Rise From the Humble

Chapter 282 The exam is long and finally finished

The swallows do not return, it is late in spring, and the apricot blossoms are cold in the misty rain.

February unknowingly ushered in spring in the capital. The chirping swallows flew happily into the Gongyuan of the capital, and they patrolled the examination room in groups with the invigilator. An unknown flower in the examination room bloomed at some unknown time, swaying in the sun, trying to stretch its body.

Today is the last day of the trial. Before it gets bright, Zhu Ping'an has already gotten up, washed up, put on the mask again, and then lit the brazier to roast some dried meat and preserved fruits, filling his stomach with difficulty. It has been eight days and seven nights. Except for the stewed meat porridge and noodles on the first day, every remaining meal has been so tasteless. For Zhu Pingan, who is a foodie, this is almost unbearable. torment.

In addition, these days, I haven't washed my hair, let alone bathed. Others are fine, but I am in a stinking account, this is almost a catastrophe! After such a long time, I seemed to be soaked in the smell of the neighbors, and the two sets of clothes I brought were almost completely wiped out. The body is also exhausted, much more tired than the original rural examination.

Fortunately, today is the ninth day, the last day of the exam.

You stinker, I will bear with you for half a day longer today! I've endured you for so long, and it's not too late.

After Zhu Pingan had packed up, he tidied up the dormitory, laid the wooden boards across the walls of the dormitory again, arranged pens, inks, paper and inkstones, laid out the test papers and drafts, and continued to the end of the exam he had not finished yesterday.

At around three o'clock yesterday afternoon, Zhu Pingan had completed all the questions for the third session and written them down on the draft paper. By the evening, he had copied the answers to the two questions on the draft onto the answer sheet. In other words, as long as the remaining three scriptures and historical policies are copied step by step on the answer sheet today, this exam will be successfully completed.

He closed his eyes and rested his mind. When his body and mind were adjusted to the best state, Zhu Pingan took a brush and dipped it in ink, and concentrated on copying the answers to the last three classics and history questions on the draft on the answer sheet.

When Zhu Pingan was copying carefully, some candidates had already written the test papers. I packed up my things, put away the written test papers, and finally recollected the place where I struggled carefully.

There are regulations in the general examination. After handing in the papers, you must wait until the last day before you can go out. When going out, hand in the papers in three batches, one in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. Therefore, these students who handed in their papers in advance can only wait until the first batch is released before noon.

When Zhu Ping'an finished copying the second question. I heard footsteps outside the dormitory, and noisy sounds came from nearby. I looked up and saw many soldiers invigilating exams walking back and forth outside the dormitory, and there were also some scribes coming and going.

When I was confused, I heard several clear sounds of hitting the cloud board, and then a clerk shouted loudly outside the dormitory: "It's time for the first batch of cards to be placed. Candidates who have finished their papers and have to hand in their papers can raise their hands to signal." Hand in the paper, issue the signature and then the token will appear.”

The first batch of candidates who handed in their papers heard this. They couldn't wait to hand in the papers one after another, received the cards, and were led out by the invigilators. During the nine days and seven nights of the examination, almost every candidate lost weight. Every candidate who appeared had experienced an extremely fierce and fierce battle and had long been tempted to go home and take a good rest.

Zhu Pingan had to wait for the second batch of papers to appear because there was still one question that had not been copied.

With plenty of time, Zhu Ping'an copied the last question fairly and fairly, and the handwriting was almost at the best level, with exquisite pen and ink. Power through the paper back.

When the clerk reminded the second batch of papers to be handed in, Zhu Ping'an also raised his hand to signal handing in the papers. A test examiner came to collect the test paper, checked Zhu Ping'an's test paper, and then began to seal it. Fold and seal the place where Zhu Ping'an filled in his resume (name, age, appearance, place of origin, any criminal behavior, examination status, names of father, ancestors, and great-grandfathers) at the beginning of the answer sheet, and stamp the words "Seal the official seal" at the seam. ", then put it away, and the supervisor will stamp the red seal with the same red letter number as the Zhujuan.

This is also one of the methods to prevent fraud in the imperial examination.

After the examiner collected the papers, he handed Zhu Pingan a release card. Zhu Ping'an carried his packed bag and his test basket on his back. After saying hello to the invigilator soldier who had been with me for nine days outside, he followed the lead soldier and strode out of the arena.

rain and snow,

See Xun and say disappear.

The farther away from his stinky horn, the more Zhu Ping'an felt that the sun was so bright and the air was so fresh. I will take the Manman exam. I finally finished it, and I am in an unusually good mood.

Zhu Ping'an thought so, but the candidates who were waiting to appear together didn't think so.

You feel the air is better after you leave the stinky house, but have you ever thought about us?

The candidates holding examination baskets and carrying bags nearby all invariably stayed away from Zhu Ping'an. Although they didn't know each other, the smell of Zhu Ping'an still made all the candidates look at each other with different eyes.

Some candidates saw Zhu Ping'an coming out of the noisy hall and whispered to the people around him, so people stayed away.

Well, this guy is an unlucky guy with a bad reputation. We should stay away from him to prevent bad luck from spreading to us. You know, since the beginning of history, all the candidates who have taken the bad exam have never achieved good results, and more than 90% of them have failed. For hundreds of years, there has never been an exception. This is notoriously the worst luck in the examination room! We have to stay as far away from this person as possible to avoid being infected by bad luck. I did pretty well in the exam this time.

Therefore, the people around looked at Zhu Pingan with contempt and stayed away.

Zhu Pingan turned a blind eye to the contempt of the people around him, slightly curling his lips and waiting to be released. Who says a bad guy can't leap over the dragon's gate!

Finally, the door opened, and Zhu Ping'an and the others who were submitting papers in the second batch also came out one after another. Zhu Ping'an followed everyone out of the Gongyuan.

At this time, there is a sea of ​​people outside the gate, with many candidates and waiting family members gathered. There are the first batch of candidates who have handed in their papers and are waiting for their friends who are taking the exam together. There are also candidates whose families are waiting for the exam, in twos and threes, with 30% to 50% ***. They were whispering about the same topic—testing. They were exchanging answers, asking how the test went, or talking about what happened during the test. It was very lively.

This situation is similar to that after passing the college entrance examination, except that the clothes worn by people are different, which makes Zhu Pingan feel like he has returned to modern times.

As soon as the others came out, some people came up to greet them, asking how they were doing in the exam.

However, the family members who were crowded at the door and dressed in gorgeous clothes waiting for the candidates, as soon as they approached Zhu Pingan, they all pinched their noses, looked down upon him, and stayed away.

No one among the candidates and family members waiting outside knew that Zhu Pingan would get bad grades in the test. They just thought that Zhu Pingan had poor personal hygiene habits.

Why is this person so arrogant? Could it be that he fell into the toilet? Or maybe he peed in his pants because he was nervous about the exam! Look at his hair, why is this man so slovenly and with a shabby look on his face? Just because of his appearance, it is certain that he will not be favored by Wenquxing. One look at him and he knows that he will be out of luck in this exam.

Oops, why is this person's hygiene habits so bad? Not to mention failing in the exam, even marrying a wife in the future will be a problem. Don't look at it as a juren, and don't even think about marrying a well-matched lady. I can only make ends meet and marry a villager. Wife or something!

"Uncle, we are here"

When the people nearby looked at Zhu Ping'an with such disdain that they could no longer attach any importance to it, they heard a clear and soft voice.

Then people were stunned to see a gorgeously dressed, very beautiful girl with buns, running happily with her skirt in hand, her target seemed to be the young man whom they despised beyond words.

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