Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 501: ready

"I didn't expect you to be such a Bai Xiaosheng!"

Xu Zhi was completely speechless.

Bai Xiaosheng's wisdom is terrible, and game planning is also top-notch.

Online games, with some modern breathing terms, can be regarded as extremely in line with the style of the Devil World, the entire Alchemy and Steam Age!

Even due to the harsh environment, the entire Devil Realm has blessed people with the help of major churches, and social facilities have reached a very high level. It has even been widely used as a foundational demon, subways, buses, cars, steam airships, and civil alchemy technology. , Has surpassed China on earth!

"Using your own built ruins, the void world, develop your online game system.... Pollution Devil Realm is okay, and then pollution of the realm world, fairy world, you will be killed." Xu Zhi said to himself.

In fact, it is difficult to spread the other two realms.

This is a unique mortal system belonging to the demon world-the evil race.

Because the mortal world has long been occupied by the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Shushan system, the martial arts, and the three mortal cultivation systems. It is impossible to have enough mortals to cultivate other systems, which is already saturated.

"Western Demon World, mortal, practice online games?"

The cold wind was cold.

Xu Zhi looked up quietly, looking at a tall building on the cross street, with a gorgeous sea blue poster, surrounded by a circle of multicolored lights, very dazzling.

Another new advertisement.

[Siege strategy, evil camp, allow players to build cities, establish unions, start your legendary hegemony, and show great ambitions! 】

? ? ? ?

He looked at the slogan speechless.

Has this started a large-scale bombing?

Surrounded by a bus stop, the students who went to school after school exclaimed.

Originally, Xu Zhi judged that before the forthcoming cold wave and heavy rain, and the two major forces of evil and evil will not stop, they will still fight each other, and will not prepare for natural disasters. The Devil Realm should usher in a lot of disasters, but At this time, the main task of the evil race-the brave from a different world, please save us from the catastrophe ten years later!

Melt together events that are completely incompatible with each other.

Show scalp tingling!

He skimmed the game forums outside, and netizens have exclaimed a lot.

"Lying trough!"

"Lying trough!"

"Lying trough!"

Everyone was shocked.

Shouting Mengmei 666, because there is nothing else, this wave of operation can be called the most Sao operation in history, this game is really infinite, only you can’t think of it, you can’t do it!

There are various comments.

"Am I playing games in games?"

"Bring modern online games and kryptonite culture to a different world with simple folk customs?"

"This is really a training system. You can become stronger when you play online games! Can you bring the upgraded characters, equipment and skills in the game into the real world? Isn't this the YY of some online games, commonly used bridges?"

"In other words, it can accommodate so many people. This game can be done more than the server server of a certain potato!"

"Dude, what are you talking about playing BUG, ​​the one that sent the game?"

"Cough cough! Mengmei this thing. It should be the idea derived from the speed of Qiu Mingshan's car speed-Internet Magic Network. She does not establish an online royal gambling factory, but she also establishes online games, and is also a big consumer of krypton gold!"

But the most talked about is the sentence "Meng Niang, you are starting to find a way to eat rebates!"

Everyone already knows the character of this product. The completely salted fish is a farming and building base.

Xu Zhi turned the comments page by page, some of the responses were very interesting, some of them were crazy to repeat, the full screen of +1, all bluffing, licking, this group of people is unruly, and the speed of the famous mountain in autumn was comparable. During the current Sao operation, there is no licking of the dog.

This is the difference between people.

From the perspective of Xu Zhi, the mood is also complicated,

"Before me, I couldn't do this kind of online game that can be resurrected. After all, this is a reality. I just put spores. What level? Experience? Rebirth after death? But the cute girl in front of me, but he did. Build online games here, entice indigenous people to come in to practice, fight monsters to upgrade..."

He did not expect that the launching of the evil race ritual would be such a situation. He silently walked around the devil world. The orc, half-orc empire, human empire, and undead empire, unexpectedly, what is the unanimous praise. ?

"It's worthy of being a mother-in-law!"

"Online games... This cultivation method is wonderful!"

The major professional churches, and even the ghost night palace of Bai Xiaosheng, were extremely marveled.

"This is a very vulgar spoof! How could it be so exciting...wait!" Xu Zhi thought for a moment, felt his brain hurt, and instantly understood why he thought so.

For the people of the earth who have experienced the era of the explosion of the Internet, this is a common old routine, even vulgar, funny, online games, bad streets, but for the powerful existence of the saints in the Three Realms, the top heavenly emperors, it is mysterious, Unbelievable and extremely tall.

Even levels, NPCs, tasks, these vocabulary, all the nominalization of all the way of ascension and practice are extremely compelling!

The more they study, the more they think about it, the more they feel that the system is mature, fully divided and well-rounded. They have experienced countless attempts, and it is hard to imagine that it is a finished product in a short time.


Mortal world.

"The Mother Mother is indeed a compassionate sage."

"At that time, the dragon vein incense belief was opened up-there is a way, the gas eater, for the **** of incense, without damaging the world, the living beings have been innumerable, this has been incredible, and today, this online game system..."

In the deep green mountains, under the ginseng fruit tree, the old man who must be fair-haired, the fairy bones, holding the dust in his hand, preached to the disciples in Taoism:

"Miaozai! With the thinking of the incense beings, refine one side of the'Ultimate Void', not in matter, but in people's hearts! It can be as small as gravel, but as large as the heavens! The endless number of changes, hiding thousands of opportunities !"


Devil's Professional Church,

A great emperor gathered,

"Evil tribes are equivalent to the general existence of mercenaries. Those of us outside of the evil tribes, collectively referred to as-NPC, can issue tasks to them, put forward various time limit, condition requirements, and then give various remuneration... The mission is equivalent to signing a contract. Both parties must not violate it. Even if we are both Gods and even gods, we must abide by the mission and give them negotiated remuneration.

"It turns out that the void contract before the mother-in-law is to lay the foundation for the mission system of the evil clan?" Some people couldn't help but marvel.

"This system is amazing!"

"Indeed, the evil tribes are generally weak, and even a few days have passed. The first tier has not appeared, but what about the future? They have grown to a certain degree. The third tier, fourth tier, and we released the mission. This undead player group has already Can do something for us."

"Issuing missions, the undead mercenary army, may be called-natural disaster!"


A respectable ancient saint is communicating.

"Devil Realm, undead legionnaires, can be resurrected indefinitely! The future will be a weapon of our Three Realms world, as an advance army, march into the heavens and the world!

"Mother Mother, have you laid the foundation for the future?"

A saint can't help but sigh. For these fellow saints, what they really want to look forward to is the unknown chaos and the heavens beyond the three realms.

In their eyes, the online game system of the devil world is very new and mysterious, and even powerful! It is a noble, elegant, top-notch mysterious genre, a historical precedent.

"No way."

Mengmei looked at the saints quietly and took a deep breath, "I once thought about The only possibility for me to cool down is the invasion of the world, what should I do? The ancient lava land is most likely... .

According to everyone, the two major ninth-level grudges may involve the two worlds,

The lava earth as a multiverse world, the zombie-like zombies infected with viruses, is terrible, and they are definitely a weapon for them to invade other worlds! Invincible!

If they go to war, they will definitely be the first to release the Sanzhushen virus. Under that kind of invading virus, our Three Realms will definitely be unable to fight back.

A terrible natural disaster will erupt, zombie Shushan sword immortal, zombie ancestor witch, zombie martial arts warrior... grow magic nuclei into their kind, this is the horror feature of their world-the big unified virus!

Therefore, we must also create the vanguard army that belongs to our three worlds,

And the Devil Realm, this undead Scourge not afraid of being infected by viruses, and all kinds of evil **** characteristics, almost involve the law of the underworld, once superimposed together, even we ourselves feel tricky, even if the magic core is extremely extreme Horror, undead mercenaries who return to the world can also fight! "

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