Saving the World Starts with Loli

Chapter 28: Call home and Chris

Pierce took Saya and Suiko back to his home. Seeing the increase in the number of people, all the girls except Yuki and Grandpa felt the pressure.

"The weight of the next work." Sister Ci looked at the distinctive weight of Kongzi and Saya, silently complaining.

"Now they are also our partners, get along well." Pierce didn't care about their feelings, after all, Pierce only cares about Yuki.

"Brother, are they the same as us?" Yuki directly asked the point of the question.

"Yes, they are also victims of the disaster." Pierce told the truth.

"Then I have no problem." Yuki hugged Pierce tightly, as if Pierce was about to leave her.

Pierce also knew that bringing someone back by himself might hurt Yuki's heart, but he knew very well that he loved Yuki the most.

"Don't worry, brother will not leave you." Pierce can only respond to Yuki's embrace and tell her his feelings.

At this time, the phone rang suddenly, Pierce had no choice but to connect the phone, and he heard a familiar voice.

"Is it Pierce? I'm Chris."

"Mr. Chris, what are you looking for?"

"I know that you are excellent and a rare talent. Joining our BSAA, how about we need you."

Pierce knew that he should promise him, after all, he belonged there, and Pierce also needed the BSAA to restrict the company's actions.

"I can join, but I hope you can protect my family." Pierce finally said his request.

"No problem, we will protect your family. Don't worry."

"Well, I am willing."

"Great, Pierce, come to see us at the headquarters tomorrow, let's see each other."

After hanging up, Pierce could only apologize to Yuki: "Sorry, Yuki, brother is leaving."

"It's okay, brother, if you remember me, that's enough."

That night, Pierce didn't sleep because he remembered his fate.

Because, because of the passage of time in the future, Pierce will sacrifice himself to save Chris in the underwater laboratory.

"If that is my original destiny, then I will break it." Pierce vowed secretly.

Tomorrow morning, Pierce enjoyed breakfast and Yuki's farewell and finally set off to the BSAA headquarters.

This paragraph quotes Pierce's vision to describe everything he saw today.

"I came here for the first time and saw Chris, one of the founders of the BSAA, but Jill beside him has not returned. After all, it is 2007."

"There are many members of their BSAA and they welcome me. I can change a lot of things six years before I came here."

"They are all people I don't know, maybe the partners who died later, after all, Chris was called a teammate in the game circle back then."

"The welcoming ceremony will end soon, because there have been more biochemical actions recently, and it seems that it will be very busy these days."

In the end, Pierce was assigned to another team by Chris. After all, Chris is still a sneaker, not a frontline combatant.

Considering Pierce's strong sniper ability and support ability, Chris assigned Pierce to the support team, which is also logical.

"Oh, newcomer, are you used to it the first day?" Captain Marco (original) said to Pierce, a middle-aged black-haired white man.

"It's okay, captain, the newcomer will get used to here quickly, after all, Chris got it." It was the team's assaulter Owen (original), a mixed-race Latino in his 20s.

"Rookie, work hard." The silent black man, Snooker.

There are also some ordinary miscellaneous soldiers, not introduced one by one.

Pierce could not recognize all of them, which meant that they would sacrifice one day in the future.

"I hope this is not a bad start." Pierce could only pray secretly.

In the past two years, Pierce’s prediction did not let himself down. In addition to relying on his ability to escape multiple special attacks from the company, the remaining teammates all sacrificed. Pierce knew that he had harmed them.

However, the only thing that makes Pierce happy is that, after two years of training, after two years of training, after the recommendation of the Pierce family, they finally joined the BSAA and became Pierce’s teammates.

During this period, except for the two of them, Yuki finally confronted Pierstein in the middle of the night, and then, without then, they behaved the same in front of others as before.

Although Yuri and Miki did not join the BSAA, it was easy for them to join the Pierce family to handle affairs.

As for Sister Ci and Saye, they joined the BSAA in the end, but they are the decision-making group, logistics group, command and preparation work.

Recently, because Chris received special news from Africa, he took the members of the African branch to explore Africa.

Pierce knew that the plot was finally about to begin.

Sure enough, a few days later, Pierce received a distress signal from Chris.

"Everyone, let's go." Pierce took the walnuts and the horns, ready to go to Africa to participate in rescue operations.

The walnut at this time, although still using a shovel, but a special military shovel is powerful.

Kaizi also trained his sword skills with Pierce, and has made great progress.

As for Pierce himself, after two days of training, the use of the projection range can finally be changed to 5 meters, although it still cannot be a special weapon.

On the military plane, Pierce looked at Walnut and Tongzi beside him, as well as some of his teammates behind him. I can only make up my mind to protect them.

When he arrived at the meeting point, Pierce knew that Chris would not be so early, after all, he still had to accept an attack from the company.

Sure enough, a huge zombie appeared in front of them. Pierce knew that he had wiped out all of Chris's support troops, so Pierce directly ordered: "Look for cover for all, let me destroy him."

Seeing that his teammates left here very obediently, Pierce was finally able to deal with the enemy at ease.

"Let me come, buddy, your gun power is not enough." The shadow was directly attached to Pierce's hand, and in an instant, Pierce's pistol gradually changed.

Two guns sounded, and the giant beast howled because of the attack.

"Blue rose." Pierce was holding a double-barreled revolver, a weapon that Pierce could use only when he received the power of the shadow.

Pierce has been using the blue rose to attack the giant beasts, and the magic weapon has a miraculous effect against these zombie monsters. In an instant, Pierce has the upper hand.

But the giant beast leaned on its huge body to rush in front of Pierce, and directly threw his fist to kill him directly.

However, after two years of life-and-death struggle, Pierce, how could he be hit by it.

A slippery step dodges its attack, and Pierce uses a charge.

The power of the magic hand brought by the black shadow was accumulated on the bullet, and with a direct shot, Pierce directly blasted the behemoth's head, and the behemoth could not rise again.

But the consumption of the charged magic power is also obvious, Pierce can only use 4 rounds a day at most.

Watching the behemoth fall, everyone finally came out, watching Pierce kill the behemoth solo, so that Pierce's reputation in the BSAA will increase a lot.

Finally, Pierce waited for Chris to arrive.

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