Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 73: Kai Tokoji

Shima Hot Spring is the Yumura Hot Spring in Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture today.

   Hot springs have always been said in Japan to heal the body and heal injuries, so local lords often occupy the hot springs for private use. This type of hot spring is called a hidden hot spring. Takeda Shingen often designated the hot springs in his confinement as hidden hot springs for soldiers who were wounded to recuperate. Not only Takeda Shingen, but Uesugi Kenshin also did this.

  Shima Hot Spring is not far from Tsugazakikan, and you can go back and forth on horseback in less than half a day.

   At the moment, Shima Onsen is home to many flagmoto samurai from the Takeda family, because their master, Shingen Takeda, is recuperating here.

   And Takeda Shingen is wearing a moon-white monk's clothes, wearing a headscarf, standing on the corridor outside the house, holding the wooden pillars, and staring at the small lake in the courtyard. Looking at the calm surface of the lake, Shingen Takeda now thought of the water color of Lake Shinano Suwa, as well as his favorite woman Suwa Mikoto.

   "Yufu, I didn't expect to rely on him." Takeda Shingen raised his head, and when he said this, even the great hero Takeda Shingen could not help but choke up at this moment.

   Takeda Shingen suddenly turned around, and said to the room: "Go, haven't the people surveyed by Shirane Mountain come back?"

   "Return to brother, I haven't come back yet." Takeda Nobuhiro bent down and said.

   "I never believe that my son, Harunobu Takeda, would die so easily, and send someone to investigate." Shingen Takeda said impatiently.

   "Brother, why bother to be anxious." It was Takeda Nobuhira who had been sitting silently.

   Takeda Nobuhira also dressed as a monk, wearing black monk clothes. Today, he was invited from Huirin Temple to play chess with Takeda Shingen. At this time, he happened to meet Takeda Nobuyasu who came to Shima Hot Springs and reported to Takeda Shingen that Takeda Katsuyori led an army of eight hundred troops behind Shiraneyama Hall to stop Uesugi Kenshin Yachi. The big army thing.

   I only listened to Takeda Nobuhiro slowly saying: "Brother, life and death are only in destiny, you can't force it."

   At this time, Takeda Shinren sat up straight and said, "Brother, I only blame me for not agreeing to Shenglai's decision to leave the queen at the time, otherwise..."

   Takeda Shingen said in a deep voice, "Now it’s useless to say anything. If there is anything wrong with this victory, I will mention another 20,000 troops going north to fight Uesugi Teruto a decisive battle on Chuanzhong Island."

Takeda Nobuhiro and Takeda Nobuyasu looked at each other, and they could see the surprise in each other's eyes. In the past, Shingen Takeda gave people a sense of calmness. No matter what the big things, they can stay indifferent and can't stop. Rushan, now there is such a gaffe.

   "Brother, don't be arrogant." Takeda Nobuhiro and Takeda Nobuyoshi said in unison.

   Takeda Shinshige persuaded him: "My family has just gone through the war, but its vitality has not recovered. If you use more troops at this time, Hojo, Imagawa, Saito and other families will feel that they have the opportunity to take advantage."

Takeda Shingen heard Takeda Nobuhira say this. After standing alone for a long time, he sighed for a while, closed his eyes and said, "Yufu, I forced your father to have a belly cut, and today I killed your son again. What do you call me? See you with a face."

   At this moment, there was a thumping sound from the wooden board outside the door. It was obvious that people were in a hurry.

  After pushing the paper door of the sliding door, I saw someone kneeling outside the door and saying loudly: "Report to Lord Lord, His Highness Suwa and his army are returning to the Kusakikan."

   "What?" Takeda Shingen asked with a trembling voice, "You said that he was safe and sound for Katsuyuki."

   "Yes, Lord Lord, His Highness Suwa is not only safe and sound, but at the foot of Shirane Mountain with 800 men, he defeated the army of nearly ten thousand troops and returned victorious."

  As soon as these words came out, Takeda Shingen, Takeda Nobuhiro, and Takeda Shinren all froze in place at the same time.

   "This is the Tsuruzakikan."

Li Xiao rode on a chestnut horse and looked at the scenery in front of him. Kai is a mountainous country, and the Kuzuozakikan is built under the plains of the foothills. The green grassland stretches all the way, and it’s perfect for horse-grazing. Actually It was also a pasture when Kamiyazuzakikan was not built.

   Anyway, after surviving the war, Li Xiao is in a good mood now, all the scenery is pleasing to the eye, and he chats and laughs with Yumi Obata from time to time along the way.

   After this life-and-death battle, Li Xiao and Oba Yumi are still chatting as usual.

  Only occasionally, Li Xiao will find Yumi Ohata, inadvertently staring at her outstanding, or when the two people’s eyes are crossed, Yumi Obata will subconsciously avoid it.

   When Li Xiao asked what he would like to offer from the main house after Yumi Ohata's battle.

   Oba Yumi's eyes will show extremely longing look, saying that as long as he is with his younger siblings every day, his wish is enough.

   When Li Xiao heard this, he couldn't help but sigh. Although he didn't say anything, he had a good impression of this gentle and persistent woman from the bottom of his heart.

   In addition to Yumi Obata, the Takeda family members of Katsuyori Takeda. The look in Li Xiao's eyes now is full of a kind of incomparable worship. After the Shirane Mountain battle, they almost all worshiped Li Xiao as the martial **** Hachiman Daimyoshi.

This made Li Xiao very ashamed. This time he was lucky to defeat Uesugi Ken’s faithfulness. In addition to Oba Abe and Takeda Katsuyoshi’s bravery, Shima Katsumi and Oba Yumi are also the two, but they are enough to be the enemy of a hundred people, but Everyone regards all this as the credit of Li Xiao alone.

Well, since it has changed history, I don’t know what form of Taiko’s Aspiration and Nobunaga’s ambitions will appear in the future. Isn't it the tough brother of the political ten?

   Li Xiao shook his head, and put this idea behind him. What is Taiko’s resolution, Nobunaga’s ambitions all stepped aside to me, and I will be called Li Xiaolizhi’s biography, Li Xiaozhi’s ambition, this name is domineering.

Li Xiao kept looking forward to YY from the bottom of his heart, and his mood was even better, but at this moment, news came from the front that the Takeda Katsuyori team was not allowed to enter the castle town of Kusakikan, and instead ordered them to be nearby. Rest of Toko Temple.

   Upon hearing the news, the soldiers under the Takeda Katsuyori team couldn't help but yell at them.

They are the queens of the **** battle, and they have broken the victorious army of Kenshin Uesugi Echigo. They were expecting a triumphant ceremonial welcoming at Tsugazakikan. Now they don’t even have this ceremony, and they have been notified that they are not allowed to enter the castle town. Samurai Yashiki rests.

   How does this balance their hearts?

Takeda Katsuyori rode on a horse and looked at the foot of the mountain. He knew that his father was not in the city at the moment. The order was given by his elder brother Yoshinobu. Takeda Yoshinobu knows how to tell him in this way that you are not welcome. Takeda Katsuya is not welcome. Lai enters the Tsuzuzaki Hall.

   Toko Temple, like Huilin Temple, belongs to the Rinzai sect, and it enshrines the deity of Yakushi Tathagata. Takeda Shingen himself converted to the Tendai sect, but he always took good care of the gate of the Rinzai sect in his confinement, and once chartered to exempt Tokoji’s husband from service.

   But for Takeda Katsuyori, Toko Temple has another meaning. The former head of Suwa family, his grandfather Suwa Laizhong was in Toko Temple where Takeda Shingen ordered a caesarean to commit suicide. Perhaps Takeda Yoshinobu allowed Takeda Katsuyori to stay here because he had the intention of warning.

   So the Takeda Katsuyori team made a detour to Toko Temple and settled down.

  As a general, Li Xiao naturally has a separate room. Just as he was preparing to change his clothes and take a shower, Oba Yumi suddenly rushed into his room door.

   Even in the face of Li Xiao, who was not afraid of thousands of Echigo Army, he was taken aback at this moment because he was taking off half of his clothes.

   When Li Xiao's mind was full of evil thoughts, Oba Yumi rushed in front of Li Xiao and said anxiously: "Master, save my sister, he was snatched away by Master Rubu's men."

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