Seize Genes

Chapter 87 The Cunning Robber

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The long-haired dragon cub of the mythical beast is as fast as lightning.

The route of action was only three meters away from the high-speed kilometer. Wherever it passed, the strong air waves brought by the body caused the trees on both sides to shake and even collapse, and some trees that could not be avoided even directly hit them.

time flies……

Luo Wan was already in a coma.

During the process of being carried into the car, the moving speed is slow, and it cannot be seen on the map. It was only when the gangster's speed reached more than 60 kilometers per hour that it was displayed. But in an instant, their speed increased to nearly 100 kilometers per hour. If they were not worried about attracting traffic police, their speed would be even faster.

Behind the compartment of the big truck, a group of people were sitting around. The unlucky guy whose breastbone was smashed by Luo Wan was still unconscious, and the guy with a broken leg was still murmuring.

"Pete seems to be dying soon." said the woman who used to hold the giant alloy bow.

The others remained silent, and the black cloth covering their faces was not torn off. A tall man with a low voice said, "Check the target's body."

The woman with the giant alloy bow reached out her hand to find some odds and ends like mobile phone keys on Luo Wan's body, including earrings and rings, and took them all off.

She flipped her right hand, holding a strange instrument in her hand, shaking it around Luo Wan's body. There was a crisp beeping sound as it approached the metal on the floor of the carriage.

However, when approaching Luo Wan's thigh, suddenly the instrument made a strong sound.

"Huh? This is..."

The woman's eyes changed, she flipped her hand and took out a dagger, and slashed at Luo Wan's thigh, the pants split open, revealing her white jade legs.

However, without the slightest hesitation, she cut down and picked with one knife.

There was a silver-gray object the size of a toothpick, about one centimeter long, with oval ends, picked out from under the flesh of Luo Wan's thigh, and brought out a drop of blood.

With a ding, the metal object fell to the floor of the carriage.

"What is this?" A shocked voice came from the side.

"Guardian Angel... Doraemon. It has exactly the same name as an animated character in a certain island country, but it is the most powerful 'miniature robot bodyguard' in the world today. It can monitor the health status of the host at any time. Once it falls into a coma or Sleeping or an abnormal state of the body, irregular heart rate, etc., will send out ultra-microwave signals, which are not easy to detect. The most advanced ones can even be transmitted layer by layer through various nearby military and civilian signal stations, and through satellites, to the Signals are sent from a few designated monitors... If this thing is not turned off or thrown away, even if we go to the other end of the world, the people behind this girl can track our exact location."

"What?!!" The eyes of the people around were all shocked.

"There is something like this on her do I turn off this thing?"

"I don't know, it is said that each switch is different."

"Throw away."

"Yes!!" the woman in black said, the dagger in her right hand slashed fiercely on the small silver-gray thing first, but with a ding, the thing bounced to a corner aside, leaving only a shallow scar. Leave.

A hint of surprise flashed in everyone's eyes: "The titanium alloy dagger cannot be cut off..."

The woman in black reached out and picked up the thing,

Open the carriage door, throw it over another car in the driveway next to it, and then close the carriage door.

"Boss, this girl might bring us a lot of trouble. How about... just kill her?" said the woman with the giant alloy bow.

The tall man thought for a while, then shook his head: "No... If her identity is really that special, the kidnapping must have been discovered, we have been targeted, and she can guarantee our safety. And... ...She is a big fish, maybe she can bring us hundreds of millions of dollars."

The others looked at each other without saying a word.

This is a big risk, but there will also be big rewards.

If they do this business, if the chance of success is not too low, then no matter how high the risk is, it is worth doing.

"Change the road, Line C!!" The masked bandit boss shouted towards the front cab

At this moment, the speed of the car suddenly slowed down and stopped in a blink of an eye.

the other side……

The speed of Wangcai was crazily rushing, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Suddenly, its figure stopped, and it stopped beside the highway in an instant, and sniffed hard.

"Is it the mistress' scent?" The beast cub was a little puzzled.

After sniffing again, I quickly turned around and ran a few hundred meters, and found a large truck parked by the side of the road. There was no one on board, but there were all kinds of human and bloody smells. Wangcai even smelled Luo Wan's scent.

It was very puzzled, how could the opponent's speed be so fast, it seemed that it had been prepared for a long time. However, this kind of thing is not considered by this little beast.

After following the smell, it found that Luo Wan might run in five different directions.

Wandering around, it first found a small crossbow arrow, nailed a piece of cloth stained with Luo Wan's blood, and stuck it in a tree.

Then a Lowan's shoe was found in the other direction.

In another place, some strands of Luo Wan's hair were found stained with blood.

Angrily, Wangcai sped up and ran around, and found that all kinds of things were distributed within a range of 100 meters, but it wasted a lot of time.

Finally, the route was determined, and it turned out to be the sixth direction - the other party changed cars very cunningly, ran to another lane, turned around and drove towards the capital, that is, returning to the direction where the accident happened.

Wangcai ran all the way, but within ten seconds, he found that there were two smells, one continued to move forward, and the other left the highway.

It hesitated for a moment, and continued to move forward. Soon after, it found a large truck carrying many live pigs. There was no sign of Luo Wan at all, but there was Luo Wan's mobile phone on it, and there was also Luo Wan's mobile phone on it. There was a small amount of blood and the smell of other gangsters. It is estimated that they rubbed their robes on their bodies with their mobile phones or stained their skin with mud.

Wangcai let out a roar, and turned around, but didn't find Luo Wan's smell anywhere else, so he quickly turned around and ran to the place where the smell had diverged. Jumping out from the expressway is a slope, and below the slope is a secondary road, which just crosses under the viaduct of the expressway.

After sniffing, Wangcai found angrily that there was another smell in two directions, one to the east and the other to the west, which way?

In an instant, he made a decision, and ran westward, but after a few kilometers, Wangcai realized that he had lost it again, and what he chased was a piece of dirt wrapped around Luo Wan's hair, which was thrown on the roof of a sports car . So, turned around and ran east.

After running wildly for a while, I found that there was another branch of the smell. One side of the smell continued to move forward, and the other side of the smell went to a side road.

After hesitating for a while, Wangcai ran to the fork in the road. On the way, he found that the smell was divided again. One of the smells was aimed at a donkey, with a blood-stained trouser leg on it, which was wrapped in stones and pressed on a donkey cart. In addition, there was the bloody smell of the other two gangsters. The old farmer who was driving the cart was waving his whip slowly, not knowing that there was this thing behind the cart

Wangcai was so angry that he grabbed a rock in half with his claws and turned to chase in another direction. Only a few hundred meters away, he saw a river with a small pier beside the river. The water on the river was rippling. I saw a few small fishing boats driving in front, and there were water marks left by the motorboats in the distance, and two motorboats were faintly seen driving in front.

On the ground nearby, there are still traces left by several motorcycle wheels.

Part of the smell seems to have entered the river and gradually dissipated with the wind. Another part of the smell, along the wheel tracks all the way forward.

Did Luo Wan get into the boat and drive into the river, or continued along the motorcycle wheel?

Wangcai was dumbfounded all of a sudden.

I was delayed several times on the road and wasted time constantly, no matter how fast it was, it was useless.

At this time, on the other side, Zhanfei had already waited for a motorcycle, which was specially designed for racing cars. The top speed of this car could rise to more than 280 kilometers per hour. The other party rushed over forcibly through the toll checkpoint, and the sound of the siren was already heard over there.

Zhanfei directly left the younger brother who drove over, jumped on it by himself, put on the helmet, and increased the speed to more than 20 meters per second in an instant. After a while, it was more than 70 meters per second, and the speed was 250 kilometers per hour. It is expected to arrive at the scene of the incident in 20 minutes.

The car was racing on the overtaking lane, with eyes staring ahead, and the virtual screen from the corner of the eye.

"Wenxi, start uninstalling the 'Grasshopper Gene' immediately, and load the 'Invulnerability' gene skill for me as quickly as possible, the potion will relieve the itching!!"


PS: For some reason, the weapons used by the gangsters in Chapters 85, 86, and 87 are all changed to crossbows, bows and crossbows processed by modern technology. I hope everyone will forgive me. It's a good event for the pie in the sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow up~click/official account on Chinese website (add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter qdread), join now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately follow the qdread WeChat official account!

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