Revival of the Gods

Chapter 179: Palm Palace

Looking at the inside of the temple, the Qing Yang of the body of the silver-light body is just looking at the top of the head. The surprised one can be inserted into the mouth of a hill, even if it is separated by silver light. *WwW.suimeng.lāThe top of the head is a vast and innocent space. This space is not a starry sky, nor a map. It is just some unspeakable light and shadow. The light and shadow are scattered throughout the space, and above the space, There is a huge illusion of a lotus flower that slowly swims!

This huge illusion seems to be cyan, but the eyes are falling, a thick ink rushes out, blocking the true face of the phantom. In particular, every time a virtual shadow is covered, the light and shadow in the space fades rapidly, revealing the black and white color!

Only at this time, under the illusion, clearing the eyes of the eyes, a faint color light shadow or a dusty sand in the black and white is incomparably eye-catching!

"This...this..." The big mouth of Qing Yang was finally closed, and he had some stuttering whispers. "How is this possible? That flying ascension..."

Just said here, Qing Yang seems to think of something, hurriedly closed his mouth, look around, secretly said: "Fortunately, this time is only my own duty, if other fairy is in, I ... how should I Explain! For nearly twenty years, I have forgotten myself..."

After that, Qing Yang hurriedly raised his hand, and a pen-like fairy took it out. Under the force of Xianli, the pen gave birth to the blue light, and the Qing Yang was slightly condensed, and the hand-held fairy device hurriedly wrote a Ruoxian The rune of the character, then knock with the pen tube!

Rune rushed into the sky, it was on the color of light and shadow, in the sound of "brushing", the color light and shadow disappeared, and then the rushing and rushing was a little bit of a fairy, and the pen gave birth to a virtual shadow that quickly fell to the black and white where the color and shadow were located. On the top, "呜呜" black and white rose rapidly in the wind, waiting for the light and shadow to be large enough, a continuous snow peak shadow, and the snowy ice like a piece of ice fell into the eyes of Qing Yang.

"No...Impossible!" Qing Yang’s eyes almost fell, and lost his voice. "This... This is the snowy area next to Yunmengze?? Feishengxian is still in Yunmengze?? He... he is not here……"

During the clearing of the sound, the huge cyan shadow went elsewhere. The black and white areas where the colored spots were located began to be filled with other colors, and the light and shadow that had just been clicked out were also shattered.

It is a pity that Qing Yang only surprised himself of the incredible discovery, and did not pay attention to it. Everything was restored to normal. The sound of "Rumble" rose in the space, and Qing Yang came back to God. He didn't move, his brain turned sharply, and his body flashed.

"...What should I do? I am now informing the ink brother, is it still a while? He stared at the penalty palace and stared very badly. He Qiong of the penalty palace has been alert. He has already checked it. It is no harm that they fight each other. I am stirring in!"

"Right, since the flying celestial appeared in the snowy area next to Yunmengze, it is difficult...he was not taken away by the penalty palace fairy? Or, was he robbed by other immortals? At this time, his baby Is it not sold in the snowy area? If it is sacred into an elixir or a spirit, can it not disappear without a condensate? But if this flying sacred fairy is not refined into an elixir, then... that would be terrible. He... How did he live out? The strength of the ink brother is far from being comparable to that of Yu Shizhen. He is motivated by the imperial ban, how can Feisheng be broken? And he can’t be Yu Yushi. The enemy! Could it be that this is the bait of the penalty palace? Is it tempting the ink brother to pass?"

"...The Palace of Punishment has been exploring the origins of the introduction of the celestial device used by Wang Lang. However, it seems that there is no news at the moment. Last time I also sent a message to let me pay attention to this news. This... What is the origin of Wang Lang? What is the introduction of the fairy, and the penalty palace is registered one by one, whoever uses it, and then comes out."

"...Why is that flying sacred fairy so important? I don't know if the ink brother is tight, or he doesn't know it. I haven't found any clues in so many years. It seems that this matter involves a high level of immortality. , I can do it, or let me prematurely..."

In the Qingyang Zhengxiang, there was a silver light and shadow coming from a distance. Qingyang knew that it was the turn of the fairy, and he took care of the past.

About a meal, Qing Yang flew out of the circular temple. As soon as he left the light and shadow area, he immediately converges the silver light into the body, revealing his body shape, with caution on his face, but the brow lock reveals His ambiguity.

After half an hour, Qing Yang sat in a space that looked like a study. The right hand was slightly bounced, and a purple light shadow swam like a snake in his fingers.

"But it!" Suddenly, Qing Yang stood up, and the light between the fingers made a rune. He gnawed his teeth and whispered. "Whether it is a bait, I have only done my duty. What to do. ""

After that, Qingyang’s fingers were explored, and the rune flew out in the empty space of the study. The “brush” rune burst and a clear spring fell from the void. When the clear spring flowed to the study floor, the weird pattern appeared on the ground. Waiting for the pattern to spread all over the place, Qing Yang is also taking out a token, and Xianli urges the place to turn into a flame.

Qing Yang shakes his hand and throws the flame into the pattern. "Boom" is ignited by the clear spring. A group of flaming flames flutter with the dandelion, and the sighs sigh, and a shot of his own eyebrows, a silver light in the fairy marks. After waiting for the work of half a cup of tea, the "brush" was extinguished except for a flame, and other flames turned into a wall to cover the study.

Qing Yang reached out and extinguished the flame. A lightning-like chip appeared, and the whisper was heard a few times. The fairy mark again gave birth to a silver mask on the wafer, and the wafer disappeared under the flash.

The wafer disappeared, and the flames around it disappeared. Qing Yang did not dare to neglect. He hurriedly took out a fairy-shaped ware of the bamboo knot and raised his hand. A green crane flew out from the inside. Qing Yang wrote some in an ink fairy. Thing, throwing it in the mouth of the Qinghe, the wings of the Qinghe disappeared into the void and disappeared.

However, for a moment, the green crane flew back, and another mouth of the ink was in the mouth. Qing Yang took a closer look, raised his brow and hurriedly got up. When he flew out, his right hand caught the green crane. The Qinghe was still in the shape of a bamboo stick and fell into his hands.

"Qing Yang..." In a small living room, Mo Feiyan asked with a blank expression on the battle armor. "Is there anything urgent to find me? When I am back in business, I will not say it?"

"Ink brother brother..." Qing Yang rubbed his lips, looked at the near left, whispered, "I also hope to open the mute fairy!"

"Oh?" Mo Feiyan raised his brow and gave birth to an accident. A ecstasy came out of his mouth. "Ching Yang, you mean..."

"Brothers..." Qing Yang hurriedly stopped the ink flying rock.

"Okay, okay..." Mo Feiyan was a rock-solid hand, but he was a little trembling.

Looking at the demise of the ink flying rock, it is not a taste to clear the heart.

Mo Feiyan took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The whole body flashed and disappeared. Everything on his face disappeared. He waited for him to blink again. One decided to give birth: "Say..." The tone of the rock is a bit chilly.

"It is such a brother, I found this time when I was on duty..." Qing Yang said what he saw, and looked at the eyes of Mo Feiyan. "I suspect this is a plan for you to join us!"

If Mo Feiyan did not pay attention to the Qingyang, he asked: "Who knows about this?"

"There is only one younger brother knowing this!" Qing Yang hurriedly replied, "And the younger brother has changed the rules of the discovery of the fairy, and no one will find it again."

"Well..." Mo Feiyan nodded slightly and said, "You don't have to probe from now, wait for me to inform... and continue!"

"Yes, brother!" Qing Yang promised.

Mo Feiyan thought about it for a moment, and the detective took out a dark cloud and wrote something in it. Then he took a fairy mark and injected it with a silver light, waiting for the silver light to flash on the ink fairy. , Mo Feiyan mouth, a stream of blood sprayed, not waiting for the essence of blood to fall on the ink fairy, ink fly rock immediately when the law is smashed into, with the ant-like runes in the blood, ink Feiyan's hands are slowly pushing, as if the weight is too heavy, "噗" blood falls into the ink fairy, ink drops on the ink fairy, until the blood disappears, Mo Feiyan solemnly handed the ink to the Qing He said: "Qing Yang's younger brother, the emperor has already added a blood and death ban on his brother. When the blood ban is revealed, it is when the brother is degraded. At that time, you can look inside. For the brother, please. According to what I said in my brother, I will be grateful to my brother and Yu Zhao.

Qing Yang hurried up, he did not pick up the ink fairy, but persuaded: "Sister Why is this? This is a trap, you can do..."

"You don't have to say it!" Mo Feiyan waved. "If it is so simple, I will not entrust you!"

Qing Yang has some fears. Mo Feiyan smiled and said: "You don't have to be afraid of Qing Yang. I only know what you are doing with me. I didn't tell any immortals. And the death of Yu Yu, and the disappearance of the embers... ...should have nothing to do with this..."

"Ah..." Qing Yang was even more shocked. He said, "Is the division of Yu Shizhen also missing?"

"Well..." Mo Feiyan nodded. "Yu's strength is not strong, but it is not a simple matter to let her disappear silently, so I can't be cautious. Of course, these don't matter to you. You only follow the usual value. If you have a change, you can do it according to the ink fairy. Oh, if there is any danger, you don't have to keep it, just hand it over..."

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