Roulette World

Two Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Nine The Battle of Shenjiang City (9)

"We are also prepared."

Liu Zhenghong's order was delivered to the area she was responsible for and the battleships above the area almost within seconds after the Dragon Clan leader's general attack order was issued.

She is waiting for an opportunity.

In Ye Zhongming's plan, the real general attack was not the all-out attack of the Dragon Rebels, but the order Liu Zhenghong was about to issue.

She said attack. Today's general attack on Shenjiang City's offensive and defensive battle has really begun.

That also means that maybe within a certain period of time, the winner will be decided.

Perhaps at any time or in any era, conquering a city as majestic and highly motivated as Shenjiang City cannot be achieved in a short period of time, not even in the era of science and technology. ,

After all, there is no generational difference between them in terms of combat power.

But Ye Zhongming knew that he couldn't afford to wait.

Because this war is so eye-catching, so eye-catching... that other forces may come over at any time to lend a hand.

As for the forces that are qualified to reach out, Ye Zhongming, who is in the middle of the war, has no time to take care of them. No, he does not have the strength to deal with them.

In other words, if a third family comes to muddy the waters, even if it is not the oriole's take-all approach, and it just stops both sides, it will be a disaster for Ye Zhongming and the helpers standing around him. But for the red dwarves of Talos, the advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

Once there is room for maneuver, even a small time advantage will be infinitely amplified by these dwarves until it becomes a victory.

There is no way, this is the gap between each other's background.

Therefore, Ye Zhongming wanted to determine the winner in the shortest possible time. To say the least, even if he could not completely annihilate this group of dwarves, he still had to break through Shenjiang City and drag the battle into a street fighting stage!

Only in this way can those superpowers who want to reach out be afraid and fail to seize the fleeting opportunity in their hesitation. After all, war doesn't start just when you want to. It has to be prepared. Even in the age of science and technology, it always takes a little time.

This time is Ye Zhongming's chance, his only chance.

When the layer where the Divine Eye is located no longer emits a green halo, the City of Divine Craftsman is actually not that mysterious in the eyes of the attacking troops.

They didn't understand what those metal frames or the sudden presence of a few big iron drums were for, but at least they could see a lot of the situation in the city, and at least the attack route was clear. After comparing the plans, The target also clarifies the specific location.

This feeling made the siege troops less panicked, especially the commanders, whose confidence was not lost because of the hundreds of dragons hanging on the wall.

In fact, at this time, no matter whether you have confidence or not, just keep fighting and it will be over. Fight until all the enemies are dead, or you will die yourself.

When the Rebel Dragon Clan really goes all out, the terror cannot be described in words.

After all, great masters have as many peaks as dogs from the beginning.

When these giant dragons use all their abilities, their explosive power is enough to destroy the world.

In every direction, dragons from every element launched their attacks.

Many live broadcast equipment, even if they are far away, still fail at that moment.

The energy storm is so manic that it has turned this area into a forbidden zone for life.

Although the live broadcast has been temporarily stopped, many lives are watching from a distance, or using some special means on the battleship outside this survivor fortress.

They felt the whole fortress shaking at that moment.

Yes, this is indeed an artificial fortress, but this is just a customary name. In fact, this is an artificial planet, a planet!

A planet bigger than the earth!

Being able to cause such a celestial body to shake, even just a little bit, is enough to scare people to death.

At that moment, many people didn't understand what this meant, but soon, comments from some big shots spread.

"If the target is not Shenjiang City, but the surface, then the fortress has been penetrated."

Yes, the top experts may not be able to do anything to the slaves in space, but the combined efforts of so many top experts can easily destroy a planet.

That is to say, Shenjiang City, a fortified city whose defense power is almost as good as that of Sioux City. Only this city with its defensive artifact, Divine Eye, can withstand this level of attack.

Those overwhelming spells, the energy tides that pierced the sky, and the violent surge of various elements made Shenjiang City feel like it was in a storm. The sounds of spells colliding with the city walls, the sound of the defense shield breaking, and the roar of the defenders And screams, as well as a thundering dragon roar...

In such a collision, Shenjiang City began to counterattack.

Countless giant crossbows, countless long-range abilities, countless metal dragon guns, countless jet energy cannons, countless high-spinning metal wheels, and abilities that make people feel trembling.

Those that can break through the attack waves of the giant dragons must be emitted by God-level equipment, or by peak masters.

But everyone actually knows that it must be issued by the peak master holding the God-level equipment. On the dwarf side, the number of God-level equipment is enough for every peak master to have at least one.

The live broadcast resumed after dozens of seconds. What everyone saw was the light that had not dissipated on the Shenjiang City, and the giant dragons falling from the sky.

The ground around Shenjiang City was being smashed and there were constant rumbling and rumbling sounds.

Every sound represents the passing of a giant dragon.

Originally, peak masters would return to their origins after death, but the dragon clan has a secret method that can retain certain parts of the body, so the sound represents the exact number of deaths.

Many people watching the live broadcast couldn't see clearly what was going on in the air, but they could hear the sound of heavy objects hitting the ground.

Every sound hits the hearts of those watching the battle.

It’s so tragic!

It's really too tragic. A varying number of great masters are passing away every second, and some races don't even have a single great master!

The same goes for those from the super-rich clans. They were originally eager to try and thought this was an opportunity, but what they were thinking at the moment was, if one of the two parties at war was them, would they be able to bear such a loss?

Many people got a negative answer.

This kind of battle takes a longer time to defeat a super-rich clan into a big clan, or even a medium-sized race.

That person named Ye Zhongming, as well as the Sioux Alliance and the Musk Star people, are they so untouchable? Are they... not worried at all?

Just when many people from all races in the universe were watching the live broadcast and thinking wildly, Liu Zhenghong issued the order to attack.

The defensive shield of Shenjiang City has been shattered by the Dragon Clan, and the wall protecting the city is right in front of the attacking troops.

The first group of orc warriors, numbering more than ten thousand, with abnormally exaggerated muscles and blood-red eyes, roared and rushed towards the city.

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