Revival of the Gods

Chapter 368: 3 Qingtian disaster

The thunder sea on the ground disappeared, the thundercloud above the sky, and the thunderbolt did not stop at all. However, when Xiaohua closed the fairy mark, not only the thunderbolt disappeared, but the thundercloud slowly dispersed, that is, it would be surrounded. The will of the heavens and the earth, which is closed by death, is also retreating like a tide.

The moment when Xiao Hua’s fairy marks were closed, the heavens and the earth were silent. However, the famous Bai Leiyuan is ruined, and it is the destruction of the ruined ruins. There is no immortal to see how Bai Leiyuan was destroyed. But to blame can not blame Xiao Hua, can only blame the prince of Wu, if he wants to calculate Xiao Hua, how can there be so many disasters?

Xiao Huagang closed the fairy mark, and the riding of the seal in his arms gave birth to glory.

Xiao Hua’s dark road is not good. Sure enough, the horse was shot and photographed, and the voice of Prince Zhaoyan came from inside: “Zhang Qi shooting, where are you? Why not go to Yufei Lingyu?”

"Sorry!" Xiao Hua hurriedly said, "There are some things going on, and this is over!"

There is no echo in the riding of the seal, and this sound must have been left by Prince Zhaoyan.

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, hurriedly sneaked into the shooting and printing, and it really left the position of Yufei Lingyu. However, this location message is equal to Xiao Hua.

Xiao Hua smiled and received the ride to shoot the seal, and the fairy was seen out. After he saw it, it was strange that the location of the Yufei Lingyu was not far from the hidden pet.

Xiao Hua didn't even think about it. After identifying the direction, he went to the fairy boat and hurried away.

In the Qing Dynasty, one of the three clear days, one round of white moonlight shines between the heavens and the earth, the white moonlight falls in the air, a light silk swims like a fish, a kind of quiet floods the night, with nowhere The yellow clouds that are not in the air are scattered around.

The bright and white moonlight not only illuminates the night, but also brightens the sky. The white moonlight falls on the night, and it is actually a little yellow. The faint yellow light is like a water pattern. It is a glimpse of a huge palace shadow.

In the silence, suddenly there is a wave of spikes, and the sky is pierced into the water, like a brush. "The brush..." The sky is wide open, and a golden light is scattered from the void like a practising, instantly rushing into the open sky. Where, not waiting for the golden light to flash, a sweeping breath followed, this breath will actually hit the scorpio impact of the size of the fist, if the lotus, after the same, the same breath spurt out, two breaths In contact with the space of 100,000 miles at the same time, the sound of "噗噗" is light, and a curve like a tide is revealed in the night.

"Brush..." In the sound of a blast, a golden human figure with a foot and a foot is shining on the golden light. This light is faster than lightning, and it falls behind the sky and water. Then, one sounds faint, but it can fall in the air and there are thousands of thunder and thunder sounds: "Hey? How does the younger brother have time to be a brother for the rest of the day?"

When the sound passed, the golden light and shadow had disappeared. Then I saw the opening of the sky and began to close. The white moon was still hanging there, as if it had not been moved.

At the end of the scorpio is a group of yellow air masses, which seem to be extremely far away, but the golden light and shadow are stepping out, and the air mass has already covered the entire sky, and a giant temple in the center of the air mass stands there. This temple does not know how big it is. There are countless palaces in the temple that seem to span many spaces. It seems that there is a palace in each space, and these palaces overlap and form a temple. There are hundreds of thousands of feet of yellow flames rushing into the void around the temple. There are countless "dao" characters of different sizes in the flame. These "dao" characters are born from the inside of the temple, and the flashing light and shadows are scattered and empty. It looks endless. Within the flames, there are seven hundred and forty-nine golden light belts that rotate around the temple. The light belts have different trajectories, different lengths, and each time there is a dazzling golden light, the golden light falls, and the temple is out. If there is no roaring sound, with this sound, the Scorpio is also shaking, and the inexplicable yellow gas filament is mixed with the fluctuation of the vibration and the orderly scattered void, I don't know where to fall.

The golden light and shadow are indifferent to this, and the light and shadow are moving, and the human form has already reached the front of the temple.

"Oh..." a humming sound, the yellow light in front of the temple, the door of a temple standing on the top of the heavens, there is no plaque on the door of the temple, the human form is slightly paused, stepping through the temple door, the human form is passing, the temple door is " The flash of the brush flashed, and thousands of thin human figures and shadows appeared. The human figure of light and shadow actually passed through thousands of space! !

Inside the temple is a hole in the sky, a faint scent of fragrant scent, countless yellow gas condensate and smash, suspended in the sky, everywhere in the yellow light and shadow, or Lingyun mist, or mountains and abyss, or humanities Geography, the all-round red dust of the world is all in sight. The top of the cave is like a scorpio, it is also like a cloud, and the bottom of the cave is the fire of the earth.

"Two brothers..." The golden human figure stood in the center of Dongtian, looking up to the top, arching the road, "Are you a good leisure?"

"Oh?" A soft bang came from the depths of the cave, and the smashing of the cranes and the shadows of the butterflies, all the holes in the sky gathered together toward the sound!

Yellow gas and light shadows were swept away, but I saw an equally tall golden human figure sitting on the top of the knee. The human figure also had seven or forty-nine golden light bands surrounded by mystery, but the light comes from behind a huge " Yuan" word!

The color of this "yuan" is golden, and the shape of the word is awkward. There is an unspeakable mystery of heaven and earth in a stroke. The infinite light and fog are born from this mysterious word, or scattered in space, or condensed. The light belt falls into the surface of the golden human figure.

"How do you say this to the younger brother?" The golden human figure slowly moved. Before the arrival of the two, the two golden lights flashed slightly, revealing the stalwart figure of the white robe, but this figure is just a flash. It disappeared with the body shape of the so-called second brother who was wearing a yellow robe.

The younger brother of the white robe sat down on the knees and looked up: "The master has gone to the heaven for a long time, and he has not seen the revolving. The younger brother suddenly came to the whim..."

"Silk..." The second brother in a yellow robe sucked a cold breath and said, "Is not likely?"

The younger brother said faintly: "I also feel that it is impossible, but when I think of the proverb, I feel uncomfortable in my heart. Is it true that the two brothers are not feeling?"

The second brother shook his head and said: "No!"

After that, the second brother said: "The master is going to heaven, is there a demon league, can there be any accidents? Then again, within the six realms, who is the enemy of the master? Who dares to call me the idea of ​​the fairy world? ?"

"I am afraid that if I am afraid of 10,000, I am afraid..."

The younger brother just said that here, the "When" sounds, the bell is inaudible, but in the two golden humanoid ears is like Huang Zhongda Lu, the second brother smiled: "Look, the master is singing The clock, your worry is really worrying!"

However, as the bell screamed and slammed nine times, the second brother couldn't help but jump up and said, "What is the alarm?"

"Not only the alarm, but also the most serious nine-note alarm!" The younger brother is calmer than the second brother, as if he had already settled these things. He stood up and said, "It seems that the master is really in danger!"

"No!" The two brothers still shook their heads. "For the brothers, the master is a revolving fairyland, and now a proverb..."

"Go and see the micro-days!"

"Also!" The two brothers nodded, and the left hand explored a dusty display. Under the light wave, two golden human figures gave birth to yellow clouds. "Walk" with the help of the second brother, the yellow light above the hole, black and white light The curtain fell down and covered the two golden figures.

The black and white light curtains contracted, and the two golden human figures disappeared. Seeing the surrounding light and shadow mottled, a temple full of blue light was already in sight.

This temple is similar to the temple in the Qing Dynasty, but the yellow flame is changed to cyan, and the two golden figures do not stop, flying across the blue-lighted temple door. Inside the temple is not a hole in the sky, but a real hall. The word "beginning" on the main hall is shrouded in greenery, and a stroke of glare is shot. At this time, the blue light condenses into forty-nine large beams of light, rushing out of the word "beginning" and slamming into a golden figure sitting in front of the head!

This human form is about a thousand feet, the surface of the gold is very mixed, and even some places have the image of annihilation. The place where the golden light is annihilated, the blue-colored robe is vaguely revealed.

"Big...Master??" The younger brother rushed to the front, and some anxiously said, "You...what is this going on?"

"Oh..." The second brother followed, and he glanced at the look of the master, whispering, "The younger brother is in a hurry, the master is healing!"

"Damn!" The younger brother snorted, and the whole body was golden, as if hundreds of golden swords pierced the void.

The two brothers waved their sleeves, and the two green lotuses were born out of thin air. He first sat on one, and the younger brother took a moment in the air and finally sat down.

I don't know how long it took, "Holly..." Masters are full of golden light, and the phantoms in Tsing Yi are flying with the golden light. These virtual shadows fall into the air, and countless fine silky white feathers from the shadows Flying out, at the same time, the cyan beam that had been surrounded by the golden human figure would come over like a dragon, and drag the white light feathers into the abdomen!

"Holy Light? Holy Light!!" The younger brother saw the situation and couldn't help but gnash his teeth. "Those spirits with wings don't want to live?"

The second brother is different from the younger He smiled slightly and yelled at the master: "Congratulations to the master..."

"Congratulations?" The younger brother, Daxi, looked at the two brothers inexplicably. When he saw the golden body of the master who was not enough, he cried in surprise. "Master, you... you have become a tribute What did the Emperor say is true?"

When the younger brother finished speaking, he looked around and said, "Does another avatar?"

"Master brother..." The second brother quietly waited for the younger brother to finish, and then he said, "Your avatar is already falling, right?"

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