Rise of Rurik

Chapter 1,201 The Noble Captive of Askard

Askard is only twelve years old, but he is already taller than the average Frank soldier. He is so tall that he deserves to eat and drink on a daily basis.

The blond man was seen holding his bloody steel sword and walking slowly towards the barefoot sword-wielding girl without anger or authority.

"I'll fight with you!" Alicia, filled with grief and anger, clenched her dagger and thrust forward during the run-up.

"There are flaws all over his body, but he is quite brave."

Askard turned around and easily dodged the sword. He also understood that this woman was not a female warrior at all, but this kind of bravery without fear of death was very interesting.

This was the first time that a woman planned to kill him. Ascard was deeply touched and did not give her a second chance.

A precise slash, and another stab at Frank's iron sword, but it was directly cut off by his steel sword.

Alicia was dumbfounded, and the strong vibration of the sword hilt caused her hands to loosen. When she returned to her bare hands, Ascard easily reached out and choked her, and now she could see the woman's face clearly.

"Who are you?!" The question was asked in Latin, and Alicia was shocked and didn't know how to answer it.

"Answer me! Frank woman! Are you a noble?" Ascard continued to ask.


"Are you deaf? Or?" Noticing that the woman subconsciously glanced at another woman who was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground, Asgard suddenly threatened again: "Just one prisoner is enough. That one seems to be you. Sisters who are protecting me! Answer me! What is your identity? Otherwise, kill that woman."

"I said it! I said it all." Alicia was completely panicked, but she still didn't understand why this strange army

Knowing Latin, he said deliberately: "I am a princess! I am Princess Gisla! That woman is my maid. We are nobles, we cannot be killed."

"Princess? The king's daughter? Is that you? Haha."

It turned out that Brody, the cavalry member, personally captured King Ludwig of the Eastern Kingdom. Such feats made this man immediately become a popular figure around the king.

That is a great example. After all, Brody is purely from the Old Ross tribe, but the soldiers of the Seventh Flag are large-scale mixed warriors, including Asgard himself. This forces the brothers to establish more proof of merit. He is indeed a descendant of Old Ross.

Unexpectedly, I actually caught Princess Frank? Wouldn't it be a great achievement to capture the princess?

"Very good! Are you a princess? Then, you are my slave now. Brothers." Askard was so happy that he casually shouted to his brothers again: "That slumped woman belongs to you."

As he said this, he saw that all the brothers were suddenly very sensible and unmoved.

"What? I gave you a slave and you still don't want it."

I heard someone laughing naively: "Boss, I have to give you the good stuff. We don't dare to steal it."

"Forget it." Askard shrugged. He tied the hands of the black-haired girl under his control, then approached the girl who was sitting on the ground and paralyzed with fear with his sword, and pulled her up by her hair. .

As expected, the woman began to struggle wildly. Suddenly, Asgard slapped her down, knocking the woman unconscious.


"How dare a mere maid dare to be so presumptuous?"

The confused real princess Gisla finally became obedient, but the murderous look she cast was met by Ah

Scudder's second slap.

"How dare you glare at me? You're just a maid, and you're actually being protected by your master? It's obviously a servant like you who should protect your master. Maybe I should kill you."

The real princess couldn't understand the muttering in Norse. She was already disheartened. She had never been slapped in the face in her whole life.

Just like Aric, Askard, as the eldest son, inherited some of his father's temperament. For example, he was not a man who pursued huge wealth. Compared to real money and silver, the honor of catching the Frank Princess far exceeds those. Besides, for a princess who dared to draw a sword against him, Askard wanted to pin her to the ground and get her right now, and then take her back to Ross's hometown.


Unexpectedly, his uncle Rurik had already set an example more than ten years ago. At that time, his uncle captured the princess of the Kingdom of Mercia, and as a result, his cousin Reglaf was born.

You can imitate it, and you should imitate it.

Of course, the box containing the princess's jewelry had been scattered on the floor, and the shining gems had been scattered, which the brothers could see clearly.

Askard paid no attention to these jewels. He was so proud that he was leading the two slaves like colts, as if his own part of the invasion of Aachen was over.

"Brothers!" he ordered loudly, "you can plunder as you like, I only want these two slaves. You are free."

"Ula!" The brothers banged their shields and started their plunder.

Little did they know that the soldiers of the Seventh Flag Team who had not rushed here had already begun to loot the entire Aachen Palace.

The residence of the royal family was easily broken into by the young Rus warrior, who

They immediately began to rummage through boxes and cabinets, stuffing gold and silver items that were readily available everywhere into their backpacks while laughing and joking.

Originally a linen bag for dried salted fish and bread cubes, it is now stuffed with genuine Frankish palace utensils. Some people even stuffed gilded candlesticks into their backpacks. They really wanted to take this treasure back to their home in Mstisk. , serves as a lighting candle holder for one's own home, and becomes a treasure that can be shown off to the folks.

The Ross army who rushed into Aachen had no intention of killing people, or in other words, the killing was incidental. Their biggest intention was to steal money.

Those city residents gradually realized that a terrible attack had occurred, and the smart people immediately began to flee frantically. In times of crisis, they were unable to take away all kinds of valuables. They could only scream, drag their families, and rush out of the door with a small amount of precious belongings. Escape, and soon the narrow streets are filled with running fugitives.

The figures of these people were clearly visible, but the soldiers who invaded the city saw their backs but had no intention of pursuing them.

After all, after completing the final sprint to the city all day today, the entire army began to plunder after breaking through the city. The majority of the soldiers were quite exhausted, and even the looting that was being carried out now had forced the soldiers to be physically exhausted.

The full belief in robbery and making a fortune supported them. The high-spirited warriors ignored their fatigue. They broke into various alleys, killed the city residents who blocked the way, and then rushed into one room after another like hounds.


All four gates of Aachen were opened, and the Frankish warriors who were supposed to hold the gates abandoned their duties. They lowered the drawbridge to give all the refugees a chance to escape and blended in with the group to escape from the city.

The Russian army only came from the city

The south gate was broken open, and no soldiers were watching from the other three gates. Although it was not the subjective behavior of Blue Fox himself, the destruction of the city in this way really gave the residents a chance to escape.

Most of the residents managed to escape, even though they fled so fast that they coughed up blood and even lost their shoes. They all tried their best to rush to the safety of the woods outside the city as quickly as possible.

Now, the Götalans, Danes, and Finns are all enjoying the carnival that belongs exclusively to the occupiers. After all, Aachen is the capital of a country, with a large number of people, and even ordinary families have accumulated a lot of wealth.

There are more rare things in the palace.

The Royal Spa Palace was once the only way for the princess and her party to escape. This building imitating the baths of Roman nobles was Charlemagne's favorite in his later years. The decaying body of Charlemagne in the past has long been turned into a sarcophagus and withered bones. This steaming hot spring bath welcomes a new owner.

The young blond warrior knelt down and subconsciously touched the water in front of him with his hand. He was surprised: "It's actually hot water? Hot spring?"

"Maybe the Frank nobles bathed in a place like this. Haha, the huge bathhouse is much more comfortable than my wooden barrel." Another soldier immediately agreed.

"Hey." Another soldier was encouraging: "Why don't we jump down now. Their nobles can enjoy it, and we should enjoy it right away."

"Forget it. It's not too late to jump in here after we have emptied the gold. Don't let the other brothers make a fortune. In the end, we won't even be able to grab a single silver coin."

A group of young Ross warriors looked at each other and continued to target the king.

The looting of the palace.

While talking and laughing, they took the entire palace planned by Charlemagne as their own.

He just took away various valuable daily necessities, and naturally broke into the boudoir that once belonged to Princess Gisla.

The comfortable bed exuded a faint fragrance. The warrior who broke in did not realize that it belonged to a female noble at first, until he found a large number of women's clothes in the opened wardrobe.

It must be a robe worn by women, with some beautiful patterns embroidered on it.

A tall and strong "little golden retriever" opened his big hands and held many pieces of clothes in his arms. He also smiled and said to the brothers: "Don't snatch them from me, they are all mine."

"Ridiculous. Hrolov, what do you want these women's clothes for?"

"Of course it's for my sisters. Ah! The smell is pretty good." The young warrior named Hrolov knew that his two sisters were still very young, so it was good to prepare some clothes in advance, especially the ones exclusive to the Frankish female nobles. clothes. He didn't understand it himself, but he was sure that these clothes were quite noble, so wearing them on his family members would give them a bit of nobility.

Several soldiers dug out the princess's toys again, including some embroidered cloth dolls and even some wood carvings.

They are all people with sisters, many of them. These toys were also considered special trophies. Thinking of what the Hrolov brothers had done, the brothers stuffed all the toys they found into their linen pockets.


There were also some people who acted very indiscreetly. The living room of the palace servants was occupied. The lighting in this place was dim and there seemed to be no gold and silver to plunder.

The waiter hiding inside was discovered, and the warrior assassinated him without hesitation, and then began to search.

After the storm, the waiter's living room seemed to be abandoned, but soon someone broke into another room.

Rus warrior. They completely ignored the dead people lying in a pool of blood and actually used this place as a place to go to the toilet. They simply lifted up their shirts and squatted down on their toes, just wiping away the filth with the sheets that were readily available.

In addition to deliberately setting fires, the young soldiers of the Seventh Flag did whatever they wanted in the palace.

The poor princess Gisla and her personal maid Alicia were led by Ascard like sheep out of the palace that turned into hell.

The two of them walked through a painful journey. The former noble palace was full of blond-haired warriors and killed palace attendants could be seen everywhere on the ground. The barefooted two were even forced to step on bloodstains that were already sticky. It's like walking in hell.

At this moment, the princess was like a walking zombie who had lost her soul. Her maid Alicia tried her best to maintain restraint, and everything she saw still gave her a great stimulation to her spirit.

They were led out of the palace to the city square outside the palace, where a large number of people could be seen lying down. The reflective metal helmets of the fallen people in the sunset proved their identities - Frankish soldiers, city defenders of Aachen.

The princess's eyes widened, her legs were shaking uncontrollably, and fear covered her whole body. The sun was setting in West Asia at this moment. Gisla couldn't believe that this was Aachen. Everything was like a nightmare, and she was traveling through hell in a nightmare.

"Let's go!" Askard glanced back and saw his two captives struggling, tugging at the rope unceremoniously, and a stinging pain on the wrist ruthlessly brought the princess back to reality.

Yes, this is not a nightmare, everything is real.

But the two women were still hesitant and uncooperative, which made him angry.

Askard yanked again, this time with great force, and the two women were pulled down. They accidentally fell to their knees on the ground. But they also ignored the new injuries on their legs and ignored the pain.

Alicia subconsciously protected her princess with her body, while Princess Gisla just buried her head in the arms of her maid, as if she could avoid all disasters as long as she couldn't see her.

"Stop dawdling, woman! Stand up and follow me."

The words were spoken in Latin, and Askard was sure they could understand them. It was the black-haired woman who was protecting the other girl. Why did she give her a murderous look?

Ascard, who was holding the rope, looked down at his slave, while Alicia cried in grief and anger.

The water surges like a spring.

Askard is not a naturally murderous person. When it comes to what he hopes to gain from this expedition, he does not ask for much gold or silver. After all, his family's wealth and status in the entire Kingdom of Rus are extremely high. He hopes to fight real enemy warriors and sacrifice their blood to Odin.

The second ideal is as it is now, everything is like fate, the gods allow themselves to capture the Frankish female nobles as slaves.

At this moment, what he wanted was not a slave.


"Let's go. It's over." Askard, who was moved by compassion, changed his strength and gently tugged on the rope: "Princess of Frank, you and your maids stand up. Now, you are all My slaves, as long as you obey me, you will not suffer."

He spoke completely in fluent Latin, which seemed so magical to the two girls.

A young warrior with pure golden hair, the color of his hair is even more gorgeous under the sunset. His shirt was stained with blood

, if you look closely you can see that this outfit is extremely elegant. And this man's shoes, they are no ordinary shoes. Alicia noticed that these were high-top leather boots, and the left and right boots were the same. There was also this man's sword. The hilt was actually inlaid with gems, and the scabbard shone brightly in the sunset.

A strange nobleman who speaks Latin?

Alicia did not stand up in a hurry. She gently wiped away her tears, restrained her emotions that were about to collapse, and tried her best to ask rationally: "Who are you? Why did you attack Aachen! Do you know that this is Aachen!"

"You? You are very courageous. Princess Frank..." Asgard narrowed his eyes, feeling even more satisfied with the woman in front of him at this moment. "You are so bold, you dare to question my identity."

"Tell me. Even if we die, let us die clearly."

"Death?" Askard shook his head: "Woman, you misunderstood. You are a princess and a noble. I will not kill you! On the contrary, I will own you. One day you will fall in love with me, and I am yours..." He hesitated a little longer and said solemnly: "I will be your husband."

"You!" These words made the black-haired Alicia even more furious. Besides being angry, she was also extremely ashamed. Of course, Asgard at this moment had no idea that the brave black-haired girl in front of him was the maid.

This is not a problem, the scene of deep sisterly love in front of him reminded him of some past events.

"Angry? Then be angry. This is war!"

"Who...are you?" Holding back her anger, Alicia continued to ask.

"My identity? I am a Russian, and I was ordered by the king to attack you Franks. Let me tell you! Roman

The King of Sri Lanka is my uncle, and I am also a noble! I am Askard, and I have five hundred warriors. Now you are my woman, you should be lucky that you, who are so humble, can be my wife. "

lowly? Alicia couldn't help but be startled. She had never heard of the Kingdom of Rus. If such a kingdom really existed, could it be that her captor was still a prince?

Don’t deny the other person first, and then take a look at yourself.

Alicia was originally from a noble family and was of a very low rank. She was brought to Aachen to be with the princess just because of her good looks. As a result, she had already been separated from her family in Lombardy, and her current status was just that of a maid. Even though she is the princess's personal maid, her status is still that of a maid.

Considering the reality of the situation, she estimated that the man in front of her would not harm herself and the princess. In order to ensure that she would not anger the man, she helped the princess to stand up slowly.

"Very good. You should cooperate with me like this. Come with me!" Askard urged again: "Follow me to rest at the door of the church. You..." He looked at the two women's dirty feet and their faces again. Bleeding Knees: "Go to the fountain over there. I need to treat your wounds."

The reborn star fruit

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