Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 631: It's time to let you know the truth

What is Fu Wushuangzhi?

That's probably it. Xu Zhi now understands it completely. Without worrying about it, he is crazy about things under his nose.

"It's still the most worry-free and honest for Shangguan!"

Xu Zhi muttered secretly.

He hasn't found that people have started to be wrong...Although it seems to be honest and obedient, in fact some aspects have begun to become strange...

However, it was only natural for Caroline to find out.

Her computing power, she had to decipher the language of the earth, but it was just a breeze. At first, she also freely cracked the human language of the six reincarnations.

At the same time, unlike other worlds, Caroline is naturally aware of the existence of "online virtual games" because she comes from a more advanced Ishdaral technology lava civilization.

You know, there is no virtual reality game in the age of the earth, Caroline has already achieved a highly mature virtual game world...

Even her brain, immortality...was originally a very large online game.

All beings live in her mind.

Xu Zhi brewed for a while, and the two continued to walk in the elegant and cold wind science and technology museum, looking at the buildings on both sides, "still found by you."

Carolyn nodded and said, "In reality... online games? Are they playing a certain online game? They have a terrifying power in them, with a certain sense of creation."

She has discovered the evolutionary talent of these creatures.

Every time you break through a realm level, there will be an unbelievable "creation speed", exactly the same as that kind of breath.

Stepping on...

The two walked on this mechanical planet.

In the science and technology machine room, on both sides are science fiction machine guns, with black spray paint, a bit like Gatling, very cool science fiction, Caroline wandering while walking, "And, after they passed the stone star, they saw that one The summoned dragon will directly shout the dragon, the seven dragon balls, the eighteenth..."

Xu Zhi smiled and said nothing, but his heart was a little square.

So ruthless!

It didn't take long for me to decipher it directly and watched from the beginning to the end?

Everything is under her control.

Caroline continued to look serious, and even a little excited, "At the same time, they chatted directly with the 18th book directly, very enthusiastically, obviously related to their civilization... I want to know What does the 18th notebook mean?"

"Why are they more concerned about the relatively weaker number 18, compared to Frieza, Dragon Ball, Sharu, and these more powerful figures?"

Xu Zhi: "..."

I only spoke a few words and realized this degree?

Caroline's IQ is too high, and she has no way out. She fumbled more than she thought, and even Shi Xing's abnormality was also discovered by her.

I designed some deduced worldviews based on the civilization of those online players...

Xu Zhi had a toothache completely.

As for the eighteenth book, I didn’t expect them to discuss the topic at that time, but it was normal. After all, except for the famous sword na of a certain sword, it seems that the number eighteenth book is the most popular.. .

Sand sculpture mistaken me!

He felt bad all over.

However, to treat such a great wise man of this era as a fool on the spot is really stupid, and the horror wisdom of others cannot be unnoticed.

He feels that he has to smooth the emotions of these big guys all day long, and it is really difficult to have high IQs one by one!

Xu Zhi's face suddenly calmed down and said coldly, "Finally, you still found the truth. I found this truth, this mysterious mysterious species, and I was generally shocked with you."

Caroline's eyes lit up, full of curiosity, "So you were the same?"

Xu Zhi smiled and said with a straight face, "It is time to develop to today and tell you the true truth."

The real truth! ! ?

Caroline quickly looked forward, and her expression began to solemn.

From a long time ago, the super ancient gods took themselves step by step to open the curtain of the world and see the truth of the civilization of the entire mysterious universe?

Before, I came to this world with my own eyes, and watched the advent of the God of Creation on my own, and deduced the horror myth of the world of the times. Now I have to tell myself some truth about the world?

Xu Zhi stepped forward and talked eloquently, "These mysterious races can indeed be said to be players, but to be precise, it is a mysterious projection at a high latitude. Although there is only one life, it will not die. After death, It will return to its own world, and it can even be called a call...

And, long ago, there existed this world, probably more than 100,000? Even longer ago? Before us, no one knew how long their history was. "

Caroline's eyes widened.

The history of ancient mythology more than 100,000 years ago?

Suddenly she thought of those crooked creatures, and also said that her ancient Chinese gods, innate energy, radiant light source, hundreds of thousands of years ago, the ancient temple of Abi Hell, Dizang Bodhisattva, even complacent, said Found his ancestors, to revive ancient civilization.

"Hell isn't empty, can't be a Buddha?"

It turned out that it was really nonsense, or their earlier ancestors? Their ancestors have such powerful and legendary heroes?

"Then you?" Carolyn breathed quickly.

She clearly knows that the "six reincarnations" that the super ancient gods helped, and the foundation of the world in front of her, are also from the ancient Chinese gods...

Because the essential systems are the same, they are all light sources and true energy, and they are all vacuum cell civilizations.

The super ancient gods may have had contact with the ancient high-dimensional projections of the ancient times, that is, the ancient people of the Chinese gods.

"Yes, I used to be among some of them. When I was a good friend, it was regarded as a relationship between two world-class forces." Xu Zhi said, "At that time, they were very upright, like ordinary people, they would not be so nonsense. ...Now their descendants have fallen."

It is indeed depraved...

Caroline thought about it, remembering the scene of secret observation, she couldn't help but have a toothache, she talked nonsense, and the coquettishness was not good, what blows the pillow wind?

Down the curtain?

How many mothers do you have?

Is this a normal person?

No wonder the super ancient gods have been telling themselves before.

These people are very different from the lava, blood, hospitality and integrity of their own Ishdar.

And if so, it matches the ancient myth history recorded in the "Six Reincarnations"!

Perhaps the truth is this.

Before the distant era, the super ancient gods, representing the ancient civilization of lava earth, and the alliance with the Chinese gods, a war broke out against a mysterious force!


It has even destroyed many worlds, civilizations, and times that are unknown.

The outcome of the war is unknown.

But it was already tragic to the extreme, the stars were stained with blood, the stars were broken, and countless heroes fell.

At that time, the ancient lava age of the super ancient gods was shattered, and only one super ancient **** was left. He became the tomb-keeper of the era, and then operated the rise of the next era, that is, the era of their Ishtar civilization, perfect Connected...

And the era of the Chinese sect is broken.

Even they are worse, their ninth rank has also fallen.

Therefore, the super ancient gods will help the rise of the other party, use the corpse of the ninth order, return it to the original owner, make a "mechanical armor reincarnation" and return it to the other party, and at the same time help them develop...

"Everything is connected."

Caroline continued to contemplate, and her complexion began to grow.

No wonder the super ancient gods, after developing the Ishudaals, began to find ways to help the world of six reincarnations, and at the same time help both sides...

And this piece of small cosmic land in front of us should also be the broken world territory of the year, and now it has been recaptured, developed and restored to civilization.

Xu Zhi went on to say, "Since you noticed them, you also understand that their planet, unlike our flow velocity, is the lowest in the world, and it develops very slowly.

In their history, they have passed the ancients for thousands of years. For us, it is already tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of distant prehistoric years..."

Caroline took a sigh of breath. "It is."

Xu Zhi also secretly calculated.

so close.

Unexpectedly, the other two worlds are still breaking through the wall of the world, and the worlds of the heavens and the worlds have not yet appeared. I have first perfected the history of the worlds of the heavens and the worlds. .

The heavens and the world are very large, and the history of this territory will be completed.

Thinking of this, Xu Zhi continued to speak,

"It's hard to imagine that a primitive indigenous world with an extremely low speed will have such a mysterious channel entrance, which will become the projection of the high-dimensional world... Among them, there must be some special powerful existence, controlled behind the scenes, even At that time, I studied with another friend for a long time, and I didn't really study too much details."

Suddenly, Caroline just felt a storm in her mind!

The friend of the super ancient **** is also the ninth order. It should be the high-dimensional projection, that is, a player who studies his origins. But can't the two powerful ninth order world-class ones be studied?

The world is too big!

It is too mysterious to have an unimaginable existence.

She was completely horrified.

As for the behind-the-scenes, it should be Chuangshishen, after all, their evolutionary talent has the breath of Chuangshishen, perhaps... is it a game of Chuangshishen?

How specific is difficult to explore...

It's like a man squatting down and playing with the ant nest...

A way for Genesis to be bored?

Or is this a natural phenomenon in the setting?

I don’t even know the ninth level. Only when I reach a higher level, the tenth level, can I get in touch with understanding?

But Tier 10, does it really exist!

"Unexpectedly, you have gone through so far years and times." Caroline took a deep breath. "Can a nine-step order live for hundreds of thousands of years?"

"Naturally is not Xu Zhi laughed and answered with a solemn face, "Ninth order can not live so long, because I have obtained the blood of eternal life, eternal existence in every era! "

"eternal life?!!"

Caroline opened her pupils in vain and almost lost her voice!

"Yes, the blood of eternal life, the blood of God of Creation."

Xu Zhi slowly said a creepy thing, "Although their planet, the indigenous civilization is so low that it is unbearable, but the entertainment and culture are highly developed, the food is very special... At the same time, they all have a God of Creation. The blood flows, and my eternal blood comes to that planet and is obtained from the ordinary people there."

Yong! Health! It! blood!


All the creatures on a planet have the gift of eternal life?

Caroline was completely stunned, only to feel the amount of information in her mind buzzing.

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