr. He's solar photovoltaic technology, we have electric cars, direct charging, and even make a fuss on charging piles, reverse selling electricity, is the peak period of electricity consumption during the day?"

"For example, if I have an electric car, I park it in my own parking space during the day, and when it is fully charged, I can sell electricity in reverse. There is also self-driving technology. During the day, the car can run Didi by itself to make money. Of course, let's develop a car by ourselves. Platforms like Didi, we have people anyway.”

"Huh." Hearing this, the chief engineer felt that the older the leader, the more flexible his mind.

"You can try it!" The other big head was also moved.

"The autonomous driving technology of the laser tank can be developed into a civilian version, and then the photovoltaic technology on the jetpack can be used. Isn't there a tram?" The chief engineer also quickly suggested.

"Just do it like this, you go back and check it out and recruit relevant talents."

"That's right, we don't charge it, and go directly from the terminal to the grid after generating power."

"Let's take care of the power grid."

"Actually, it's not necessary. It just needs to cooperate with the local property management. These cars generate electricity nearby, such as the property's central air-conditioning, lighting, etc., to reduce losses."


"Big cities are now full of light curtains. There is no need to adjust the angle for power generation. There are sunlight reflections from all angles."

"The price of this car must not be cheap?"

"We at least have the core technology. Some of them are just a PPT to build cars, and they are not happy to sell them."

"That is, as long as there are enough users, the cost can be reduced, and we can also subsidize it?"

"Let's subsidize it ourselves and we'll be done."

(xi) Fei's chief engineer went over what the two leaders said, and then increased the recruitment of some positions.

Many people immediately found many jobs.

xi) Flying wants to build a car?"

"Impossible, is it so introverted in making a car?"

"Look at the newly added categories and subjects, don't they make cars?"

"It doesn't make sense, (xi) Fei has no contact with car making?"

"It is estimated that they want to start some new business."


"There's also machining. (xi) Fei looks like he's really ready to build a car."

"Brothers, I have had an online interview. I am 38 years old. I used to work in a large Internet company. Unfortunately, I was laid off the year before last. Of course, there are many reasons. In fact, I know that the price-performance ratio of my kind of beast is too low. Those newcomers Bulls and horses are more suitable for the company's strategy."

"These dogs compare things. The top management gets billions of dollars. When it comes to the employees below, they think you've got too much."

"If the science of the small book is not advanced, it is still beneficial for people to be tenured. If you don't want the company to go bankrupt, you will work hard."

"We all have the same virtue here. On the one hand, we dislike you for being too old, and on the other hand, we think you can work for a few more years."

"Congratulations, congratulations, how about the salary?"

"The salary is so-so, but I asked, the entry reward remains the same, it can be discounted, and it will be given upon entry."

"So what about resignation?"

"The one upstairs, isn't it stupid, (xi) fly to such a secret enterprise, and want to get out after entering?"

"I have no choice but to come out and look for a job. I have just finished the second round of exam questions. I don't know when the online interview will be."

"As long as (xi) Fei does not close down, I will be employed for life."

xi) Fei went bankrupt? Just relying on (xi) Fei's current capital It won't go bankrupt in a hundred years."

"Haha, I'm 43 years old, and I passed the online interview. (xi) Fei is really good, and the questions asked by the interviewer are very deep."

"I am 37 years old and graduated from high school, but I have been engaged in CNC machining for 18 years and passed the interview."

"I go…."

"Really, you need to graduate from high school?"

xi) Fei doesn't ask about academic qualifications. I have also interviewed online. They don't mention academic qualifications throughout the whole process, but ask about technical matters."

"Woooo, I graduated from junior high school, and I can drive an excavator..."

"You idiot upstairs, (xi) Fei is recruiting so many people this time, so he definitely needs to do a lot of construction work. He needs an excavator. Hurry up and send an email."

"It... seems possible."

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