"That's... roast suckling pig? When was it put in?" Kakuzaki Taki said with his eyelids trembling.

"It was stitched into the cow before the competition, right? Because the sauce was injected afterwards during the competition, so simply stuffing the raw suckling pig in it is not considered a violation of the rules." Mu Jiu speculated.

"The previous roasting only scorched the beef, but the roast suckling pig inside was not destroyed..."

"That's right, and judging from the color, it's the roast suckling pig with the best fire control... that's how interesting it is!" Dojima Gin said.

At this time, Liu Maoxing had also neatly cut off the pork chop, divided it into six parts and put them on the plate.

After putting on the spare uniform handed over by the staff, put the five dishes in front of the judges!

Mu Jiu moved his nostrils, and then sighed: "The smell of this original sesame oil is really different from ordinary 'roasted suckling pig'!"

Dojima Gin pressed the suckling pig steak with a dining knife, and then said, "Is this the suckling pig of 'Zaohuaxiang pig'?"

"That's right, I specifically asked the Mito Group to buy a suckling pig of 'Zaohuaxiang pig'." Liu Maoxing said.

"Zaohua Xiangzhu? I seem to have heard this name somewhere..." Kadozaki Taki looked like he was recalling.

"It is a high-quality pig breed bred in the Hainan area of ​​China in the past few years. It is a cross-bred breed of Wuzhishan pig, Hainan wild mountain pig, and high-quality American pig breeds. It is raised like Kobe cattle. It has special food, toilets, and exercise indicators. , and with spirulina, jasmine, and high-protein insects as feed, the meat texture is delicate, and because it lives in a selenium-rich water and soil environment, this pork also has a high selenium content." Dojima Gin said.

"As expected of Senior Dojima, he can even recognize the breed of roasted suckling pork steak." Liu Maoxing praised.

"Of course, as the chief chef of Yuanyue Resort, he also has to check the entire purchase process!"

"However, whether it is delicious or not is not determined by the preciousness of these ingredients, you have to taste it to know!" No one refuted Kadozaki Taki's words.

The five judges used knives and forks at the same time, divided a small piece of roasted suckling pork steak, and put it in their mouths...

Time seemed to freeze in an instant. After the pork chops were eaten, the five judges only mechanically chewed a few times, and the expressions on their faces were completely frozen!

At the same time, there was even slight sweat on the top of her head, as if something incredible had happened, Mizuhara Fuyumi's expression seemed to have changed slightly...

After a while, Dojima muttered with a strange expression: "This is... pork chop?"

"This kind of taste is indeed very similar to roast suckling pig." Suyuan was still concise, but what he said was unclear. What is "like" roast suckling pig?

"But, but the taste of this gravy is clearly a steak! No, it's indeed a pork chop, but... it's not right either! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ganri Xiangzi scratched his hair and showed a tangled look.

"So that's how it turned out. The whole beef that was scorched before was really intentional... Through different heat changes in different directions, the beef gravy, accompanied by the flavor of the beef, was squeezed with an invisible hand called 'temperature difference'. Among the suckling pigs!" Dojima Gin said.

"What? Using the temperature difference? This..."

"In addition to the slight spice flavor, the flavor of pork and beef are combined to create a mellow and deep delicacy!"

Liu Maoxing said at this time: "That's right, unlike ordinary roasted suckling pigs, this suckling pig has only undergone a preliminary purification process such as hollowing out the internal organs, and has not brushed any skin water, nor has it been air-dried. The whole thing is enclosed in the whole cow, and the flavor of the beef and the taste of the sauce are all good, all of which are achieved by using the temperature to make a small part of the gravy of the beef penetrate into the suckling pig!"

Indeed, although the special needle of the syringe used by Liu Maoxing was long, it was not enough to touch the suckling pig inside. That is to say, various sauces seemed to be used a lot, but they were actually used outside. On the beef, there is only a small part of the suckling pig that is accompanied by the infiltration of the gravy as a condiment...

"Although, although the control of the heat is very good,...the side dishes in the Western-style main course are also an indispensable part. Your side dishes are completely cooked on the spot, right? What is this? Hairball? No Is it a decoration?" Kakuzaki Taki asked as he picked up some "hair balls" with a fork.

"No, those are also edible side dishes!" Liu Maoxing said.

Kadozaki Taki hesitated to put this ball of "hair" into his mouth, and secretly decided that if Liu Maoxing told himself that it was "pig hair", he would fight him...

But this thing looks like "hair", but the taste has nothing to do with "hair". It is obviously a filament, but the tendons are tough, crisp, tender, smooth and delicious, without the feeling of hair at all!

"This is... a pig's ear?" Mu Jiu said hesitantly.

Dojima Gin nodded and said: "That's right, it's 'Shuimosi', a cold dish that is a test of knife skills in a Chinese cuisine. You need to cut the medium-ripe pig's ears into strands as thin as hair, and then add the sauce For cold salad, usually the more exquisite the knife skills, the better the taste of this 'water milled silk', such a thin 'water milled silk' is really rare!"

"This is...a shredded pig's ear?" Kakuzaki picked up another thread and looked at it carefully.

Su Yuan tasted some cold dishes next to him, and then his eyes lit up slightly. He seemed to think that the dishes with a lot of spices tasted good. At the same time, he asked, "These are beef tongue, tripe and scalp?"

"This should be the 'husband and wife's lung slice' in Chinese folk cuisine, right?" Ganri Xiangzi said.

"Lung slices? Are there any cow lungs?" Kadozaki Taki asked with a frown.

At this time, Liu Maoxing continued: "No, Husband and wife lung slices were originally called 'waste pieces' because they were made from leftovers from cows. Later, because the waste pieces sold by a couple on the roadside are most famous for their taste, they were called 'waste pieces'. "Husband and wife scrap film", but the name of "waste film" is not very good, because at that time there was "ox lung" in it, so it was changed to "husband and wife lung slice". This snack is no longer because of the hardship of life, so beef lung is no longer added, but the name "Husband and wife lung slice" has been preserved!"

"The main course is a pork chop that looks like beef and pork, and the side dishes are pig ears and beef offal... That's right, this feeling..."

In Dojima Gin's mind, a group of hog-headed monsters with bull horns appeared in his brain, and under the command of Liu Maoxing, they rushed into the dense forest in groups with axes, and instantly drowned Chuangzhen who was sharpening the knife look!

"That's right! The body seems to be controlled by a monster fused with a cow and a pig..."

"Although I don't want to admit it, but... I can't break free from the control of this pig-cow fusion appetite!"

Ever since the roast suckling pig was exposed in Liu Maoxing's "Charcoal Cow", most of the students have already shut up.

Because they had vaguely guessed that Liu Maoxing's cooking was still a success!

And judging by the way the judges are about to finish the grilled pork chop in front of them before proceeding with the judging process, they already guessed the result...

As for Chuangzhen, after tasting Liu Maoxing's "sixth" grilled pork chop, he already understood that "the general trend is over"!

Chuangzhen is indeed stronger than the original timeline. According to Liu Maoxing's judgment, Chuangzhen's "Lucky Pingliu Innovation Beef Stew" has already touched the edge of "super four-star".

But the one-time recipe used by Liu Maoxing is already "super four-star", and it also uses the "spice multivariate inequality" for seasoning and judging the temperature, with the help of new technology equipment to better control the temperature...

Although the "chef heart prototype" is not used, it is already a "super five-star" dish!

If you are willing to use the "Baby Chef's Heart" once, or if you have the assistance of "Super Touch", you can reach the tiger level!

In "Zhonghua Yiyi", this is also one of the dishes that the young master used when he faced the five generals in the dark cooking world for the first time...

Although in the end, the two dishes of Xiaodangjia were only equal to the one dish of the real fire control master "Leopard Head" with super-tactile sense, but this was already the embodiment of Xiaodangjia's highest culinary skills at that time!

Xiaodangjia does not have the super-tactile sense that surpasses the limit of human beings, but he has the highest fire control skill "fire kungfu" that ordinary cooks can possess, which is the same as the "sword kungfu" at the peak of knives. The "passive skills" that Liu Maoxing has not mastered in normal times are not as dazzling as many stunts, but they symbolize the proficiency of skills.

"Then let's announce the result now! After review by me and the other four judges, the winner... Liu Maoxing!" Dojima Gin announced as expected.

Although Kadozaki Taki also had no objection during the discussion, he still muttered at this time: "But it is still far from a star chef! Moreover, this dish is not suitable for adding to the recipe, it is too extravagant, and In terms of deliciousness, it’s not as good as our signature dish! Right? Big boobs.”

"Hehe, this..." Mu Jiu didn't answer directly.

Taki Kadozaki and Kiku's restaurants are now preparing for star ratings, so Taki Kadozaki is more concerned about these.

Liu Maoxing smiled and didn't refute, he was indeed much worse, relying on one-off recipes and semi-one-off prototypes of chef's heart, there is no point in forcibly reaching the tiger level...

Since the "super five-star" cuisine is enough to defeat Chuangzhen, he naturally won't waste it.

There are still two opportunities to use the "Baby of Heart of Cooking". Firstly, each time you use it is an opportunity to improve your "concentration". The minimum requirement, as long as the "chef heart prototype" given by the system that can only be used three times does not collapse, it can truly become Liu Maoxing's property, saving a lot of effort...

It is best to use the "Baby of Heart of Cooking" for the second time, so that the "concentration" can reach the level of maintaining "Baby of Heart of Cooking".

As for Ye Shanliang, who was watching from the sidelines when Liu Maoxing started the barbecue, he turned and left with a cold expression.

Others only saw Liu Maoxing's superb fire control, but only he understood that the basis of this fire control is "God's sense of smell"!

After hearing the result, Chuangzhen took off his turban and sighed: "Ah, it's still a bit worse!"

But before Liu Maoxing comforted him, he had already resurrected on the spot!

"But don't think that you will always be ahead, I will not let go! You will have another competition with Eizan at the school festival, right? Don't just regard Eizan as your opponent!" Chuang Zhen Said swearingly...

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