She Becomes Ugly if She Doesn’t Study

Chapter 70 The pressure is even greater than in the high school entrance examination

In the past, she was like completing tasks in exams, she just finished the questions. This is the first time she has taken such a serious exam except for the high school exam. It's just that the foundation is still limited, and it is difficult for her to write well. After finishing some topics, she doesn't know if she has done it right.

At 10:00, the bell rang and the language test was over.

When the invigilator left with the test paper, the classroom exploded in an instant.

Class 5 students gathered in twos and threes, almost invariably complaining about this test paper.

"Which stupid teacher B came up with this test paper, what a pervert." It was Li Tao who was sitting behind Tang Su.

He just passed the test in a mess, and he can't do many questions.

Tang Su then looked at Gao Wenwen who was sitting in front of him. Gao Wenwen was resting on the desk at this time.

Although Gao Wenwen is not a school tyrant, she has always been in the top ten in her class, and within 200 in all grades.

Tang Su reached out and patted Gao Wenwen on the shoulder.

She had borrowed notes from Gao Wenwen before, so she was fairly familiar.

"Do you think the test paper is difficult?" Tang Su asked.

She didn't feel that the test paper was harder or easier than before, because she didn't care about the test before, she just finished the questions and completed the tasks.

"Yes..." Gao Wenwen shook her head, and seemed to think that she didn't do well in the test, "It's a bit difficult to read classical Chinese."

"Reading in classical Chinese..."

Speaking of this, Tang Su smiled unconsciously.

Well, she just had shit luck. This classical Chinese reading is to give her points.

I hope the language test is better this time.

Half an hour later, the second exam begins.

This time, the physics exam has a total score of 100 points and a duration of 90 minutes.

Tang Su failed the physics exam last time, only got more than 40 points and ranked in the 800th grade. This time, he felt a lot of pressure.

The physical punishment is to gain weight. She lost more than 40 pounds in the last month's test. This month, she gained about 15 pounds. It's just because she is 167 meters tall, and her original weight is only more than 90 pounds. , so it doesn't look ugly.

If she fails the physics test again this time, she will lose her ranking and gain more than ten pounds, and she will be more than 120 pounds, and she will really become a fat man by then.

Tang Su touched her forehead, she was sweating again, and she didn't know if it was hot or nervous.

After the test papers were handed out, Tang Su began to do the questions. Unlike the subjective questions like Chinese, physics questions are all objective questions. If you have an accurate answer, you can only get points if you do them.

The problem is a bit difficult. Tang Su will finish what he can do first, and do those things that he can't do very slowly.

She did her best, and during this period of time, she had already tried her best to study hard. If she still did not make progress, it could only be said that she was really not a candidate for reading.

One day, Tang Su took four exams, Chinese and physics in the morning, and chemistry and biology in the afternoon.

After finishing the fourth course, Tang Su was lying on the desk, really tired.

She feels that taking exams seriously is more tiring than studying hard. Studying does not need to bear the pressure, but exams do.

Every time she took a test, she was under a lot of pressure, because she had to pass the final exam last semester, otherwise, the system's punishment on her would not be lifted.

This is the most terrifying.

Tang Su felt more pressure at this time than at the time of the high school entrance examination. After the exam, the other classmates happily chatted and ate snacks, but she was the only one who felt that Mount Tai was overwhelmed.

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