Rise From the Humble

Chapter 476: Leave without sending me away

There are so many unexpected things in life.

When Zhu Pingan saw the pirate who suddenly appeared, he realized that this was another life-or-death moment. He took a breath and squeezed out the last strength from his tired and weak body.

After being soaked in water for so long, the lime powder, dagger, etc. are all gone.

Only when we meet on a narrow road, the brave one wins!

The life-and-death fight started very suddenly. The pirates emerged from the sea and glanced at Zhu Ping'an and the three of them with malice. Then the adrenaline hormones went off the charts. He possessed women and killed men. The cruel pirate logic dominated The pirate rushed towards Zhu Pingan!

Almost as soon as he surfaced, he rushed towards Zhu Pingan.

With lightning speed

The little maid Baozi and Li Shu didn't react, and the pirate rushed towards Zhu Ping'an with a cruel and bloodthirsty look.

Although the pirates struck so swiftly and suddenly, Zhu Pingan realized that this was a life-and-death moment as soon as the pirates appeared. Therefore, when the pirates attacked, Zhu Pingan still reached out to block the pirates' hands that came to choke him.

At this time, Li Shu and the little maid Baozi realized what they were doing and screamed again and again.

Pirates are cruel, and killing people is like Zhu Pingan writing with ink. Zhu Pingan has several writing techniques, and pirates have several ways of killing.

Although he was a little surprised when the frail scholar blocked his chokehold, the pirate was not worried. He had a hundred ways to kill the frail scholar. After the chokehold was blocked, he quickly bent his knees and hit Zhu Pingan's lower abdomen hard. .

The knee was so sudden that Zhu Ping'an, who was not good at force, had not expected it at all. His stomach felt as if a cow had stepped on it, and his internal organs felt as if they had been displaced.

A mouthful of old blood almost spurted out...

At this moment, Zhu Pingan's idea of ​​​​exercising became even stronger. Without strong physical fitness, if he encountered danger, everything would be nonsense.

Awareness is one thing, strength is another.

This kind of life-and-death fight was unequal from the beginning. No matter how good Zhu Ping'an's consciousness was, no matter how quick his thinking, and no matter how many ideas he had, in the face of absolute strength, it was just a dragon-slaying technique, which had nowhere to use and was of no use at all.

After the pirate's successful knee strike, the expression on his face became even more bloodthirsty. When Zhu Pingan bent over subconsciously because of being hit in the stomach, he punched Zhu Pingan on the head. At that time, Zhu Pingan felt that his head was dizzy, as if It was like being hit in the head with a hammer.

After succeeding, the pirate swam behind Zhu Pingan, put his arms around Zhu Pingan's neck, and strangled Zhu Pingan alive. In fact, the pirate doesn't have much strength at this moment. He has just experienced several big waves. At this moment, he is at the end of his strength, but even at the end of his strength, his physical fitness is several times stronger than Zhu Pingan's.


When the little maid Baozi saw Zhu Ping'an's mouth bleeding from being strangled, she burst into anxious tears. Regardless of her fear, she went up to pinch and bite the pirate. She opened her small mouth and bit the pirate hard, and used all her strength to break off the pirate's arm.

However, there are no eggs

For the pirates, it was like scratching an itch, and it even aroused the pirates' ferocity and intensified their efforts to ensure peace.


The mouth is full of the smell of blood

Zhu Pingan felt that all the strength in his body was leaving him. The suffocation caused his eyes to bulge out. He must have looked very ferocious at this moment. Zhu Pingan smiled to himself, but could not make a sound...

It's almost, if he takes a few more breaths, he will strangle this weak scholar to death. The pirate can't help but grin and tighten his strength on his hands.

Just when the pirates thought they had control of the world, changes suddenly occurred.

Li Shu, who was crying like Baozi's little maid, pinching, biting and scratching the pirate in vain, took advantage of the pirate's relaxation and suddenly pulled out the hairpin on her head and stabbed it hard into the pirate's neck.

In fact, hairpins used for decoration in ancient times, in addition to being beautiful, also had a function, that is, self-defense. However, as time goes by, people tend to focus on decoration and ignore the self-defense function.

The sharp hairpin plunged into the pirate's neck unexpectedly.


The pirate let out a heart-rending cry, turned his head and looked at Li Shu with a ferocious gaze, who was holding the hairpin and trembling. There was blood on his neck, and he looked like he was about to eat someone...

People's necks are not so easy to penetrate. Li Shu tied the hairpin into the back of the pirate's neck. It is relatively hard and has spine and other bones, so it is not easy to penetrate. Li Shu had exhausted all his strength, but the hairpin could not be penetrated. It's just an inch deeper.

Of course, this was enough for the pirate, and the severe pain made him release his restraint on Zhu Ping'an.

The pirate turned to look at Li Shu with a ferocious face, as if he wanted to eat someone. He had murderous thoughts and was about to do something to Li Shu.

Zhu Pingan took the opportunity to escape, turned around suddenly and snatched the hairpin from Li Shu's hand, and then again used lightning speed to plunge the sharp hairpin into the weak spot on the right side of the pirate's neck with all his strength.

Just like a hairpin pierced into a watermelon, it suddenly pierced the pirate's neck and penetrated in. Blood sputtered out along Zhu Pingan's hand.

Zhu Ping'an had studied biology in modern times and knew the structure and principles of the human body. Compared to Li Shu, he could more accurately find the weakest spot on the pirate's neck and hit it with one hit.

The place Zhu Pingan chose contains trachea, esophagus, and arteries. Zhu Pingan went to the pirate's neck arteries. If this place is attacked, the human brain will lose its command ability and resistance due to insufficient blood supply. and behavioral capacity.

One hit is sure to hit, penetrating to the end of the hairpin

Blood spurted out instantly.

All of this happened very suddenly. From the time the pirate was attacked by Li Shu's hairpin and subconsciously turned to look at Li Shu, to when Zhu Ping'an grabbed the hairpin and plunged it into the weak spot on the right side of the pirate's neck, it only took less than a second.

One second ago, the pirate thought he owned the whole world

The next second, the pirate ran onto the road of no return, never to return.

The blood vessels in his neck were punctured and penetrated, causing brain ischemia. The pirate's movements and consciousness were blurred. He could only subconsciously reach out to cover the wound, and then blood flowed out from between his fingers. The pirate was shouting and unable to speak. what sound.

"Go ahead, don't send me away!"

Zhu Ping'an didn't give the pirate a chance. After stabbing his neck, he stretched out his feet and kicked the pirate off the cabinet into the sea.

The pirate fell on his back and fell into the sea. He stretched out a hand feebly, as if trying to grab some life-saving straw. His blood dyed the nearby sea water red.

A wave came and the pirates were swept into the deep sea.

The pirate's neck was pierced, and his artery was penetrated. Even the gods could not save him. He was bleeding into the sea at the moment. It is estimated that the smell of blood will soon attract marine beasts such as sharks, which will eat the pirates clean.


Seeing the pirates being swept away by the waves, Zhu Ping'an grabbed the cabinet, took a deep breath, then turned to look at Li Shu, smiled and thanked her sincerely. If it hadn't been for Li Shu this time, he would have died in the sea.

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