Self-Driving Around The World, One Person And One Car Traveling Through 83 Countries!

Chapter 79 The Ideal Has Not Yet Succeeded, The Dream Chaser Still Needs To Work Hard!

"Okay, classmate Qin Feng!

You are really the pride of Longhua nation!

I didn’t expect that while you were away from home, you actually won a country’s military vehicle order for the two major brands of Longchan Automobile!

I will definitely put the words in place for you!

I believe they will be extremely happy after learning about this!"

Xie Lin said excitedly.


Okay, President Xie Lin.

That's it for now.

If you have any questions, please contact us at any time.

I will continue to set off later, so I won’t say any more. "

Qin Feng said to the other end.

"Uh-huh, classmate Qin Feng!"

When you go out, remember to take care of yourself!

We, the entire Longhua nation, are waiting for your triumphant return!"

After listening to Xie Lin's words, Qin Feng was inspired.

For this sentence of her triumphant return,

He will also work hard on the next journey and live up to expectations!

After talking to Xie Lin on the phone, Qin Feng walked up to the Chechen brother Kadyrov who was standing aside.

After preparing to say goodbye to this internet celebrity president,

Then headed to the western border of Chechnya,

Moving on to the next stop on his journey.

Unexpectedly, before 310 could speak, Kadyrov put his arm around his shoulders and refused to let him go.

"Brother Qin Feng, I know what you want to say to me.

Do you want to set off and continue on your way?

No, you finally came to Chechnya, and we haven’t even had a drink yet, so I can’t let you go.

I'll be the host in the evening, and we two brothers can have a good time together.

Champagne and fine wine will definitely make you feel the enthusiasm of the Chechen people.

By the way, I would like to share with you some cross-country experience.

You know, as you grow up, you are the first person who can beat me in a cross-country race!

It really makes me admire you so much!"

Kadyrov hugged Qin Feng tightly and said extremely seriously.

After hearing Kadyrov's praise of himself, Qin Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He shook his head helplessly.

Because this Internet-famous president only saw his extraordinary driving skills.

But I didn't see the hard work he put in behind the scenes.

When I was 16 years old, I traveled all over the country by car with my father.

I have encountered many high mountains and dangerous waters.

As the saying goes, one minute on stage, ten years off stage.

Qin Feng knew that he could defeat the Chechen brother in the cross-country competition just now.

It was entirely based on his solid driving skills in the past.

At the same time, he is also extremely grateful to himself for his hard work in the past.

Without his past efforts, today's game against Kadyrov would have ended differently.

And whether he can get 10,000 orders for Longchan Automobile is a matter of doubt.

What happened today also made him understand more clearly,

Yesterday's efforts lead to today's happiness.

What you put in today determines where you will be tomorrow.

Behind any success, there is outstanding hard work.

When the book is used, it will be less regretful.

Only by continuous learning and continuous dedication can you achieve yourself!

"President Kadyrov, thank you for your praise and retention.

But I'm afraid I must go. "

Qin Feng slowly took the Chechen brother's hand off his shoulder.

To be honest, he also wanted to have a good night of drinking and talking with Kadyrov tonight.

Chat with the Chechen president and feel the enthusiasm of the fighting nation.

But Qin Feng also knew that no matter how sweet the wine was, it would be bitter in his mouth now.

Thinking that his goal has not been achieved, Qin Feng really can't calm down and enjoy himself.

Maybe one day, he and Kadyrov will sit down and laugh about life.

But definitely not today.

It was the day when he successfully traveled through 83 countries and fulfilled his dream of driving around the world alone and in a car.

Only then can he completely settle down and enjoy the fine wine in front of him (bgda).

But for now, forget it.

The ideal has not yet succeeded!

Dream chasers still need to work hard!

"Brother Qin Feng, do you really want to leave?"

Seemingly sensing Qin Feng's determination to leave, Kadyrov took a deep breath and looked directly into Qin Feng's eyes, with a trace of sadness on his face.

That's the sympathy between heroes.

It’s reluctance to give up on the people you admire!

"Yes Mr. President, I'll be on my way soon.

Try to reach the border of your country before dark. "

Qin Feng also took a deep breath, looked at his watch, raised his head and looked at Kadyrov and said solemnly.

"promise me.

When you come back, you must pass by Chechnya!

On that day, I will definitely mobilize the whole country to pick up the wind and wash away the dust for you!"

Kadyrov slapped Qin Feng's shoulders heavily with both hands, looked at him and said.



I will work hard.

After hearing this, Qin Feng looked at Kadyrov and smiled lightly, nodding slightly.

Then he turned around and walked towards his Dongfeng car.

After getting into the car, Qin Feng sat in the driver's seat and turned on the speaker towards the Chechen.

Stared at him deeply.

Then he drove away,

Return to the starting point of the cross-country route, load your luggage, and continue on the road!

He came this way from Grozny, the capital of Chechnya.

All were military vehicles clearing the way.

The people lined the streets to see him off.

The sight was so spectacular that he would never forget it.

Although the scenery at the moment is extremely beautiful.

But Qin Feng knows.

It’s time for the people of the Dragon Kingdom and the chariot of the Dragon Kingdom to head to the next stop.

June 23, 1:30 pm.

Escorted by nearly a hundred Chechen military vehicles, he left the urban area of ​​the Chechen capital.

Then he said goodbye to everyone.

Add more horsepower.

Driving all the way towards the western border of Chechnya.

Driving fast on Qinfeng Road.

It only took three hours to reach the western border of Chechnya from Grozny.

As for why he arrived so quickly.

The reason.

Or because the country of Chechnya is too small.

In terms of area, Chechnya is about the same size as the Dragon Kingdom Emperor.

But even for such a small country, it has always been a battleground.

This is closely related to its geographical location.

After arriving at the western border of Chechnya, Qin Feng was in no hurry to leave the country.

Instead, he parked the car not far from the pass.

Take final rest.

Wait until you leave Chechnya.

He will enter rapid march mode and gallop through the Caucasus Mountains.

So now people and cars need to take a break.

Pave the way for the next sprint!.

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