The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear.

And the oldest and strongest fear is that of the unknown.

As long as you accept your sins calmly and cross the black abyss, what awaits you will be eternal magic and glory.

—Excerpt from: Howard Phillips Lovecraft


Friday, May 15, at 18:08 pm.

The sharpened pencil was held by a slender hand, resting on the form on the paper.

Du Wei raised his head and looked at the pale and haggard white woman sitting opposite.

"Ms. Aisha, you can continue talking now."

"Okay...Okay, Dr. Du Wei."

Aisha closed her eyes and fell into the memories: "You know, my job is programming, and I need to deal with some work matters even after get off work, so I recently entrusted an agency, hoping to find a relatively relatively Quiet house out of the way."

"Half a month ago, the agent told me that there is a suitable house that I can live in, and the price is relatively low. It has no disadvantages except that it looks a little dilapidated because no one has lived in it for a long time."

"I had a lot of expenses, so I signed the contract very quickly."

"But after a week of moving in, I realized something was wrong with the house."

"Every twelve o'clock at night, the lights will be dimmed strangely, and people's faces can hardly be seen in the house."

"The faucet in the bathroom often turns on inexplicably."

"The TV will suddenly skip the channel, and I can't even watch my favorite survival series."

"Yesterday, those problems got worse."


"Dr. Du Wei? Are you listening?"

"Huh? Huh! Yes, I'm listening."

Du Wei wrote [suspected auditory hallucinations, signs of split personality, etc.] on the form and nodded to the other party to continue talking.

Aisha was a little nervous, and paused for a moment before speaking again: "I think there may be some...something in my room."

When she said something, her tone was very tangled, as if she was afraid, and she seemed to be resisting something.

"Doctor Du Wei, do you believe that there are ghosts in this world? Uh...or evil spirits?"

Du Wei stopped writing, looked at Aisha calmly, and asked, "Ms. Aisha, do you know why there is light in this world?"


"Because the sun is mainly composed of hydrogen, which accounts for more than 70% of its mass. Under the conditions of high temperature and high pressure inside the sun, hydrogen atoms will undergo a "thermonuclear reaction" to radiate a lot of light and heat."

Aisha:? ? ?


"I don't believe there are ghosts in this world, because it's not scientific."

"It's too bad, Dr. Du Wei, you don't know what happened to me, you can't deny my thoughts."

"Okay, let's put it another way. The dimming of the lights may be due to the recent hot weather and unstable voltage caused by nearby residents turning on air conditioners."

"The faucet in the bathroom was turned on for no reason. Maybe you forgot to turn it off. After all, you are a programmer. It is normal for you to work overtime until two or three o'clock so that you are in a trance."

"As for the problem of the TV channel jumping, you can call the after-sales maintenance call to solve it, or use our Oriental method to slap the TV hard to try it. If it doesn't work, then I suggest you just change it."

Du Wei put down the pencil, spread his hands, and shrugged at Aisha.

The other party obviously couldn't accept this result, and said angrily: "Dr. Du Wei, this is not the answer I want. I know that many people can't believe what happened to me, so I only told you one person. You have to give I have a normal explanation!"

Du Wei glanced at her,

He said lightly: "If you insist, then this answer may be more acceptable to you."

As he spoke, he tore off the paper and handed it over.

In the form on the paper, write the following:

Name: Aisha Kleiman

Age: 26 years old

Gender: Female

Occupation: Programmer

Condition: auditory hallucinations and uncontrollable hallucinations caused by split personality

Coping drugs: risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine

Suggestion: increase the dose


Obviously, Aisha couldn't accept this result.

She held the paper and said in a haggard voice, "I shouldn't have come to you. You are just a psychiatrist. You haven't experienced it yourself. You don't understand what I have experienced. There must be something special in that house." , maybe I should go to church."

Du Wei nodded in agreement: "I think so too, but please pay the consultation fee."

Elsa is gone.

After Du Wei sent her away, the sky had already darkened. According to previous experience, there would be no more guests coming, so he directly closed the door of the psychological consultation clinic and went back to the room upstairs.

The house he rented was the most suitable one nearby, with reasonable space and a lot of traffic.

The first floor has been transformed into a clinic, and the second floor is a resting place.

Pulling out a thick medical record from the bookcase, Du Wei filled in Aisha's information and symptoms on the latest page.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but since the opening of this psychological consultation clinic, people who come to consult or see a doctor have some strange things.

Everyone feels that they have encountered something unclean, or ghosts, or evil spirits, or ghosts.

Should this be the same thing for westerners?

When he finished filling out Ella's symptoms and was about to close the medical record, he seemed to think of something, and turned the paper to the first page again.


Sunday, January 12 at 10:12 am.

Name: Mia

Age: 25 years old

... (gender occupation skipped)

Condition: Persecution paranoia caused by fear of dolls, with self-abuse tendencies—specifically manifested as claiming to have found a doll named Annabelle at home, which could not be discarded or destroyed, and would suffer mental and physical torture every night, At the same time, accompanied by his family members, he showed palm-shaped bruises on his lower limbs.

Coping Medications: Not prescribed

Suggestion: Immediately hospitalize


Friday, February 17, at 13:23 pm.

Name: Reagan

Age: 12 years old

Condition: Severe split personality—the specific manifestation is that he feels that he is a man named Huodi. According to the parents, Huodi is the imaginary partner who appeared after the little girl finished the spirit game.

Coping drug: risperidone

Suggestion: Parents spend more time with their children and give more care to left-behind children.


Tuesday, February 28, at 14:09 pm.

Name: Billy

Age: 16 years old

Condition: clown phobia—specifically, after his younger brother disappeared, he felt that he was eaten by a monster that looked like a clown, and he was immersed in fear and anxiety for a long time.

Response drugs: nitroazepam

Suggestion: call the police



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