072, the Li Bai civilization that shook the heavens! (Subscription required)

The final result is that Yiyi confirmed.

Even a god, even a high-dimensional creature with higher intelligence, cannot do it when faced with art that only human beings can create.

Not to mention beyond art.

When the audience saw the thin old man, that is, the god, who was crazy after becoming a human, the audience couldn't help but marvel.

It turns out that even gods can be defeated by human ideas.

"It turns out that God is not omnipotent. After becoming a human god, he will also be troubled by poetry and fainted by the influence of alcohol." - Di Shitian

"It is undeniable that God is indeed not omnipotent. In my world, God is just some other species that has more power and can communicate with the world. God also has various emotions such as anger and joy, so I do not Don't find it strange." -- Thanos

"I am called a god, and I know that." -- Thor

"Do we understand a god? You know, no matter if it's the sages and immortals on the mythology list, they all seem to transcend the whole world, and they can be pure and natural. I think this should be the case. Knowledge of God." -- Zhang Chulan

"There are many kinds of gods, but the gods on the mythology list are definitely the ones I don't want to meet. They are perfect and powerful. Seriously, those gods are almost beyond my knowledge." -- Hades of the Underworld

"The heavens and the worlds are really too big, no matter what happens, it is very possible." -- Honghuang Dapeng

During the discussion above the barrage, the audience was caught up in a problem.

Can a god who has almost lost his majesty still be called a god?

But most of the answers are still "yes".

Because he still has the means of God, and these means can never be imagined by ordinary existence.

Even if God did not become Li Bai, he did not surpass the poetry that Yiyi brought.

But the means of God are still there.

The video didn't end, so the audience knew that things must be reversed.

After all, in any case, this is Li Bai Wenming's inventory video.

If Li Bai's civilization could not surpass or overcome the verse, how could he be called "Li Bai's civilization" by Zhutian Wanjie.com on the 657 video inventory?

And Li Bai civilization can definitely bring more shocking scenes to the audience.

And at this time, the voice of the narrator finally sounded as promised.

[Yiyi is a human being raised by the Devouring Empire, and his feedlot is located on the equator of the Devourer. When Devourer was in the inner space of the solar system, it used to be a beautiful grassland sandwiched between two great rivers. )

[After the Devourer sailed out of Jupiter's orbit, severe winter came, the grassland disappeared, the river was frozen, and all the raised humans were transferred to the dungeon. "

[When the Devourer was summoned by the gods and returned, as the sun approached, the earth rejuvenated, the two great rivers thawed quickly, and the grasslands began to turn green. )

Accompanied by several beautiful narrations, the video brought the audience to this beautiful world.

Today's weather is very good, on both sides of the river, the sun shines in a simple grass hut by the river.

This is a thatched cottage built by Yiyi himself, but this is not allowed for ordinary people.

However, since the classical literature courses Yiyi taught in the breeding farm had the function of educating his temperament, his students' meat had a very special flavor, so the dinosaur breeder did not interfere with him.

Similarly, this is a kind of sadness for human beings.

During the playback of the video, the audience is all aware.

In this devouring empire, human civilization forever lost the chance to turn over.

Here, they are just food for dinosaurs.

But so what?

These humans never care about that.

Human civilization has long lost the blood of turning over, and they even prefer to live in the paradise built for them by the devouring empire.

In fact, the Devouring Empire will provide food and clothing to these captive humans until they are sixty years old, until they are euthanized and eaten as dinosaur food.

For most human beings, they have experienced the cruelty of reality, and of course they can accept it.

Although this worry-free food and clothing also depends on the situation.

During captivity, humans are kept under constant surveillance, they can't leave the breeding (abcf), they can't learn knowledge, and they can't touch anything that can make them curious and explore.

This is also the fundamental reason why human civilization cannot turn over.

Therefore, for Yiyi, only poems, which are only used to cultivate emotions, can be one of the few pleasures for Yiyi.

But luckily for Yiyi, the gods also took an interest in verses.

It was a night two months after Yiyi and Li Bai first met. The sun had just set on the flat horizon of the Devouring Empire, and two rivers, reflecting the sunset, met in the sky.

Outside the grass hut by the river, the breeze blew faintly the singing of dancing on the grassland in the distance. Yiyi is playing Go alone.

He looked up and saw Li Bai and Da Ya came here along the river bank.

At this time, Li Bai changed a lot. His hair was disheveled, his beard was old and long, and his face was dark.

He carried a coarse cloth bag on his left shoulder and a large gourd in his right hand.

His old clothes were torn, and he was wearing a pair of shabby sandals on his feet.

Yiyi felt that he was more of a person at this time.

Li Bai walked to the Go table and placed the gourd heavily on the table, without looking at Yiyi.


After Yiyi brought two wooden bowls, Li Bai opened the lid of the gourd and filled the two bowls with wine.

Then take a paper bag out of the cloth bag and open it.

Yiyi found that there was chopped cooked meat in it, and smelled a pungent aroma. He couldn't help but pick up a piece and chew it.

Daya just stood two or three meters away, watching them quietly.

From his previous experience, he knew they would talk about poetry again, and he was neither interested nor qualified to participate.

"Delicious," Yiyi nodded approvingly. "Is this pure energy beef?"

"No, I've been back to nature for a long time. You probably haven't heard that there are cattle from the earth on pastures far away from here. This is the beef I make myself. This is the way of Shanxi Pingyao beef. The key is in the candle When it’s time to put it in—” Li Bai walked up to Yi Er and said mysteriously, “Urine alkali.”

Yi Jianlian looked at him puzzled.

"Hey, this is the white thing that precipitates out after the evaporation of human urine. It can make the meat ruddy, fresh and tender, fat but not greasy, thin but not woody."

This kind of "urine...isn't pure can do it?" Yiyi asked fearfully.

"I said I was back to nature! Urine was collected from several human farms. It was a very authentic folk cooking technique that disappeared long before the destruction of the planet."

Beef made from urine...

One can imagine how much this god has accomplished in order to experience human life and to be able to make human poems.

The audience couldn't help feeling a real reverence for Li Bai, admiring him as a "god" who could achieve this level in pursuit of art.

And of course, the nausea of ​​urine beef...

The audience is glad that this time their point of view is not put on Yiyi's body, they don't want to experience the taste of urine beef.

Maybe even the saint doesn't want to be poured into a mouthful of yellow spring, the audience couldn't help thinking.

Yiyi had already swallowed the beef in his mouth, and in order to suppress the vomiting, he took up the wine bowl.

In fact, it is exactly what the audience thought.

In order to make great verses and to surpass Li Bai, God is really insisting on becoming a human being.

Li Bai pointed to the gourd and said, "Under my guidance, the Devouring Empire has established several wineries and produced most of the world's famous wines. This is the authentic bamboo leaf green they brewed with Fen wine soaked in bamboo leaves."

Yiyi found that the wine in the bowl was different from the wine Li Bai brought several times. It is emerald green and has a sweet herbal taste when eaten.

It seems that "you know human culture like the back of your hand." Yiyi said to Li Bai excitedly.

"Not only that, but I also spent a lot of time experiencing it myself. You know, the scenery of swallowing many parts of the empire is very similar to the earth where Li Bai is. For the past two months, I have wandered between mountains and rivers, admiring the beautiful scenery , drinking in the moonlight, reciting poetry on the mountain, and having several sexual encounters on human farms everywhere

"Well, now you can show me your poems."

After listening to Yiyi's words, Li Bai put down his wine bowl, stood up, and said nervously: "I have written some poems, some of which will surely surprise you. You will find that I am already a very good poet, even better than you. Even better than your grandparents." After these words, even the audience in the heavens and the world was looking forward to it.

They all look forward to what kind of poems Li Bai can make, and can he really surpass Li Bai?

Can technology really surpass everything?

But in the next second, Li Bai still shook his head.

"But I don't want you to see it, because I'm equally sure you'll think those poems didn't surpass Li Bai"

He looked up at the afterglow of the setting sun, his eyes were full of confusion and pain.

"And I think so too.

At this moment, Li Bai's self-knowledge made even the audience feel amazed.

They were amazed that this god could admit the gap between himself and Li Bai without any pride.

God has been pursuing art like verse, so he takes it so seriously.

On the grassland in the distance, the dance has ended, and the happy people started a hearty dinner.

A group of girls ran towards the river and played in the shallow water on the bank.

Wearing garlands on their heads and draped in misty veils, they form an intoxicating picture in the twilight. Yiyi pointed to a young girl who was closer to the hut and asked Li Bai, "Is she beautiful?"

"Of course." Li Bai looked at Yiyi puzzled and said.

"Imagine cutting her with a sharp blade, taking out each of her organs, gouging out her eyeballs, gouging out her brain, picking out every bone, separating the muscles and fat according to their different parts and functions , and then divide all the blood vessels and nerves into two bundles. Finally, lay a big white cloth here and sort these according to anatomical principles, do you still feel beautiful?

"Why do you think of this when you're drinking? It's disgusting." Li Bai said with a frown.

"How can this be disgusting? Isn't this technology you appreciate?"

"what do you want to say in the end?"

At this time, Yiyi expressed his understanding.

"The nature in Li Bai's eyes is the girl by the river you see now, while the nature in the eyes of technology is the orderly but bloody part of the white cloth. Therefore, technology is anti-poetic."

"Do you seem to have any advice for me?" Li Bai straightened his beard and said thoughtfully.

"I still don't think it is possible for you to surpass Li Bai, but you can point your efforts in the right direction. The fog of technology blinds your eyes and prevents you from seeing the beauty of nature. Therefore, the first thing you should do The thing is to forget about all these hypertechnologies. Because you can transplant all your memories into your current brain, of course, you can delete one of the dots.

Hearing Yiyi's words, Li Bai finally shook his head and said with a sneer, "Do you really think I'm here to admit defeat?"

"It's a fact that you haven't surpassed the pinnacle of human poetic art."

Li Bai suddenly raised one hand and pointed at the big river, and asked, "How many ways are there to get to the river?"

Yiyi looked at Li Bai puzzled for a few seconds: "It seems that there is only one kind."

"No, it's two, I can still go in this direction," Li Bai said, pointing in the opposite direction to the river.

"Keep walking like this, go around the Great Ring of Devouring Empire, and then cross the river from the opposite bank, and I can also walk to this bank. I can even go around the Milky Way and come back. For our technology, this is also as easy as the palm of your hand.

"As I said, technology can surpass everything! It seems that I have now been forced to go the other way!"

Yiyi thought hard for a long time, and finally shook her head in confusion: "But, even if you have godlike skills, I still can't think of another way to surpass Li Bai."

Li Bai stood up and said, "It's very simple, there are two ways to surpass Li Bai: first, to write those poems that surpassed him; second, to write all the poems!"

He smiled coldly and said a sentence that the audience in all the worlds called the most unreasonable sentence.

"I want to write all the five-character and seven-character poems, which is what Li Bai is good at; in addition, I also want to write all the words of the common words!"

"I'm going to try all the combinations of all Chinese characters in poems that fit these rhythms!

At this moment, Li Bai let go of his harsh words.

He wants to try all the Chinese character combinations in the infinite universe!

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