The bullet screen laughed so hard——

‘Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha so professional…”

‘You might as well not tell Mr. Ou, hahahahaha’

'Too abstract hahahahahahaha'

'Brother Shengzi: I mean, you'd better sleep with one eye on guard and the other on watch'

'Mr. Lotus' meatballs are about to fly away'

'What a bastard, how can there be such a bastard organization'

‘You are solely responsible for putting pressure on the owners, right? '

‘So this game is for players to identify ghost types? '

'A horror game format never imagined'

'Golden Wind is engaging in a very new type of game'

‘Scary and funny game, isn’t it…’


Hahaha, the bullet screens floated by one after another, and the promotional video continued——

"...Of course, apart from reporting on the types of ghosts, the most important thing is to talk about our losses."


Shen Miaomiao's messy expression was vividly played, after all, after Gu Sheng became the game director, she often looked at the outrageous sales data in a mess:

"What loss?"

"I left a few things in your house when I um- ran away,"

Speaking of this, Gu Sheng grinned in embarrassment, but immediately slid it over:

"If you happen to pick up a camera, a purple light flashlight, etc... please express it to me, and you can pay on delivery."

As he spoke, Gu Sheng tore off a page from his notebook and handed it to Shen Miaomiao.

As for Shen Miaomiao, hesitantly took the address and opened her mouth, as if she felt that Gu Sheng was a little abnormal:

"Uh... can I... talk to your colleagues? I think you came in three together yesterday?"

"Oh yes, I was going to tell you about it,"

Gu Sheng tapped his head with his fingers:

"In your basement, there are two dead bodies. Maybe you have to find a way to clean them up."

"Huh? Now?" Shen Miaomiao was startled: "You mean two of your colleagues died in my basement... and then you are going to leave?"

"if not,"

Gu Sheng said as it should:

"It's your ghost who did it, and I even have to think about asking you to pay for it."

Hearing this, Shen Miaomiao's expression changed from messy to unthinkable: "Then the two of them..."

The voice has not yet fallen!


A rag doll suddenly flew out of nowhere, making Shen Miaomiao scream in fright!

Gu Sheng smiled awkwardly, and waved his hand towards the air beside him: "Bian'er, don't make trouble, I'm talking about business."

Shen Miaomiao's face turned green!

"So... you added two more ghosts to my family?!!!"

Seeing this, the barrage is going to laugh like crazy——

‘Hahahahaha classic teammate was caught laughing while brushing’

'I suspect Brother Shengzi came here to blackmail people on purpose...'

‘Lotus root is always a top-notch species hahahahahahaha...’

"Give the owner two ghosts without doing the shit, this game is really sloppy"

'You are here to have a party in the underworld, right? '

'When the King of Hades came to see him, he had to sing "Live Another Five Hundred Years"'

‘Hahahahahaha what sand sculpture game’

'This is so funny, I've never seen such an outrageous horror game'

‘Laughing, I said why did Golden Wind suddenly make a horror game, the original purpose was to make a mess of it’


As the barrage drifted past, the promotional video was coming to an end.

Shen Miaomiao finally couldn't bear it anymore: "Okay, okay, you go, I beg you, go away..."

Following Shen Miaomiao's wave, Gu Sheng retreated towards the door and said:

"Okay, then I won't bother you any more,"

"That address list has my QR code on it. The total is 250 yuan. Wechat and Alipay are fine,"

"Finally, I wish you a happy life, please give a five-star praise if it is convenient..."

With that said, Gu Sheng also retreated to the door.

Once again, she gave Shen Miaomiao a professional smirk, raised her hand and was about to push the door to leave.

It can be next second.


The door shook slightly, but did not open.

Immediately afterwards, the overhead lights began to flicker.

Gu Sheng's smile froze on his face:

"Ah oh..."


With the sound of the light bulb breaking, the screen suddenly went black, and the promotional film ended here.


Hum——! ! !

The barrage was a sensation!

Too silly!

The promotional video full of black humor all reveals the mental retardation of this game, not only not scary, but even a little nonsensical.

It directly refreshes players' perception of horror games.

The water friends all burst out laughing, calling it a good job.

bdd was also so teased that he even laughed out loud and applauded again and again!

"Ya'er laughed so hard that tears came out of my eyes, this promotional video is really too abstract,"

bdd wiped the corner of his eyes:

"Sure enough, if you engage in abstraction, you still have the wind of gold."

While talking, Xiao Ma also finished debugging the somatosensory cabin: "Okay Brother Liu, I just tried it, and it still works, and it's also connected to the live stream."


BDD stood up, came to the somatosensory cabin, and moved his shoulders:

"Wow—I'm still a little nervous."

In fact, bdd is not very courageous, and has always kept a respectful distance from horror games.

But this "Phobia" seems to be different from those regular horror games.

At least judging from the promotional video, it is not very scary, and even a little funny.

bdd thinks he can still accept it.

"Brothers, give it a try,"

While bdd was talking, he lay down in the somatosensory cabin:

"It shouldn't be a big problem, let's see Brother Liu give you a wave of experience."

"This wave of my fucking ultimate invincible big watermelon is brave."

Seeing bdd sitting in the somatosensory cabin, the barrage was full of applause and gifts were frequent.

"I didn't expect to see Mr. Piao playing horror games in my lifetime"

'Try and die'

‘Although it is a sand sculpture horror game, it is already admirable for its courage’

'Today is Brave Pig'


'I hope Teacher Piao can survive five minutes'

‘There’s nothing wrong with this game, it doesn’t look scary at all’



As the lid of the somatosensory compartment was closed, a circle of water blue breathing lights lit up around it.

Unlike VR, which only makes the game screen three-dimensional, the somatosensory cabin built on the basis of modern medical technology and electronic engineering science uses a brain wave synchronization technology called "real dream".

In layman's terms, it is to "create dreams" in the player's conscious state.

This technology can not only make the game's picture full of expressiveness, but if the budget is sufficient, it can even convey the touch and phantom pain in the game to the player.

More importantly, it will not cause serious mental and physical trauma to the user.

When the device detects that the player's physical index exceeds the standard, it will automatically change the frequency and kick the player out of the dream, just like waking up from a dream.

It will not cause damage to the player, at best it will leave some psychological shadow.

"Hiss - ho -"

In the somatosensory cabin, bdd took a deep breath:



bdd Click to enter the game.

Immediately afterwards, it became pitch black.

After signing a series of disclaimers for motion sensor pods and games.


A high-frequency slight vibration, accompanied by the humming sound of the engine.

Bdd clearly felt that he should be in the car at this time.

In the pitch-black picture, ghost-like white characters emerged one after another, like the opening subtitles of a movie.

【Works by Gu Sheng (SamGu)】

【Golden Wind Game (Goldenwind)】


【Present for you】

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