Shocking the Whole Internet! You Are Not a Psychologist at All!

Chapter 228 You use your merit, and I will earn mine.

"Let the boss sell the threatened creatures to us at a low price."

“We can continue to release animals and accumulate merit, while also easing everyone’s financial pressure. Isn’t that killing two birds with one stone?”

In the past, when trucks were intercepted and released, the drivers often opened their mouths.

In order to reduce everyone's financial pressure, Cihang Pudu left the middle-aged driver's phone number.

Through his introduction, I got to know the boss here.

Negotiate to purchase the creatures to be slaughtered at wholesale prices and then release them back into the wild.

The water friends in the live broadcast room were all shocked by Cihang's shamelessness.

Not red in the face, not out of breath.

After telling a lot of specious lies, do you really think that everyone has graduated from elementary school?

Haven’t you seen the world?

Ah Hui also didn't believe Cihang Pulu's excuse. She looked at the cigarette butts on the ground and said, "You are a monk, why do you smoke?"

"The middle-aged driver said personally that this is not the first time he has cooperated with you. How can you explain it?"

"Ah Hui, you heard wrong. He was talking about the first cooperation."

"As for cigarette butts... Amitabha."

"If you want the boss here to sell us the chickens, ducks, geese, dogs, or other creatures waiting to be slaughtered at a low price, you must have a good relationship with him."

Cihang Pudu talked eloquently: "Buddha said, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

“Smoking brings people closer together and leads to deals.”

"The Buddha's punishment will only punish poor monks, and it has nothing to do with you believers."

Cihang Pudu's shamelessness and shamelessness once again refreshed netizens' views.

If you don't engage in pyramid schemes with this talk, you will really lose your talent.

He is very talkative, and his face is as thick as a city wall.

The barrage of water friends is divided into two parts.

Some of them mocked Cihang Pudu in various ways.

The other part advised Ah Hui not to believe his lies.

Looking at Ah Hui's pretty face filled with grief and anger, Cihang Pudu lowered his voice and said, "Ah Hui, among the many believers, this poor monk believes in you the most, because you have the most wisdom."

"Now, the poor monk will tell you the truth. Please keep it secret for the poor monk."

"Although this poor monk has never done anything that offends his conscience, this matter is somewhat complicated after all."

“Once word gets out, it’s likely that it will be embellished and used to attack our good deeds.”

"You give your phone to the poor monk, and the poor monk will pray for you and your family, so that your family can go to the Paradise of Paradise and enjoy blessings as soon as possible."

Speaking of very tempting fallacies, Cihang Pudu reached for his mobile phone.

Ah Hui trembled and quickly retreated, putting some distance between herself and Cihang Pudu.

"You are still lying to me now, you are going too far!"

Ah Hui blushed and asked Cihang Pudu loudly.

What happened to the money hidden under the bedroom?

There are more than one million in it, all in cash.

Ah Hui is responsible for the accounts of the temple, and Ah Hui clearly indicates the source of every penny spent.

This money cannot be incense money in the temple.

I believe that the believers of Cihang Pudu are ordinary people with little money.

Gradually getting rid of Cihang Pudu's mental control, the IQ of a normal person reoccupied the high ground of A Hui's brain.


Cihang Pudu's expression changed again, which bastard told Ah Hui.

Do you have money buried underground?

Cihang Pudu had saved more than one million through hard work in the past two years.

Apart from him, no other person in the world could know.

"Old Jia, I got the money you asked for."

Just then, a fat man carrying a black handbag walked in outside.

As the fat man walked, he teased Cihang Pudu for being impatient.

After he went out for a while, he had someone call him three or four times.

At this moment, Cihang was ready to die.

Why did everything happen at once?

"What's wrong with you, Lao Jia? Do you have a toothache?"

The fat man was holding a handbag and standing a few meters away from Cihang Pudu.

Cihang Pudu's muscles twitched and his face looked indescribably ugly.

Cihang Pudu killed the chicken and wiped his neck, winking at the middle-aged man.

Two big eyes blinked non-stop.

"I said Lao Jia, it's almost done."

"Every time you come here to get money, you have to test my reaction. I'm not a fool."

"You don't have to test me over and over like I'm teaching a child."

“Having been in business for so many years, there is still something I can’t understand?”

“I know what to say if something doesn’t go right.”

The fat man walked up to Cihang Pudu and put down the bag in his hand.

"The money is all in the bag. Count it. It's a total of two hundred and twenty thousand."

"Including the money from this time and the previous times."

Standing Ah Hui behind Cihang Pudu, the fat man didn't think there was anything wrong.

According to his agreement with Cihang Pudu.

Once Cihang Pudu winked at him, the fat man had to immediately distance himself from the relationship between the two.

That being said, Ah Hui is not an outsider.

The middle-aged man has cooperated with Cihang Pudu many times and has met Ah Hui before.

I learned that Ah Hui is a part-time accountant under Cihang Pudu.

We are all our own people, what can’t we say?

"Old Jia, considering that we have cooperated for many years, this is the case this time."

"Next time you need money, tell us a few days in advance."

"No one has much cash these days. To withdraw a large amount of cash from the bank at one time, you need to apply in advance."

"In order to prepare this money for you, I found more than a dozen colleagues, and my legs are almost getting thin."

"Speaking of which, you are really strange. In this age, you either use bank cards or use the Internet to pay. It's a good thing you only accept cash."

"If your money is stolen, you won't have anywhere to cry."

"By the way, I have something else to tell you."

The fat man didn't notice Cihang Pudu's expression of wanting to kill him.

He talked about the next business on his own.

An accident occurred in a pig farm not long ago, and a batch of pigs about to be slaughtered were infected with infectious diseases.

The owner of the pig farm wants to destroy it humanely, but he is reluctant to do so.

The fat boss received the news and communicated with the pig farm owner on the phone.

He lowered the price to five hundred yuan a head.

Pigs are also animals.

Buying them and releasing them into the wild will definitely not be opposed by the group of believers.

The believers are psychologically satisfied, and the fat man and Cihang Pudu have achieved great success.

Killing two birds with one stone, the merits are immeasurable.

"Old Jia, this is a big deal coming to your door. Are you not interested?"

"Those stupid followers of yours will believe whatever you say. The purchase price of a sick rabbit is only five yuan, but we sold it for hundreds of thousands in the blink of an eye."

"When it comes to making money, you are still ruthless enough."

After talking a lot, the fat boss noticed that Cihang Pudu was silent and the expression on his face was even weirder than before.

"Old Jia, I've said so much, why don't you say anything? Are you mute?"

"Give me an answer quickly. Do you want to pick it up?"

"If you want, I will ask the pig farm owner to send all the sick pigs over."

"These pigs are very sick and probably won't survive for a few days. The more they die, the less we earn."

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