Season Division

Chapter 113 I live and die with the organization

Chapter 113 I live and die with the organization

that night.

To celebrate Tianxiang University's entry into the finals.

The vice principal paid for it himself, and invited Xu Heng, Cheng Shuyan and other students to have a dinner together.

Director Zhang and the others were not present, only Xu Heng's ten formal contestants and twenty other substitute students.

A total of thirty people were invited to the restaurant and entered a luxurious private room decorated with gold and jade on the top floor.

Apparently, this dinner was different from the ordinary meals usually provided by the restaurant in the guild hall.

As soon as the group sat down, the waiter brought out a variety of dishes, which opened the eyes of Xu Heng and others.

"This food is called fried chicken. The main ingredients are from various parts of the chicken, and are marinated with various precious plants to remove the fishy smell, such as shallots, ginger, garlic, etc., and finally wrapped in flour and starch, put in and squeezed out by plants. fried in oil!"

The waiter introduced the first dish.

Xu Heng and the others were dumbfounded, their hearts pounding.

Just one dish, so many precious materials are used to match it?

Those onions, ginger and garlic alone have to be cultivated by several season masters, which are already very valuable, but they are only used for pickling to remove fishy smell?

Moreover, materials such as flour and starch were only known to be used for making bread when I was a child, and it took a long time to eat them, but I didn't expect to use them to wrap chicken for frying.

Extravagant, really too extravagant!

"How much does this plate of fried chicken cost?" Wang Zhen couldn't help asking directly.

"About 30 million yuan." The waiter replied politely with a smile.

"Three thousand... ten thousand?" Wang Zhen immediately retracted the chopsticks he was about to stretch out, almost falling off the table with a shiver.

Nima, who can afford this?

"No, the price on this menu is 12 yuan." A classmate opened a hardcover menu in front of him, wondering.

He couldn't understand the price above, no matter how cheap it was, there was no reason why it should be so cheap, right?

"The one marked on it is not the ordinary currency we come into contact with every day, but paper money." Cheng Shuyan explained lightly, obviously she understood it very well.

Xu Heng couldn't help but glanced at her. There is a grand master and grandfather in his family, but it's different. He's well-informed!

He also understood what Shuyan meant by the paper money.

When he was in Darong City, when he encountered the blue solar term pollution, he collected more than 30 pieces of paper money in the polluted area.

That thing looks like just a piece of ordinary yellow paper, but the material should be quite special, and the feel to the touch is different from the paper that I usually touch.

It is said that the raw materials for those yellow papers need to use wood and leaves.

Obviously, they are very valuable in themselves, not to mention that they also carry a mysterious power, which can not only be used by Qingming Festival Masters to enhance the strength of ancestors, but also seem to have other functions.

At the beginning, Xu Heng exchanged two pieces of paper money for 200 grams of glutinous rice.

According to the market value of a piece of paper money of 2.5 million, this piece of fried chicken is worth 30 million yuan. Converted into paper money, it is indeed twelve.

Thinking of this, Xu Heng had a strange expression on his face.

So when I worked so hard in the polluted area, I was so busy that I earned more than 30 pieces of paper money, so I can only spend two plates of fried chicken here?

What kind of corrupt and extravagant capitalist life is this?


"Don't think that this plate of fried chicken is expensive. In fact, it has a lot of effects. It is a great tonic for warriors. For some season masters with colder solar terms, it can neutralize the coldness." Cheng Shuyan said, He glanced at Xu Heng.

This has already hinted clearly that Xu Heng is suitable for eating fried chicken!

"Then can't Master Xiaoshu eat it?" Wang Zhen asked in surprise.

"It's best to eat less during Xiaoshu, because it's easy to get angry." Cheng Shuyan replied.

"I... I'm not afraid!" Wang Zhen's mouth twitched, and he still stretched out his chopsticks to pick up a piece.

Xu Heng was even more quick-witted. He inserted a piece of chicken with one chopstick, and grabbed two pieces of chicken thigh with two chopsticks.

Then, the waiter introduced the second dish.

"This food is called Roast Duck. The duck is fed with high-quality feed. It also uses ginger and scallion water to remove the fishy smell. The duck belly is filled with more than ten kinds of precious plant spices such as star anise and rosemary, and it is baked with the best lychee. , and brushed with honey..."

Xu Heng and the others were dumbfounded once again.

Good guy, I dare to say that this roast duck dish is even more powerful, and more than ten kinds of plants are actually used.

The key is that you can't bake it with ordinary fire?

How extravagant is it to cultivate lychee trees first, and then cut down the lychees to roast the duck?

And you have to brush with honey...

Everyone couldn't think about it anymore, and immediately waved their chopsticks and rushed towards the roast duck.

At this moment, everyone's taste buds also felt the variety of tastes for the first time.

It turns out that in this world, besides the simple salt flavor, there are so many complex delicacies in food.


In the end, the group left the restaurant with their mouths full of oil, satisfied.

This dinner completely opened up a new world for Xu Heng.

Before leaving, he watched with his own eyes that Director Zhang came to check out instead of the vice principal, and gave him a large stack of yellow paper.

Most of the yellow paper is still inlaid with gold and silver edges, which is obviously different from ordinary yellow paper, and the denomination should be higher.

In the end, I inquired carefully. If the dinner was calculated in normal currency, it cost more than one billion yuan.

Xu Heng immediately felt that his 200 billion was not very good.

No matter how rich you are, you can't compare to President Wang's wealth. You can buy a meal for more than a billion...

"Fortunately, I own 6% of the Internet Group's shares, and I will pay dividends every year in the future... Wait, if you calculate it this way, it seems that I can't eat enough to eat here every day!"

Xu Heng immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the contact person of the agricultural organization is not fooling around, the 3% equity bought for 50 billion, the annual dividend of 100 times is 5 trillion, and now I have 6% equity, isn't that 10 trillion a year?

"Oh, it's really endless!"

The more Xu Heng thought about it, the more excited he became, he immediately ran back to his room, intending to call himself a full-body SPA service.

As a result, as soon as the call was made to the reception desk of the guild hall, a cold voice came from the wall.

"Tell her to cancel the service, then hang up and come over and talk about the contract."


The corner of Xu Heng's mouth twitched, and he lost all interest in an instant.

The female contact person from the business organization came again, which was too disappointing.

"What's there to talk about? Didn't we talk about it yesterday?" Xu Heng hung up the phone and looked listlessly at the wall.

"You're still pretending to be stupid, aren't you? You're so courageous. You've made a decision to hit the organization. Do you know that your behavior has violated the interests of the organization? What's the difference between you and a rice borer?" The other party said coldly question.

"Sister, don't talk nonsense, I share honor and disgrace, live and die with the organization, I am a member of the organization, regardless of you and me, the organization is mine, mine is..."

"Shut up, don't change your mind here." The other party interrupted Xu Heng's words in a cold voice, and asked, "I just want to ask you, will you hand over the 3% equity?"

"Oh, why are you doing this? Integrity is what matters in business. I, Xu Heng, neither steal nor rob. When I signed the contract, I was so straightforward, and I sent money to you directly..."

"Stop talking nonsense, can you pay?"

"Will there be any trouble if I don't pay this?"


"Then don't pay!"


The voices in the wall fell silent for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, another hoarse voice sounded.

"Look at it, I told you that this kid will not take hard things."

"Old farmer, so you are here too, come and judge." Xu Heng's eyes lit up when he heard the voice.

"Let me judge, you..."

"En?" Xu Heng immediately put his hands on his hips, straightened his waist, his face was full of indescribable arrogance.

"..." The other party immediately shut up.

The woman felt something was wrong instantly, and asked suspiciously, "What's going on between you two?"

"It's okay, what can I do with him?" The man hurriedly explained.

Then he added: "Forget it, don't waste time, since he refuses to hand it in, then follow the instructions above."

"Yes!" the woman said without hesitation.

Xu Heng sat by the bed and raised his eyebrows: "What are you two doing here? Scaring me, right? The vice-principal lives in this building. I hit him off right away and we've been friends for years!"

He spoke with confidence.

But those two didn't seem to take it seriously, and the man let out a hoarse laugh: "How can you be sure that the vice principal is not a part of the organization?"

"What?" Xu Heng's eyes widened immediately.

For a while, it was impossible to determine whether the other party was fooling.

"That's all right, anyway, the organization has already talked about it. It's okay if you want to take down the 6% of the equity, but the premise is that you have to solve the troubles caused by your actions." The man smiled lightly.

"What's the trouble?" Xu Heng's expression froze.

He had been mentally prepared for a long time, knowing that the 6% stake could not be taken down so easily.

"Originally, the organization only gave up 5% of the shares, 3% of which belonged to you and your senior sister, and we have also found candidates for the other 2%, and we have negotiated with each other, and the only thing left is to sign the contract.

"As a result, you have shamelessly cheated away 6%. The organization thinks that the extra 1% is a sign of admiration for your courage to ask for money and risk your life, but the other 2% is regarded as you robbing that candidate."

When the other party mentioned this, Xu Heng immediately shouted: "How can it be considered robbery? I said that I will neither steal nor rob..."

"Then you admit to cheating?" The woman interrupted suddenly.

"Why doesn't it count?" Xu Heng shyly smiled humbly.

"..." The two people in the wall fell silent again.

When there is thunder in the future, you have to stay away from Xu Heng.

"So what does the organization mean now? I can get 4%, and the other 2% is not mine? The other party will come to trouble me?" Xu Heng put away his smile and asked about the business.

"That's not true. After all, you are also a talent. How can the organization just watch you get killed?" The man responded immediately.


"Don't worry, although the other party's family background is very strong, the organization has also been arranged. We are going to arrange a small competition for the two of you. Whoever wins will get the other 2% of the shares. How?" The man continued to ask.

Xu Heng frowned: "What competition?"

"Whoever lays out more outlets within the specified time period will win and is eligible to win the 2% equity."

"What? Shoot what and how?"

Xu Heng was confused and didn't understand the content of the competition at all, but he was very confident that if it was a shooting competition, he would not be afraid.

"Laying outlets!" The man emphasized.

Afterwards, he also explained the mission details to Xu Heng in detail.

To put it simply, it is necessary to use a special instrument and equipment in order to make the network work normally.

Those devices have a certain range of coverage, so they need to be placed in multiple planned areas, and eventually they are closely connected to form comprehensive coverage across the thirteen continents.

But the only difficulty is that two instruments need to be placed in the same area.

One is in the real world and the other is in the simulated world.

"The real world uses the Internet, why do I need to enter the simulated world? And how do I get in then?"

Xu Heng felt bad when he heard it. This is a coolie job that needs to run around, and it involves a simulated world, which is probably dangerous.

"Because the operation of network equipment needs to extract some power from the simulated world. Anyway, you don't understand it. As for how you will get in at that time, it's very simple..."

When the man said this, he smiled slightly: "Salute pollution."


[Sorry, the second chapter needs to be delayed! 】

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