Science Fiction Universe: Starting Inventory Of The Strongest Scientific And Technological Civilizat

Chapter 85: Tony Stare is curious, human beings stand on the shoulders of giants (please subscribe)

Under everyone's attention, Feng Fan climbed the mountain.

"Hello!!" Feng Fan shouted to the sky, "Can you hear me?! 99

[You can hear it, you don't need to be so loud, we can even hear the sound of mosquitoes on the earth. We have learned these languages ​​from the radio waves leaking from your planet and would like to chat with you casually. "

"Where are you from?"

A still image appeared on the surface of the giant sphere, composed of dense black dots connected by intricate thin lines to form a dizzying outline that was clearly a star map. Sure enough, one of the black spots glowed with silver light, getting brighter and brighter.

Feng Fan didn't understand anything, but he believed that this image must have been recorded, and you should be able to understand the astronomy on Earth. Text appeared on the giant ball again, and the star map did not disappear, but became the background of the text, or the desktop.

【We built a mountain, you just climb it. "

"I like mountain climbing, even water mountains." Feng Fan said.

【It's not a question of liking or not, we have to climb the mountain. )

"Why? Are there many mountains in your world?" Feng Fan asked. He knew that this was obviously not a topic that human beings wanted to talk about urgently, but he wanted to talk about it. Since everyone around him thought climbers were fools, he had no choice but to talk to him about it. Alien Akatsuki, who claims to have to climb the mountain, has earned it all for himself.

[Mountains are everywhere, but the way to climb them is different. "

Feng Fan didn't know whether this sentence was a philosophical metaphor or a realistic description, so he could only answer stupidly: "Then there are still many mountains in your place.

[For us, there are mountains all around, and this mountain closes us off, so we have to dig holes so that we can climb the mountain. "

Feng Fan was confused by this, he thought for a long time but couldn't figure out what was going on, the alien continued: "Our world is very simple, it is a spherical space, measured in your unit of length, with a radius of about 3000 Kilometers. This space is surrounded by rock formations, and if you walk in any direction, you will encounter a dense rock wall.”

"Our first universe model was naturally established: the universe consists of two parts, one is the spherical space with a radius of 3,000 kilometers in which we live, and the other is the rock formations surrounding this space, which are in all directions. Infinite extension. So 990, our world is a bubble in this solid universe, we call it a bubble world. This theory of the universe is called dense cosmology. Of course, this theory does not rule out the possibility: in infinite rock formations There are other vacuoles in it, nearer or farther away from us, and this becomes the driving force for future exploration."

"However, an infinitely thick layer of rock cannot exist and would collapse under gravity.

[We didn't know about gravity at that time, there was no gravity in the bubble world, and we lived in a state of weightlessness. It will take tens of thousands of years to truly realize the existence of gravity. "

"Then these cavitation bubbles are equivalent to the planets in the solid universe? It's really interesting, the density distribution of your universe is exactly opposite to the real one, like a negative of the real universe. Feng Fan asked curiously.

[The real universe? This is very shallow, it can only be said that it is the currently known universe. You don't know what the real universe looks like, and neither do we. "

"Is there sunlight, air, and water?"

[Neither, nor do we need it. There are only solids in our world, no gases and liquids. "

"How can there be life without gas and liquid?" Feng Fan couldn't help but wonder.

[We are mechanical beings, our muscles and bones are made of metal, our brains are ultra-integrated chips, our blood is current and magnetic fields, we live on the radioactive rocks in the core of the earth and rely on the energy it provides to survive. No one made us, it all evolved naturally, from the simplest single-celled machinery, from PN junctions that accidentally formed on rocks under the influence of radioactivity. Our primitive ancestors first discovered and used electromagnetic energy, and as for fire in your sense, it was never discovered. )

Many civilizations in the universe were very surprised to hear this.

This turned out to be a mechanical life form?

Haven't even seen fire in your life?

Although there are many mechanical life forms in the universe. But more of it is carbon-based life.

Seeing this, many civilizations expressed surprise.

Tonista, in particular, is even more curious.

Video justification.

"It must be dark there," Feng Fan said.

[There are some bright lights, which are produced by radioactivity on the inner wall of the earth's core, and the inner wall is our sky. The light is very weak and wanders on the rock face, but we have also evolved eyes from it. There is weightlessness in the Earth's core, and our cities are suspended in that dim space. They are about the same size as yours, and from a distance they look like a mess of glowing clouds. The evolution of mechanical life is much longer than your carbon-based life, but we have reached the same goal, and we have reached the day when we have all thought about the universe. "

"However, this universe is really suffocating."

[Comfort... This is a new vocabulary. Therefore, our yearning for the vast space is stronger than yours. As early as the ancient times of the bubble world, the exploration of the deep rock formations began. The explorers dug tunnels in the rock formations to try to discover other cavitations in the solid universe. . About these imaginary vacuoles, there are many wonderful myths, and the fantasy of other vacuoles in the distance constitutes the main body of bubble world literature. But such exploration was initially prohibited, and offenders would be short-circuited to death. "

"Is it forbidden by the church?

"No, there is no church. A civilization that can't see the sun and the stars cannot produce religion. The Senate banned tunnel exploration for a very realistic reason: we don't have your nearly infinite space, and our living space radius is only 3000 kilometers. The broken rock of the tunnel hook will accumulate in the core, because it is believed that there is an infinitely thick rock layer, then the tunnel may be dug for a long time, and the broken rock will eventually fill up the core space! In other words, it transforms the spherical space of the Earth's core into long tunnel voids.

"There seems to be a solution: put the broken rock of the digging hook into the tunnel that has been dug behind, leaving only space for the explorers." Feng Fan said.

[The subsequent expeditions were indeed carried out in this way. The space where the explorers were accommodated was actually a small moving bubble, which we called the bubble boat. But even so, there is still a pile of gravel that is equivalent to the bubble boat space entering the core space. Only when the bubble boat returns, the pile of gravel can be re-filled into the rock wall. If the bubble boat goes and does not return, then this The core space occupied by a small pile of gravel cannot be recovered, it is equivalent to this small space being stolen by a bubble boat, so the explorers are also called space thieves. "

[For that small world, such a little space is also precious. As time goes by, with the departure of the bubble boats, the occupied space is also huge. Therefore, boat exploration was forbidden in ancient times. )

[At the same time, the expedition in a boat is a very difficult and dangerous activity. Generally, there are several excavators and a navigator in the boat. At that time, there were no roadheaders, and the excavators could only use simple tools to keep going. Digging, Pao Chuan Ji can move at an extremely slow speed in the rock formation. 】

Feng Fan didn't speak, and the alien quietly listened to the story.

He even forgot at this moment that the earth is about to be destroyed, the end of the earth is about to face. Feng Fan was only curious about different stars, different civilizations, and different races.

After all, human beings are more eager to explore than to survive. (agbi)

In fact, it is not only human beings, but many civilizations in the universe are also more eager to explore than to survive.

The mechanical alien continues.

[Working like a machine in a small hollow that can just fit in, and chasing the faint hope in the claustrophobic, undoubtedly requires huge spiritual strength. Since the return of the bubble boat is generally along the way that has been dug loose, it is relatively easy, but the gambler's desire to discover often drives the explorer to cross the safe turning point and continue on. At this time, the returning If the physical strength and provisions are not enough, the boat will be stranded on the way back, and it will become the grave of the explorer. Despite this, the expedition of the bubble world to the outside world, although small in scale, has never stopped.

[On one day in the 33281 year of the bubble era, this is according to the earth's chronology method. The chronology of the bubble world is very strange. You don't understand. Suddenly, a small hole appeared in the sky of the rock formation of the bubble world, and a hook flew from the hole. A pile of broken rock floated in the air like a swarm of twinkling stars in the twilight of radioactivity. A team of soldiers from the central city immediately flew away, remembering that there is no gravity in the bubble world, and found that this was a returning expedition bubble boat. It had its hair cut 8 years ago, and no one thought it could return. "

[This bubble boat is called "Needle Point", it advanced 200 kilometers in the rock formation, creating a record for the distance traveled back to the bubble boat. The Acupuncture had a crew of 20 when it set off, but when it returned, there was only one scientific figure left on board. Let's call him Copernicus. The rest of the ship, including the captain, was eaten by Copernicus as food, and in fact, this method of feeding the crew was the most efficient way of sailing in the early stages of formation expeditions. "

[According to the law that strictly prohibits boat exploration, and Copernicus' cannibalism, he will be executed in the capital of the world. On this day, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the central square of the execution, waiting to watch the wonderful electric sparks when Copernicus was short-circuited. But at this moment, a group of scientists from the World Academy of Sciences floated over and announced a major discovery: Look at the rock samples brought back by the Needle Point. The scientists found that the density of the formation rocks was actually decreases with distance traveled.)

"Your world doesn't have gravity, so how do you measure density?" Feng Fan couldn't help but wonder.

Many civilizations in the universe are also puzzled.

[Through inertia, it is a little more complicated than you. Scientists initially thought it was simply due to the needlepoint's accidental entry into an area of ​​uneven formation. But in the next century, in different directions, several bubble boats traveled more than the "Needle's Point" deeper into the formation and back, bringing back rock specimens. "

[People are shocked to find that the stratum density in all directions decreases gradually along the outer direction, and the decrease rate is basically the same! This discovery shakes the dense cosmology that Xiao has ruled the world for more than 20,000 years. If the density of the universe is in such a decreasing distribution with the bubble world as the core, there will always be a distance where the density decreases to zero. Scientists can easily calculate that this distance is about 30,000 kilometers according to the measured decline rate. "

[The dense cosmology is so stubborn that its dominant proponents have introduced a patched dense cosmology, arguing that the decrease in density is simply due to a looser sphere surrounding the bubble world, passing through In this spherical layer, the decrease in density will stop. They even calculated the thickness of this loose sphere to be 300 kilometers. In fact, it is not difficult to confirm or falsify this theory, as long as a bubble boat passes through 300 kilometers of rock formations. In fact, this voyage distance was quickly reached, but the decreasing trend of formation density continued. Therefore, the proponents of dense cosmology also said that the previous calculation was wrong. The thickness of the loose sphere should be 500 kilometers. After 10 years, this distance was also broken, and the decrease in density continued, and the unit distance The rate of decline tends to increase. The densists went on to increase the thickness of the loose sphere to 1500 km...

Later, an epoch-making great discovery sent dense cosmology to the grave forever. "

[The bubble boat that goes 300 kilometers deep into the rock formation is called "Yuan Dao". It is the largest expedition bubble boat in history. It is equipped with a high-power excavator and a complete survival guarantee system. The distance created a track record. And discovered the theory of universal gravitation.

[Speaking of this, if you are smart enough, you should be able to speculate on the truth of the Yunbu world. )

"Is your world located at the center of a planet?"

[Correct, our planet is about the size of Earth, with a radius of about 8,000 kilometers. But the core of this planet is empty, the radius of the empty core is about 3000 kilometers, we are the creatures in the core. "

[However, after the discovery of gravity, it will be many centuries before we can finally understand the truth about our world. )

Feng Fan was shocked.

He was completely incapable of understanding such a world.

Novelty, surprise.

For the universe, god-level civilization will naturally not pay too much attention. But more ordinary weak civilizations still feel novel.

Take the theory of universal gravitation as an example, according to the understanding of the earth, Tony Stark knew his earth, and it was Newton who learned about the theory of universal gravitation by smashing an apple.

But in this mechanical world, countless scientists, through countless years of research, have come to understand this theory.

In this comparison, human beings are really standing on the shoulders of giants, much easier,

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