Rise of the Empire Total War

Chapter 63 Riya Turmoil

Four days later, the birthday party of Riyadh King Caturanus was held at Bradek Palace as scheduled.

Attending the banquet were not only members of the royal family, but also nobles (although there were not many) and officials of the entire kingdom, as well as wealthy businessmen.

As for those civilians, after handing in the tribute to the treasurer, they went to fend for themselves. The royal family didn't even consider letting the common people participate in it and get some joy.

Commoners seem to be accustomed to the attitude of the royal family. From their numb attitude, it is not difficult to see that it may have been like this in the past few years.

It is naturally impossible for a city with only one isolated island to prepare such a luxurious banquet, even if this city can be regarded as a developed trade center. In the banquet at the Braddeck Palace, the most expensive ingredients were actually the two roasted pigs, and the rest were basically seafood that must be seen in cities near the sea—the seafood feast here is far from the beauty of later generations, and the chefs just It is to grill the caught sea fish, wrap it in fresh vegetable leaves and serve it on the table.

However, it is commendable that the grilled fish of the Riya people tastes good, far better than that cooked by Richard's chef on Cuban Island.

The interior of Braddeck Palace was full of singing and dancing, and it was very lively, but there was an undercurrent surging outside the tall palace walls. While the city defense troops were enjoying the fine wine distributed by the royal family in the barracks, an unprecedented turmoil was imminent in various parts of the city.

"People of Riyadh, please listen to me!"

"The king we love is enjoying the wealth of the whole kingdom at Braddeck Palace, pouring delicious wine into the pool for bathing, and hanging expensive barbecues on racks as thick as a forest, even if these barbecues stink The rot would not be given to the starving civilians."

"For His Majesty's birthday, how many people have spent their wealth, just to give gifts that satisfy the king and officials, so as not to be punished by harsh criminal laws."

"The people of Riya, this is His Majesty the King we support, we regard him as a god, he regards us as ants, and indulges his lackeys to bully us at will!"

"Would you like to see your family members or people you know being beaten and scolded by officials at will, just because they didn't get out of the way in time? Would you like to see the neighbors who greeted you in the morning being punished for some ridiculous crime in the afternoon?" Caught in a rat-infested dungeon?"

"No! I don't want to see it!"

"People of Riya, we can no longer endure the oppression of the king! We should rise up and resist! Drive the corrupt king out of Bradke Palace, and kill all the king's lackeys!"

"Stand up and resist!!!"

This was a premeditated rebellion. After delivering inflammatory speeches, boxes were carried out of the house by young men with white strips tied to their right arms. After opening, there were rough spears inside.

"Let's march to the barracks, persuade the city defense army to join our team, and if they don't agree, destroy them!"

"To the barracks! To the barracks! To the barracks!"

Almost at the same time, shouts rang out from all over the city, and then, groups of civilians in shabby clothes held up messy weapons and marched along the street towards the military camp near the port.

However, the soldiers of the city defense army in the barracks were still enjoying the very rare fine wine, and did not notice the fire dragons surrounding them with torches and weapons.

On the other side, the Imperial Guard soldiers who were on duty on the palace wall quickly discovered the turmoil in the city and the loud shouts. After a preliminary judgment, the most elite soldiers of the kingdom chose to sound the alarm. For a moment, the warning bell resounded over the entire city. Whether it was the drunk soldiers in the barracks or the guests in the palace, they were all awakened by the bell that would not ring for ten thousand years.

"It's the alarm bell of Braddeck Palace, assemble quickly!"

In the barracks, the general of the city defense army woke up instantly after hearing the bell, and jumped up from his seat.

Picking up the saber hanging by the wall, he rushed out of the room, shouting loudly. In front of him, the soldiers of the city defense army who were under discipline were scattered crookedly on the ground of the barracks, some of them were even so drunk that they fell unconscious on the ground.

"Assemble! Assemble!"

Seeing these unworthy soldiers, the general roared angrily, but just a few seconds after he finished shouting, a soldier stumbled towards him, knelt down on the ground, and said in a terrified tone: "General, general! , There are rioters outside the barracks, they are all holding weapons, it looks like they are preparing to rebel!"


After hearing what the soldier said, the general felt his eyes go dark, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the soldiers beside him quickly supported him. After standing still, the general took a deep breath and asked in an unbelievable tone. Said: "Those civilians, really want to rebel?"

"It seems so." The soldier said with a sad face, "General, those rioters have blocked the streets leading to the barracks. We can only defend the barracks."


The general gasped after hearing this, and pushed away the soldiers in front of him and ran quickly towards the tower of the barracks gate. The ground was crowded with mobs holding torches and weapons. These mobs just stood there in a panic and did not attack, which still made him feel frightened.

At this moment, a young man with a white strip tied to his right arm walked out from the crowd. Under everyone's gaze, he walked to the gate of the barracks and shouted: "Soldiers of the city defense army, our goal is to overthrow the king." , Replace with a new king. We don’t want to meet with you, as long as you can lay down your weapons, open the gate, and surrender to us, all the evil things you have done before will be forgotten!”

"Overthrow the king!" The general was startled, and subconsciously wanted to yell, but in the end he held back forcefully. He looked at the almost endless rioters outside the barracks, and then at the soldiers who had lost their combat effectiveness inside the barracks. Pros and cons, I still chose Congxin.

"I am General Hubbard of the City Defense Army." The general shouted loudly, "I surrender to you on behalf of the City Defense Army, and I only ask you to keep your word!"

"Okay, as long as you open the city gate and put down your weapons, we won't make things difficult for you."

The young man continued to shout. After listening to his words, the city defense army general Hubbard sighed, walked down the tower with the help of his own soldiers, and watched with his own eyes the gate of the barracks being slowly opened.

Then, he closed his eyes and let countless rioters rush into the barracks cheering. He knew very well that the Riya Kingdom might be completely swept into the dust of history.

"The City Defense Army has joined us, brothers, continue to march towards Braddeck Palace!"

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